Can’t Be Left Behind

Chapter 16


These days, there is a little more subtle estrangement between my brother and I. I always feel that he alienated me first, so I don’t look at him very much. I will pack my schoolbag and go back to his bed to sleep when he sleeps at night. My brother didn't get up, so he picked up his schoolbag and ran away. The teacher also praised me for being full-time for my self-study these days. It was not easy.

In order not to think about my brother again and again, I will not be in a daze in class, and I am also idle when I am idle. It is okay to listen to the teacher's lecture.

After Pumpkin Liu finished the papers, he came up with the top questions from the blackboard and asked the little glasses to do it. The little glasses are basically not in the top 50 of the grade. Our school is a provincial key. The top 200 of the grade are all selected randomly Students (I have more than one thousand in line).

The little glasses got stuck in the middle of writing on the blackboard. I reminded him smoothly. He slapped his head and continued to write. After not writing two lines, I got stuck again. I reminded him again. After all, I have been standing with him on the back blackboard for several days because of the pain in my butt, and I have established a certain kind of friendship between Xueba and Xueba, so I don't want him to get embarrassed.

I don’t know why the teachers, classmates and my front desk are like watching a supernatural event. Looking back at me, my brother told me this question. I thought everyone would do it but no one told him. Of course, my brother's level is really not comparable to this group of mortals.

The head teacher exaggerated. After hearing the math teacher talk about it, he called me to the office and praised me. He called my brother to talk about my progress, and asked him to supervise me to continue to maintain the status. It ended at the end of the day. By the way, I told the parent meeting date. he.

My head teacher knows me too well. Every time I hold a parent meeting, I can push or push, saying that I don’t care about my parents, or that my brother is too busy and find various reasons for prevarication. I don’t listen, my grades are poor, class troubles, skip classes and fights, and smoking in the toilet.

I heard my brother say yes on the phone.

Okay, he asked for the shame.

In the evening self-study class, I took a paper and patted the shoulder of the front desk: "Hey, teach me this."

Jiang Xue was surprised, then turned around and pointed a pen to give me a topic. Sure enough, I can understand what a beautiful girl tells. The sluggish bald fat man of our math teacher, I called him Pumpkin Liu, and I didn't bother to listen to what he said.

I was idle and bored. I turned over my science homework while turning the pen. I left it empty if I could do it. I just thought about it in a daze if I didn't do it. I just threw away the Chinese and English homework.

Just one second after the get out of class bell rang, I had already walked out of the classroom with the ball in my arms, hooked my buddies, and walked up the basketball court.

One of my buddies put on my shoulders and asked me why I was not in a hurry to go home for supper lately.

Because my brother doesn't accompany me to supper anymore, he will go back to the study to see the contract review project or answer the phone after work. He can't say a few words to me in one day. Even though I meet every day, I still miss him a little.

But he is not my girlfriend, and I can’t kiss him forcibly and ask him what’s awkward. It’s a bit bad for brothers to fall in love. They just can’t tell whether they’re together or broke up, or they’re not in a relationship at all, after all. Brother didn't answer me directly. Once we return to the relationship between ordinary brothers, we will probably be broken in love.

Unconsciously, we are like young lovers entering the cold war period, and I will only respond to the lost love with a bewildered silence.

I asked the buddies who played with me, did your family have a second child, and the only child did not speak. One of the brothers in the family told me that he wanted to kill his brother and made gestures with his hands, just like that, khaka, Pinch him to death.

I took a breath in silence and asked why.

The buddies were filled with righteous indignation: "What will he do? He makes trouble every day and asks me to wipe his butt, or he will cry. The cry is worse than screaming. My dad bit me and bullied him. I am not wronged. The second child was sent by God to torture the boss."

After a while they asked me why my hands were shaking. I didn't feel it, and I didn't show any expressions, but I was in a bad state, and I didn't make a few good shots.

I forgot how I got home. When I got home, my aunt put the supper on the table and left for get off work. Only the corridor lights were on on the second floor. My brother smoked on the bedroom balcony.

The light penetrating in the smog hit his cold white skin, the smoke diffused from his lips, and the mottled light and shadow gathered in his pupils.

I stared at my grim girlfriend from a distance, like coveting an expensive diamond on the counter through a shop window.

I approached him quietly, and suddenly hugged his neck from behind like a predator, a piece of soot turned and fell on the back of my hand, burning a red spot, and I did not hide.

He wiped the soot from the back of my hand, I grabbed his loose tie and pulled it back, brought the cold white neck to my mouth, and sucked his chin and shoulder under the shirt. The white shirt was soaked in my saliva, revealing the strawberries I planted on his shoulders.

I bit his earlobe and threatened with a voice: "Brother, yesterday was the tenth day you didn't hug me to sleep. One day, I will kill you."

My brother laughed, and when he raised his arm, he pressed me against the iron railing, jammed my jaw, and bowed his head close to me.

His lips were a few centimeters away from me but he didn't get down, so I took the initiative to put my arms up to kiss him.

He deliberately separated from me by a few centimeters, showing sharp white tiger teeth, and chuckled in a low voice: "Even if you don't fuck me, brother will support you for a lifetime."