Can I Connect To Your Wifi?

Chapter 31


After Qiao Xiao asked this sentence, he was very uneasy, and his hand unconsciously squeezed the bag of potato chips.

The background music of the supermarket was changed to a very suitable New Year's song. Qi Xiao looked up at Xiao Yao, not knowing that his eyes were full of anticipation.

"I should be celebrating the New Year alone." Xiao Yao shrugged and smiled bitterly, "Isn't it miserable?"

Question Xiao felt as if he heard the trumpet of victory without any effort, but he still pretended not to care, and said cautiously, "Aren't you going to celebrate the New Year with your family? Like Xiaoyu and Naomi?"

"No." Xiao Yao shook his head and put a can of coconut milk into the shopping cart, "Get used to being alone."

Xiaoyao asked back: "What about you? I should be with my family."

Question Xiao turned his face away, "I'm also celebrating the New Year alone."

"They've all gone on a trip, and I'm a bachelor, so I won't get involved." To cover up his nervousness, Ti Xiao picked up an item and put it in the shopping cart, inadvertently said, "Well... do you want to celebrate the New Year together?"

"It just so happens that we are all alone, so we can get together."

It just so happens that we are all single dogs, so we can make a couple.

"Okay." Xiaoyao readily agreed and smiled, "I just want to celebrate the New Year with you."

Mom, Mom, my dog's eyes are going blind... Why don't you marry me

Xiao's face was even redder than the lantern hanging in the supermarket.

"Blushing why?" Xiao Yao asked knowingly.

"Hungry, hungry..." Ti Xiao hurriedly took something and threw it into the shopping cart, pushing the cart to go forward, "Go back first."

"Wait." Xiaoyao stopped him, "Why did you put chili sauce in the car?"

Question Xiao: "..."

After achieving the goal, Qi Xiao was in a good mood and felt that he could plan a better life, so he offered to wash the dishes. Xiao Yao repeatedly confirmed that Qi Xiao would not drop the bowl before giving him the apron.

"Do I look like I'm crippled in life?" asked Xiaolily and squeezed the dishwashing liquid onto it.

"It's very similar." Xiaoyao left the kitchen and walked out of the kitchen. After a while, he took two tickets and came over, "Are you going to the art exhibition in two days?"

It was really just two days later, the oil painting exhibition of Xuancheng Art Museum.

Question Xiao originally thought it was an ordinary free exhibition, but after looking at the ticket price, he gasped, "Where did you get the ticket?"

Xuancheng Art Museum is different from general museums and art galleries. It is usually closed to the public and is only used by the Artists Association and famous artists in Xuancheng. Therefore, this exhibition is also hard to get a ticket.

"My family gave it." Xiao Yao said in a flat tone, as if he had two pieces of paper in his hand.

"Damn capitalism." Ti Xiao wiped his hands and took the ticket, "Go ahead, maybe you can still see my teacher's painting."

Qixiao majored in oil painting at University. His teacher was an old professor of the Academy of Fine Arts and a famous artist in Xuancheng. When he was in school, Qixiao was often cared for and guided by his teacher.

English is where Xiao Yao is good at, and here is the domain of Xiao Yao, as if even the faint smell of turpentine in the air is under his control.

"This is a neoclassical style." Ti Xiao pointed to a painting and whispered to Xiao Yao.

"It looks very good." Although Xiao Yao didn't understand, he listened carefully, and Xiao shook his head to look here and there, and his mood also jumped with joy.

A piano sounded, Xiao Yao's eyes lit up when he saw the caller ID, "Just look at it first, I'll take a call."

After answering the question, Xiao continued to visit the exhibition. He saw his teacher's name on the exhibition board at the entrance just now, and now he wants to find his teacher's paintings.

"Ah, found it." Ti Xiao's footsteps stopped in front of a portrait.

It is the profile of a woman, the facial lines are soft like landscapes, the eyes are long and narrow, and there is a tear mole at the corner of the eye.

The whole painting occupies one wall and is inlaid in a carved solid wood frame. A lamp is cast from above, shrouding the beauty in the light.

Qi Xiao stood in front of his teacher's painting and looked at it for a while. His grades in professional courses in college have always been excellent. Teacher Sheng Xiao appreciates him very much. It is not an exaggeration to say that Qi Xiao is his favorite student. .

But unfortunately, Xiao Xiao's English really can't help.

Ti Xiao felt a little embarrassed when he thought that he had not visited his teacher for two years after graduating from college, but thankfully Ti Xiao had his teacher's contact information, so he continued to watch the exhibition after sending a message.

"I may go to see my university teacher in a few days. It's a long way to take the subway. I don't think I'll be back for dinner at night." During the meal, Qi Xiao suddenly mentioned this matter.

Mr. Sheng has already given him the answer. The Academy of Fine Arts is already on holiday, so Qi Xiao can go to his house in a few days.

"What's wrong?" Xiaoyao raised his head and asked, "I'm going to see my grandparents and the others in a few days."

"It's alright, I just told you." Ti Xiao lowered his head and frantically grabbed the rice.

Because the two of them are both alone, they got together to celebrate the New Year this year. They also discussed the arrangement of the New Year's Eve dinner a few days ago, and they were all the dishes that Xiao loves to eat.

