Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 102


Where there is life and death, all enter the six realms; the past of the world is recorded in the book of life and death.

Huangquan Difu's well-deserved first magical instrument of life and death is such a supreme magical treasure that records all living beings in the world.

As Zhaochen said, Judge Cui was the head of the four judges, and was in charge of the book of life and death. As long as any living being enters the reincarnation, it can be said to be in charge of him. No matter whether he was the emperor of Wufang in his last life, or a little grass in the wild, nothing could escape the surveillance of the book of life and death.

Now, something happened.

Judge Cui wore a white scholar's face, holding a book of life and death in his left hand and a judge's pen in his right. Under the cold and ruthless gaze of the Lord of the Underworld, he suddenly had an impulse: he really wanted to check the book of life and death to see if it was time for him to reincarnate...

But Judge Cui was also extremely aggrieved. He was sweating profusely, and said honestly: "Your Excellency... Your Excellency is right, it is the fault of the subordinates that Wang Yueqing has gone so wrong. However, the subordinates feel wronged!"

Without waiting for the minister to speak, Judge Cui immediately took out the page of Wang Yueqing's life and death book and displayed it in front of everyone. Just as he was about to speak, he saw the minister glanced at the others in the room. Judge Cui was stunned for a moment, and before he could react, the King of Wheels grabbed him.

Tiger Jing is more aware of his words, he smiled and said: "Since the matter has been dealt with, it is business to leave first."

As he said that, the Wheel King waved his sturdy arms, and the old man Wang, Gao Jiaxun and the others in the room only felt their eyes darken. When he opened his eyes again, Lian Xi and several people had disappeared.

The Wheel-turning King consciously understood what he wanted, and said proudly: "Judge Cui, you can speak now. How can the major events in the underworld be known to those mortals, you have made such a mistake, and you should be punished. Right, my lord, subordinate. Just doing some trivial things, hehe."

The minister nodded slightly, his eyes showing approval.

The King of Wheels got the order, and he was even more embarrassed, but he turned his head to look at Lian Xi, and then...

Wheel Runner: "..."

Lian Xi stared at him faintly.

The runner king widened his tiger's eyes.

I saw Lian Xi sighed: "It's okay, let's continue."

The reward that Gao Jiaxun promised will be the same again tomorrow. It's just that they suddenly disappeared like this, I don't know if it will provoke some groundless criticism. But then he thought about it, everything that happened tonight is enough to subvert the worldview of normal people. For the sake of his grandson, Mr. Wang certainly won't let the events of tonight leak out.

Judge Cui: "As you can see, the reincarnation of Emperor Bai stayed in the mortal world for a month without reincarnating, which is indeed a dereliction of duty." After speaking, the scholar judge quietly glanced at Lian Xi and Ji Chen. What you really want to say is the negligence of your two adults... Cough, Judge Cui mentioned this matter once, and then said: "But this is also because there is nothing abnormal in Wang Yueqing's life and death book!"

Lian Xi narrowed his eyes and looked down at the life and death book in Judge Cui's hands.

In fact, they have seen this book of life and death many times before. Indeed, as Judge Cui said, this book of life and death has no mistakes at all from life to death. Wang Yue cleared up that he was the White Emperor in his previous life, and the others were the same as ordinary souls, with nothing special.

God reincarnated...

Lian Xi suddenly thought of a person: "The reincarnation of Emperor Wensong, Xiao Liu, there is also a problem with her reincarnation. Is their abnormality because they used to be gods?"

Judge Cui hesitated: "Maybe it is possible."

Lian Xi: "Can you find the reincarnations of other gods and see if they are abnormal?"

Judge Cui's head suddenly became two big.

My dear, one hundred and eighty thousand gods, many of them are still being punished in hell, but many have already been reincarnated. If you really want to find out if there is a problem with the reincarnation of other gods, it is simply looking for a needle in a haystack.

The sea is the gods who have been reincarnated, and the needle is the reincarnation that has gone wrong!

Judge Cui thought about it again and again: "This workload seems to be a bit..."

Lian Xi: "Just find a few, you don't need to find them all."

Judge Cui: "But I suddenly said that I want to find one, and I can't remember it for a while."



Everyone turned back.

The watchman scratched his head and said in confusion, "My lord, am I not the reincarnation of Fairy Guanghan?"

The King of Wheels, Judge Cui, and even the courtier who has begun to gradually recover his memory: "..."

The Wheel King and Judge Cui shouted in unison, "Shut up for me!"

The wheel-turning king's eyes were red: "Judge Cui, it's not difficult to find a few gods to reincarnate."

Judge Cui beat the chicken blood: "It's not difficult, I'll go!"

The watchman whispered: "I don't want ready-made examples. I really don't understand what the officials think."

Wheel King and Judge Cui: "..."

Say a word less and you won't die!

