Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 106


"According to what is written in the book of life and death, Lian Jin... is also the grandfather of the adult. He was born in 1949 and died in 2003. There is no difference between his life and the records in the book of life and death, but the cause of death has changed from jumping off a building to death. Because of an accidental death." Judge Cui flipped through the book of life and death, and said: "The subordinate also checked his past three lives, and found nothing special."

Lian Xi slowly narrowed his eyes.

Judge Cui didn't need to say, in fact, he also understood that if it was the death of grandfather that caused the two gods Baidi and Jishui River God to reincarnate in Sucheng, something abnormal happened. That matter has nothing to do with Grandpa, the real key... or him.


"Who am I?"

The voice fell, and the ghosts and gods in the room looked at each other, and no one could give an answer.

Ten days ago, Judge Cui would never have imagined that one day a mortal would ask himself who he was in such a solemn tone. However, Lian Xi not only asked, he also felt that it was worth thinking about.

Who can be someone who is not even recorded in the book of life and death

Suddenly, Judge Cui cried out in surprise.

Lian Xi cast a glance at this rare and reliable person in the whole Underworld, and said in surprise, "Judge Cui, what did you think of?"

"Ah this..." Judge Cui hesitated for a while, then quietly looked at the minister.

Mr. Zong noticed his gaze and raised his brows: Huh

Judge Cui: "My lord, what should your subordinate say?"

Caochen said calmly: "Is there anything you can't say? Let's talk."

"Yes!" Judge Cui received the order, and immediately stopped looking ahead, "My subordinates thought that this book of life and death even records the top gods like Emperor Bai, but it can't record the past life of Lian Xi. Mr. Xi is destined to be an extraordinary man, far surpassing the White Emperor." He licked, it was like licking and not licking until he clicked. Judge Cui did not change his face, and continued to say righteously: "Although the subordinate cannot check the true identity of Lord Lian Xi, but the subordinate thinks that besides Lord Lian Xi, there is another person who has not been recorded in the book of life and death."

Lian Xi was stunned, but in the next second, he reacted and turned his head.

Lian Xi: stare.

The minister: "..."

Lian Xi: "What kind of god were you in the past?"

The minister: "..."


"It does not matter."

Lian Xi looked at him fixedly: "Did you say that you want to check what happened in the book of life and death, so that Emperor Bai's reincarnation could not be reincarnated?"

"… "

After a second of silence, under the bright light, the stern Lord of the Underworld slowly opened his eyes and asked in surprise, "Have I said that?"

Everyone: "… "

Be yourself! ! !


On the other side of the ghost, Wangchuan Huangquan.

The black-red sky is like magma gradually turning ashes, heavy and sticky, straddling the sky above the entire underworld. The river was turbulent, hitting both sides. The sound of rushing water was the only sound here. Uncountable phantoms lined up in long dragons, walking on the road to the underworld in a daze, waiting for their reincarnation.

It has been more than half a year since Wang Yueqing was sent to the underworld.

Here there is no alternation of the sun and the moon, and no twilight. He was vain and did not know the passage of time, as if a long time had passed, and it seemed only a moment had passed.

Sighing deeply, the eighteen-year-old boy took another step forward listlessly.

He really wanted to know why, why all the ghost friends in the queue were able to talk at first, but after queuing for a while, their figures became ethereal, their minds became confused, and they could no longer chat with him. !

Only him! Only he was still very awake, and then continued to line up in the sky!

Let you stand in line for a year, you will not be crazy if you try!

Sighing again, Wang Yueqing regretted for the first time why he was so righteous and awe-inspiring.

"Hey, queuing up here, why are you still going astray, you little brat."

A blue-faced and fang-toothed officer walked up to him and pushed Wang Yueqing back to the team.

After all, he was just a mortal, Wang Yueqing didn't dare to say a word, and hurriedly stood back. In fact, he knew in his heart that the ghosts around him had become confused, but he was still awake, only because of his incomparably awesome past life. But the problem is, since the back door was opened for him in the previous life, why can't he open the back door again, so that he doesn't have to wait in line and jump in the line to reincarnate

Just thinking about it, it's finally here!

The officer shoved Wang Yueqing into the door, and when he looked up, he saw only two white circles of light.

"Su Cheng's death seems to have some background. He can't be reincarnated casually. He has to have a first trial."

"That's Jiangnan Road, it should be handed over to Jiang Gui and Luo Zhong."

"Hahaha and Jiang Guiluozhong, they have been in the world for several years, you don't know?"

"Ah, there's still this matter? Then let me think about it, then leave it to Judge Cui. I think this ghost is very big, and it can't be judged casually. Let Judge Cui personally try the first trial, we can rest assured."

