Can I Connect To Your Wifi?

Chapter 60


After Qiao Xiao sneezed, he opened his eyes and found that the hair ball in his hand was gone, and Xiao Yao also stood there like a sculpture.

"Where's my hamster?" Ti Xiao's voice was sour. He looked down and looked around, afraid that he would throw the hamster ball on the ground and turn it into a hamster cake.

Xiao Yao did not speak, his body stiffened.

The furry thing in the clothes is still moving, twisting here and there, crawling around, and the touch is particularly clear.

"Xiaoyao, have you seen Xiao Huhu?" Ti Xiao had already squatted on the ground and looked into the crevice of the bed.

Xiao Yao swallowed hard, "Get up, stop looking."

Then Ti Xiao saw that Xiaoyao put his hand into his clothes with a dark face, reached to the very bottom and took it out, and took out a dumb hamster ball.

"Hahaha actually fell out of your clothes?" Ti Xiao smiled and breathed a sigh of relief, just now he almost thought he had smashed Huhu into a cake. But seeing Xiaoyao's move just now, he still wanted to laugh.

The melon seeds in Xiao Huhu's hand have disappeared, and it is still sitting in the palm of Qi Xiao's palm, with its front paws hanging down, its expression sluggish, and the quivering nose and beard have also been pressed the pause button, as if it just saw something that shouldn't be seen. Same.

Question Xiao touched the little head of the hamster ball, "Look, you scared your second father."

Second dad

Xiao Yao's face was still dark, and he raised his eyebrows when he heard what Xiao Xiao said.

"Stop playing, take a bath." Xiao Yao took the little hamster and stuffed it back into the small box, then dragged the big hamster to the bathroom.

Seeing that the plot from the day before yesterday was going to be repeated again, Qi Xiao hurriedly begged for mercy, "Don't tell me I'm wrong, my waist still hurts, I've only had a day off, I'm wrong, I'm wrong, don't bite me."

"Fifteen times." Xiao Yao let go of his soft face, "You said it before."

"I..." Xiao Xiao was speechless.

When in the world did he make such a promise fifteen times? Fifteen times will kill people!

Sure enough, there are so many similar words that I don't remember at all, but the other party still remembers it clearly.

The feeling of gnawing came from the neck, and Xiao Xiao hurriedly said, "Fifteen times, fifteen times, you go home and then... you, you are going to waste water again."

"Have you heard of your father yet?" Xiao Yao said, turning on the shower and dragging the person up.

Ti Xiao's hair was wet by the water and fell on his forehead, covering his eyes, so he couldn't see what was in front of him.

What bullshit is to pay the father's debt, he has only heard of the father's debt to the son, is it okay? How can there be such a coined word

And where did Xiao Huhu just fall? Even if the child debts the father to repay himself, he won't be subjected to this or that, right

The question Xiao wants to cry but has no tears, blames the hamster son.

The silly son of the hamster outside the bathroom plunged into the pile of sawdust, showing only his short tail and butt outside, as if he was afraid that he would hear something.

On the fourth day of the event, it is actually nearing its end.

It is said to be seven days, but in fact it only takes five days to go from the beginning to the end. Some of the young ladies and sisters have already left for home today because they live far away or have other things.

After the first three days of activities, the next few days will be to wander around several scenic spots in the provincial capital, led by editors from various groups.

There are not many young ladies left here in Guapi, and a rough estimate is probably the team with the smallest number.

It was expected that the number of people was small, but it also fell to the bottom. There was no other reason. The team leader was physically weak, and rubbed his waist frantically with the deputy captain.

The leader is Guapi Li Yi, and the deputy is Ti Xiao.

The chief tour guide greeted the team led by Guapi from the front, urging them to walk faster, "Li Yi, your team hurry up, you are about to fall behind."

Li Yi and Ti Xiao Qi Qi responded, and then silently looked at each other with bitter tears.

Li Yi glared at Chang Qi, and Xiao Xiao glared...

Well, he didn't have to stare, he took out his phone and sent Xiao Yao an angry expression, and then got a kissing expression and a photo of his hamster son.

The hamster son was still a little sluggish when facing his second father.

Xiaoyao did not put Xiao Huhu back in the box after taking the photo, but put it on the table.

Who knows, the little thing just sits down so peacefully, and occasionally his nose trembles a few times, and the whole mouse deduces what it means to be dumb.

