Can I Connect To Your Wifi?

Chapter 63


There was a TV and the sound of a small snoring meowing from the living room, and there was still a fresh fragrance in the bedroom. It seemed that Xiaoyao had just walked around the bedroom with food.

Qi Xiao wiped the sweat from the tip of his nose, raised his feet and pushed the thin blanket aside.

Isn't it just turn off the air conditioner, I'll just turn it on again, and I will definitely ignore you.

However, he still underestimated Xiaoyao, an old dog, and even took the air conditioner remote control and put it on the carpet beside him.

But the question Xiaoqi became one meter two.

Logically, Qi Xiao could still press the power button on the air conditioner to save himself, but there was only a soft plastic bench in the bedroom. He looked at the height and gave up.

He opened the bedroom door angrily, and the coolness came directly to his face.

The air conditioner in the living room was turned on, and I don't know how many degrees it was adjusted, and it was sending cold air out.

Xiaoyao sat on the carpet with his back to Ti Xiao, eating something, and sometimes he would lure him with a small snort, and then wouldn't give it to him.

Xiaohulu remembered meowing when he couldn't eat, so Xiao hamster sniffed his nose, walked over to Xiaoyao and sat down, and naturally opened his mouth and said "ah".

Then there was something fragrant stuffed in his mouth.

"Is it delicious?" Xiao Yao asked Xiao with a smile, wearing plastic gloves on his hands.

Question Xiao chewed something in his mouth and said vaguely that it was not delicious, and continued to open his mouth to feed.

After eating more than half of the food, the anger that Xiao had saved for a day has also disappeared, but it is still necessary to ask the teacher to ask the guilt.

Question Xiao swallowed what was in his mouth before speaking, "Why did you..."

The words were only half bald, Xiaoyao had already given an explanation, and shook the phone at him and said, "Sorry, the phone is in arrears. There is no wireless in the fully enclosed type, and the results cannot be leaked by changing the paper. The situation is a bit special. It's not easy for me to find someone to help me pay the phone bill."

"Then why don't you call me back and go to the circle of friends." Ti Xiao pursed his lips in dissatisfaction.

As soon as he finished speaking, Qiao Xiao's cell phone rang. He didn't see who was calling, so he opened the answer and answered, "Wait for me to answer a call first, hello."

Xiaoyao raised the phone with one hand and put it in his ear, and with the other grabbed Ti Xiao's face, "I called you, can I make up for it?"

One side is the voice from the microphone, the other side is the voice in the ear.

They owe money every day and waste phone bills to send money to mobile companies.

Question Xiao hangs up Xiaoyao's phone angrily, hammering him, "This is not an example."

He also added the most important sentence, "Also, don't turn off my air conditioner in the future."

Turn off the air conditioner in summer, which makes people live.

Xiaoyao went to cook after a training session. Ti Xiao sat cross-legged in front of the small coffee table and continued to eat. He caught a glimpse of the calendar on the wall from the corner of his eye, and he stood up immediately.

The calendar was issued by Xiaoyao School, and the one that was torn out a day was torn off by Xiaoyao every morning when he got up.

Unconsciously, it has turned to June, and it will be July in a few days. It has been more than half a year, and I have been with Xiaoyao for so long.

When did the two get together

Ti Xiao looked at the ring in his hand, and carefully searched his mind for the memory of the time he had just confessed. It seemed that it was the day before the Chinese New Year. If we count the date, it should not be half a year's anniversary, and there is still a month left.

Turning to August 14, Qi Xiao stared at the bright red numbers on the paper and slowly came up with an idea.

While the kitchen door was closed, Xiaoyao also promised to cook a feast for him, and Qi Xiao took off the calendar and ran back to the room where he painted.

After a wave of operations, Ti Xiao carefully checked it again, making sure that he would not be caught before hanging up.

For Xiaoyao's birthday surprise, moving hands and feet on the calendar can only be regarded as the beginning, and there is still a lot left to be completed slowly.

Excited just thinking about it.

When I turned on my phone, I received a message from Gua wholesale.

Since the last face-to-face interview, Li Yi learned that Ti Xiao was the procrastinator of his subordinates. After Ti Xiao learned that Guapi was the vicious male partner, the two of them spoke more rudely than the other, even with remarks to each other. changed.

Editor ยท Vicious Male Supporting Actor: What, at my urging, your serialization has started to be printed for the first time, come and thank you

Procrastination is small and short: slightly

If nothing else, the new comics published by Qi Xiao can be released and listed at the end of July. At that time, he may go back to the next provincial capital to hold a personal signing event.

Think more excited.

Xiao Huang went to the kitchen to see what Xiaoyao was cooking, and after telling him the good news, he took a few bites, "When are you going to have a parent-teacher meeting?"

It was only when I held a parent-teacher meeting for Qi Nanyi last time that I saw through Xiao Yao's vest.

"The day after tomorrow." Xiaoyao sprinkled a handful of chopped green onion into the soup, "Ti Nanyi's parent meeting this year, are you going?"

