Can I Touch Your Aura of Fortune?

Chapter 74: Insufficient confidence


Min Jingfeng himself didn't have any concrete evidence to prove the origin of his halo, but he had a feeling that he would not hurt Lin Cha, not now, nor in the past.

In the past, it was because of the like-mindedness of the two of them, and because of Lin Cha's trust in him, but now, there is a little sweetness in his heart.

He was almost 100% sure in his heart that Lin Cha's halo belonged to him because he had a crush on Lin Cha at that time, so when he knew the pain this halo could bring to Lin Cha, he directly took it .

Because the current him, just thinking about it, can't accept that everything that happened to him happened to Lin Cha—

He hoped that she would be loved by her parents, instead of her parents fighting to the death.

He wants her to be liked by those around her, not for them to see her like a plague.

He hoped that she would have a pure and kind heart, instead of despairing about the world again and again.

He was grateful from the bottom of his heart that such a messy life belonged to him, and that none of this happened to Lin Cha. He even felt that he had never been so lucky at this moment, so whether he took the initiative to take over this halo or was it Lin Cha? He was happy to use him for tea.

When Min Jingfeng came up with such an idea, he heard a voice. Obviously, only he could hear it and Lin Cha beside him couldn't hear it.

— "Stupid human being! I have never seen a stupid human being like you."

When Min Jingfeng heard this, he was not angry at all. Everyone's life has its own characteristics. His life is just like this. He can do whatever he likes, and no one else has the right to interfere.

Lin Cha next to her was both sad and distressed. It was Min Jingfeng who felt distressed and distressed. She had always been the clearest about what Min Jingfeng had suffered. It was precisely because she knew that that she felt distressed even more.

All kinds of unlucky things happened in his life, and the most distressing thing was that good deeds were often not rewarded. She only experienced it for a few months, and found it difficult to bear, and Min Jingfeng had been like this since he was a child.

But now, all of this has happened to others. How could Lin Cha not feel sad? She really wanted to give her heart to Min Jingfeng to make up for her mistakes.

When she heard Min Jingfeng say that you never need to say sorry, she shed tears inexplicably, feeling very uncomfortable.

She didn't cry, but she was so sad that she couldn't help but shed tears. Min Jingfeng had seen Lin Cha cry more than once, and he had even seen Lin Cha cry when he first met him.

But the difference between his current mood and his mood at that time is too far. He felt as if his heart was scalded by these tears, so he could only coax in a low voice: "The relationship between the two of us is the same for whoever bears these."

Lin Cha raised his head and looked at Min Jingfeng with tears in his eyes. His eyebrows and eyes were still good-looking, just like when the two met at the beginning.

"It's different, how could it be the same." It is said that when Flint falls on other people's insteps, it doesn't feel pain, but Lin Cha prefers to have them all fall on hers. Although the insteps will hurt, her heart won't hurt that much.

She would rather bear it all by herself than for others to bear it for her.

Min Jingfeng patted her head: "I know how you feel, I know." He knew everything, everything.

It was still snowing heavily outside, and Min Jingfeng held Lin Cha in his arms in this warm hut: "It's all over now, don't be affected by this matter, sleep for a while."

Lin Cha was coaxed by Min Jingfeng's gentle voice, and he was really sleepy after coaxing him, so he fell asleep leaning on her.

The firewood in the fireplace in the house made a crackling sound, as if the cabin was a warm barrier, separating the wind and snow outside from the warmth inside.

Just like this world, the cold always exists, but the warmth stays with it.

After Min Jingfeng put Lin Cha to sleep, he tiptoedly picked out a fluffy blanket from the stool next to him, and carefully covered himself and Lin Cha.

When the cover was closed, Min Jingfeng looked at the face of the person who had fallen asleep, and his eyes panicked for a moment, as if he had encountered such a scene more than once.

But he still closed his eyes, it's a new year, it's good.

Last year's self celebrated the New Year alone, ate glutinous rice balls alone, and felt the cold alone, but this year he has one more person by his side, one more person who makes him feel happy.

At this moment, the person who had already fallen asleep moved, hugged his arm, and muttered in a low voice: "Min Jingfeng..."

Min Jingfeng didn't know what she did, and he didn't know why she called him by his name, but at this moment, when he heard her call him by his name in sleep, Min Jingfeng felt sweetness in his heart.

"Lin Cha." Min Jingfeng said with gentle eyes, "Happy New Year..."

He didn't know what the road ahead was like, and he didn't know what dangers he would encounter, but one thing he was sure of was that he and Lin Cha would always be together like this.

Just thinking of this, he no longer has any fear of the future in his heart.

The next day, when Lin Cha got up, her eyes were swollen. She remembered what happened yesterday, and was taken aback for a moment. She didn't pay attention yesterday, and she actually slept through the New Year.

Facing Lin Cha's statement, Min Jingfeng said indifferently, "I'll say Happy New Year to the other party at midnight next year."

But for Lin Cha, Happy New Year is far less worrying than what happened before. She wanted to know about the past, so Lin Cha found simplicity and kindness.

Because of the Chinese New Year, simplicity and kindness are also very free. When I raise my head, thousands of paper cranes fly up.

"What's wrong with Chacha? Why are your eyes red?"

Lin Cha walked over: "Are there any paper cranes related to my previous memories?"

Simply said: "No."

Kindness also nodded in agreement: "Indeed not."

Lin Cha frowned. If it was the former high school student, she might have been fooled, but the person standing in front of these two people is not simply the former high school student, but more importantly, she has realized many People, also learned a lot of things.

"Are you sure there is no paper crane in my memory here? Are you 100% sure?" Lin Cha stared straight at simplicity and kindness.

Simple and kind nodded, but it was obvious that this time he lacked confidence.