Xiaoyao gave it the rat food and didn't eat it. It wasn't until Ti Xiao came back in the evening that the mentally handicapped hamster looked happy when he first bought him.

When Qiao Xiao was sketching in front of Xiaohuhu, he suddenly heard Xiaoyao say, "Go home tomorrow morning, pick up Xiaohulu from your house at noon, and eat by the way."

"Did my mother tell you to go to dinner?" Ti Xiao buried his head in writing.

I didn't have time to draw yesterday's birthday diary, and I have to make it up together with tonight's.

Xiaoyao responded, looked at the back of his big hamster ball and smiled, then moved his eyes to the small hamster ball.

Xiao Huhu, who was just jumping up and down so much that he wanted to jump in a circle of fire, was sluggish again.

Second, the second father, he is so scary...


It was already one o’clock in the afternoon when I arrived at the Xiao’s house the next day. Xuancheng was different from the provincial capital. The provincial capital was backed by mountains, so the temperature would be slightly lower. After returning to Xuancheng, I could taste the heat of early summer.

"It's hot." Ti Xiao fanned the wind, and before he got out of the car, he began to worry about the hamster ball, "Xiaoyao, don't forget to take Xiao Huhu down, it's so hot, Xiao Huhu stayed in the car. Something could happen to you."

Xiao Yao's hand holding the hamster box froze, and he looked down at Xiao Huhu, who was as stunned as before.

Forget it, don't compete with a hamster ball, higher creatures need to be generous.

"Why did you buy a mouse cub?" Question Xiao's mother asked her son after seeing Xiao Huhu, "Isn't there a cat in the house? Let them fight?"

"It's a hamster." Ti Xiao was cooking rice, and his words were vague, "It's called Xiao Huhu."

"It's still Xiao Hulu." Ti Xiao's mother hugged Xiao Hulu and looked closer, "I'm not afraid that we will eat it in one bite."

As soon as he got closer to a small snort, he started to meow, slapping his face in seconds.

Xiaohuhu This is the first time I see Xiaohulu.

The moment he saw Xiao Hulu, his non-existent brows wrinkled, and he realized that things were not simple.

After receiving the little purr of the cowardly cat, and after a lunch, the two went home.

When I was playing in the provincial capital a few days ago, Qi Xiao happily exhausted the traffic, and the phone bill was overrun by a lot. At this point, I was standing on the edge of the cliff in arrears, waiting to go home and connect to WIFI.

"Can you top up your phone bill?" Xiaoyao took out his phone and asked.

"Go home and connect to WIFI. I don't usually make many calls." In fact, he spent almost 200 in phone bills at the beginning of this month, and he didn't want to send money to the communication company anymore.

When Ti Xiao refunded his rental house before, he also refunded the business with his own WIFI.

Now that the two of them live together, they only need to apply for a network cable. Of course, the WIFI password is still the phrase "the cutest Xiao Xiao in the world."

It's just that when I got home this time, I couldn't connect to the WIFI at home, not only Ti Xiao, but also Xiao Yao.

"Is something wrong?" Question Xiao looked at Xiaoyao who was squatting in front of the router, "Is it time for business?"

"There shouldn't be." Xiaoyao found out the list of business transactions at that time and showed him, which will not expire until November next year.

"Maybe it's smoking." Ti Xiao patted Xiaoyao's shoulder, "It doesn't matter, just let it go. If you can't play on the computer, just watch TV for a while. You can charge me some phone bills first, I want to swipe. Weibo, there must be a lot of Aite."

But there is a saying, "Blessings come unparalleled, and misfortunes do not come singly."

Xiaoyao responded, took out his phone and saw a familiar text message.

"Dear customer, as of 21:6 on November 3, your account balance is -233.33 yuan. You are a 1-star customer and can enjoy a call credit overdraft limit of 10 yuan. ... [China X Dynamic]"

Even the amount of arrears is so familiar.

Ti Xiao put his head over and glanced at it, then pouted.

It's really unreliable at a critical moment.

Not knowing how the TV business was handled at that time, Ti Xiao remembered that it was linked to Xiaoyao's mobile phone bill.

Now I can't even watch TV.

As a star who can live for a while without internet and TV in the 21st century, Qi Xiao chose to paint, Xiao Yao went to clean the house, and waited for the router to come back.

"Lift your feet." Xiaoyao was sweeping the floor and swept to the piece of Qi Xiao.

