Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 10


Lian Xi and Su Jiao followed the wandering soul all the way to the park hospital.

Hospitals, cemeteries, crematoriums.

This is the place with the most yin in the world.

But it shouldn't be like this!

Before getting close to the hospital, Lian Xi felt a cold chill. He frowned slightly, turned his head to Su Jiao and said, "The yin qi in this hospital seems to be particularly heavy."

Su Jiao also looked solemn: "Are there evil ghosts?"

The two originally thought that this wandering soul was out of the body, but was simply injured and accidentally lost it. It now appears that the situation is not simple.

Su Jiao: "This person's body should be in this hospital, and the distance is close enough that he can cast a spell to make his soul return to its place." After a pause, he asked, "Lian Xi, are you here or I'm here?"

The real passerby and the fake Xuanxiu were very humble: "Please."

Su Jiao smiled and touched his head: "Then I'm welcome."

In the dark corner of the hospital garden, the cool breeze blows and the trees move with the wind.

A wisp of unreal soul stood in the darkness, his eyes were confused, and he only looked up and looked at the hospital building.

Lian Xi was very curious about what method Su Jiao would use to send the wandering soul back.

Before, Su Jiao had always misunderstood Lian Xi, thinking that he was also a "common man" and a Xuanxiu. But only Lian Xi himself knew.

He is nothing.

Lian Xi has a pair of yin and yang eyes since he was a child.

As a child, he couldn't distinguish between ghosts and people, and always regarded those ghosts as human beings. He would say, "Auntie, you're going to hit your uncle," and ask why the little girl in the white dress hiding in the corner crying was so sad, so everyone around him regarded him as a freak. Only his father and grandfather never blamed him.

The father also told him: "You are a very different child."

But soon, he lost his father and his grandfather.

Lian Xi lowered his head and looked at the bronze bell on his wrist.

The only one left with him was this bell.

His father said that this bell was a gift from an old nurse when he was born. It was a dumb bell that would not ring. At first, it was just an ornament in his hand. Later, Lian Xi encountered an evil spirit who wanted to find a dead ghost. When he was desperate, the bell suddenly made a crisp sound, and the evil spirit was beaten to the core.

At this time, Lian Xi discovered the magic of the bell, and since then he has gradually become familiar with the bell, but he still doesn't know its real usage.

However this is not important.

The important thing is…

Don't panic, ring the bell!

Although Lian Xi doesn't know what the bell is for, it will definitely save lives!

Just like this time, even Su Jiao was helpless against the wandering ghosts, and even Xi died as a living horse doctor, and directly rang the bell, and it worked.

The baby bell is quite powerful, and it makes the wandering soul conscious and finds the body by itself.

Of course, this time it had a positive effect, and no one knows if the bell will ring next time, and the wandering soul will be scattered directly.

Lian Xi touched the bell and saw Su Jiao turn over and take out a pen from his pocket.

This is a slender brush with a white jade body and a dragon around the column.

The tip of the pen is a clump of fine white hairs, with no texture visible, but the bristles are smooth and smooth, flowing with the wind.

Su Jiao was writing with his right hand and his eyes were solemn. He dug in his pocket, as if he was looking for something, but after searching for a while, his expression suddenly changed, and he whispered, "Fuck, I forgot to bring it!"

Lian Xi frowned, and was about to say, "I'll ring the bell," when he saw Su Jiao's heart clenched his teeth, raised his left thumb, and then...

Take a bite!

Shorty's roommate was tearing up with pain, but he didn't want to waste the fresh blood, so he immediately dipped the blood from his fingertips with a brush. He swiped his pen and wrote two large characters in the air, while reciting words in his mouth: "Playing by the Hunyuan River, on both sides of the Diamond Column. The soul of a thousand miles is coming, hurry up!"

"The return of the soul..."

"The soul is back!"

A gust of gloomy wind rose from the ground and caught the wandering soul.

The wandering soul slowly opened its mouth and babbled, as if trying to struggle.

