Can I Touch Your Aura of Fortune?

Chapter 86: grey


Lin Cha was observing Ju Ling all the way. She was full of doubts and puzzles, but after thinking about it, she couldn't think of any other reason. Could it be that, as Ju Ling said, this was their punishment or something? of.

Jealousy herself admitted that she doesn't care about other people's opinions, she is so sad because she likes Min Jingfeng.

Lin Cha thought of himself, if something like this happened to him, he would definitely not want Min Jingfeng to know at all.

And at this time, they just returned to the classroom. Jealousy and Lin Cha were not in the same class, so they went back to their classrooms by themselves.

When Lin Cha returned to the classroom, it happened that Min Jingfeng came out to look for her.

Seeing her frowning, as if she was thinking about something, he pulled her aside and asked, "Is there anything Jealousy wants from you?"

Lin Cha raised her head and saw Min Jingfeng. Without hesitation, she shook her head and said, "It's okay."

Now that she has agreed to Jealousy, she will not go back on it, and she is too embarrassed to tell Min Jingfeng about this matter, after all, there is no evidence that Jealousy has other conspiracy at all, and she feels like a joke when she says it. .

Seeing her denial, Min Jingfeng didn't ask any further questions, but said, "Don't contact them recently. Now... protect yourself well."

Lin Cha nodded and said confidently, "Don't worry, I'm very vigilant now."

After she was tricked by the physics teacher and the Death Devourer last time, she became more vigilant.

Seeing her confident appearance, Min Jingfeng softened his heart. His memory was divided into two parts, one as Min Jingfeng and the other as Fu Chuan.

For him, it's all real feelings, so he still remembers the other party's taciturnity and strategizing before.

Whether it was before or now, it is essentially the same.

Min Jingfeng patted her head and said, "I know you are very vigilant, but you are only a teenager, and you can't compare with those people's conspiracy."

When Lin Cha heard this, her eyes were a little confused. Their plot wasn't very sophisticated. She fell for it once, that time when the Death Eater and the physics teacher co-acted a play that led her to a closed room. place, trying to catch her.

She felt that she could figure out this conspiracy, even though she thought so, she nodded seriously so as not to worry Min Jingfeng.

The next class happened to be physics class. When the physics teacher walked over with the book, he saw the two of them talking on the stairs.

The physics teacher walked over with a kind smile on his face, and said, "Students Lin Cha and Min Jingfeng, go back to the classroom soon, class is about to begin." He seemed like an amiable teacher.

Lin Cha: "..."

Min Jingfeng: "..."

The physics teacher went on to say: "Go back quickly, go and preview the content of the next chapter, and I will draw questions later."

It seems that not only Lin Cha and Min Jingfeng, who are students, are fulfilling their responsibilities as students, but also the physics teacher.

Thinking about this period of time, he was indeed the most responsible and conscientious of all the teachers.

Lin Cha didn't know how to evaluate for a while.

The two returned to the classroom, and at this time the class bell rang.

The drawing questions mentioned by the physics teacher outside just now means that we really need to draw questions.

Lin Cha was still thinking about jealousy, so there wasn't much to review in the next chapter. When she stood up when she was called by name, she heard the teacher's question—

"Lin Cha, come to the blackboard and write down the field strength formula."

Lin Cha was stunned for a moment, but didn't react.

The physics teacher looked like a qualified teacher and criticized: "I don't know the basics. Lin Cha still needs to work harder."

Lin Cha: "..." It's very basic, obviously this knowledge point is still behind.

When Lin Cha returned to the classroom just now, he read the content of the next chapter a little bit, and the next chapter was not about learning this content at all.

Isn't this deliberately embarrassing people? Lin Cha felt that the other party was a bit naive, probably to prove that although we were rivals, and although as rivals, neither of them could do anything to the other, but now that he is a teacher and he is a student, he can make things difficult for him.

Lin Cha took it seriously for not answering one or two questions, let alone this kind of deliberate difficulty.

Lin Cha felt that the other party was a little naive.

But when the get out of class was over, the classmate next to him asked a little strangely: "Chacha, did you offend the physics teacher? Why did he target you?"

"No, maybe he misremembered the question." Of course, Lin Cha couldn't be careless, and told this group of students that it was normal for him to make things difficult for me, because they and I were not in the same camp.

But the students just asked this question, and they didn't mean to pursue it to the end. After all, compared to the big gossip about Jealousy, things like hers are very small.

Students of this age are under a lot of pressure in school, so when they encounter this kind of gossip, they don't want to let it go.

When Lin Cha heard what they said again, she couldn't help but said this time: "There's no need to keep talking like this. We can just do our own thing well, why bother with other people's affairs?"

Others heard it. A little upset, but let's not mention it.

Lin Cha breathed a sigh of relief, and at this time, the innocence and kindness who had never sent her a message finally sent her a message again—

"Chacha! Something happened!"

It was the first time Lin Cha met them sending her news like this. The last time the two of them were in danger, they didn't send news in this way.

So I didn't even go to Broadcasting Exercises, and hurried to the side of Innocence and Kindness.

As soon as I arrived, I saw gray origami cranes flying all over the world. When I came here before, I saw colorful origami cranes.

But at this moment, the whole room was full of gray paper cranes flying, and it was obvious that something had happened.

Simplicity and Kindness were originally in a hurry, but they were obviously relieved when they saw Lin Cha, and hurried over.

Lin Cha also had a headache. It was obvious that she was ignorant of the current situation with her strength.

But in the face of pure and kind trust, she could only bite the bullet and ask, "What happened? How could this be the case?"

Simply said: "I don't know, just now we were checking these thousand paper cranes, and then all of a sudden, all the thousand paper cranes turned gray, full of negative energy."

Kindness is also very anxious: "The gray thousand paper cranes represent disappointment, despair, pain and confusion..."

Of course Lin Cha knew, and these thousand origami cranes were all the memories of children, how could the memories of children all turn into negative emotions

Lin Cha stretched out her hand to feel the emotions inside the thousand paper cranes, and felt distressed for a moment...

Obviously, the content in Thousand Paper Cranes is that parents take their children to eat together.

It's a very simple and warm scene, but it turned gray, that is to say, this memory will become uncomfortable.

Lin Cha couldn't believe it, and tested a few paper cranes again.

Without exception, they are all warm and beautiful scenes, but they have unbearable negative emotions.

She, who has experienced so many ups and downs, finds it unbearable, let alone a child

Lin Cha gritted her teeth and hurried to check on the children's current situation.