Can I Touch Your Aura of Fortune?

Chapter 37: hug him


In the afternoon, Min Jingfeng was very worried about Lin Cha: "I want to go with you."

"Innocence and kindness won't allow it." Lin Cha laughed to himself after saying this.

simple, kind...

"I'll be fine. I'll keep my phone on call when the time comes." Lin Cha said seriously.

So when school was over in the afternoon, the bell had just rang, and as soon as the teacher went out, the students in the class were about to sprint towards the cafeteria to have dinner, and then they saw Min Jingfeng in the last row taking off the outside of his school uniform and giving it to Lin Cha. Put it on.

He was wearing a coat that fit just right, and Lin Cha looked like a windbreaker in it.

Today's weather is not particularly cold, this operation, it is true, made the rest of the class forget about going to dinner.

Is this way of showing affection too rustic

However, Lin Cha didn't seem to dislike it at all, and happily wrapped her coat up, smiling like a flower, and said, "You are so thoughtful!"

Students around: "..." Is Chacha too easy to coax

Wearing Min Jingfeng's clothes, Lin Cha called Min Jingfeng, hands-free, during the call, and then went to the school gate to wait for simplicity and kindness.

"... Chacha!" The two sisters came one by one.

Lin Cha couldn't tell if it was pure or kind, so he greeted him with a smile.

Lin Cha: "Let's go quickly, I'll be back for dinner later."

"Okay. Chacha." Although he was no longer called master, his tone was still very respectful.

For a moment, Lin Cha wanted to know what her name was.

But consider that the enemy camp is called Lord of Darkness, and the two known names of our camp are simplicity and kindness.

Suddenly, I don't want to know my name so much anymore.

Lin Cha was still on guard in her heart, thinking that after a while the other party conjured up a pair of wings for her, or some other body transformation, she could accept it with a blank face.

However, what he didn't expect was that Kindness just walked ahead, talking to Lin Cha while walking, without any intention of changing his whole body.

Lin Cha followed behind, walking, walking, and just when she was about to ask how long she had to go, she suddenly felt that the surroundings were a bit noisy...

In a daze, Lin Cha saw a whole new world...

The road is still the same road, and the shops on the street are still shops.

However, countless paper cranes appeared on the street.

Kindness seems to have grown countless hands, constantly receiving the thousand paper cranes, and muttering in his mouth——

"You can't catch a frog. A frog is a small life."

"Don't bully a classmate who doesn't like to talk, go and be good friends with him."

Even Lin Cha, who was already mentally prepared, couldn't help opening his eyes wide, looking at the colorful paper cranes: "..."

Thousands of origami cranes rushed over, very beautiful.

Lin Cha thought for a while, but still stretched out her hand, and she touched a green paper crane.

It was a very mysterious feeling. She felt the simple thought of a child: "I want to buy Peppa Pig. My classmates have it, but I don't. My mother won't buy it for me. I won't talk to my mother in the future."

When Lin Cha was thinking about what to do, Jian Jian had already dealt with the thousand paper cranes.

Lin Cha looked over and saw that they were sorting paper cranes of different colors.

Lin Cha was taken aback when she saw a black origami crane. There were so many origami cranes, she saw many gray ones, but this was the only one that was black.

Lin Cha went to touch the paper crane.

I felt a burst of joy, the owner of the thousand paper cranes was a half-grown child.

He stood at a corner, looking solemnly at the passing vehicles, and when someone wanted to pass by, he would wave the small flag next to him.

"The kid is so cute!" "The kid is doing something good!"

When hearing other people's compliments, Lin Cha felt the joy of the children, and when they returned home, they were all bouncing around.

When I got home, I saw him taking a brush to write a big sign.

Lin Cha was able to see the picture, and was infected by the child's innocence, and felt very healed. She was wondering why this paper crane was black...

At this time, the child held up a sign to ask his parents.

At that moment, Mom and Dad said very harsh words, and the whole world was about to collapse. The child was about to cry, but he shook his head and emphasized: "I have no vanity! I don't!"

One of the adults came over and pinched his cheek: "You are still stubborn!"

Lin Cha was so shocked by the emotional difference before and after that that he burst into tears, and then saw the child dragging a colorful sign, walking in the heavy rain, and erecting the sign at the corner.

Someone next to him boasted, and he ran away.

"Tea tea?"

Lin Cha broke away from the thousand paper cranes, saw the innocence and kindness, and looked at her nervously.

"Chacha, are you okay?"

Lin Cha breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I'm fine. Who is the owner of this paper crane? I want to meet him."

Simply said: "This is the thousand paper cranes of the Lord of Darkness. There are so many people in the world, only he can create black thousand paper cranes, because only he is inherently evil."

Lord of Darkness = Min Jingfeng.

Lin Cha realized that it was Min Jingfeng, and really wanted to slap the two children who took it for granted: "Have you read the content of Thousand Paper Cranes?"

Simply said: "The aggressiveness is too strong, I can't see it... Fortunately, what Chacha saw was the black paper crane when she was a child, so Chacha didn't cause too much damage."

they can't see...

Lin Cha felt even more sad when she thought that the crying kid walking back slowly in the heavy rain with his head bowed was Min Jingfeng.

I want to hug Min Jingfeng who was a child.

No wonder he deliberately avoids the praise of others and never fights for his own rights.

Lin Cha felt uncomfortable, and wanted to go back to see Min Jingfeng, but still remembered the main purpose of his visit, and said, "You all did a good job, let's make a work summary."

Innocence and kindness are very confusing: "What is a work summary?"

"It is to summarize the shortcomings and advantages of my work, report on the achievements of the past few years, and look forward to the future."

Innocence and Kindness looked at each other, at least they were people who watched the news broadcast, so they probably understood what Lin Cha was talking about, but they hadn't done a work summary before.

Lin Cha encouraged: "Today is the first time. It is enough to simply report on your work first. This is also for better development in the future. Freedom, lack of organization, and lack of discipline are definitely not acceptable."

The two were pure and kind, so they began to report: "This year we have processed... 20 million thousand paper crane memories, and purified 8 million thousand paper cranes that are potentially dangerous..."

Lin Cha was thinking about this statistic.

Wasn't he really exhausted in his previous life

She looked at these thousand origami cranes that were as numerous as a cow's hair. It turns out that this is the world of consciousness. These thousand origami cranes are the consciousness of children, and different colors represent different information.

Red means danger, green means confusion...

And black expresses darkness.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Cha saw several black paper cranes.

But it just flashes and disappears.

Lin Cha remembered what was hidden inside Min Jingfeng's black paper crane.

She felt distressed for a while.

Coming out of the conscious world, Lin Cha raised his eyes and saw the big boy who was looking at the school gate.

He looked cold, maybe because he was in a bad mood, and the halo of the God of Wealth did not glow softly, so he was a little cold.

At the moment, the tall and big boys don't have the liveliness and sunshine of their peers.

Lin Cha felt an indescribable emotion in her heart.

In this way, he maintained his innocence, from childhood all the way to the present.

Even if you encounter pain, despair, and injustice.

He still maintains a pure heart.

Lin Cha wanted to hug him.

Through time and space, hug him at that time.

Don't be sad, I will wait for you in the future.