Can I Touch Your Aura of Fortune?

Chapter 34: No one can hurt you


But even if he pushed the other party away, Min Jingfeng had to tell Lin Cha all these things.

He concluded by saying, "I'm afraid they'll do something to you."

Lin Cha frowned, stretched out her hand to grab Min Jingfeng, and said, "Will you choose them?"

Min Jingfeng was stunned for a moment, and when he looked down, he saw that Lin Cha's eyes were a little red. She held his hand stubbornly, looked into his eyes, and asked for an answer.

Seeing that Min Jingfeng didn't speak, Lin Cha was very sad. She still had to fight for it, or she would regret it in the future. She said, "But most of them are bad people, and I am a good person. It will be more difficult for you to choose a good person as a partner." It is more reliable to choose bad guys as partners."

Lin Cha deliberately ignored the fact that she was a human being with no strength, and the other party might be very capable.

When Min Jingfeng heard this, he was stunned, as if something was grasping in his heart, he said, "I will never choose them. I will only choose you."

Min Jingfeng felt that it would be an insult to Lin Cha to put Lin Cha and the others together to choose a team.

Lin Cha breathed a sigh of relief, and complained, "Then why are you so sad? You scared me to death. I thought you were going to break up with me."

"It's not because I might have robbed you of the halo of God of Wealth." Min Jingfeng was complained for the first time, and his heart was still sweet, and he could squeeze out sugar water when he looked at Lin Cha.

Lin Cha said, "You didn't even know you had the halo of the God of Wealth from the beginning, besides—"

Lin Cha narrowed her eyes with a smile, and continued: "Actually, even if you don't choose me, I won't give up on you. I don't know why, but I really like you so much. Even seeing you makes me happy."

Hearing this, Min Jingfeng's brain seemed to be steaming with heat, and he couldn't help looking at other places, and said, "If I really rob you of your God of Wealth halo, I will find a way to dig it out and return it to you. .” He would never owe her anything.

Lin Cha laughed: "Isn't the distinction too clear?"

Even if it was true that Min Jingfeng stole her God of Wealth halo, if she hadn't met when she was sixteen, then—

In the previous sixteen years, she was rich, powerful and carefree. Min Jingfeng was enduring hardships and wanted to help others.

It didn't seem like Min Jingfeng owed her anything.

Thinking of this, Lin Cha hugged his arm a little embarrassedly, couldn't help rubbing his head against his coat, and said, "Rub it first~"

She acted like a kitten, and Min Jingfeng felt his heart was scratched.

Then Lin Cha felt that the person she rubbed against was shining brightly, and she felt even happier.

"I love how you look when you're shiny."

After saying this, Lin Cha remembered a big event, and said, "If we get lost at night, you should quickly make yourself feel better, and then I will see that you are alone in the vast crowd. It's shining~"

Lin Cha is very pure, she is very happy to express her positive emotions, especially like this kind of emotion, when she said this, no matter who heard it, she would not think in the direction of love.

Min Jingfeng also understood her, couldn't help but patted her head, and said dotingly: "Okay, rub it casually."

"The teaching director is here!" At this time, a couple ran over from the other side of the grove, and they reminded them by the way.

Lin Cha quickly dragged Min Jingfeng and ran away.

The dean of their school was very fierce. Although he knew that he couldn't do anything to them, he ran away reflexively.

After Lin Cha returned to the classroom, he silently added another name to his list of enemies, a strange woman.

Lin Cha recalled:

Now there are two very strange people on her list of enemies.

One was that strange voice that wanted to isolate her, but the main purpose of that voice was to isolate her for Min Jingfeng. In fact, it didn't have much malice towards her. That is to say, the owner of that voice was Min Jingfeng's enemy.

As for this strange woman, the goal is very clear. If she is really the body of the halo of the God of Wealth, then that woman wants to kill her.

After Lin Cha realized this, she really wanted to sit in a row with Min Jingfeng, and then complain about it to him—

"I really want them to fight on both sides."

She was thinking about this when she heard a commotion in the classroom.

Lin Cha looked up and saw Min Jingfeng walking in with the teacher in charge.

Min Jingfeng and Lin Cha are not in the same class. Min Jingfeng's classroom is on the first floor, and Lin Cha's classroom is on the second floor.

With Min Jingfeng's appearance, it was obvious that he had transferred to their class.

After a brief introduction by the head teacher, he asked Min Jingfeng to find a seat.

Of course, it is impossible to sit next to Lin Cha. Lin Cha sits in the middle of the third row, and there are deskmates on the left and right sides. Only the last row has vacant seats.

So Min Jingfeng sat in the last row.

The eyes of the other students turned back and forth between these two people, obviously looking at gossip.

Students at this age are most interested in this kind of gossip.

