Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 103


Lead clouds are low and the weather is overcast.

In the winter in the south of the Yangtze River, the icy drizzle is like a small needle pierced into the human body, and it is densely scraped on the faces of pedestrians in the street, and even the air is so cold that it emits a whitish chill. Not long after dawn, the number of people on the street gradually increased.

A bus clattered past the pond, splashing water.

It didn't take long for the bus to arrive at the stop, and the people on the bus got off one after another.

"Hey, why is it raining, it hasn't rained yet when I first got in the car."

"Did you bring an umbrella?"

"Do you think I look like an umbrella?"

It didn't rain much, but it was still cold on the head. Everyone was a little embarrassed, except for the female student who was at the end of the crowd.

With a high ponytail and a small schoolbag, Ji Yucheng looked up at the sky when he walked to the bus door.

"Has the rain stopped?"

"Good luck!"

As if she didn't hear the chatter of the people beside her, the female student silently got out of the car and went to the school.

I don't know which sage said that the world is like a train running to the end of time. Countless people are stuffed in that narrow carriage with their heads exposed through the windows, but only a very small number of the seven billion people.

Ji Yucheng knew from a very young age that she was one of the very few who stuck her head out.

It's raining? Looking up at the sky, the rain stopped.

I didn't want to go to gym class during my menstrual period. Before I left the classroom, it rained again.

"According to the rules of Jinjiang, I am not a heroine, and I must be an important supporting role." In the last class of the morning, the ponytail girl silently looked out the window, and couldn't help thinking: "...The heroine is still a supporting role, it depends on my male lead. When did you show up?"

Jingle Bell!

The school bell rang.

Ji and Cheng picked up their schoolbags and walked silently to the school gate. She was still thinking about the exercise given by the teacher in the last math class, when suddenly, a cold and thorough voice sounded from behind, and she turned her head.

"Ji and Orange?"

The weather that had been gloomy all morning suddenly cleared up at this moment.

The warm winter sun pierced through the thick clouds, shooting down thousands of golden rays. The golden sunlight shrouded the young man from behind, and the whole person walked against the light, making it hard to see for a while. It wasn't until he walked to a bright place that Ji Yucheng saw this person clearly.

The young man was wearing a simple white short top, with his hands in his pockets, bowed his head slightly, and looked at her with clear and calm eyes. With Xiuya's indifferent brows and eyes, and her handsome temperament, Ji Yucheng opened her mouth blankly, and then she heard the young man ask another question.

"Are you Ji Yucheng?"

Instantly recovered, Ji Yucheng: "It seems to be? No, I'm Ji Yucheng, may I ask you?"

"My name is Lian Xi."

... even Xi

Lian Xi.

Is he my hero

Just thinking about it, suddenly, a shadow fell in front of Ji Yucheng, and she raised her head again.

I saw a man who was indescribably handsome, with light all over his body. He glanced at her up and down, then turned his head indifferently to a sturdy man beside him and said, "She is Ji Shui? She looks completely different."

Ji Yucheng: "?"

Bridge bean sack, this man looks quite the Jinjiang hero!

Before Ji Yucheng could react, he heard a soft hum, and a man with a soft face deliberately mocked: "Reincarnation may not look like the previous life, for example, Fairy Guanghan can also become Luo Zhong."

Everyone: "… "

next second.

Jiang Gui: "Oh, oh, don't fight, stop fighting..."

Ji Yucheng: "??"

Seeing the confused look on the little girl's face, Lian Xi coughed and stopped the Wheel King, Judge Cui and others who wanted to kill Jiang Gui. He walked up to the little girl with the ponytail and lowered his head: "Don't worry, we're not bad people. We just wanted to ask... Have you noticed anything wrong in your life?"

Ji Yucheng reacted suddenly, and she looked at the strangers in front of her vigilantly.

As we all know, there are not only male and female protagonists, but also villains in Jinjiang novels. And I don't know who stipulated that in recent years, the villains have looked better than the other...

"What did you say is wrong?"

Lian Xi thought for a while: "For example, can you see ghosts?"

The little girl widened her eyes: Danger! ! !

But then, she understood what the other party was referring to. However, these people in front of them are really suspicious...

Just when Ji Yucheng was hesitating whether to tell Lian Xi about his abnormality from childhood to adulthood, Lian Xi's voice was calm: "It seems that you have already thought of it."


Lian Xi: "We're not bad people, so there's a coffee shop next to it. Let's chat there?"


ten minutes later.

Cafe, corner booth.

"So, the reason why I can make it rain if I want, and stop the rain if I want, is because what kind of river god was I in my last life?"

Lian Xi nodded: "To be precise, it is the God of Jishui River."

Ji Yucheng: "...the names are quite similar."

The other party seemed to have quickly accepted the setting that he was a river god in his previous life. After thinking about it for a while, he simply cut to the chase: "Today we came to you, in fact, we just wanted to confirm whether there was any abnormality around you. Now that we have the answer, There's nothing else."

The little girl hesitated for a long time, but couldn't help but ask, "How many are the reincarnations of immortals like me?"