The dwarf roommate's eyes narrowed, and he slapped his blood-stained palm forward, and slapped the two bloody words he wrote in the air towards the wanderer. The moment these two words stuck to Wandering's body, he stopped struggling, lowered his head obediently, followed the wind all the way up, flew to a certain window of the hospital ward, and slid in.

After a few seconds, Su Jiao looked happy and turned his head proudly: "How is it, it's done, it's awesome!"

Lian Xi didn't say a word and looked behind him silently.

Su Jiao followed his line of sight and saw two bloody characters floating back from the air, which happened to land on both sides of Su Jiao's head.

One from the left.

A heart on the right.

Lian Xi: "..."

What a great practice!

Su Jiao: "..."

Su Jiao: "cough cough cough!!!"

He quickly waved his hand to dispel the two words, and then looked at Lian Xi solemnly: "Give me a chance to explain!"

Lian Xi nodded lightly: "It's alright, I understand everything."

Su Jiao: "..."

"I can really explain this!!!"

Lian Xi had no objection to Congxin Dafa, but Su Jiao refused to give up. The two walked out of the hospital while Su Jiao explained.

"The two words just now are not what you think!"

"What do I mean?"


"Oh, that's it."

"… "

Su Jiao: "I'm really not coward!!!"

Su Jiao was distraught.

Their sect lives in Qufu, Shandong Province for a long time, and is one of the few Xuanxiu sects that are exposed on the bright side in the whole of China. The cultivators of their sect practiced a "word book world". Each cultivator must first cultivate a character that belongs to his own destiny. After he has cultivated it, he will use this as a starting point to start "writing the world", and he will write down what he has seen and heard in his life, and then he will truly cultivate. Dafa.


Why is his natal character a coward!

Su Jiao explained to Lian Xi very seriously, Lian Xi looked calm and didn't seem to care about it at all, but actually pricked up his ears.

eat melon.

quack quack...


It turns out that there is such a cultivation method.

The two walked to the hospital parking lot and nodded evenly: "I understand, you don't need to explain."

Su Jiao: "..."

Su Jiao: "You are laughing at me."

Lian Xi: "I don't."

"You are laughing!"

"I do not have."

"You're still laughing!"

Lian Xi "… "

"Oh, then I'm just laughing."

Su Jiao "… "

Listen to this is human words! ! !

Shorty's roommate was distraught, and Lian Xi quietly looked down at him, with a smile on his lips.

Having roommates doesn't seem to be such a bad thing.

Just as he was thinking about not moving to a new house, Lian Xi suddenly stopped, turned around abruptly, moved his left hand slightly, and a crisp bell echoed in the empty parking lot.



A shrill scream pierced the sky.

The next moment, a red shadow rushed up with a roar, rushing towards Lian Xi as if he were dying.

"It's you! It's you who killed me instead of him, it's you!"

Su Jiao said in horror, "Lian Xi!" He wanted to reach for a pen to write, but his speed was too slow, and it was too late. The evil ghost had already rushed in front of the two of them. The strong yin qi knocked the half-level Su Jiao aside, and even Xi was knocked back two steps.

Lian Xi immediately shook his left hand, but the evil ghost's hands had already pinched his neck.

The thick yin qi accompanied by a strong sense of suffocation made Lian Xi feel dizzy in an instant, and lost all his strength. His left hand trembled as he tried to shake the bell, but all his consciousness was concentrated on his neck, let alone his hands, he was exhausted even opening his lips!

Su Jiao got up from the ground, turned his hand to take out the brush, bit his fingers, and prepared to write.

The word "counsel" was only half-written, and suddenly, the brush shivered and refused to move.

Su Jiao: "..."

Su Jiao was embarrassed and angry: "What are you doing at this time!!!"

You are not ashamed!

Seeing that the evil ghost was about to strangle Lian Xi to death, Su Jiao had only written half of the word "counsel".

