Can I Connect To Your Wifi?

Chapter 50


"Stomach pain?" Xiao Yao frowned, walked quickly to his side and grabbed his hand, "Where exactly?"

"Stomach pain..." Ti Xiao grabbed Xiao Yao's hand and began to force it, but he still couldn't resist the slight trembling, "It should be, gastroenteritis has been committed, and it is an old problem."

Xiaoyao took him to the living room and sat down reluctantly. He hummed and huddled on the sofa, "There should be medicine in the box under the TV. Just find it for me and I'll take a few tablets."

However, the medicine that Xiao Yao turned out had expired, and Ti Xiao's face was pale, and nausea rushed up from his stomach, but he only retched a few times and did not spit out the culprit.

Seeing his uncomfortable appearance, Xiaoyao's heart slowly began to twitch, and he decided to take someone to the hospital.

There is never a shortage of people in the hospital's emergency room at night, and the queue at the registration office is quite long.

Xiaoyao was so busy that he looked back from time to time to see the question Xiao on the chair, only hating the leader of the queue.

It was already twelve o'clock after Xiao's infusion, and the infusion hall was overcrowded, so the two reluctantly found a small corner to settle down.

Qiao Xiao closed his eyes and rested, his face was less ruddy than usual, and his mouth that usually likes to babble is also tightly closed, the corners of his eyes are slightly red due to pain, and he looks miserable.

Xiaoyao touched his forehead, it was a little hot. Acute gastroenteritis is accompanied by fever.

But this is not the most painful, the most uncomfortable thing for Ti Xiao is the fasting of food and water. The doctor has just explained that he cannot eat or drink for at least 12 hours. Seeing Xiaoyao frowning, it is estimated that he will not be used to him.

He ate a lot of potato chips at night, and he drank less water, and his mouth was very dry. When I got to the hospital, I spit out the contents of my stomach firmly. Now my mouth is extremely uncomfortable and my stomach is empty.

I want to drink water, I want to eat.

"I want to drink water." Ti Xiao looked at the mineral water in Xiaoyao's hand and whispered.

It was just for rinsing his mouth.

Xiaoyao looked at the water bottle, then raised his eyes to look at Qi Xiao, and said firmly: "No."

"Give me a sip, just a sip, ball ball you." Ti Xiao didn't give up or give up, and he didn't forget to play tricks at this time.

However, in exchange, Xiaoyao said "No".

No matter how Ti Xiao changed his tricks and begged, Xiao Yao just didn't let go, and even put the water bottle in his bag, so that Ti Xiao couldn't see it at all.

Question Xiao pursed his lips a few times, feeling aggrieved, "It's uncomfortable in my mouth."

"No." Xiaoyao brand repeater.

Xiao Xiao pouted and had no choice but to give up the topic, but he still thought about the bottle of mineral water.

Although it is already April, the nighttime temperature is still very low. Xiaoyao learned the lesson from the last time, and brought a small warm water bag to Qi Xiao during the infusion this time, which happened to be placed under his hands.

"You sit well, I'll go get some hot water for the warm water bag." Xiaoyao said.

After seeing Xiao Yao's back disappear, Ti Xiao stood up slowly, trying not to pull the infusion tube to touch the water in Xiao Yao's bag, intending to take two sips while he was away.

As soon as the water bottle was turned out, Xiao Yao came back and asked in a cold voice, "Xiao Xiao, what are you doing?"

Question Xiao was cowardly, and put the water bottle back in silently.

Hmph dog, you have changed, you are no longer pampering me and obeying me like you used to!

Xiaoyao raised his hand carefully, put the warm water bag under it, pinched his finger pads soothingly, and said softly: "Isn't it that you are not allowed to drink water, your health is the most important thing, isn't it?"

Question Xiao lowered his head and whispered bb, with 100% grievance in his tone, "But it's really uncomfortable in my mouth."

It was so uncomfortable that Xiao wanted to cry, it was dry and sour, and felt that he could take a bucket of water every minute. At the same time, the thief regretted that he had eaten so many dry potato chips at night.

He thought that he would be able to get Xiaoyao to let go and drink a sip of water, but Xiaoyao unscrewed the water bottle and took a big mouthful of himself.

Gas into one meter two.

Question Xiao stared at him with rage, and Xiao Yao took another sip without seeing it.