"Xiaoyao." Ti Xiao was writing in front of Xiao Huhu, and when he heard this, he raised his feet in the air.

"Huh?" Xiao Yao made a questioning syllable.

"Didn't you ask me to borrow WIFI before?" Question Xiaoman said casually.

Xiao Yao smiled, "I borrowed WIFI, what's wrong?"

"You say." Qi Xiao put down the pressure-sensitive pen and looked up at Xiaoyao, "If I told you not to connect with you, what would have happened?"

Xiaoyao looked at the question Xiao, then lowered his head and swept the floor again, with a firm tone, "There is no such operation."

"Assume hypothetical." Question Xiao said, "Just make a guess."

Xiaoyao put the broom aside, bowed his head and kissed him, "Then I'll drag you to my house, and I won't let you go without saying the WIFI password."

Question Xiao said: "Really, I wonder if you liked me from the beginning, and then thought about such a bad way of wiping WIFI?"

"Well, I admit it." Xiaoyao continued to sweep the floor, without telling him that he was angry because the name of the WIFI was "you won't be allowed to connect".

"Hmph, I'll just say it." Ti Xiao was so proud that his tail was lifted to the sky.

Just after saying this, there was a "beep" sound, the air conditioner stopped working, the light in the house dimmed, and the computer screen in front of Qi Xiao also went black.

"Power outage?" Xiaoyao was a little puzzled, "I'll go to the electric switch to see."

"No, I haven't saved it yet!" Ti Xiao shouted, although what he just drew was just an essay practice, but the desktop computer is not a notebook with a battery, and the portrait of Xiao Huhu is still gone.

There was a sign of rain outside the window. The weather was gloomy, and the air inside and outside the house was stuffy. After the air conditioner was turned off, the house became hot.

"It seems that there is a power outage, and the lines in the community are aging." Xiaoyao looked outside, and then greeted the impatient question Xiao, "You can sit down and rest in peace."

Ti Xiao opened the window, and found a package of yogurt that was still a little cool from the refrigerator. Holding it to his mouth, he paced back and forth at home, calling for no internet and no electricity for a while.

"Come here." Xiao Yao held a fan in his hand and patted the position beside the sofa to signal to Xiao.

"When are you calling?" Question Xiao asked boredly, lying on Xiao Yao's body.

"It's very soon, I just saw that there are workers repairing it." Xiao Yao comforted softly.

"Is it so miserable on the first day back home?" Question Xiao said bitterly.

Before enjoying a few artificial fan treatment, someone knocked on the door of the house.

It was Auntie Zhang upstairs, "Would you like to sit downstairs? Xiaoxiao, your Uncle Li and Auntie Liu are here. It's very cool downstairs at the moment. Your Uncle Li still doesn't know where to get a watermelon and wants to eat watermelon. Come down quickly."

Qiao Xiao didn't care about watermelon, grabbing Aunt Zhang was like grabbing a life-saving straw, "Auntie, please help me pay for the phone!"

After regaining his vitality, Ti Xiao led Xiao Yao and stomped downstairs to rub the watermelon.

To say that I was in a bad mood just now, it might also be because there is no internet connection. If I could play games on WIFI and do something, Qi Xiao would not be so irritable.

There was a table and some benches in front of the garage doors downstairs, and there were also a few sliced watermelons on the table. The aunts saw the two of them walking out of the unit door and hurriedly greeted them.

The wind was blowing outside, with the smell of coolness and rain, and it was really much cooler than the inside. Several neighbors gathered to eat melons and chat, killing the days when there was no electricity and no internet.

"The watermelon is a little cold, eat slowly." Xiao Yao was always worried.

"I know, I know." Ti Xiao shook his head, looked at the sky that was about to fall from the top of his head, felt the coolness on his skin, nibbled on the melon, and crossed Erlang's legs, not to mention how comfortable it was.

After the phone was charged, the phone came back to life, and it vibrated several times in a row. Question Xiao just thought it was a text message that was just stranded in the communication company, and now it was sent to himself.

It wasn't until he finished eating the piece of melon in his hand that he took out his phone and looked at it.

A bunch of spam text messages were mixed with a serious one, from "Xiaozhou".

A name I haven't seen in a long time.

Question Xiao opened the text message, fell into contemplation after reading it, and glanced at Xiao Yao secretly.