Can I Connect To Your Wifi?

Chapter 68: Extra three


Chang Qi sat on the back chair and turned his head to look at Li Yi. He was wearing casual clothes with a paper bag at his feet, thinking that it should contain work clothes.

He turned off the phone screen, stood up and walked towards Li Yi.

"How do you..." Li Yi didn't retract the index finger he stretched out, he sniffed and asked, "Why didn't you go to class?"

The sound is a little jarred, probably caused by a cold.

There are still a few scattered customers sitting in the coffee shop, all of them sneaking in during the working day. Two or three waiters are there cleaning the table and the floor, cleaning the cups, and the sound of the glass cups colliding is full of sunshine and quiet. The morning is exceptionally clear.

It was as if he had hit Li Yi's heart.

"Wait for you." Chang Qi had already walked up to Li Yi, stared at him without blinking, and then stretched out his hand towards him.

The figure and shadow are all shrouded, blocking some dazzling sunlight, the only thing that shines is the shining, changing, and jumping emotions in Chang Qi's eyes.

"What are you doing?" Li Yi couldn't speak because he had a cold. He also leaned back and wanted to take a step back, but his feet seemed to be rooted on the ground.

Why doesn't this little puppy look the same as it did a few days ago

It feels like the canine teeth are showing.

Chang Qi glanced at him, pushed aside the partitions of the staff work area and the customer area behind him, passed him to the coffee maker's work place, greeted his colleagues, and took a cup.

"Or a latte?" he asked.

"Ah?" Li Yi froze in place, and it took a while before he wrote, "Well, latte."

Watching Chang Qi start making latte nimbly, Li Yi thought about it and added, "Add more sugar, the better."

Swept by a cold, the mouth is dull and tasteless, and the taste buds urgently need sweetness to wake up and activate.

Chang Qi turned his back to him, and the corner of his lips hooked.

"Try it." Chang Qi held a cup and pushed it in front of Li Yi.

Not coffee, but ginger tea.

Ginger tea with honey.

"Don't drink coffee if you have a cold." Chang Qi pulled out the stool and sat across from him, resting his elbows on the table and his palms on his cheeks.

"Yeah." Li Yi took the spoon and stirred it at will, and the honey at the bottom of the cup was lifted up and swayed in the water one by one, swaying in the bottom of his heart with a trace of sweetness.

"Aren't you going to class?" Li Yi asked again.

Chang Qi in front of him asked back, "Aren't you going to work?"

Li Yi coughed twice, his voice a little hoarse, "I'm sick and asked for leave."

"I'm also sick and asked for leave." Chang Qi imitated him.

"You?" Li Yi held the cup in his hand to keep warm, and looked down at the reflection in the cup, "I think you are in good shape, why are you sick?" He coughed again.

"Me." Chang Qi is still learning Li Yi's words and phrases, "I look good, but I also get sick."

Li Yi's lips curled slightly.

Chang Qi looked down at the watch on his wrist and frowned, "I have to go back to class."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand on top of Li Yi's head and snorted, and said with a smile, "Goodbye."

Li Yi's long and narrow eyes suddenly widened, and the spoon in his hand fell back into the cup.

"That's right." Chang Qi had already opened the door, but he turned back after thinking of something, "I have already paid for you, remember to message me back."

Then, as if he was afraid of being beaten, he rushed into the subway station with his belongings.

Only then did Li Yi realize what Chang Qi said when he first set foot in the coffee shop—

"Why didn't you answer my message?"

When did they exchange contact information

No, when did Chang Qi have his contact information

In his impression, it should have never been given.

But when he went out, his IQ went offline, and he only took the keys to go out without money or mobile phone.

Fortunately, Chang Qi was in the store and paid for himself. If Chang Qi was not there, he stupidly ordered a latte, and he had no money to pay when he finished it, which would be a shame.

wait now is not the time to think about this...

