Can I Connect To Your Wifi?

Chapter 66: Extra one


Before graduating from university, Li Yi went to work at the Gugu comics platform in the provincial capital. After three months of internship, he successfully turned into a comic editor.

I rented a two-bedroom and one-bedroom apartment, which is far away from Xuancheng. I have also established a firm foothold in the provincial capital. After graduation, I have a stable life for more than a year.

The only thing that is unsatisfactory is probably that I have been single all the time, and I am sighing in the ocean.

In fact, life is actually a little fun.

There is a coffee shop near the subway station where he usually goes to work. No matter the time, whether he is rich or late, Li Yi goes to buy a cup of coffee before going to work every day.

One is refreshing, and the other is...

"Or do you want a latte without sugar?" The boy's voice was strong and clear, wearing a short-sleeved white shirt and a dark brown apron around the coffee shop staff.

Holding a marker in his hand, he wrote Li Yi's name stroke by stroke on the white cup.

"It feels so hard to write your name every time."

"Is it difficult?" Li Yi wrote on the glass table by himself, "Isn't it just four fires?"

"I think it's quite complicated."

The boy turned around to grind coffee, Li Yi was leaning halfway in front of the counter, his eyes peeking at him secretly.

Wheat-colored skin, tall enough, smiling with small white teeth, sunny and healthy.

It's really good.

Li Yi clicked his tongue silently. If he had just graduated, he would have decided to take action when he saw such resources. But after spending a year in society like this, he saw the reality clearly in Lingding Ocean.

In this world, especially in provincial capitals, "1" is a creature as precious as a giant panda.

What if this sunny and healthy young man is a sunny and healthy person

He didn't want to do 1 with tears.

"Are you going to drink directly or take it away?" the boy asked.

"Drink directly." Li Yi said casually, looking at the boy in front of him intently.

The boy's ten fingers are slender and well-proportioned, the nails are neatly trimmed, and the skin color of the palm is whiter than the back of the hand. He took a paper holder from the box on the table and put it on the coffee cup, "Here, you're going to be late for work."

After speaking, he grinned.

Seeing that Li Yi got on the subway in a frenzy, the coffee was squeezed out, and his hands flowed.

Just like this, the two gradually became acquainted with each other.

"You college students don't have classes in the morning, Chang Qi?" Li Yi asked.

"I applied for a work-study program." Chang Qi was grinding his coffee nimbly, "I finished the courses I was supposed to take last semester, and this semester is relatively leisurely."

Chang Qi studied at the provincial capital University, and now he is a junior, and Xiao Li Yi is three years old.

"You guys are pretty good at learning, what's your major?" Li Yi asked tentatively, "Do you study sports?"

After all, Chang Qi is the tallest person he has ever seen, except for Li Yi's Fa Xiaoxiao Yao, except for Yao Ming.

On weekend mornings, there are fewer customers and the store manager is not around, so Chang Qi leaned in front of the counter and chatted with Li Yi, "Interjection."

Afraid that he didn't understand, he explained it again, "Cartoons and illustrations."

Li Yihe and others, how could they not understand this, he himself was a professional, but it was not a provincial university.

"Yo." Li Yi raised his eyebrows and gestured with his hands in the air, "I see you are so tall, I thought you were involved in sports..."

Chang Qi smiled, facing the early summer sun, the light illuminating the dust in the air, and at the same time exuding brilliant colors, "You can't look like a person."

For a moment, Li Yi heard a different voice.

In order to hide his expression, he hurriedly lowered his head and took a sip of coffee, "There is a senior in your department who draws bl comics at our place."

"What?" Chang Qi didn't understand.

Li Yi scratched his head and reported to his family, "I'm the editor of the Gugu comics platform. We are recruiting comics authors. Have you drawn comics before?"

"Have you seen "Little Wolf Dog"?" Li Yi happened to have a sample of the newly published "Little Wolf Dog" in his bag, patted the cover and was very proud, "This is drawn by the author under my hand, and it has been published. "

Chang Qi didn't speak. He stared at the cover of "Little Wolf Dog" for a few times, and some other emotions flashed in his eyes, and then his face turned red all of a sudden.

Li Yi thought about the possibility that the child was still young and steely. He had never experienced such stimulation. There were still customers in the store, so he quickly put away the comics.

"Anyway, we're hiring comic book writers now." Li Yi put down his coffee cup, "Undergraduate students haven't looked for an internship yet, why don't you try submitting a manuscript?"

One day, Li Yi bought a bag of duck neck duck racks after get off work to go home to eat. After falling to the ground, he suddenly wanted to drink and eat some sweets, so he turned into a coffee shop.

"Hey, aren't you on the morning shift?" Li Yi was a little surprised to see Chang Qi in the coffee shop at night.

"I have changed shifts with my colleagues. I have something to do tomorrow morning, so I won't come." Chang Qi replied, "Don't drink coffee at night, eat something else?"

"I won't come tomorrow morning..." Li Yi's tone was obviously a little disappointed, "Which cake is delicious? Recommend it."

