Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 100


When they saw Wang Yueqing, even Xi and others thought that the previous god had recovered his memory.

A small, shriveled and slender youth walked into the door calmly. What he possessed was not only the self-confidence of being rich and noble from a young age, but also an indescribable ethereal aura that belonged to the gods.


The minister raised his eyebrows: "How much memory have you recovered?"

Bai Di didn't recover all his memories. If he remembered the events of his previous life, he would never say that he was the stupid bird who was flamboyant and loved to ask the little fairies to brush their hair!

Wang Yueqing's expression changed, and finally he snorted and said honestly, "It's just some fragments."

Speaking of this, the pale boy glanced at his grandfather absently.

This old man with gray hair who used to be in the shopping mall, has sat back on the armchair at some point. His eyes did not fall on the eldest grandson who was sleeping on the bed, nor did he look at the young grandson who should have died long ago. He lowered his eyes in silence, his expression solemn and calm.

He didn't seem to say anything, didn't do anything.

However, it seems that a silent decision has been made.

Wang Yueqing quietly withdrew his gaze.

Lian Xi looked at the young man's unchanged expression, and suddenly felt that he seemed... something was different.

"Since I got sick, I have dreamed of some exquisite Qionglou Yuyu and some very vague human faces from time to time. There are still voices calling to me in the dream."

Wang Yueqing closed his eyes, and the whisper of a thousand words seemed to come from his ears again—

"Shut up and refuse..."

"Shut up in vain."

"That's what they called."

Lian Xi was silent for a moment, and said, "Although you guessed your identity in your previous life wrong, you already knew that you may be the reincarnation of a god."


"You died last month?"

Wang Yueqing raised his head: "Well, if my heart doesn't move anymore, I'm dead, then I'm already dead."

Lian Xi: "Aren't you moving now?"

Wang Yueqing smiled, he didn't answer, but stretched out his hand in front of Lian Xi. Lian Xi thought he was going to let himself touch his chest and feel his heartbeat, but he just raised his hand and the two fingers touched suddenly. The bone-chilling temperature made Lian Xi shudder violently. He raised his head and immediately understood what the boy meant.

The pale and bloodless youth in front of him is not a ghost, let alone a god.

He is a corpse.

Withdrawing his hand, Lian Xi was not touched too much. Being able to see ghosts since he was a child, he has seen too many stories of joys and sorrows. The old grandmother who just passed away sat on her spiritual card and wanted to take a last look at her children and grandchildren, but what she saw was the scene of her children robbing her old dowry box; the vicious and violent ghost, knowing that the person in front of her was her own daughter, Unable to stop Specter's nature, he still attacked his daughter, seriously injuring her.

Once people become evil spirits, endless malice will flow out from the depths of their hearts, and eventually they will kill innocent people indiscriminately and endanger one party.

Compared with the evil spirits who killed the whole family after death, Wang Yueqing just devoured the life of his own brother, nothing special. To be honest, the only thing special about him that can surprise Lian Xi is that he is not a ghost now, but a corpse.

In addition to that, it is only by swallowing the life of his brother to survive, what is so strange.

Lian Xi looked indifferent: "According to the book of life and death, you are already dead. And the reason why you are alive now, I think, may be because you were a god in your previous life. But there is another possibility... Perhaps, your survival is the cause of Wang Yuyun The root cause of the current situation." After speaking, he looked at the only reliable ghosts and gods present: "Judge Cui, what do you think is the reason?"

Judge Cui just wanted to open the book of life and death, but before he started, he stopped.

There is no need to turn over the book of life and death. Whether it is Wang Yuyun or Wang Yueqing, the lives of the two of them have been read countless times by everyone.

Even if he was facing one of the former five emperors, Judge Cui hesitated for a while, then said impartially: "My subordinate thinks it is the second reason. We have seen more than one reincarnated god. Don't say that. Song Dijun, there is one right now." With his facial features twisted, Judge Cui gritted his teeth and said, "Luo Zhongbu was once a reincarnation of a god, but he has been reincarnated since he was reincarnated, and his identity as a god in his previous life does not necessarily have any effect on his next life."

On the side, the wheel-turning king asked the watchman in a low voice curiously: "You are actually still a reincarnation of a god? Hey, tell Ben Hades, what kind of reincarnation of a god are you?"

The watchman smiled lewdly, and was about to speak when Judge Cui suddenly turned into anger and scolded, "Shut up! You dare to say her god's name, this judge must be with you today!"

The King of Wheels came down and said, "What are you afraid of? Did you beat up Cui Jue when you were a god? Say, the King of Hell will support you!"

Of course, the watchman didn't care about Judge Cui's mood. He opened his thick lips and let out a tone in his throat: "His Royal Highness the King of Wheels, hehe, it is said that the little one used to be..."

Judge Cui's eyes were splitting: "No...!"

"Fairy Guanghan!"

The wheel-turning king laughed: "I didn't expect you to be Fairy Guanghan, hahaha, no wonder Cui Jue is so angry, it turns out that you are Fairy Guanghan... son..." The voice stopped abruptly, and the tiger spirit glared at the tiger's eyes: " You, who are you saying you are the reincarnation of?!"

The watchman grinned and winked, "Fairy Guanghan."

Wheel Runner: "..."

The next moment, the tiger spirit suddenly pulled up his sleeves and was furious: "Little brat, how dare you pretend to be my Fairy Guanghan, you give me your life!"

"… "

How could the watchman think that even the Wheel Runner King is Fairy Guanghan's licking dog, he originally just wanted to disgust Judge Cui, but this time it was really a threat to Xiao's life, so he hurried to Lian Xi: "Help, Lord, help! !"

