Can I Touch Your Aura of Fortune?

Chapter 10: Caring is messy


Lin Cha was very special. Min Jingfeng thought he had met many people, but he had never seen anyone like her.

She was defenseless and sincerely silly. She obviously grew up soaked in sugar water, but she held her heart seriously and clumsily wanted him to be happy too.

Min Jingfeng thought to himself, as long as she likes him, it doesn't matter if he follows her

Thinking about this, he touched her head, "Is it still hurting? I won't fight in the future."

Lin Cha was dizzy from the light, so comfortable...

What Lin Cha is experiencing now is from extreme pain to extreme comfort. It is night, but she is in a daze, but she has a feeling that she is running in the warm sunshine, with the breeze brushing her face, Brushing the sunflower fields behind her...

She raised her head and said stupidly: "I feel so happy, aren't you very happy now?"

Min Jingfeng saw her brows and eyes were full of happy smiles, but he just said that he would stop fighting. Is she so happy

The two of them rested for a while, and did not return to the dormitory until Lin Cha regained his composure.

When they returned to the dormitory, the other students were already asleep. Lin Cha opened the door carefully without waking them up.

And the next day, Lin Cha returned to the classroom and received the attention of all the girls, as well as Yue Meimei's questioning.

"Have your parents agreed?"

Lin Cha fell ill yesterday, and Lin Cha's elder brother came to the school to ask Min Jingfeng to go to the hospital. No matter how he thought about it, he felt that his family might have agreed.

Lin Cha said seriously: "It's not what you said, we are..."

When Lin Cha said this, he suddenly got stuck. What's the relationship between the two of them

Although we have known each other for a few months, we have only been together for a week. For some reason, she never feels uncomfortable when facing Min Jingfeng. She likes staying with him, as if she has known him for a long time.

What is their relationship

Lin Cha felt that he was a unique comrade in arms.

Only she in this world knows the halo of the God of Wealth of the other party, only she knows how brave and compassionate the other party is...

Lin Cha suddenly remembered what happened yesterday.

Min Jingfeng's aura of the God of Wealth will turn black...

Min Jingfeng himself is actually human...

The latter is more troublesome than the former. If Min Jingfeng were human...

Lin Cha's back broke out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, she didn't tell anyone about Min Jingfeng's aura of the God of Wealth, not even her parents.

Lin Cha never told anyone about it, the main reason was because she felt it was someone else's secret, and she shouldn't let it out casually.

And now, the reason why I was afraid after a while was that Min Jingfeng was a human being, not a fairy with boundless mana who could do whatever he wanted.

Then once people knew the effect of the halo of the God of Wealth, Min Jingfeng would be in danger.

Lin Cha felt that he must tell Min Jingfeng about this matter.

The more Lin Cha thought about it, the more she felt that she had to tell him right away, and absolutely not.

She went to Min Jingfeng's class right after class.

"Hello, can you help me find Min Jingfeng?" Lin Cha said to the girl sitting at the door.

The girl sitting at the door looked at Lin Cha and was so excited that she still shouted, "Min Jingfeng, someone is looking for you."

Min Jingfeng raised his eyes and saw Lin Cha looking at the door. She looked anxious.

Min Jingfeng walked out quickly, reached out and touched her head, and said, "What's wrong?"

Lin Cha hurriedly dragged him to the stairwell where no one was around, and said, "I just thought of something. I didn't tell anyone about your God of Wealth halo, so don't tell anyone, it's too dangerous."

Min Jingfeng: "..." Did you come to me at this time because you really wanted to see me

Min Jingfeng wanted to talk about something in his heart, he couldn't help showing a tolerant smile when he saw her, and said in a low voice, "Okay, no one will talk about this matter."

Lin Cha said the main thing, and he was relieved. Just as he was about to go back, he caught sight of Min Jingfeng's hand.

Min Jingfeng's knuckles are clearly defined and look good. These are not the point. The point is that Lin Cha saw dense black patterns on the back of his hand.

Lin Cha grabbed her hand at once, and she has left a very deep understanding during this time, that is, all warm yellow things symbolize positive and upward, while black symbolizes bad luck and bad luck. mold.

She was sure that Min Jingfeng's hands didn't have these things yesterday, so how could there be so many black patterns now? The pattern looks like some kind of flower, very delicate, but more weird.

"your hands… "

Lin Cha frowned and said, "How did you do it with your hands?"

Min Jingfeng looked at the ugly black skin and said, "It should be a skin disease, and it will be fine after a while."

He's had it before, and it's worse than this one, as the black skin on the outside slowly festers and then grows back into new skin.

This is also the main reason he has no friends, this skin disease makes him feel like a monster.

"Did it scare you?" Min Jingfeng pulled down his sleeves and said with a smile.

His smile is inexplicably sad, after all, no matter how closed he is, he is still a person with flesh and blood and feelings.

He could not care about other people's reactions to him, but Lin Cha was still different.

What Min Jingfeng didn't expect was that the emotion in Lin Cha's eyes wasn't disgust. She touched the skin carefully and frowned, "Will it hurt?"