But this speed is a bit too fast, it's a bit like married life, obviously no one has confessed, and it's too logical to enter the room.

It seems that the person who pinched his face, hugged him, and kissed him wasn't Xiaoyao. Could it be that he was wearing it

I even made a bet with Ti Jiji that I would be able to get out of the single year before, but it seems that there are only two weeks left before the Chinese New Year...

With a sigh in his heart, Qi Xiao frantically grabbed the meal, but heard Xiao Yao say, "Let's go to the 4S store with me tomorrow to pick up the car."

"Car?" Question Xiao wondered.

"I didn't have time to tell you." Xiaoyao had already finished his meal, and put the tableware and chopsticks aside in his spare time, "I'm going to buy a car, it's convenient to travel."

In fact, he suddenly had an idea after hearing what Xiao Xiao said that he would be back at night by taking the subway far away.

Although Xiao Xiao can drive all kinds of cars, he has no driver's license and knows nothing about cars, so he just nodded, thinking that it is not only convenient for traveling, but also suitable for car shocks.

But when Ti Xiao sat in the co-pilot's seat and looked at the sign on the steering wheel, Ti Xiao couldn't help but wonder...

Is this guy really just an English teacher? ?

Is the salary so high? Your school still lacks art teachers.

On the day that Qi Xiao and his teacher made an appointment, it also happened to be the day that Xiao Yao was going to go out.

Question Xiao carefully wrapped the painted and dried bird's-eye view of the city with kraft paper, bought some nutritional supplements, and planned to give it to his teacher as a New Year's gift.

The weather is already very cold, and the dead trees are swaying and rustling in the north, and the weather forecast says that there may be snow in the next few days.

Xiao Yao had already started the car, and the heater was running hot, but seeing the question, Xiao didn't get in the car for a long time. Instead, he went around to the front of the car, raised his hand and patted the hood of the car a few times.

Xiaoyao didn't understand what Xiao's move meant when he heard a "meow", and two little cats got out from under the car and fled as if flying.

Ti Xiao looked at the two kittens with satisfaction before getting into the car.

"Before you drive, you must take a picture of the car. It's warm in the car, and there will be cats in it in winter." Ti Xiao said, holding his painting, "Xiaolu's mother died because of this."

Then he picked up the poor little Hulu on the side of the road back to the dormitory.

He sat in the back row holding his painting, Xiao Yao sat in the driver's seat, looked up at the question Xiao who was talking to himself in the rearview mirror, the corners of his lips slowly twitched.

Is it so cute

"Just send me to the subway station of Line 3, so that I can transfer to the subway less than once." Ti Xiao said.

Xiaoyao asked back, "Which city are you going to?"

"Wait." Question Xiao pulled out the chat record with the teacher, "Pigeon area."

Xiao Yao was taken aback: "Which street?"

"Guji Road." Question Xiao answered honestly, without finding out Xiao Yao's abnormality.

"It won't be Gugu Community." Xiao Yao said casually, his grandparents happened to live in this community.

Question Xiao looked down at the phone screen again, "It's true."

He stared at Xiao Yao, whose shoulders were shrugging, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay." Xiaoyao put on his sunglasses and started the car, "Together, I happened to be going to that community."

This time, it was Xiao Xiao's turn to be stunned, what a coincidence

The community was older and there were no parking spaces, so Xiaoyao put the question at the entrance of the community and found a parking place by himself.

"If you come out, send me a message." Before rolling up the window, Xiao Yao said, "Just wait for me here."

"Hey." After Qi Xiao agreed, he followed the address given by the teacher and touched it.

It took a long time for someone to open the door, but it was not his teacher Sheng Xiao, but his wife.

The old lady was full of silver threads, but she was still in high spirits. When she laughed, the folds on her face were not obvious. When she saw Qi Xiao, a moment of confusion flashed on her face. work in the house."

"Hello Mr. Du." Ti Xiao raised his voice and shouted respectfully.

Du Liyue is also a professor at Xuancheng Academy of Fine Arts. Unlike her husband, the old lady is good at traditional Chinese painting, especially fine brushwork.

It was the first time for Qi Xiao to come to the teacher's house. The small three-bedroom and one-hall room was full of artistic flavors, filled with the scent of ink and turpentine, and the walls were also covered with paintings by Er Lao.

"Hey here." Sheng Xiao was holding an oil paintbrush in his hand, "Come here and help me see how this color scheme looks like?"

Question Xiao hurriedly put down what was in his hand and walked over, "Would you like to try a cooler color?"

"I'll try it." Sheng Xiao said, adding a little light gray and blue.

"Teacher, I drew this a while ago." Ti Xiao took the picture he wrapped up and brought it in front of Sheng Xiao, "Do you have a look?"

"Yo, isn't this our oil painting academy?" Sheng Xiao put his glasses frame in his hands and looked closer, "Not bad, not bad for so long."

Teachers and students were chatting about their creative experience when the doorbell rang. Sheng Xiao said while coloring, "Mr. Du's ears are a little hard, so go open the door first."

Question Xiao walked towards the door wondering in his heart, is it possible that there are other students besides him to see the teacher today? Or have guests? Is it okay to stay here by yourself

With all kinds of thoughts, Xiao opened the door, but the people outside made him stunned.

And the people standing outside the door were stunned when they saw him.