Can I Touch Your Aura of Fortune?

Chapter 68: Bury merit and fame deeply


What Lin Cha said about finding a better place meant that she could bring Min Jingfeng into the world of consciousness, but she didn't have to go to the area where simplicity and kindness were.

Lin Cha dragged Min Jingfeng to the construction site outside the school, but there was no one there.

Before Min Jingfeng asked, Lin Cha had already pulled him into her own conscious world.

She learned it from simplicity and kindness—

The world of consciousness where innocence and kindness are now is the world of consciousness of the whole world, and as the guardian of human beings, she also has her own world of consciousness.

Min Jingfeng didn't dare to go with her because he was worried about his identity, but in her own conscious world, there were no such worries.

In an instant, Min Jingfeng entered the snowy world from the open space in front of the unfinished construction building.

Thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow, the whole world is a vast expanse of whiteness. In the big forest, snowflakes are piled up on the canopy of the trees. At a glance, the whole forest seems to be a bunch of white clouds.

It was also the first time for Lin Cha to come to her conscious world. Seeing this scene, she immediately became excited. She has liked snow since she was a child.

It's just that it will still be cold, even if you are wearing a down jacket, you can't bear the cold.

And the shoes they wear are not suitable for walking in this thick snow.

Min Jingfeng was stunned for a moment, and then picked up Lin Cha: "Why is your conscious world covered in snow?" According to normal logic, shouldn't the conscious world of a person like Lin Cha be filled with spring blossoms

How did Lin Cha know why? She shivered from the cold and leaned on Min Jingfeng's back: "Fortunately it's not a desert..."

At this time, she saw a wooden house in the distance, and said to Min Jingfeng: "There is a wooden house over there. I'll come down and walk by myself. It's even worse if you carry me on your back."

Min Jingfeng looked at the location of the wooden house and said, "It's only a little distance away."

Then he strode over, and sure enough, he quickly entered the wooden house.

As soon as I entered, I saw the stove that had been lit, and the whole room was warm.

Lin Cha got off Min Jingfeng's back and couldn't help but said, "Hey hey hey... I know, this is the life I wanted so much when I was young!"

Facing Min Jingfeng's helpless eyes, Lin Cha explained: "When I was a child, I really wanted to live in a big forest. Winter is here, and there is thick snow, which creaks when I step on it. It's icy and snowy outside, and everything is sleeping. And I have a log cabin, which is warm inside, and I can gather around the charcoal stove with a group of good friends and tell ghost stories together under a big quilt... "

Lin Cha was very surprised. She didn't expect that her conscious world was based on her childhood fantasies.

When Lin Cha finished speaking, he saw the big fluffy blanket next to him. Lin Cha quickly pulled Min Jingfeng and sat down in front of the stove.

"Although you can't tell ghost stories, you can read books." Lin Cha handed a copy of "Physics Compulsory II" to Min Jingfeng, and then started mobilizing paper cranes one after another by himself.

The cold wind howled outside the house, and it was icy and snowy, but it was warm inside. Min Jingfeng began to understand Lin Cha's conscious world.

He read the book quietly for a while, and when he raised his head, he saw a thousand paper cranes parked on the plush blanket covering his knees.

Min Jingfeng froze for a moment, then turned his head and saw Lin Cha next to him was still seriously analyzing the contents of those paper cranes.

Min Jingfeng thought this thousand paper crane was strange, and he didn't know if Lin Cha was in a hurry to use it. He patted the blanket next to the thousand paper crane, trying to scare it away.

However, he didn't expect that the thousand paper cranes would meet the back of his hand as soon as his hand landed there.

Then, he felt a moment—


Overwhelming, as lonely as the thick snow outside.

It was as if he was the only one left in the whole world.

Someone from behind called him—

"Chacha, what are you thinking?"

This voice successfully converted Min Jingfeng from the first perspective to the third perspective. He saw a little girl in a pink skirt who was sitting on a stool in a daze.

Hearing someone calling him, he turned his head.

"Aren't you happy to go to the amusement park today?"

The little girl was quiet for a while, probably thinking that she should be happy, so she nodded.

But he could feel that she was still lonely and not understood.

Even if she was sitting in the classroom with children of the same age, she was still quiet and out of place.

Min Jingfeng remembered Lin Cha's kindness to him after the two met. She once said, you are my best friend...

She once said, in this world, I understand you.

He wanted to hug her inexplicably. He hadn't substantially understood what Lin Cha had said to him before, but now he understood what kind of loneliness was hidden behind those words she said.

When he woke up, he saw that Lin Cha had stopped reading those memories, the origami cranes parked quietly behind, and Lin Cha was leaning on him, with the warm light from the fireplace next to him.

The warm golden light sprinkled on Lin Cha's face, as if it was coated with gold, sacred and beautiful.

Min Jingfeng pulled the blanket over her body, turned his head sideways, and leaned against her head. In this world of ice and snow, they are the only ones left in this world...

Just the two of them.

No wonder the Devourer of Greed uses such things as temptation, because this feeling can indeed be the capital of temptation.