"Judgment Cui has also been in the world for several years!"

"… "

"Further up, hum, I don't believe that Lord Wheel King is not here either!"

"Good guy, Ten Temple Yama, with a one in ten probability, you can guess the correct answer."

"… "

The light group asked cautiously: "Lord Wheel King is also going to the world?"

Another light group gloated: "That's right."

"… "

How can these officials be more unreliable than the other!

Wang Yueqing's face was bewildered, and he didn't see anything clearly, so he was rudely pushed by the officer to the next palace. He looked around in confusion, and the next moment, he only heard the deafening sound of thunder. The strong roar shook Wang Yueqing's whole body. The officer who sent him to the new palace didn't notice it. His soul dissipated slightly, but then solidified and formed again.

Wang Yueqing was solemn. For some reason, he felt peace and tranquility that he had never felt before. A strange sense of familiarity and trust made him slow down.

"Why, hurry up, everyone is rushing to reincarnate."

Wang Yueqing was stunned for a while, he lowered his head and walked forward.

Suddenly, a faint voice came from the depths of the soul.

The vast and far-reaching tone murmured a word in a weak voice.

A gloomy wind blew across the roaring Wangchuan.

He was still saying that word, but Wang Yueqing couldn't hear it clearly, he couldn't hear it clearly.

What is he talking about, what the hell is he talking about...

The boy's pale face became confused and ignorant. When he stepped into the gate of the next palace, the calm and heavy male voice slammed into the depths of his soul, leaving a mottled blood mark on his heart.

"White… "

"… White… "

"Shut up and refuse..."

Wang Yueqing paused.

The officer turned to look at him: "What happened to your kid?"

After a long time, the young man tilted his head and showed a beautiful smile: "Master Guicha, my name is Wang Yueqing."

The officer was confused. Although Wang Yueqing's soul can still be so awake after walking through the cycle of reincarnation, it is rare to see it once in ten years. But he sends so many souls away every day, why should he remember the name of this ghost? How strange.

Ignoring him, the ghost messenger shouted, "Go in quickly, Lord Pingping Wang is waiting for you."

Wang Yueqing nodded and stepped into the Hall of Equality.

At the same time, in the realm of the sun, Sioux City.

The scene was so brutal that no normal person dared to appear. The ghosts and gods such as Wheel King and Judge Cui hid in the kitchen one after another. Su Jiao was very interested in the so-called "true identity" of the minister, and he also wanted to know which god this nigger was in addition to being the lord of the underworld. . But his strength did not allow him to stay, so he also ran into his bedroom in a daze, closed the door and locked it.

In the empty living room, Lian Xi sat on one side of the coffee table, and Jochen sat on the other side of the sofa.

"Why don't you say it?"

General Manager: "..."

"Hmph, I don't want to talk."

Is that so important? There must be oddities. Lian Xi pondered for a moment, and his voice was calm: "What you say, I will take Mark to take you tonight."

Ma Kejia Yao, who knows who uses it!

Caochen's eyes lit up for a moment, but soon he raised the corners of his lips calmly, and said lightly, "Oh." Then, "Don't say it."

"… "

Lian Xi: "Then I won't play with you in the future."

The Ombudsman: "Can you?"

This answer was too fast, and even Xi didn't respond for a while. He froze slightly and raised his head.

"… how could I not."

The man's deep eyes seemed to look into his heart, just when Lian Xi was about to be unable to bear such a strong gaze, the minister laughed in a low voice and said firmly, "You won't."

Fingers tightened involuntarily.

Why can't he, he just will. Even if you really can't... it's because you are the lord of the underworld and are afraid of your lewd power!

Lian Xi made up his mind. He raised his eyes and looked at the man in front of him seriously: "Guichen, I really want to know who I am, and I want to know how my grandfather's death has anything to do with these strange things."

The young man's sincere and fiery gaze made the Koomi's lips move.

After a while, he opened his lips, and just as he was about to open his mouth, suddenly, the minister stood up abruptly. At the same moment, even the bronze bell on Xi's wrist trembled violently.

Caochen's eyes were dark and cold, his thin lips pursed into a line, he sneered: "It's interesting."

After a few seconds, the runner king, who was eavesdropping in the kitchen, was also stunned for a moment, and then said in horror: "What's wrong, has the king of hell fought again?!"

Judge Cui let out an "ah", and before he could speak, a thin booklet flew out of his sleeve. With a swipe, he flew to the front of the minister and Lian Xi.

Lian Xi asked in surprise, "The King of Hell was fighting?"

The minister sneered: "He is much more powerful than the King of Hell."