Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 11: I didn't appear on the first day I came to the world


The soul of the female ghost is like starlight, scattered in the dark night.

Lian Xi clapped his hands and stood up.

He turned his head to look at Su Jiao, who had long been frightened, and his voice was calm.

"Going home? I want to broadcast live."

Su Jiao: "..."

God, you still want to broadcast live!

Don't you lose face for the female ghost you just killed!

After a few seconds, Su Jiao came back to his senses and followed him: "Uh, I didn't expect you to be so cruel, that's still a girl..."

Lian Xi looked down at him and asked strangely, "Do you still have any sympathy for the murderer?"

Su Jiao didn't say a word.

Lian Xi's tone was indifferent: "Don't underestimate any murderous ghost, even a child..." The voice suddenly stopped, and after a while, Lian Xi continued: "A child can also be an executioner."

Su Jiao: "Well, you are right."

After a while.

Su Jiao: "But you didn't beat her to the core just now."

Lian Xi stopped: "Fuck?!"

Su Jiao was shocked: "You still curse?"

Lian Xi: "..."

Su Jiao scratched his head: "I thought you knew, you just strangled the girl's two souls and six souls, and there was only one soul left. It seemed that she was reincarnated just now, didn't you notice? How could a normal person be possible? Killing the evil ghost with your bare hands, if you only let the bell play, I feel that it should be able to completely beat the female ghost to pieces, but you can do it yourself... it doesn't seem to be very good."

Lian Xi: "..."

Then you didn't say it sooner!

Even Xi raised his wrist: don't you remind me? !

The bronze bell shook: Humph, I told you not to let me kill her~ a little!


Xu Lang was discharged from the hospital.

Coming out of the air-conditioned hospital lobby, I was greeted by a scorching heat wave.

But Xu Lang didn't feel hot, he looked up at the sunny blue sky and took a deep breath of fresh air.

- It's like a lifetime.

Xu Lang's injury was not serious, except for the wound on his forehead that needs to be dealt with, the rest are trivial matters. He was only hospitalized for one night and was discharged from the hospital. In the morning, the police took notes on him. Xu Lang calmly answered the policeman's question, and now, he has finally recovered his freedom.

Looking at this vast expanse of sky, after a while, Xu Lang looked at the shopping mall diagonally opposite the hospital.

He strode in.

after an hour.

Lian Xi is cleaning the house.

"Hey Lianxi, can I not clean the toilet!"

Lian Xi calmly said: "You lost the guessing boxing."

Su Jiao: " fucking guess the boxing game I lost the day before yesterday, is it appropriate for you to use it now! Do you dare to compete with me again!"

Lian Xi looked down at the clusters of red light wrapped around his fingers, and said calmly, "We'll talk about it tomorrow."

Su Jiao: "Gan!"

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

Thinking it was the takeout order just now, Su Jiao shouted loudly, "Go open the door, I'm hungry!"

Glancing at the shorty roommate who was washing the toilet, the handsome and elegant young man put down the vacuum cleaner and walked to the door. However, as soon as the door was opened, he saw the people standing outside the door. Lian Xi was slightly startled, and stood there without moving for a long time.

Su Jiao came out of the toilet: "Why, takeaway... eh? What the hell?!"

I saw that standing outside the door was the wanderer!

A homeless man in a light-colored suit stood outside the door with a white gauze tied on his forehead. He looked at Lian Xi and then at Su Jiao who was standing inside the house. After a while, he showed a hard and bitter smile and asked, "Excuse me... May I go in?"

The bright summer sun shines into the house along the spacious glass of the living room.

Wandering took the hot water that Lian Xi poured him: "Thank you. It's been a long time, so let me introduce you formally. My name is Xu Lang, and my ID is Wandering."

Lian Xi sat opposite him and hummed softly.

Xu Lang laughed at himself and said, "I'm here because I want to tell a story."

Hearing this, Su Jiao shuddered and looked at Lian Xi quietly.