The evil ghost's eyes were red and his hair was disheveled. He was no longer satisfied with strangling the enemy who wounded him in front of him, but even opened his bloody mouth to bite him to death! At this moment of electric light and flint, I saw a black light flashing on Lian Xi's wrist, and the next second, the bronze bell broke free from the shackles of the red line and flew into the air!

There is no need to move it, it hangs in the air and trembles slightly.


The simple and pure bells are centered on the bronze bells and spread out in all directions.


The female ghost was shocked and screamed, let go of her hand, and was shot several meters away.

However, it's not over yet!

The bronze bell was still hanging in the air, and it turned a few times, as if it had found an enemy, while flying towards the female ghost, while again—



Several bloodstains appeared on the female ghost instantly.

The sound of bells turns into knives, severing souls and souls;

All sounds are silent, but this sound remains!

The bronze bell trembled again and made a third ring.


"No, help me, no! I was wrong..."

The whole soul of the female ghost was beaten up, and she almost lost her body. Su Jiao, who was watching, was stunned and opened her mouth wide.

Seeing that the bronze bell was about to vibrate for the fourth time, there was no doubt that the fourth voice was going to vibrate, and the female ghost was absolutely dissipated. But right at this juncture...

A pale, thin hand suddenly appeared and grabbed the bell floating in the air!

Lian Xi took a deep breath and held the bell. He opened his palms and looked at the little bell.

The bell swayed slightly, but there was no sound, as if sulking.

Lian Xi touched it and tied it back silently. He gasped and his voice was calm: "Okay, I know this ghost." After speaking, he raised his head and looked at the female ghost who was lying on the ground trembling. His eyes swept across the ghost's soul that was about to disappear, and he called out her name: "Right... Mao Maojiang."

With a sigh of relief, Su Jiao ran over: "Why, do you know who this is? Mao Maojiang? What's this name, it doesn't sound like a human name."

The female ghost lying on the ground slowly clenched her fingers. When she heard her name from Lian Xi's mouth, she knew that the beautiful young man in front of her knew her story.

She gritted her teeth, stood up, and began to tell her story: "Yes, I am Mao Maojiang, that is my screen name."

As she spoke, she laughed miserably at herself and lowered her head: "I didn't expect it to end like this. You know me, so you should also know my boyfriend hydrogen. Me and my boyfriend Hydrogen, I was in love with each other very much, but his manager made him abandon me! That damn manager, even let Hydrogen still be when I was dying... "

"and many more."

The female ghost froze for a moment and raised her head.

Su Jiao was also stunned, and turned to look at Lian Xi who suddenly spoke.

I saw that Lian Xi Junxiu's upright face didn't have a trace of ups and downs, and he looked at this female ghost who started to tell a story and cried silently. He just watched quietly, watching.

The dark and deep pupils are like a bottomless pool of water.

Lian Xi's voice was very calm, but what he said was extremely indifferent.

"...Have I said that I want to hear these stories from you?"

The female ghost was shocked and her lips moved.

Lian Xi looked at her lightly: "Let's not say, are you really as miserable as you think. Even if you are really miserable... "

"That's not why you killed me!"

The next moment, the bronze bell moved slightly, and Lian Xi quickly stepped forward, pinched the female ghost's neck with his left hand wearing the bell, and pressed her to the ground with a movement of his wrist!

His eyes were cold, and he silently looked at the female ghost who had been severely injured by the bell.

The fingers did not loosen, they kept pushing harder and harder!

At the moment when her eyes were wide open and she was about to die from suffocation, Mao Maojiang squeezed a few words out of her teeth and asked the question: "Then why did you... No, don't let that bell... kill me in the first place... …”

Don't you want to hear my story

Aren't you sympathetic to me

Lian Xi looked at her and said word by word, "I just want to tell you that you are not innocent... You should be damned."

The voice fell, the fingers clenched, and the bronze bell vibrated happily on the wrist.



Soul fly away!

The author has something to say:

CC: I am such a ruthless and ruthless good citizen who does not know how to pity fragrance and jade!