Chang Qi took out a piece of Black Forest cake from the cabinet. The surface was covered with chocolate shavings. He carefully put it in the box and walked to the cashier. "What? It sounds like you are a little disappointed?"

"Is there?" Li Yi didn't know his tone just now, and reached for the bag, "I'll take a bag with me, how much is it?"

Chang Qi shrank his hands, Li Yi didn't get his cake, so he couldn't help but look up.

In the evening, the sky was filled with burning clouds, and the clouds were shining brightly. The lights in the store were a little dim, and the smell of chocolate still lingered on the tip of the nose.

There was a sudden hit on the forehead.

"I'll treat you to eat." Chang Qi smiled and scanned the barcode, then put the bag into Li Yi's hand.

Li Yi's forehead still had the touch just now, Chang Qi flicked it for a while, and now there seems to be an echo in his mind, passing from one end to the other, skipping the ravine.

"What is that?" Seeing Li Yi in a daze, Chang Qi pointed to the other bag in his hand.

"Duck neck in despair, it's so delicious..." Li Yi felt that he was a little confused, and his words were not smooth.

"Okay." Chang Qi smiled and shrugged, "Be careful on the way back."

In the evening, Li Yi opened the cake box, took a spoon to dig out a piece, and took the first bite in his mouth. After it was so sweet, his molars fell.

After a while, after a summer vacation without seeing Chang Qi, wait until November. When Li Yi was at work, he routinely dealt with the submissions piled up in his mailbox, and a pseudonym like this caught his attention.

"Desperate Duck Neck".

The coffee in my mouth almost sprayed the screen.

Although he used to say "Duck Neck of Despair" baldly before, but he went home and dreamed about a guy who slapped his forehead all night, and after so long, he had long forgotten about Duck Neck of Despair.

In terms of storytelling and painting skills, they are good, at least Li Yi himself enjoys it. With a few clicks of the mouse, the manuscript sent by Duck Neck was finished.

Li Yi was anxious and immediately replied to the email.

"I received a new author a few days ago. The pseudonym is quite interesting, and the person is cute. I feel like a cute girl." In the coffee shop, Li Yi ordered an unsweetened latte as usual.

"Really?" Chang Qi froze, smiled as usual, and handed him a hot cup of latte, "Is it particularly cute? How cute?"

"It's too cute." Li Yi took the coffee, "It's definitely a cute girl."

"You can't look like a person." Chang Qi suddenly said again, "Then do you like it?"

"Just kidding." Li Yi picked out another piece of cake and asked Chang Qi to take it away for him, "You should know what I like."

In the previous contact, Li Yi confessed to Chang Qi that he was a crook.

"Do I like it like this?" Chang Qi held his cheeks and smiled, showing his white teeth.

"You?" Li Yi said incredulously, "The little milk dog will grow up for a few more years. I'm going to work, see you tomorrow. I have to ask an old writer to promote this new work of this cute duck neck girl today."

Chang Qi stared at his back and watched him go out.

So cute... don't you want it

A few days later, Li Yi came to order angrily in the morning, "Do you remember the author of the cute girl I told you before? I'm so pissed off."

"What's wrong?" Chang Qi tried to control the expression on his face, the corners of his lips only slightly raised.

"He's a man! He's actually a man!" Li Yi was indignant and tapped his fingers on the glass cabinet, "He still sends me pictures every day, what hands, what abs, and he's about to send me a diao, he What do you want to do???"

The smile on Chang Qi's face disappeared, and he was still a little worried, and frowned, "Is it annoying?"

"It's a little bit." Li Yi pouted, and his tone changed, showing an expression that you understand, "But... you probably understand me hahahaha, I'm in pretty good shape."

Chang Qi's good-looking brows stretched out, and he smiled again, "Do you like it?"

Li Yi stared at the little milk dog in front of him for a few seconds, "I can't talk about it, but it's quite eye-catching."

Chang Qi smiled again.

There were a few days when Li Yi didn't come in the morning. Chang Qi's part-time job was a bit boring, and he missed the time he spent with Li Yi every morning.

A few days later, Li Yi came back and ordered the unsweetened latte as usual.

"Where have you been the other day?" Chang Qi asked as soon as he saw him, unaware that the question he asked had gone beyond the relationship of ordinary friends.

"I went back to my hometown in Xuancheng for a few days." Li Yi waved his hand, looking a little tired, "I met my family, old classmates and old friends..."

Li Yi stated lazily, Chang Qi stood up and listened while grinding coffee. When he heard "I met the person I liked before", his hand shook, and for the first time, hot coffee was spilled on the back of his hand. .

"Hey, hey, did you spill it?" Li Yi stepped on his feet and looked at it, "I'm in a hurry, so give it to me if you spill it."

Chang Qi lowered his head, quietly added a bunch of sugar and cream to the bitter coffee, and handed it to Li Yi, "Be careful on the road."

Li Yi got off the subway to the company, took a sip of coffee, and almost died of sweetness.

Soon, he received a message from his author, "Desperate Duck Neck".

Desperate duck neck: I quack, are you there qwq, would you mind helping me see the storyboard of my next issue