He didn't forget that the last person who wanted to tell Lian Xi a story was almost beaten to the core.

However, Lian Xi didn't change, he took a sip of water with a calm expression: "Oh?"

Xu Lang took a deep breath and continued: "I had a long, long dream. I dreamed that I came here, I dreamed a lot of bizarre things, I dreamed of a lot of things I never thought of. But the dream When I woke up, I almost forgot, I remembered nothing. But I remember one thing..."

He raised his head, looked seriously at the calm young man in front of him, and said word by word, "I remember, you seem to have saved my life."

Even Xi smiled: "Mr. Xu, do you take all your dreams seriously?"

Xu Lang looked at him stubbornly: "Is that really a dream?"

Lian Xi asked strangely, "How about it? Why don't you tell me what dream you had?"

Xu Lang: "...I forgot."

Lian Xi: "Since it's a dream, don't think too much."

Xu Lang was still unwilling to give up, he stared at Lian Xi without blinking, just to see his flaws. But Lian Xi was unmoved by it, and still drank tea indifferently and calmly.

After a long time, Xu Lang gave up. He opened the folder he brought with him, took out a document, and put it on the coffee table: "This time, in addition to that dream, I also brought a contract. Liancheng, don't be in a hurry to refuse! You can Let’s take a look at the content of this contract. This contract is signed by myself and you. In fact, I am one of the founders of the Gem Guild and the largest investor. For the new contract, I will give you a basic salary of 10,000 yuan a month. , At the same time, you are absolutely satisfied with what the gift is divided into. The most important thing is that I will not interfere with any of your live broadcast content, and I will not have any harsh requirements on you. "

Lian Xigang wanted to refuse, but after hearing this, he raised his head and said in surprise, "Mr. Xu..."

Xu Lang smiled helplessly: "These are all petty money. Compared to my life, let alone 10,000, 1,000,000, 10,000,000 is nothing. Since it's just a dream, let me use it. A little money to thank you, let me escape from the nightmare." He raised the corners of his mouth, showing a mature and confident smile: "No one can get along with money... Are you right, Liancheng?"

This time, Lian Xi accepted Xu Lang's contract.

He took a closer look, and the dwarf roommate also helped as a staff officer, and finally the two reached a consensus—

This Xu Lang is really here to send money!

Money drops from the sky, don't pick up bastards!


Lian Xi signed the contract, in duplicate, and each of them took one.

Before leaving, Xu Lang said with a smile: "By the way, when I was discharged from the hospital, I went to the mall next door and bought a gift. What a coincidence, I bought two copies, as if I had dreamed that you don't live alone, Mr. Lian. ."

Lian Xi looked at the Apple phone bag that Xu Lang handed over, but did not reach out to pick it up.

Xu Lang: "It's nothing, you will be our guild's contract anchor in the future. This is a hardware salary, so accept it. Otherwise, I will lose it."

Seeing that Lian Xi didn't mean to reach for it, Xu Lang smiled, put the two iPhones in front of his house, and went straight into the elevator to go downstairs.

After he left, Su Jiao picked up the phone excitedly.

"Fuck, it's too profitable to save people this time!"

Without even saying a word, Xi followed Su Jiao to open the mobile phone that Xu Lang gave.

Whoops, the latest Apple.

It's so rich.

Yes, no one has trouble living with money.

Since this stray had to be given away, even Xi did not refuse.

What a hypocrite!

The two dismantled the latest Apple mobile phone and used it. Even Xi was installing the system when the doorbell rang. Going to open the door this time, it's a real takeaway brother.

Lian Xi: "Are you eating grilled meat or tomato rice?"

Su Jiao threw himself wholeheartedly on the new mobile phone: "Kairou rice bowl!"

Lian Xi: "Oh."

The two started to eat while playing with their mobile phones. However, halfway through...

