Can I Touch Your Aura of Fortune?

Chapter 82: before the storm


Lin Cha drank two extra cups of hot water, and then contacted the family. Parents had gone to work, and brother was filming. Lin Cha hesitated for a while, and said that he was doing homework for the winter vacation, but did not mention that he was at Min Jingfeng's house.

Then I contacted Simplicity and Kindness to confirm that Death Devourer did not take any action. These days, Death Devourer is simply in vacation mode.

When he hung up the phone, Lin Cha turned around and bumped into Min Jingfeng's arms who came over to put Lin Cha's coat on.

Lin Cha even smelled the pleasant smell coming from him. Lin Cha had a good impression of this deserted smell, and thought it was fun before, but this time she blushed inexplicably.

She hurriedly said, "Let's hurry up and catch up with our homework, or we won't be able to finish it later."

Min Jingfeng knew that Lin Cha liked to maintain human habits, and he also accompanied her, so the two of them did their homework again.

Lin Cha used to be very attentive when doing homework, wandering quietly in the sea of questions, this time looking at the notebook...

Lin Cha couldn't help turning his head to look at the quiet and serious Min Jingfeng beside him.

He sat next to him, seeming to be thinking about how to solve the problem, and the pen in his hand started to spin.

Seemingly feeling the gaze from the side, he turned his head and asked a little strangely, what's wrong

"It's okay!" Lin Cha hurriedly lowered her head and continued with her homework.

Now Lin Cha was able to calm down and do her homework seriously.

After finishing, Lin Cha realized that it was already ten o'clock, and it was really inconvenient to go back at this point, so he said, "I'm going back to the conscious world to sleep..."

After finishing talking, I realized that I was like a snail, carrying the house with me.

Min Jingfeng immediately said: "There is no need to return to the conscious world." Now that the Lord of Darkness is here, Min Jingfeng is afraid that it will be unsafe if he returns to the conscious world.

Min Jingfeng got up, went to the kitchen to boil hot water, and said, "I have a clean quilt here. You sleep in the bedroom."

He boiled hot water, and then went to the bedroom to replace the quilt on the bed with a washed quilt. The original quilt was also clean, but he had been sleeping all the time.

Min Jingfeng put the original quilt on the sofa outside and said, "I'll sleep here."

Lin Cha lay down in the quilt that still smelled like the sun, probably because she slept in the afternoon, she tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep.

In the middle of the night, Lin Cha got up, but still couldn't sleep, but the homework had already been finished.

Lin Cha closed her eyes, wanting to see the situation on the other side of the simple and kind, but just closed her eyes, she saw that the simple and kind were cornered by the spirit of jealousy, and the two hugged each other tremblingly.

Lin Cha immediately got up, put on his coat, and then returned to the place of innocence and kindness.

When Innocence and Kindness saw Lin Cha, they immediately called out, "Chacha!"

The moment Lin Cha appeared, Jealousy took precautions, but when she saw that it was Lin Cha, she smiled and said, "Lin Cha, don't be nervous, I won't do anything to them."

With a serious face, Lin Cha strode over, walked up to the simple and kind, then looked at Ju Ling angrily, and said, "Since you won't do anything to them, it's so late, please leave here."

Jealousy looked at Lin Cha and shook her head. She looked coquettish and charming. Even Lin Cha was stunned.

"That can't be done. Although I won't do anything to them, I still need them to give me something."

Lin Cha looked at the charming Jealousy and said, "What is it?"

Jealousy: "A thing that is not suitable for you to see."

Lin Cha didn't care what jealousy meant. She looked at the simplicity and kindness, and said, "What does she want?"

Simple and kind looked at each other and said, "It's some memory paper cranes, but according to the rules, we can't give them to her."

Lin Cha turned around and said, "Did you hear that? According to the rules, we can't give it to you. If you want it, you can report it to our superiors. If the superiors agree, we will agree."

People on both sides were not in the same camp. Lin Cha asked the other party to make a report, which was a forced change of topic.

Jealousy is not stupid, and said: "Then what if I must grab it?"

She was a head taller than Lin Cha, bent down, looked at Lin Cha, exhaled like blue, and whispered: "Although you are the guardian of human beings, I am only human now. If I really want to kill you, I won't kill you." impossible."

Lin Cha didn't think that the other party was a good person, so he said without fear, "Then you can try." Since the other party is not a good person, but has never attacked her, there must be some reason for not doing so. .

Jealousy stretched out her hand, and a ball of black air appeared on Yubai's slender fingers, and said, "Lin Cha, am I not very beautiful? Why don't you look into my eyes?"

Lin Cha gritted her teeth, looked at Ju Ling, and said, "It's okay."

"Is it really just okay? Look at me like this, will there be boys who don't like me?" Ju Ling showed a smile.

Lin Cha: "..."

"If I answer, there will be no boys who don't like you, what do you do?"

Jealousy was a little surprised, Lin Cha's jealousy didn't increase, but decreased instead.

Lin Cha continued: "If there is nothing else, we will leave first."

As Lin Cha spoke, he held back the innocence and kindness, and left directly.

Jealousy wanted to chase, but was soon forced to stay behind by Min Jingfeng.

Jealousy looked at Min Jingfeng's handsome profile, and said, "What do you mean?"

Min Jingfeng also looked at the direction Lin Cha was leaving, and gave Ju Ling an indifferent look.

Jealousy looked at Min Jingfeng, smiled suddenly, with a beautiful face, and walked slowly to Min Jingfeng's side.

Before he could speak, he saw Min Jingfeng's face was calm, and he turned his head and left.

On the other side, Lin Cha returned to a safe place with innocence and kindness, and then Lin Cha asked, "Why did you fight her?"

Simply said: "We don't know why, we were already there when we went."

Kindness: "Then they were forced to hand over the red thousand paper cranes." They had already taken back a red thousand paper cranes.

Lin Cha hummed, and said, "I see, you go back first, and be careful in the future."