After Chang Qi rubbed his head, Li Yi's mind was in chaos now, thinking about where he was.

When he returned to his house after drinking the hot ginger tea, he picked up his mobile phone and looked at it. There was no news whether it was WeChat or Penguin.

He shook his head and felt that Chang Qi, the little milk dog, had grown up and became more and more bluffing.

When he was sitting back in bed and working on the author's manuscript, the little penguin in the lower right corner of the computer desktop was jumping restlessly.

His computer is only logged in to his work account, not his personal account, so as to facilitate communication with the authors and avoid troubles.

Click the mouse, it is the news of the duck neck.

Desperate duck neck: Why didn't you come

Desperate duck neck:

There were several in a row, all sent by Li Yi on his way to the coffee shop.

Li Yi glanced at it and closed his notebook with a snap, as if he was stimulated by something.

Depend on...

He secretly cursed in his heart, is that the news

But isn't that a duck neck? How did Chang Qi know that Duck Neck sent him a message

Wait, how did the duck neck know that he didn't come

Li Yi stared at the screen for a while, Duck Neck was a distinguished Penguin member, and the message he sent was embedded in a pink girly bubble, and it would look like a peach heart.

Li Yi stared at the little peach heart that was constantly bubbling out and looked at it again and again, and it took a while for an idea to pop into his mind.

Chang Qi is the duck neck, and the duck neck is Chang Qi.

He hurriedly rummaged through the drawings that Duck Neck sent yesterday, the story of the coffee shop, Shen He in the apron of the waiter, and Lu Ze, who was wearing glasses and was a bit rigid. Isn't that what he experienced every morning

And the half-length photo that Duck Neck sent and retracted yesterday, isn't it his work clothes

Li Yi hugged his head and cursed himself for being stupid.

After a while, I looked up at the sketch again, and it was uneven. You Chang Qi painted yourself so tall, handsome, and handsome. Why did I become a rigid office worker with glasses

Wait, why did I bring in Chang Qi and myself

It's true that he has so much thought for Chang Qi, but why did he bring himself into a feeling so naturally? ?

Li Yi went to boil some hot water and drank it a lot. After calming down, he always felt that he was being played by Chang Qi.

Editor · Guapipi: What's the answer to you

Desperate duck neck: You can answer anything qwq

This reply brought Li Yi back again. How could a young man who looks so bright and energetic become such a soft girl as soon as he entered the online world? Is it possible that you often play the tricks of women's clothing bosses online to hang men

But based on Li Yi's experience in reading Danmei comics and novels, a word quickly jumped into his mind.

"Girl Attack".


Li Yi shuddered, this hidden attribute.

After a whole day, Chang Qi Duck Neck didn't bother him much, but he didn't read much of his manuscripts. His mind was full of Chang Qi being Duck Neck, Duck Neck being Chang Qi, Chang Qi being sunny and healthy, Duck Neck girl soft girl , really like Shi Lezhi.

Before going to sleep, he suddenly thought of a crop.

Chang Qi asked him, do you like it

I asked him more than once.

Li Yi suddenly covered his face with the quilt.

Sleep, sleep, what do you think

The next day, I resumed work and went to the coffee shop as usual, but Chang Qi was not there. For more than a week, Chang Qi was absent, and when I asked the clerk, they only said that it was because of the school exam.

The draft of the current issue was sent to the comic platform on time. The story of Shen He and Lu Ze getting to know each other was well received, but the draft of the next issue was delayed.

Duck Neck also hung a sentence in the author's column on the platform, "Prepare for the final exam, stop for a while, and return to roar qwq after I finish the exam~"

The story is stuck before falling in love.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and before you know it, another New Year's Day has passed, and another year has passed.

In January of the new year, snowflakes caressed the provincial capital, falling from the light gray sky. Li Yi got off work on Friday, and suddenly Fuzhi wanted to eat cake, and walked into the cafe after a short walk.