Min Jingfeng could feel the temperature of Lin Cha's hand on the back of his hand, she said, would it hurt

When Lin Cha went to touch it, she was actually ready to endure the pain of last night, but luckily she didn't.

Lin Cha felt strange, what exactly is this

She went through the things she knew before, recalled what happened last night, and said thoughtfully: "Min Jingfeng, could this be the aftermath of the darkening of the halo last night? You have appeared before Is this the case?"

Min Jingfeng looked at Lin Cha who was looking for the reason seriously. He wanted to tell her that it was because of the skin disease, but somehow, he was willing to listen to her.


Lin Cha: "How was it before?"

Min Jingfeng suddenly remembered that time, and he didn't want to answer.

But Lin Cha didn't need him to answer, because he saw the golden halo on his head dimming little by little.

Lin Cha held his hand, as if this could give him some strength, but she still wanted to ask: "Then did anything major happen at that time?"

Min Jingfeng still shook his head.

Lin Cha suddenly had a flash of inspiration: "What about these two months? Has this happened once in these two months? Even just once?"

Lin Cha looked at him very seriously, which caused Min Jingfeng to become serious too, and recalled it seriously, no.

Seeing him shaking his head, Lin Cha said, "Then there is at least a 60% chance, and it is the result of the one that turned black last night."

Because in the past two months, Min Jingfeng's God of Wealth halo has not turned black except last night.

So, as soon as school was over at noon, before lunch, Lin Cha dragged Min Jingfeng out of the school.

Other students coming and going: "..."

Why run so fast? And it was running outside the school, was it elopement? Do you want to call the teacher? Do you want to call your parents

Of course... no one calls. After all, what if someone watches too many Japanese TV dramas and thinks that falling in love means running around all the time

Lin Cha ran outside with Min Jingfeng, only to realize a problem, how to find those three people from last night

She speculated that since the black pattern that Min Jingfeng appeared was because of the darkening of the halo, and the blackening of the halo was due to those three people.

Then she needs to find the source of this and see if it can be remedied.

Min Jingfeng clearly knew that she was doing useless work. He had saved money to see a doctor and had various examinations, but there was really no cure for his skin disease.

But being dragged by Lin Cha around to find someone, he didn't refuse, he thought, if it weren't for the various whimsical thoughts in Lin Cha's little head all day, the two of them would have nothing in common to chat with, because the two of them really People from two worlds.

However, after searching back and forth three times, the three people were not found.

Lin Cha's forehead was covered with sweat, and Min Jingfeng took her to a nearby restaurant for lunch.

"It's okay, just forget it if you can't find it." Min Jingfeng said.

"I can't forget it." Lin Cha looked at his hand and asked in a low voice, "Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt."

No wonder it doesn't hurt! Lin Cha was very anxious, but it was useless to be anxious now. She stood up from the seat opposite Min Jingfeng, sat next to Min Jingfeng, and then whispered to him: "I guess it should be the last night that hit those people, and then the halo changed. Hei, not only didn’t help those people transfer, but also aggravated their misfortune, so you also had adverse reactions.”

This is Lin Cha's speculation.

Min Jingfeng hummed, and seemed to understand why Lin Cha's grades were so good. Not everyone has the ability to make up stories that echo back and forth.

At this moment, Min Jingfeng frowned as he thought about the problem of Lin Cha's grade drop.

Of course he knew how much Lin Cha loved studying, but the current Lin Cha seemed to confirm the saying "Love is the grave of achievement".

Min Jingfeng frowned even tighter. She used to study, do experiments, read English books, and memorize ancient Chinese, but now she has become him.

This was impossible, he had to find a way to let Lin Cha continue to live his previous life.

Min Jingfeng never thought that the two of them would last long, but he hoped that when she recalled him in the future, she would not use a regretful tone.

Lin Cha had no idea what Min Jingfeng was thinking, she just wanted to find those three people and get rid of what was on Min Jingfeng.

Although Min Jingfeng said it was fine, she could feel that this thing would definitely cause him special pain, otherwise the halo of the God of Wealth would not dim.

So as soon as the two settled for lunch, the two disagreed on what to do next.

"You should go back to the dormitory to take a nap, and you have class in the afternoon." Min Jingfeng said.

"However, I can't sleep even when I go back. I want to find these three people." Lin Cha insisted.

Min Jingfeng's insistence on the other party is a bit strange. Does she really think that his skin disease is because of those people he beat

Min Jingfeng felt that his temper was getting better and better. He used Lin Cha's logic to explain to her: "Now they may not come out during the day, but they were beaten by me last night, and they will definitely come to take revenge on me tonight. We can catch them at night."

Lin Cha thought for a while and said, " seems to make sense, but if I care about it, it's messed up."

Min Jingfeng turned his head and looked at Lin Cha.

Concern is chaos...

Why is this person confessing all the time

Lin Cha only felt that the other party's God of Wealth halo had brightened by two degrees.