Can I Touch Your Aura of Fortune?

Chapter 88: deal with


Lin Cha was also afraid that the adult's memory would store memories that shouldn't be stored. At that time, the adult would not be able to bear the pressure, and would collapse, and the situation of the whole world would become even worse.

So Lin Cha sent Min Jingfeng a message—

"Please take half a day off for me, I may not be able to come back at night."

Min Jingfeng's message came soon—

"Do you need help?"

Lin Cha: "It's okay." Min Jingfeng really couldn't help her with this matter, she had to do it herself.

After Lin Cha put down her phone, she began to lock onto the adults' gray memories of paper cranes.

Everyone's life has gray memories, these memories are not big or small, basically a special product of childhood.

Because when they grow up, few people will care about those things, such as the partiality of their parents, or a few unintentional words from the teacher.

But those emotions are preserved, hidden in the thousand paper cranes of memory.

What Lin Cha has to do is to select these memories and release them. Some memories that are too serious and too dark must not be released, because those memories may be too heavy for adults, and they cannot bear it. May cause psychological breakdown.

With pure kindness, Lin Cha began to check the contents of the paper crane, made sure that there were no particularly dark and heavy memories, and then released it.

Because there are too many paper cranes that need to be released, although they only need one thought to check one, but in general, it is still a large amount of work.

But no matter how hard it is, it is worth it. Although the school and the media attach great importance to this mass incident, many parents still think that their children can be depressed

Lin Cha could see that when a child was picked up by a father with a bad temper, the father started to mutter as soon as he got in the car: "What are you upset about? Look at your age, what you want to eat, what you want What do you want, what are we working hard for you, don't frown at me—"

Immediately afterwards, a gray paper crane returned to the top of his head, stopped and disappeared.

The angry expression on his father's face froze for a moment, and his heart was suddenly surrounded by incomprehension...

Obviously he was right, obviously it was Lin Zi from the next door who started the attack, but his mother beat him and dragged him to the next door. I don't understand the hard work of my parents...

Obviously at that time, in order to save money for the family, he went to study to save the bus fare, and walked in the dark in the early morning...

The kind of people who think he is ignorant, feel that he has failed his parents, no one sees his efforts, sees his filial grievances, overwhelming, as if he returned to that night all of a sudden, he faced The anger of adults...

The eyes of the 1.8-meter-old man suddenly turned red. He looked at the son who was sitting quietly next to him. For some reason, he seemed to see himself when he was a child.

He suddenly realized that he had become his own parent, and he kept emphasizing his dedication every day, venting all his grievances on his children.

He suddenly realized that his son was also working hard every day, doing homework until after 11 o'clock in the evening. Although his grades were not good, he never gave up, and he also went to cram schools.

He remembered that when his son was cleaning the house, they would talk about him instead.

He has become just like his parents.

The man gritted his teeth and said, "I'm sorry, Dad spoke too aggressively..." At least he is different from his parents, and he still has a chance to change.

When Lin Cha saw it, she breathed a sigh of relief, just don't irritate the children.

The parents who had already listened to the teacher's words felt more distressed by the current situation of the child under the empathy of the memory of the gray thousand paper cranes.

Lin Cha breathed a sigh of relief, and was sure nothing was left behind, but it was already the early morning of the next day.

Lin Cha let Simple Kindness continue to monitor the children's movements while she left the conscious world.

Although this matter has been reported, Lin Cha is not sure when someone will be sent over there to solve it, and he doesn't even know if someone will be sent over there to solve it!

Therefore, Lin Cha decided to go and find out what was going on by himself to see if he could look it up by himself.

As soon as she came out, the first thing she saw was various push notifications. All kinds of publicity in the streets and alleys were aimed at the children's depression that broke out this time.

Like Lin Cha, the country also attaches great importance to this problem, especially if some parents think this is not a problem, and even if some parents take other measures against their children, they will regret it before it is too late.

So it's being advertised everywhere.

As Lin Cha walked the streets, he could meet several parents with their children along the way.

But there are still no clues. Until now, she still doesn't understand why the other party did this.

Originally, Lin Cha wanted to find the Death Devourer and the physics teacher by himself. If the Lord of Darkness was responsible for all this, then these two must know something.

However, before she could find the Death Devourer and the physics teacher, after only a few steps, she saw the jealous spirit that was clearly squatting on her.

Jealousy didn't seem as haggard as last time, she was full of energy, and walked over with a smile in her eyes.

Seeing her like this, Lin Cha obviously cheated her last time. After all, even if she recovers quickly, it's impossible for her to recover within a day, right? It's just that Lin Cha didn't understand, why was the other party planning to make such a fuss? And also promised her that she would not do bad things in the future.

Lin Cha frowned, and then said, "You guys did what happened this time?"

Jealousy nodded without hesitation, and said, "Lin Cha, I really like you just like you are now, you're being played around by me."

Lin Cha originally wanted to ask about her promise not to do bad things, but now she felt that there was no need to ask. She suddenly realized that this person was not a good person who kept his promises.

Lin Cha calmed down, and said, "Do you guys all have shadows in your heart? What kind of skill is targeting children? You're so powerful, come at me directly!"

Jealousy shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently, "I'm here, haven't I?"

After finishing speaking, she rushed over directly. Lin Cha felt a sense of oppression from her body. Exuding black air.

Not only that, but also a steady stream of black air pouring in from all directions.

Those... those are negative emotions in children.

Lin Cha now understood, and said angrily, "So that's what you've come up with! Use the negative emotions on the children to strengthen your own strength!"

Jealousy loosened his muscles and bones, and rushed over again like a ghost.

Because of the mutual checks and balances between the human guardian and the Lord of Darkness, Lin Cha knew that she couldn't deal with these people all along, but these people shouldn't try to attack her, but the situation is different now!