"Gu dong", zoomed into Qi Xiao's ear, he felt that his heart was broken.

Even the sound of water colliding and shaking in the bottle, and the sound of twisting the bottle cap, Ti Xiao felt that Xiaoyao was mocking him.

When he was sulking in the red panda style, his chin was pinched, and he was forced to turn his head. He felt a wet touch on his lips, and penetrated into his mouth with a cool and sweet taste, which temporarily relieved the uncomfortable feeling.

For a moment, Qi Xiao felt that he was the dry land in the metaphor of a primary school student, and Xiao Yao was like a clear spring.

The water is so fucking delicious, even if it tastes a little, it's delicious, snacks or anything else is a piece of shit.

When Xiao Yao left, he lightly bit his lips and smiled lowly, "Do you still want to drink?"

Question Xiao was stunned for a few seconds before he recovered, and the tips of his ears were all red.

Isn't this person ashamed in public

In particular, a child with an infusion sitting next to him and his mother are poisoning the future flowers of the motherland.

Question Xiao turned his face away, did not look at Xiao Yao, and quietly licked his lips to taste.

Obviously they are both old men and old men, what is it that the two of them have never done before, but because of this kiss, the deer are still rambling in their hearts.

"Eat well after you go back." Xiao Yao said holding his other hand.

Question Xiao snorted, and Quan Dang agreed to him.

"sleep tight."

Question Xiao hesitated for a while before humming again.

"snack... "

Question Xiao turned his head sharply, staring at Xiao Yao with round eyes.

Getting him to give up snacks entirely doesn't exist.

"Eat less." Seeing that he was finally willing to give himself a look, Xiao Yao said the second half of the sentence and squeezed his hand again.

"Okay." Question Xiao said reluctantly.

Although the pain in his stomach was temporarily relieved, his face was still pale and his spirits were weak.

Xiaoyao patted his head, "You sleep for a while, it is estimated that you will be able to go home in about two hours."

Two hours is just an understatement. There are five bottles of saline on the doctor's order.

"What do you do when you go to work tomorrow?" Question Xiao asked in a low voice.

"Ask for leave." Xiaoyao bowed his head and typed on his mobile phone, "I can't go to school with peace of mind when you are like this. I'll just change a few classes with my colleagues."

Question Xiao only felt very uncomfortable, and he caused trouble and dragged him down. If he could eat well and live a more regular life, this would not be the case, Xiao Yao would not have to ask for leave, and he would not have to suffer so much.

A deep sense of remorse came up from my heart.

Ti Xiao lowered his head, he was an adult, and he couldn't even take care of himself.

As if seeing what he was thinking, Xiaoyao held his hand to comfort him softly, "It's what I should do to take care of you, you don't have to blame yourself like that."

There is a reassuring power in the words.

"Yeah." Ti Xiao embarrassedly shook Xiaoyao back, secretly making up his mind to eat, sleep and exercise well.

After all the salt water had been hung up, it was already midnight, and the doctor prescribed some more medicine before going home.

On the way, Xiao Xiao shouted that he wanted to drink water again, Xiao Yao did the same and kissed him a few more times. After the kiss, it was a bit out of control, but fortunately he held it.

This caused Xiao Xiao to stare at him when he was washing, for fear that he would swallow the mouthwash if he was hungry.

"Don't swallow, spit it out." Xiao Yao pinched his small cheeks.

"Hmm!" Ti Xiao protested.

No matter how thirsty he is, he can't drink mouthwash.

It was almost afternoon when he woke up the next day. When Qi Xiao was still confused in bed, Xiao Yao brought him a glass of honey water, "Drink slowly."

Twelve hours have passed, and Ti Xiao can already drink water and eat.

However, they are all very bland foods, porridge without any oil or water, and even a few sticky rice.

The only embellishment is the two red dates inside, and there is not even a small pickle to match, which is bland and tasteless.

The consciousness that I had a good meal last night was thrown into the trash in an instant.

But there was nothing he could do. Xiaoyao only cooked porridge for him. He also drank porridge with him, and even hid the snacks for him.

"I called your mother this morning, and she told me that you had stomach problems before." Xiaoyao gave Xiaoyao the red dates in his bowl, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I haven't committed it for a long time." Ti Xiao spat out the red jujube core, "I forgot about it."