With the encouragement of Fairy Guanghan (?), Judge Cui's work efficiency instantly soared. In the vast book of life and death, he quickly picked out ten representative reincarnations of gods.

"This is the God of Earth Spirit. He is not well-known in the divine court, and he has not done too many bad things, so he honestly acts as his own stone on the mountain. The divine court was destroyed, and he was reborn without punishment. Now he has been reincarnated thirteen times. He passed away in a car accident two years ago, and is now lining up in the underworld to be reincarnated."

"This is Si Ming Xingjun. He was burned at the stake in hell for 123 years. But after his reincarnation, everything is normal. The current life is a pear tree."

"This is a heavenly general in the Tianhe Army..."

Judge Cui looks like a scholar and pedantic, but his work is still reliable. Among the ten reincarnated gods he picked, some were once in high positions, and some were unknown; some were punished for hundreds of years for doing a lot of evil, and some were unremarkable and were not punished at all.

However, without exception, the reincarnation of these gods is extremely normal.

The glory of being gods 600 years ago did not bring any specialness to their reincarnation. Like thousands of living beings, they are just the most common soul among the six yellow springs.

Listening to Judge Cui telling about the reincarnations of these gods one by one, even Xi suddenly felt that the so-called gods were only a certain life.

All things are created equal, and there is no such thing as noble or inferior.

All souls are equal, the only difference is the quality of human beings.

After talking about the reincarnation of the tenth god, Judge Cui raised his head: "Sir, that's it. Maybe ten is too few, why don't my subordinates find another ten gods reincarnated to see?"

Lian Xi: "Maybe it has nothing to do with the identity of a god."

Judge Cui looked at him suspiciously: "Sir?"

Lian Xi closed his eyes, recalling the phantom of the ethereal god in the suburban temple a month ago. Then, he opened his eyes and analyzed calmly: "The abnormal reincarnation of Emperor Wen Song is because he was in charge of the world's writing, so he was able to influence the book of life and death. And Wang Yueqing, he is not the White Emperor. After being reincarnated, perhaps the abnormality after his reincarnation was not deliberately done by Emperor Bai."

The ghosts and gods were puzzled: "Why is that?"

The minister looked meaningfully at the contemplative appearance of Lian Xi's frown, and then he opened his palms, and his voice seemed to come from the void: "Give me the book of life and death."

Even the Lord of the Underworld is not qualified to rob the book of life and death.

Judge Cui respectfully handed over the book of life and death.

The minister slowly opened it: "Which year was Bai Zhaoden reincarnated in?"

Lian Xi's heart tightened, looking at the man beside him: "Eighteen years ago."

Wang Yueqing, the reincarnation of Emperor Bai, died at the age of eighteen.

"Eighteen years ago..." The minister raised his fingers slightly, and two pages of the book of life and death appeared in front of him. "Eighteen years ago, in addition to the refusal, there was another god whose penalty period ended and was reincarnated."

Hearing this, Lian Xi moved slightly closer. He bowed his head, and the soft strands of hair brushed against the chin of the courtier. The minister's lips moved, and he glanced at him calmly.

Lian Xi: "Who is it?"

The minister: "There are two kinds of gods who can be punished for 600 years in the underworld. One is the ordinary gods who do a lot of evil. Although they say that they are wrong, but they are very light-hearted when they are gods. There is another kind of gods like Bai Zhao rejection, he does not deliberately do evil, but because he holds an important position, a little unpleasant thought will cause disaster for thousands of years."

Lian Xi: "Is it the high god who occupies an important position?"

The minister raised his eyebrows: "Where can there be so many kind gods? Most of the twenty-eight stars above, most of them act recklessly, just like that Dongfang Qingdi Lingwei." He was punished by the six realms and suffered in hell for 66,660 years."

Hearing the name of Dongfang Qingdi suddenly, the wheel-runner king who knew some inside information couldn't help shaking his body, and carefully peeked at the minister.

As if he hadn't noticed, he was not interested in dwelling on the topic of the punishment of the gods, and continued: "Eighteen years ago, the Jishui River God was reincarnated."

Jishui River God

This is a god that even Xi has never heard of.

Lian Xi: "What happened to him after he was reincarnated?"

The minister's eyes moved slightly, and the next second, a golden book of life and death flew in front of Lian Xi.

Lian Xi lowered his head and read the words above.

"Ji Yucheng, born in 2003, died in 2087..."

The book of life and death only records the general life and death of a person, and the records of the life of ordinary people are very vague. Because man is determined to conquer the sky, life and death are already doomed, but how wonderful this life is depends only on the individual.

After Jishuihe God was reincarnated, she was a girl. The rough life in the book of life and death did not show anything special about this girl. However…

Lian Xi sank his eyes, turned his head and asked the person beside him: "She is also from Sucheng?"