Min Jingfeng raised his head again and looked at Lin Cha. Lin Cha was asleep, like a small animal, harmless and docile, relying on him, as if he was her whole world.

No matter how much he looked at it, Min Jingfeng felt that he couldn't get enough of it. He suddenly understood why animals kept rubbing their heads when expressing intimacy.

Because he wants to do it now.

Min Jingfeng rubbed his head against Lin Cha's soft head, and could smell the warm fragrance from her hair.

Somewhere in the bottom of my heart was swollen and painful, and there was a sense of dissatisfaction in my heart. He was already close enough, but he still didn't feel satisfied enough.

Even more emptiness.

Then Lin Cha hugged his arm, and Min Jingfeng froze, as if the void in his heart had been filled.

There was a smile on his face too.

When Lin Cha woke up, she realized that it was already dark outside, so she hurriedly sent a message to her parents, saying that she had to work overtime again today and couldn't go home.

Father Lin: "..." I never thought that I would encounter such a situation before.

Lin Cha ensured that he was absolutely safe, so Father Lin replied with a message: "Shouldn't you work overtime on statutory holidays?"

The legal holidays Papa Lin mentioned refer to the seven-day holiday during the Spring Festival.

Lin Cha: "I don't know... But what is certain is that there is no salary."

Father Lin: "..."

Lin Cha replied to his father's message, and Min Jingfeng took them to the supermarket to buy things together. They had to catch up with work these two days, so they ate and drank as much as possible to be aware of the world.

While choosing the rice cooker, Lin Cha said with a smile, "Does it look like a young couple shopping for new household appliances?"

It stands to reason that Min Jingfeng should have said calmly at this moment, like, but for some reason, Min Jingfeng blushed and felt guilty, and said, "Why do you think so?"

Lin Cha was just joking, there was no reason.

Then Lin Cha saw Min Jingfeng hurrying to the vegetable section, began to choose vegetables, and said, "Don't eat takeout all the time."

In the past, Lin Cha always cooked at home and basically never ate out. It was only after following him that she started to eat out.

Lin Cha found it quite novel, and couldn't help asking, "Can you cook?"

Before Min Jingfeng could speak, Lin Cha said, "The more we look, the more we look like a young couple, and we even choose dishes together."

"Speaking of which, I will find a boyfriend who can cook in the future. Otherwise, my aunt will ask for leave, and the children at home can still eat my cooking." Lin Cha's mother can cook noodles, and she is a master. It's good noodles, but her mother will show her skills only when the chef's uncles and aunts ask for leave. When she was a child, she would feel very happy every time she ate it.

Min Jingfeng looked at the pork and beef next to him, and said, "I can cook and stir-fry. What do you want to eat?"

"I'll wash the dishes after dinner."

"What do you want to eat?"

Lin Cha has been eating since he was a child, and he didn't have any big ideas, so he said, "It's okay!"

Min Jingfeng chose a lot of dishes, and the two of them pushed two shopping carts. When queuing up to check out, they unexpectedly encountered the Death Devourer again.

Lin Cha mouthed: [Sooner or later, you will fall into my hands. ]

Lin Cha held grudges very much. She remembered the last time the Death Eater and physics teacher besieged Min Jingfeng.

The Death Devourer was a little unhappy: "Shouldn't evil forces like us do this kind of ruthless plot?"

Lin Cha: "..." Self-positioning is pretty accurate.

[It's okay, you will fall into my hands when the time comes, and I don't mind being an evil force once,]

The Death Devourer looked at Min Jingfeng, and then said to Lin Cha: "Look at his aura, have you entered your conscious world for him?"

The Death Devourer couldn't figure it out in his heart. Obviously, these two people fought to the death before, and finally died together.

How can I change my life and let go of my past suspicions about you and me

Whether it is him or the Devourer of Greed, both of them can only be attributed to good luck in the end.

When Lin Cha heard what the Death Devourer said, she realized that this could still be seen from the appearance

Min Jingfeng looked at the Death Devourer, and pulled Lin Cha, there was no need to spend too much time talking to this kind of person.

Lin Cha turned around and obediently stopped talking.

The Death Devourer continued, "By the way, I came to see you to give you a big gift."

Immediately afterwards, he threw the thing in his hand. It was originally thrown at Lin Cha, but Min Jingfeng cut it off with a slap in the face.

The red thousand paper cranes in the palm of his hand were revealed.

Lin Cha was stunned for a moment, because she had always known that the red thousand paper cranes were with the Death Devourer, but she was not strong enough to get this thing back at all.

What she didn't even expect was that the Death Eater would take the initiative to return the red thousand paper cranes to her.

The moment Min Jingfeng touched it, his face changed suddenly.

Then he quickly regained his composure, and put the red paper crane into his coat pocket.

The Death Eater saw this scene and smiled at Lin Cha: "Remember to read the contents, although I don't know if the Lord of Darkness will show it to you."

After the Death Eater was finished, he looked at these two people, showed a big smile, then turned and left, deeply burying his achievements and fame.

Let them show every day, show every day! It was as if only the two of them had good friends in the whole world, and no one else had them!

It seems that it is true.