Lin Cha couldn't help but glanced at Min Jingfeng who was sitting in the back. She hadn't attended the same classroom as Min Jingfeng yet.

As a result, when she turned her head, she happened to see Min Jingfeng looking up at her, so their eyes met.

Lin Cha showed a warm smile without hesitation, and mouthed: [Welcome. ]

Seeing her smiling so happily, Min Jingfeng couldn't help but curl his lips into a smile.

This lesson is a physics lesson, and the content of the study is sliding friction.

Lin Cha was usually very quiet in class. She was the type who wouldn't raise her hand even if the teacher asked a question, even if she knew the answer.

The teacher said that after class, Lin Cha opened the book, and the teacher picked up his own water glass in front of the podium, and said, "Can anyone tell me why this glass won't fall when I pinch it? "

No one raised their hands in the class, and it was very quiet. Most people lowered their heads, as if the teacher couldn't see themselves as long as they didn't meet the teacher's eyes.

The physics teacher was a little upset, and said, "I asked you to go back to preview the day before yesterday. Didn't you preview?"

In the first year of high school, there were not many people preparing for it. Besides, the knowledge point he mentioned was a movement of static friction, which was not in the book.

Lin Cha complained a bit in her heart, she wouldn't raise her hand if it were normal.

But today was different. She thought about the people sitting behind and raised her hand silently.

The physics teacher was quite happy: "Lin Cha, you answer."

Lin Cha stood up: "This is because of the static friction formed between the hand and the cup."

The physics teacher nodded in satisfaction: "Very well said, sit down."

Lin Cha sat down, his face was filled with happiness. It was also very gratifying that the people he liked and admired could see that he was very good.

Min Jingfeng who was sitting in the back was flipping through the book for the answer to this question, but he didn't find any clues in the book.

In the end, Lin Cha answered with great confidence, and suddenly felt that she was very cute.

So much so that, in this class, Min Jingfeng actually listened to friction, sliding friction, and was able to determine the direction.

When the get out of class was about to end, the physics teacher took the homework from the book and asked everyone to distinguish whether there is friction, whether it is sliding friction or static friction, and determine the direction of friction.

So the whole class saw Lin Cha raised his hand to answer the first question, the teacher praised a few words, and then Min Jingfeng raised his hand to answer the second question, and they were all right.

So, the mood of the whole class was actually the same at this moment——

When classmate Min Jingfeng moved into the classroom and Lin Cha smirked at him without taking his eyes off it, everyone already knew that their future days would be flooded with dog food.

However, I never expected that the first dog food in Class One and Five of Senior High School was Xuebawei

It's over, will they show their affection in the future to answer the teacher's question

No, this is not the end of the call, this is called Xi Da Pu Ben! If you keep asking questions in the future, you don’t have to worry about getting drawn!

Immediately after class ended, everyone saw that Lin Cha walked over to Min Jingfeng very quickly and sat down.

Min Jingfeng is currently sitting in the last row, and there are many empty seats in the last row.

Lin Cha sat down next to him, and said with a smile, "Why did you remember to change classes?"

In fact, she also thought about transferring to Min Jingfeng's class before. If the two of them were in the same class, it would be more convenient to do things.

Min Jingfeng said, "I wanted to do this before."

The two of them were cooing in the last row, and the other students thought they were amazing.

From junior high school to high school, it's not that I haven't seen classmates who are in love. Most couples are very secretive and coy.

Because of the previous incident, everyone's opinion of Min Jingfeng has changed, and he is really good to Lin Cha, so when the two of them are together, the others don't have too much resistance.

Not only did Lin Cha not resist the gossiping gazes of other people, but he found it very interesting.

That sense of fun is "the whole world thinks we're in a relationship, but we're best buddies!"

Lin Cha used to explain, but later found out that she had explained it, but everyone didn't listen, so she won't explain it now.

She knew that Min Jingfeng must be in the same mood as her, so every time other people read their gossip, Lin Cha also whispered to Min Jingfeng very interestingly: "They all think we are a couple."

Min Jingfeng was able to pick up on her stalking, and immediately said: "Their thinking is too superficial."

Boys and girls of this age gossip about the relationship between men and women, but of course it is impossible to have in-depth gossip. The two of them are soul confidants, and they decide to save the world together. It must be superficial gossip about their relationship as a couple.

However, the gossip team soon had a new direction of gossip, and did not pay attention to the young couple.

When Lin Cha returned to her seat, she heard them saying, "A beautiful girl has been transferred from Class 1."

"Someone of them went to see it just now. In this weather, he is actually wearing a red skirt and bare legs. It's amazing. Isn't she afraid of getting rheumatism when she gets old?"

"But it's really pretty."

class one? Isn't it Min Jingfeng's previous class

But she didn't take it too seriously. After all, her brother was an actor, and she went to see him before, so she met many beautiful stars.