On the bare spoon, half of the corpse of the caterpillar was in the final nervous struggle. It tilted its head and aimed at Lianxi: Hello!

Lian Xi: "..."

Su Jiao: "Hey, Lian Xi, why are you going, not eating?"


Su Jiao: "Fuck, this is still a human?! This store is still the most praised, but there are bugs? If you lose money, you need spiritual compensation!"

Lian Xi: "...Forget it."

Su Jiao: "Huh? That's it?"

Lian Xi's face was lifeless and could only be speechless.

…you know the shit!

Lian Xi: "I'm going to take a bath."

five minutes later.

Lian Xi: "Su Jiao? Su Jiao?! Where's the water! Why is the water gone!"

Su Jiao: "Uh, Lian Xi, the property management sent a text message just now, saying that the nearby road repaired the water pipe, and it is being repaired."

Lian Xi: "..."

After wiping off the foam all over his head, he lay down on the bed and decided to be a dead salted fish with peace of mind.

I don't do anything now, just lie down, let's do it!

After half an hour.

Lian Xi walked out of the bedroom expressionlessly: "The air conditioner in my room seems to be broken."

Su Jiao, who was packing up and preparing to go to class: "Uh, it seems that there is a power outage, and we are rushing to repair."

Lian Xi: "..."

How dare you not give people a way to live! ! !

Su Jiao thought again and again, and asked cautiously, "That Lianxi, have you noticed... You seem to be particularly unlucky today?"

Lian Xi looked at him lightly: "What?"

Su Jiao: "Yes!"

Shorty's roommate rolled his eyes, smiled, and stretched out his right hand: "Why don't we try guessing again?"

Lian Xi: "..."

Be yourself!


For several days, even Xi lived a miserable and unfortunate life.

Brush your teeth, stop the water.

Is playing a game, suddenly 460!

It's all good, but the worst is...

For three consecutive days and 41 consecutive rounds, he has encountered a hang-up teammate!

I don't know if it's because Xu Lang signed Lian Xi and gave him some good advertising spots. Now, Lian Xi's live broadcast room has gained some popularity, and the number of living people has exceeded three digits.

[I heard that the anchor has been running for three consecutive days, 41 rounds, and each round has a teammate who hangs up. I'll take a look!]

[Reverse Koi! I would like to use ten pounds of fat, please the anchor bless my rival to fail the exam at the end of the period, and the door is a red light!]

[Hahaha, 42 rounds, this time the jungler is a hang-up dog again!]

[There is a reasonable suspicion that the anchor is the director, and he bought a group of actors to play himself (dog head)]

Lian Xi: "..."

Human words? !

In the 43rd round, the teammates finally had no actors.

Lian Xi cried with joy and took out his national uniform, Zhuge Liang.

Success or failure is here!

Seeing that Lian Xi didn't encounter the hanging dog again, the fans in the live broadcast room shouted that they were bored and started talking about other things.

[Have you heard, it turns out that Mao Mao Jiang did not commit suicide because of cyber violence! Before she committed suicide, she sent a lot of WeChat messages to Hydrogen, hoping that Hydrogen would save her. As a result, Hydrogen was playing games that day and ignored her at all!]

[I saw that hot search. It's terrible, I didn't expect hydrogen to be such a person!]

Lian Xi watched the barrage while playing the game.

He shook his head slightly.

[You defeat! ]

fuck? !

I just died once, and you guys forced your teammates to die? !

You might as well hang up! ! !

A high-end residential area in Nanjing.

The young man with dyed yellow hair was sweating with anxiety. He had already bought a ticket to Sioux City. He can't wait, he wants to see Xu Lang, he wants to ask what the hell is going on!

Isn't it all over

Those were all misunderstandings, he didn't pinch Xu Lang at all!

The police let him go, and even Xu Lang personally went to the police station to protect him. Why did he become like this again when he just returned to Nanjing

Called dozens of times, and suddenly connected.