"Your mother also asked me if you were eating snacks indiscriminately again." Xiaoyao said, "I didn't tell her."

Because he felt that he did not take good care of Ti Xiao.

"Actually, it's okay if you told her." Ti Xiao took a mouthful of porridge and said vaguely, "It's not a routine operation if she didn't laugh at me."

Ti Xiao's mother did say so, saying that he has been like this since he was a child, and he has no memory for many times, so Xiao Yao didn't mention this to Ti Xiao.

Xiao Yao smiled, "What kind of porridge do you want to eat tonight?"

I usually ask what I want to eat at night, but now I have directly designated porridge.

"Would you like to bring some meat?" Question Xiao asked as he put down his bowl.

"Not good." Xiao Yao smiled and pinched his face, "When it's completely healed, I'll definitely give you something delicious."

Dinner is pumpkin porridge, which is much better than lunch.

When Xiaoyao went to the vegetable market in the afternoon, Ti Xiao rummaged through the house and found his hidden snacks.

If you eat it now, Xiaoyao will definitely find it, and a bold idea gradually takes shape in Qi Xiao's heart.

After these few days of rest, Ti Xiao's spirit has slowly recovered, but his stomach still can't stand the toss. He still drinks porridge every day, but he can eat some pickles, and snacks are still not allowed.

During the live broadcast, fans expressed their deep appreciation for what happened to him a few days ago, hahahaha, and joked to fool him into eating snacks.

Xiao Yao was sitting in the living room, he could hear the voice of Xiao Xiao's live broadcast clearly, and Xiao Yizheng said: "No, no."

"What kind of snacks are you eating, how old are you." Question Xiao said, "Can you learn from me and be more mature?"

When Xiao Yao outside the door heard this, he shook his head and smiled.

The preparation for the author meeting was also very smooth. Guapi also posted a few photos of the company in the group for everyone to see, and by the way, he urged the manuscript.

The ladies and sisters in the group have already handed in the sketches, and joked that the last one who submitted the manuscript was given a red envelope, and Xiao Xiao obediently handed in a red envelope.

He hadn't written much for a few days. Not only did this manuscript have to be handed in and the manuscript was revised for publication, but Xiaoyao is now strictly monitoring it, and he started urging him to sleep after 9:30, and began to drag him into the bed at 59 minutes.

He didn't give him a chance to stay up late at all, just to completely cure his bad habit.

The porridge I still drank in the evening, the temperature today is a few degrees hotter than the previous days, and the problem of Ti Xiao’s poor appetite has been committed again, and he can’t drink after only drinking half a bowl, or he is coaxed by Xiao Yao. The liar barely managed to finish a bowl.

Only Xiao Xiao knows.

He is pretending.

Before he was at home, Xiaoyao would check whether the snacks had decreased when he came back from work, to see if Xiao Xiao had eaten snacks secretly. Whenever this time, Xiao Yao would drink the porridge so much that he could prove his innocence.

But these few days, Xiaoyao was too lazy to check the snacks, and Ti Xiao felt that his opportunity had come.

He felt that his stomach had almost recovered, and it was time to pull out that bold idea and implement it.

"Good night." After the kiss before going to bed, Ti Xiao obediently got into the bed, very obedient.

In addition to the classes that he had exchanged with his colleagues before, Xiaoyao took five classes today, and also watched an evening self-study. It didn't take long for Xiaoyao to fall asleep when his head hit the pillow.

After hearing Xiao Yao's steady breathing, Qi Xiao slipped out of his arms, ran to the living room, and found his relatives under the TV cabinet.

When his tongue touched the powder on the senbei, Ti Xiao almost burst into tears.

Xiaoyao wakes up once or twice every night since he was with Ti Xiao. Sometimes he wakes up after being kicked by Ti Xiao, and sometimes he wakes up by himself. When he wakes up, he will look at Ti Xiao, cover him with the quilt, and then steal a kiss to complete the task.

This time, he woke up by himself, and habitually reached out and touched the person next to him. When he felt empty, there was no one, and Xiao Yao sat up immediately.

Then, he heard a slight clack from the living room, like a hamster stealing something to eat.

The hamster Xiao Zheng is squatting in the living room, sipping on snacks, Xianbei in his left hand and Wahaha in the right.

Little did he know that a long-legged cat had already stood behind him.