Can I Connect To Your Wifi?

Chapter 42


Sheng Xiao and Du Liyue took the first step. The Academy of Fine Arts had already started classes, and the two elderly people had to go back to teach. Several young people stopped in front of Xiaoyao's mother's tombstone for a while, and then slowly walked out of the cemetery.

Along the way, Xiao Xiao was very nervous. From time to time, he looked up at Xiao Yao's expression, and a thin layer of sweat appeared on his palms.

Although he knew that Xiaoyao was not the kind of person who would be sad for no reason, but after all, he was here to sweep the grave of his close relatives, for fear that he would be sad and sad, and he would also be worried.

After leaving the cemetery, the ice-like atmosphere was dissolved all the way. There were also topics for young people to talk about, but the whole thing revolved around Xiaoyao's boyfriend.

"Hello, I'm Ti Xiao." Ti Xiao nodded to a few of Xiaoyao's friends.

In addition to Li Yi, there are two identical twins, Yazhong Wenyan and Ge Xing Wenchuan.

"Hey, so cute." Wen Yan is not much taller than Qi Xiao, and he is younger than Qi Xiao, but he looks very mature on the face, and he is very envious of the tender-looking Qi Xiao.

"I'm so envious, so cute..." Wen Yan chirped.

Wenchuan clicked his tongue, pushed the bridge of his nose on his glasses, and gave his brother the back of his head.

Xiao Yao threw a "perhaps you want to taste the taste of death" look, and clenched Qi Xiao's hand a little tighter.

"I see you..." Li Yi touched his chin, looked at the question up and down, and finally settled on his cheeks, "Compared to last time, he looked a lot rosier and fatter, and sure enough It's the power of love."

"Thank you." Ti Xiao smiled back at the vicious male partner who couldn't spit out any ivory, "I think you are similar."

Xiaoyao told his family Xiaorouou one by one about Li Yi's finding a boyfriend.

"Xiaoyao, how can you turn your elbow so fast!" Li Yi said angrily, "You have eaten all the years of brotherhood."

Xiaoyao smiled slightly, but didn't speak, and asked Xiao's worried eyes again, just in time to meet Xiaoyao's lowered gaze.

The two looked at each other and smiled, holding their hands a little tighter, and there was a sigh beside them.

"Tsk tsk, I can leave, I have to go back to work in the afternoon, I don't want to eat your dog food."

"Hey, cute."


After sweeping the tomb, Xiaoyao had to go back to work. The students’ class was still not delayed. Xiaoyao’s work and rest was not as good as Xiaoyao’s.

"Go to sleep." Xiaoyao tucked Qi Xiao into the quilt like waiting for a child, tucked the quilt intimately, and kissed gently.

"Wait, there's something on your clothes." Ti Xiao stretched out his arm again, and took a rose petal from Xiao Yao's coat pocket, "It should have stuck to your body in the morning, but it didn't fall off along the way. ."

The red petals were still fresh, and a stroke of pink was smeared on Xiao Bainen's fingertips.

Soft and tender, it makes you want to take a bite.

Question Xiao carefully placed the petals on the bedside table, "Go to work quickly, you're going to be late for the third class."

"What do you want to eat at noon?" Xiaoyao was not in a hurry, squeezed his fingertips and stuffed his arms back into the quilt to serve a full set.

"Whatever." Ti Xiao yawned, "I'll eat whatever you do, I'm going to be late."

When the bedroom door was closed and the security door at home was also closed, Ti Xiao buried his face in the soft pillow and slowly waited for the sleepiness to strike.

The echo of the door closing has not dissipated, and the door opened again, with the sound of hurried footsteps.

"What's the matter? Did you forget to bring something?" Question Xiao stood up and asked.

As soon as the bedroom door opened, Xiao Yao quickly walked over to the bed and pressed the person back to the bed, and leaned down, "Let me kiss again."

Ti Xiao was helpless, put his arms around his neck, and kissed him firmly, from the lips to the tip of the tongue, every inch was tasted again, and the sleepy bugs were kissed away.

"You're not going to work yet... ah, bit me again..." Ti Xiao also bit Xiao Yao's lips unceremoniously, and rubbed his teeth a few times.

Maybe the kiss was too hard, and when the lips parted, there was a "boo" sound in the air.

"Let's go." Xiao Yao's lips were rosy, and after taking a few breaths, he glanced at Qi Xiao again before going out.

He went to work, but Qi Xiao couldn't fall asleep at all. After tossing and turning for several times, he finally got up and carried Xiao Hulu over to cut her nails.

When I was sweeping the tomb in the morning, I learned from the few words of Sheng Xiao and Du Liyue that Xiaoyao's mother died in a car accident ten years ago.

Question Xiao also only knows this, and more, as to why the relationship between Xiao Yao and his father Xiao Zhou is so bad, it is unknown.

"Let's ask when you come back..." Question Xiao thought in two minds, his fingernail clipper deviates a little.

It might be a little painful, but Xiao Hulu, who has always been well-behaved, scratched his paw, and there was blood on the back of his hand.

However, Xiaohulu's cats are vaccinated on time every year, and Ti Xiao personally brought them to be vaccinated, so he is not worried. Besides, he has been scratched and bitten by Xiaohulu before.

But I put the back of my hand under the faucet and rinsed it carefully with soapy water.