"It's probably my sister-in-law, remember to say something nice, or Ti Nanyi will die." Ti Xiao looked at the end of coriander in another small bowl with disgust, and thought a few words of cult in his heart.

Xiaoyao stretched out his hand and put the coriander bowl aside, "I don't teach her class, this time I will teach another class."

"Then what do you wear for a parent's meeting?" Question Xiao asked, you can't wear a suit again in the summer.

"Short-sleeved shirts from the school." Xiao Yao said.

"That's good." Ti Xiao nodded, not wanting too many people to see his old man wearing a suit.

"Hey Xiaoyao." Question Xiao suddenly thought of something, "Is there a lot of students and teachers in your school who like you or have a crush?"

The last time he went to hold a parent-teacher meeting for Qi Nanyi, and along the way, many pairs of small eyes glanced at Xiao Yao, which made Qi Xiao feel a sense of crisis at that time.

"Secret love?" Xiao Yao raised his eyebrows, "Assassination is almost the same."

Especially when he assigns homework, all appearances are empty talk.

"Mr. Xiao... Although I know you like me very much, but we can't be together... Let's break up, teacher..." Ti Xiao leaned against the refrigerator, suddenly playing the upper body, and speaking in a similar tone matter.

Xiaoyao bowed his head and cut the vegetables, benevolently, "I can give up my job for you, why don't you want to give me a chance."

"You are the teacher and I am your student..." Ti Xiao pretended to be distressed and secretly opened the refrigerator.

"Close the refrigerator door for me." Xiaoyao seemed to have eyes behind him, "I'll eat in a while, don't eat cold again."

Hey, Qiao Xiao stomped his feet, and the good atmosphere was gone.

"Mr. Xiao, did you hear what I said... We really can't be together." Ti Xiao was reluctant to act, and was still acting.

"I heard..." Xiaoyao beat an egg in the bowl and stirred it with chopsticks. "If that's the case, then please take away the box in the corner. It's a gift from me."

Question Xiao doubtfully lifted the box in the corner of the kitchen, there was really something in it, it was heavy.

"This is a box of wishes I gave you." Xiaoyao poured the egg mixture into the pot and threw the tomatoes in, "I'm ready to eat, help me throw out the garbage."

Asking someone to help throw a garbage out is so eloquent.

Counting down the word games that Xiaoyao played with him, Qiao Xiao felt that it was a pity that he was not a language teacher.

It rained again after the meal. Xuancheng had more rain in summer. It was fine in June, and the rain was not so crazy. In July and August, it was almost a continuous rainstorm.

Maybe it's too deep into the play. When Xiao Yao was drawing Xiao Yao's birthday gift tonight, he unconsciously drew a Siamese cat teacher with a small tie and a pointer in his hand to tap on the blackboard.

The three students below, two hamster balls and a raccoon cat, are raising their paws and rushing to answer questions.

Then on the next page, the bigger hamster ball answered the question correctly, and the Siamese cat teacher rewarded him with a prize.

A cardboard box with a box of wishes written on it.

The gift he prepared for Xiaoyao is a picture book diary, starting from the time the two met, arranged bit by bit according to the time line, until Xiaoyao's birthday, August 14th, when he closed the pen.

When the painting was here, Qi Xiao turned over the book, and he had almost used it. There were only a dozen pages left, but Xiaoyao's birthday was still more than a month away, so such a small amount of paper was not enough to draw.

But fortunately, the book is thread bound, as long as Xiao Xiao's manual ability is passable, he can add a few sheets of paper to the back.

However, the table was by the window, and when Ti Xiao was cutting paper, the wind from the rainy night blew in, blowing all the pages that he had removed and put away, flying around the room.

Question Xiao hurriedly grabbed a few pages from Feng's hands and hurried to close the window.

The pages with drawings of hamsters and Siam were scattered on the floor, and the order was also disrupted. Ti Xiao squatted on the ground to pick up something in annoyance.

While picking it up, a pair of slippers came into view.

Question Xiao snorted in his heart and raised his head.

Xiao Yao had just finished taking a shower, with a naked upper body and a towel around his neck. Seeing the chaos on the ground, he couldn't help asking, "Xiao Xiao, what are you doing?"

Question Xiaosheng was afraid of what Xiaoyao saw, so he picked up things faster, and bald like usual bickering, "Fuck you."

Xiao Yao was stunned for a while, "Are you here?"

Question Xiao was not in the mood to joke with Xiao Yao, he wanted to quickly rescue the paper all over the floor, and did not want Xiao Yao to discover the surprise he secretly prepared.

He grabbed Xiao Yao's slippers, "Lift your feet!"

Taking advantage of his height, Xiao Yao squinted and glanced at the ground roughly, which were basically Siamese cats and hamsters, and couldn't help but twitch the corners of his lips.

Question Xiao patted his calf a few times, "You stepped on my thing!"

Xiaoyao raised his feet quickly, afraid of ruining his birthday present.

However, just after he took a shower, the soles of his shoes were soaked with water. Ti Xiao grabbed his legs and caused his center of gravity to be a little unstable. He just wanted to lift his feet and take a step back.

Step on a painting every time you take a step back.

Xiao Xiao was stunned.