The warm fragrance is blowing, and the winter wind is blocked outside the door.

There were not many customers in the store, so Li Yi took off his scarf and walked to the familiar counter, bending down slightly and looking at the cakes one by one seriously.

There are a lot of new products in the store, all kinds of bells and whistles, but Black Forest doesn't know whether it's taken off the shelf or sold out, in short, there is no place for it in the counter.

"Black Forest Cake is sold out." A familiar voice sounded.

Li Yi raised his head and slammed into someone's eyes, smiling without hesitation, with the warmth of the sun.

After a long while, Li Yi said, "Have you finished the exam?"

Chang Qi looked in a good mood, and the corners of his eyes and brows were "completed."

"That's it." Li Yi nodded, "How was the test?"

"No results yet." Chang Qi shrugged.

The conversation was a little awkward.

"Do you want anything else?" Chang Qi continued, "Black Forest is sold out, there are new products, such as this mango, you can try it."

"No?" Li Yi thought for a while, "Don't do this."

He has never liked sweets, and the bitter taste of Hei Qiao is acceptable.

After a careful look around, there is no dark chocolate, just the kind that looks sweet and greasy.

"Then don't." Li Yi straightened up, tidied up his scarf and wanted to leave the coffee shop, but was stopped by Chang Qi.

"Then do you want me?"

The sound was low, a volume only the two of them could hear.

"I have one last piece of Black Forest cake here."

"Do you want it?"

Li Yi was already at home when he ate the cake, or in his living room.

"Give me the spoon." Li Yi's face turned a little red.

"No." With a small spoon in his hand, Chang Qi dug out a piece and sent it to Li Yi's mouth, coaxing a child, "Ah, open your mouth."

Li Yi couldn't, so he opened his mouth and ate it in one bite.

A small piece of cake, you take one bite, I eat it slowly for almost half an hour like honey mixed with oil.

Chang Qi threw the plastic spoon and the carton into the trash can, and while Li Yi was in a daze, he secretly leaned over and kissed the corner of his lips.

Even the rhetoric of stealing kisses is ready, that is, there is chocolate on the lips.

However, Li Yi suddenly turned his head for some unknown reason. The corners of his lips that were aimed at, originally meant to kiss him, changed in an instant, and the lips met exactly.

Then it got a little out of hand.

The long kiss gradually became sticky, stumbling all the way from the small sofa in the living room to the bedroom.

When being pushed into the soft quilt, when the button was torn open, Li Yi pushed Chang Qi away suddenly and sat up by himself.

It's too fast, we've just been together, and we're about to hit home plate.

Although the reaction somewhere in his body has already betrayed him, even a little impatient.

Looking at Chang Qi again, the child's eyes are red, and he looks a little wronged, and his tone of voice is also wronged, "Just give me a kiss..."

Li Yi didn't have time to remove the hand that wiped his mouth.

Didn't you just kiss? ?

Wait, isn't the attribute of girl attack a little exposed

Chang Qi stretched out his hand to pull Li Yi, and continued to push him back to the bed, "Just give me another kiss..."

Li Yi's strength was not as strong as Chang Qi's, his wrists were clamped and he couldn't move, and the other's knees squeezed between his legs and rubbed gently, like he was scratching his feet.

This wave of Chang Qi caused Li Yi to react immediately, and the two of them just liked each other, and half pushed to the home plate.

That night, Li Yi finally fully realized the hidden girl attack and other attributes of Chang Qi.

"You, you just give people another fuck..."

Finished firing three shots.

"Does it hurt? I'm sorry quack, me, I'll take it easy..."

After speaking vigorously.

"Aah quack, don't cry QAQ, woohoo..."

After saying that, he started crying.

Li Yi himself endured the pain and coaxed Chang Qi, who seemed to have changed into a different person, gritted his teeth and had to wipe the tears of this person who hides the girl's attacking attributes.

What kind of person have you put on yourself