When the second get out of class was over, Lin Cha and Min Jingfeng went downstairs together. Walking down the stairs, they saw a beautiful girl waiting downstairs.

When the girl saw Min Jingfeng, she immediately smiled, "Min Jingfeng, I've been waiting for you for a while."

The girl was gorgeous, wearing a red dress, and she had a flamboyant and aggressive beauty.

Even Lin Cha was dumbfounded, but she quickly realized that this person should be the person Min Jingfeng mentioned.

Lin Cha is a typical optimist. Even though she has never met the two people on the enemy list, she still has a look of "don't be afraid, we can win!"

But now that she saw someone, she felt more at ease, at least she already knew who the enemy was.

The others were not blind. Seeing this scene, their first reaction was to imagine a love-hate relationship.

Then I went to see Lin Cha's reaction, but Lin Cha didn't respond.

Min Jingfeng frowned, looked at Lin Cha next to him, and said, "Who are you? I don't know you."

When Min Jingfeng said this, his face was expressionless, and his eyes fixed on the girl, full of warning.

The girl realized that this person is still the same person even if he became a human being. Did her act without authorization this time destroy his plan

Jealousy realized this, and recalled his past methods, couldn't help feeling terrified, and hurriedly said: "Sorry, I just admitted the wrong person."

Min Jingfeng breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately he could still suppress this person, so he left with Lin Cha expressionless.

other people:"… "

After walking a long distance, Lin Cha walked next to Min Jingfeng, and whispered, "Is that her?"

Min Jingfeng nodded.

Lin Cha whispered, "Then we can win. With her small body, she doesn't seem to be able to beat us."

Min Jingfeng told her an important thing: "When I saw her yesterday, she was an adult."

With just such a sentence, goosebumps rose up on Lin Cha's entire back. Although there was still sunshine outside, she felt a chill.

Guessing and actually existing are two different concepts.

When you guess by yourself, you can comfort yourself, maybe you guess wrong.

Min Jingfeng felt her body was stiff, stretched out his hand, and put his arms around her shoulders: "I won't let you get hurt if I live for a while."

Lin Cha was stunned for a moment, and her heart warmed up. She felt that she was afraid not because she was worried that she would get hurt, but because she was afraid of unknown things.

But she didn't explain, but said: "You said she was your subordinate, see if there is any way for her to investigate that strange voice that time."

In this way, it can kill two birds with one stone. On the one hand, it can find something for this person to do, and on the other hand, it can also find out what is going on with that strange voice.

When Min Jingfeng heard this, he thought it made sense, nodded, and said, "I'll try it."

Lin Cha really calmed down. Not only was she calm, but she also performed a set of radio gymnastics with vigor.

Min Jingfeng, who was standing in the last row, was really in no mood to do exercises and watched Lin Cha the whole time.

His living conditions were really bad in the past, but at that time he was not as anxious as he is now. At that time, he was fearless and his attitude towards life was unrestrained.

But now, he was very afraid, afraid that Lin Cha would be hurt, and also afraid that he would be a bad person.

Min Jingfeng thought, the thing he was most afraid of was that he was a bad guy, he just didn't have the memory of being a bad guy, once the memory came back, he would attack Lin Cha mercilessly.

This was actually the main reason why he wanted to tell Lin Cha everything.

He still hoped that Lin Cha would be on guard against him, but Lin Cha had no defense against him.

The better thing is that there is more than one person who is defenseless against him.

When I went home at night, the jealous spirit appeared again, pleading guilty and repenting for the day's affairs.

Min Jingfeng said impatiently: "There will be another time, you know my tricks."

After he finished speaking, Ju Ling's body trembled.

Min Jingfeng: "..." I might be a little cruel.

"By the way, you are not allowed to get close to the main body in the future. It is very useful for me to keep her. If you make up your own mind, it will ruin my plan..."

"Ju Ling dare not, Ju Ling knows it's wrong." Ju Ling answered first.

Min Jingfeng nodded and said, "During this time, you are in charge of checking the school's affairs. There is a problem with this school."

"Yes." Jealousy looked carefully at the master who had become a human teenager, and then asked cautiously: "Master, do you want to invite other spirits back?"

Min Jingfeng shook his head: "Not for now, you go down." It turned out that there were other subordinates.

Deal with this first, figure out what's going on, and then move on.

After the jealousy left, Min Jingfeng sent Lin Cha a message, telling Lin Cha what he had just learned and what he had said to the jealousy.

Lin Cha's text message came quickly: "Ah! You are so amazing!!!"

Looking at the text message, Min Jingfeng could probably imagine Lin Cha's tone and expression when he said these words...

It seemed that every word she said and every expression touched a certain point in his heart.

Min Jingfeng inexplicably felt a desire to hold him in his arms...