Lian Xi frowned, when the present is so serious, these ghosts are so unreliable! He was about to scold when he suddenly caught sight of Wang Yueqing from the corner of the corner.

Lian Xi: "???"

I saw that the short boy who was already sick and pale, suddenly became more and more dead at this moment. His body kept shivering in small increments, and for a long time, he turned his head crunchingly and looked at Lian Xi. After thinking for a while, he finally turned his attention to Yuchen.

"You are the Lord of the Underworld, you must know everything. Tell me quickly... He is not Fairy Guanghan!"

It seems that the minister did not expect Wang Yueqing to have such a reaction after learning that the watchman was Fairy Guanghan. Immediately, he raised the corners of his mouth and said solemnly, word by word, "He is Guang, Han, Xian, Zi."

Wang Yueqing: "..."

Brushing, Wang Yueqing's resentful eyes also shot at the guard.

For a time, among the four people who had been gods and had seen Fairy Guanghan, except for the minister, the other three glared at the watchman, fighting with each other, as if to drink his blood and eat his flesh!

Watchman: "..."

"Adult help!!!!"

Wang Yueqing could not remember who he was, nor why he was reincarnated. But Fairy Guanghan's face is absolutely unforgettable! This is the only peerless goddess in his blurry dream who can see the overwhelming immortal aura even if Gauss is blurred a hundred times!

Do you think it's interesting to hear 10,000 people shouting "white recruits refuse white recruits refuse" in your ear every night in your dreams? If it wasn't for the sake of taking a look at Fairy Guanghan's blurred face and hearing Fairy Guanghan shout "white move refused", he would have already found a master in the field of metaphysics to suppress this inexplicable dream in his previous life!


Even Xi gave an order.

Kaoru calmly raised his hand.

A streak of golden light was like a barrier, separating the three people who were furious and red-faced, and the watchman who was shivering and shouting for mercy.

Not bothering to look at the wheel-turning king and the scholar's angry Judge Cui, Lian Xi went straight to Wang Yueqing.

"No matter what the reason is, when a person dies, he should enter reincarnation."

Hearing this, Wang Yueqing's body was shocked, he slowly raised his head and looked at the young man in front of him.

"You're right, then what?"

In his heart, he vaguely felt that something was wrong, but Lian Xi continued: "I am a ghost in Sucheng, no matter who you were in your last life... Wang Yueqing, you are dead in this life, you should go to the underworld to report."

The handsome and beautiful young man bowed his head slightly, staring silently at the young man in front of him with firm and calm eyes.

In the past, Lian Xi never interfered in the affairs of ghosts and gods. Once a ghost event is involved, it will inevitably get red light and golden light. However, good deeds are not necessarily golden, and bad deeds are not necessarily red.

Lian Xi never felt that he was a kind person who sacrificed his life to feed the eagle. He is willing to save a dying person, provided that it does not affect himself.

Who wants to take out and eat bugs every day, and who wants to walk, wrestle and step on shit 24 hours a day

He's selfish, of course he doesn't want to.

If he helped a certain ghost today, the next second he might see is the red light all over the mountains and plains. not to mention…

Lian Xi's eyes darkened.

Those red lights really won't affect his most important people.

"Well, Bai Zhao refused, you should go to hell."

An indifferent and deep male voice suddenly sounded, and even Xi was slightly startled, and the messy thoughts in his heart and the memory pictures from a few years ago also disappeared. He raised his head to look at the man who was speaking, but he didn't know why, but the minister also turned to look at him.

Looking at each other, both of them stared blankly.

Soon, Lian Xi turned his head and said coldly: "Wang Yueqing, everyone wants to live, but you are already dead. There was once a god like you who made him suffer in every way after his reincarnation. Just to bring himself back to life. But... he's dead. So..."

"So," the minister continued to speak, he lowered his head and looked at the little man in front of him: "Bai Zhao refused, it's time to go to the underworld."

"Wait a minute."

Lian Xi frowned: "Huh?"

In the quiet and spacious room, everyone looked at Wang Yueqing when they heard this crisp young voice. Only Mr. Wang, his body was shocked, but he didn't raise his head for a long time, and still looked down at the ground. After a long time, the old man closed his eyes and his fingers trembled slightly.

Wang Yueqing's eyes swept across Lian Xi and Gu Chen. He was blocked by the golden barrier and couldn't move, but he was not angry, but put his hands in his pockets. He raised his mouth and asked Lian Xi with a smile, "You said just now that everyone wants to live?"

Lian Xi didn't understand what he meant, so he could only follow his words: "...That's it."

"You're talking about people. People, of course I want to live. But I'm not a person anymore. The ghost of Sucheng, I said, do I want to live?"

Lian Xi's pupils shrank slightly: "What do you mean?"

Wang Yueqing smiled. He pulled up the cuffs of his white shirt. The next moment, dark purple wounds appeared on the thin, fair arm.

When a knife is placed on a living person, blood is naturally poured out. But when a knife is cut on a corpse, only these deep and dazzling black and purple scars will appear!

The feeling of weirdness and incompatibility all along suddenly had an answer, and Lian Xi looked at Wang Yueqing in surprise.

"You are this?"

Wang Yueqing: "I never thought of continuing to live, let alone that I had to kill my brother to survive. Oh yes, and you."

The one-meter-six minor raised his head and looked at the man in black behind him.

"Oh, the Lord of the Underworld, isn't it? The gods are amazing, you also said that Bai Zhaoren is already dead. He is one of the five gods you mentioned. He is a very powerful god. He is dead. The gods are not like that. Amazing."

Caochen looked at the unfamiliar face in front of him, his eyes narrowed slightly: "Oh? What do you want to say."

Wang Yueqing: "Bai Zhao refused to die..."

"Your Excellency, my name is Wang Yueqing."