He didn't care much, but putting it in Xiaoyao's place became a big deal.

Xiaoyao heard that he was caught by Xiaohulu, and he threw the vegetable in his hand directly on the ground and walked towards him, "Does it hurt? Are you sure you have been vaccinated?"

Question Xiao said: "Don't worry, I know the cat I raise myself."

In the end, Xiao Xiao turned out the proof of Xiao Hulu's vaccination, and pointed to the time above to show him, and Xiao Yao was relieved.

"Did you flush the soapy water?" Xiao Yao took Tu Xiao's hand and was extremely worried.

"Come on." Tzu Xiao said.

"That's good." Xiao Yao breathed a sigh of relief, and flicked on the forehead of Xiao Hulu, who was watching the play, "Screw again."

Xiaohulu meowed a few times in dissatisfaction, and took a pretentious bite on Xiaoyao's hand, but he still couldn't keep his mouth down, and finally licked his fingertips a few times. Question Xiao was angry when he looked at it. You must know that when you first started raising Xiaohulu, Xiaohulu always bites his mouth and won't give you a cat-like look at all.

I was so angry that I couldn't even eat.

In fact, it was because he was sleepy that he changed his usual days. Today, he was full after eating only half a bowl of rice. The rest of the table was thrown into the refrigerator and carried by Xiao Yao to take a nap.

It was four o'clock in the afternoon when he woke up, and if Xiao Yao didn't study at night, he would be getting off work soon.

The room was empty, the curtains were not drawn tightly, revealing a gap that let the sunlight run in, casting a trace of warm color on the opposite wall.

When Qiao Xiao woke up, he was always confused. He didn't even know what time it was. He even thought that he might have slept for a day and a night. Fortunately, the phone vibrated in time.

The screen lit up, and a text message came from an unfamiliar number.

Question Xiao's number has not been changed for many years, and he has all the numbers he should have. With a puzzled mood, he clicked on the text message.

In a long paragraph, the signature is Xiaozhou.

It was followed by Xiaoyao's WeChat.

past: I forgot to tell you, there is a self-study session tonight, if you are hungry, just warm up the dishes

It was also the first time that Qi Xiao did not reply to Xiaoyao's message in seconds, but instead replied to Xiaozhou's text message.

Xiaoyao didn't receive a reply after he sent WeChat, he just thought that Xiao was still sleeping, but he didn't get a reply until after get off work, so he was a little impatient.

Although Qi Xiao was a healthy adult, old fathers like Xiao Yao always felt like raising a disabled son, but they were happy to serve him.

"Question Xiao?" Xiaoyao called out when he got home, but no one answered.

The sky was completely dark, and even if there was a gap in the curtains, no sunlight could penetrate. The feeling of loneliness was magnified all of a sudden, and a small snoring sounded, and the eyes glowed dimly in the darkness.

Xiao Yao turned on a light, and the room was dyed light yellow, and Xiao Hulu came over and rubbed his trousers.

There was no one in the bedroom, Ti Xiao's shoes were missing at the door, there was no one in the opposite room, and the phone was turned off.

For a moment, Xiao Yao was a little confused.

In the past, Ti Xiao would wait for him at home, and when he saw him coming back, he would rush to hug him and ask for a kiss, or else he would rush to the house or sleep in the dark.

"Why don't you enter the house?" Aunt Li upstairs saw Xiaoyao standing alone at the door, and couldn't help asking, "Be careful, the cat ran out."

"Well." Xiao Yao realized that he was in the way, hugged Xiao Hulu and moved to the side, and asked casually, "Have you seen the question Xiao?"

"I see, I just saw it, people are shopping in the supermarket."

As soon as Xiaoyao walked to the door of the unit, he saw Qi Xiao walking here carrying a large and small bag of things. There were so many potatoes that a few potatoes popped out. He hurriedly put down his things and squatted down to pick up potatoes.

Looking at the potatoes all over the floor, Ti Xiao also felt that he had bought a little too much. When he was about to pick up the potatoes in front of him, a pair of hands covered him and held his cold hands.

"Xiaoyao? You're already back?" Question Xiao raised his face and said.

The street lights in the community were dim yellow, Xiao Yao couldn't see Qi Xiao's face with light behind his back, only two slightly bright eyes, and small stars were emerging.

"Why do you buy so many things alone?" Xiao Yao squatted on the ground to help him pick up potatoes, "It's still so dark."

"Hey, didn't I see that there was no food at home? It would be too late to buy it when you come back from get off work. I just wanted to buy it now, but I didn't expect to buy a lot." Ti Xiao smiled embarrassedly, "Hey Actually, I just wanted to try cooking for you."

Question Xiao seemed to be covering up something, picking up potatoes while chattering, "You're quite tired when you come back from work, and it must be even more tired after cooking."

"I read a lot of recipes in the afternoon, and I just wanted to try it myself, so that you can taste my craftsmanship, and I bought everything you like." Ti Xiao felt a little guilty when he said this.

Xiaoyao took over all the things and pinched his face with his free hand, "What did you buy?"

"Tomatoes, potatoes, corn, mushrooms, lettuce, beef and shrimp." Ti Xiao counted with his fingers, "I also bought a big bundle of green onions, enough to eat for a long time."

"Well." Xiao Yao looked down at the bag in his hand and smiled.

Very cute, I bought garlic sprouts.