Lian Xi was stunned, but didn't understand what the other party meant: "What do you want to ask?"

"Uh, just wanted to ask, what's the situation like."

Hearing this, the minister raised an eyebrow lightly: "There are 108,000 gods in the divine court."

Ji Yucheng: "Huh?"

"There are probably less than 10,000 people who are still being punished in the underworld."


"So you said, not much."

"… "

At one time I thought I was the main character, then I thought I was probably a supporting character. I finally found out that I might be a cannon fodder.

Lian Xi and several people looked for the reincarnation of Jishuihe God just to confirm whether there was any abnormality in her. All the ghosts and gods in the underworld have said that the past life is not tired of this life. Even if you were an immortal in your previous life, you should be like any mortal when you are reincarnated. But now...

Lian Xi's expression gradually sank.

In the reincarnation of the White Emperor, he died without being stiff; the Reincarnation of the River God was born to control the rain.

And these two gods were born in the city of Su by coincidence 18 years ago.

So does all of this have anything to do with Su City and eighteen years ago

After thinking for a moment in his heart, Lian Xi has made a decision. Since it is suspected that it is related to Sucheng and 18 years ago, it is better to conduct a controlled experiment with control variables.

After drinking a little coffee, a few people got up and sent the River God reincarnated to leave.

Standing in front of the cafe, Ji Yucheng was still in a dazed state, unable to react. She stared blankly at the backs of Lian Xi and his party, and suddenly, the minister seemed to remember something, leaned slightly and walked to Lian Xi's ear, not knowing what to say. She clearly saw that the young man, who had been cold and calm since the moment they met, suddenly smiled. Although he quickly withdrew his smile, his brows and eyes widened a lot.

Ji Yucheng's eyes widened.

How could she forget...

"Jinjiang not only has romance novels, Jinjiang also has pure love novels."

The little girl ran away.

It was raining in the sky, and Lian Xi stretched out his hand in surprise. He turned back subconsciously, but only saw the back of the girl with the ponytail going away.

Not understanding what happened, Lian Xi retracted his attention. He fixed his eyes and pondered: "Eighteen years ago, with Su Cheng. There may be problems with these two points. Therefore, we should find more samples." When I was five years old, what happened in Sioux City...

Suddenly, Lian Xi's lips moved.

He remembered something.

With his eyelids down, he said, "Since there are so many gods who have been reincarnated. Then we can find a few more gods who were reincarnated in other cities eighteen years ago, as well as gods who were reincarnated in Sioux City but were not reincarnated eighteen years ago. I believe that if you find them, you should be able to figure out what is the reason for the uniqueness of Bai Di and the River God. Judge Cui, can you find such an example?"

Judge Cui immediately took out the birth and death book: "It will take some effort, but it is not a problem. Please don't worry, adults."

"Well, then I'll trouble you."

The crowd continued to move forward.

"What's wrong."

A low and cold voice sounded beside him, and he turned his head evenly, his eyes suddenly fell into a pair of secluded eyes.

Heart moved slightly.

After a while.

Lian Xi: "Nothing."

The minister looked down at him, and after a while: "Oh?"

After a moment of silence, he continued: "I just thought that my grandfather was gone that year."

After taking a few more steps forward, Lian Xi turned his head and looked at the man who stopped: "Caochen?"

In the misty drizzle, the Lord of the Underworld looked at him quietly. After a long time, he stretched out his index finger and gently poked Lianxi's forehead.

"The memory has not been fully recovered. I don't know which god you are the reincarnation of. But, do you know why your family died?"

Lian Xi froze in place.

When the minister raised his right hand, a golden light flew from his palm and landed on the book of life and death in Judge Cui's hands.

Everyone looked back at him in surprise.

Judge Cui: "Sir?"

The minister: "..."

The Ombudsman: "Bring it to me."

Judge Cui: "Oh..."

The book of life and death does not belong to any ghost or god in the underworld, it is only in charge of the six-path reincarnation by Judge Cui. So even if the minister tried to take the book of life and death himself, the book of life and death would not listen to him at all.

Caochen raised one finger and pointed at the thin book with a cold expression.

"Lian Jiacheng, born in 1969 and died in 1998. The cause of death was an accidental fall from a building. After three months of rescue, he died ineffectively."

"Lin Xiaojuan, born in 1973 and died in 1997. Cause of death, postpartum depression, suicide by taking medicine."

"Lian Jin, born in 1949 and died in 2003. The cause of death was advanced liver cancer, and he died by jumping off a building."

Looking at the young man whose pupils were trembling in front of him, the minister fixed his eyes and said word by word, "They are your father, your mother, and your grandfather. Everyone should be tortured and die of despair. It was originally written in the book of life and death. Now, all of them died suddenly without realizing it."

Hearing this, the wheel-runner king on the side looked at Lian Xi in horror: "Who the hell are you?!"

The minister closed the book of life and death, moved his palm, and sent it to Lian Xi.

"Even Xi, they all started well because of you..."