Hydrogen's eyes reddened anxiously: "Brother Lang! What's going on, why are you doing this all of a sudden! Isn't the matter over, isn't it okay? Why, why are you all! Why are you doing this to me?! "

On the phone, Xu Lang smiled slightly and asked slowly, "What happened?"

Hydrogen was stunned: "Didn't you do it? Brother Lang, the news suddenly started to break out on the Internet, Mao Maojiang committed suicide because of me. I only showed you the suicide WeChat messages she sent me, and now it's everywhere on the Internet. It's all there!"

"Oh, that, I sent it out."

"Brother Lang?!"

"Hydrogen, in the past few days, I have had a dream."


"I dreamed that the cat hair sauce came to me. She blamed me, blamed me for breaking up you, blamed me for not letting you fall in love with her. She wants to kill me, she wants to be with you forever and ever. You say me Did she do something wrong, why does she have to come to me. The person she really should be looking for is not you... "

Holding the phone, the yellow-haired boy suddenly felt a chill on his back, and his voice trembled: "Brother Lang, what are you talking about..."

Xu Lang sighed deeply: "However, no one will have a hard time with money."

"Brother Lang?"

"Hehe, make good money, my cash cow."


The next day, Lian Xi broadcasted the live broadcast on time and on time. The live broadcast room was still lively and lively, and there were more than 50 living people. Who knew that it was only after nine o'clock when someone suddenly howled—

[Fuck! It's reversed again! Check it out!]

With a bang, everyone ran away.

After the broadcast, Lian Xi opened Weibo, saw the long Weibo posted by Hydrogen, and saw more WeChat chat records between him and Mao Maojiang.

A hysterical girl.

One threatens you to break up with me, I will kill myself, I will die with you, and I will kill your whole family of girls.

A pair took the money from the black-hearted economic company and casually said that their daughter was an unscrupulous parent who died of cyber violence.

A sad anchor who did his best to take care of her family and deal with her funeral after his ex-girlfriend died.

In this life of hydrogen, it has been involved with cat hair sauce!

He also swore on his long Weibo that no matter what the truth of the matter was, Mao Maojiang was gone.

He will take care of Mao Maojiang's parents in his life, and he will take Mao Maojiang's parents as his biological parents.

Everything is his fault!

This time, not only the fans are on his side, but even passers-by feel sorry for this young anchor who has affected the rest of his life since then.

The guild company represented by the wanderers was scolded bloody, but...

Hydrogen is red!

Su Jiao came out of the bathroom and saw Lian Xi: "Hey, you finished the live broadcast? I just checked Weibo and saw an anchor of your Douya. This man is too unlucky! He was dragged by a woman like this. , When a person dies, she still has to take care of her parents for a lifetime. She's an old and unlucky one. This anchor is called Hydrogen, right? I'll pay attention to him later. "

Lian Xi: "Don't you think the name Mao Maojiang sounds familiar?"

Su Jiao was stunned, and after a while: "Fuck? That female ghost?!"

Lian Xi smiled calmly.

From the beginning to the end, Xu Lang never gave up on human blood steamed buns.

His mouth was full of oil.

Gurgling, bright red, running down.

Yes, in this world, how can there be people who can't live with money

"Su Jiao!!!"

"Ah? The water is cut off again? Hey, even Xi you are too unlucky!"

Lian Xi: "..."

This day is really over!

Coming out of the bathroom, Lian Xi was wearing pajamas and expressionless: "Come out with me later."

Su Jiao glanced at the clock on the wall pointing to one point: "Do you say it again?"

"There are many ghosts in the middle of the night."


Lian Xi: "Go out and do something good, understand?"

Su Jiao: "..."

Lian Xi thought for a while: "Can you be kinder?"

Su Jiao: "..."

Are you sick! ! !


Su Jiao didn't understand why he stayed idle for most of the night and went out to hang out with Lian Xi!

At midnight, at the crossroads.

Lian Xi: "Grandma, let me help you cross the road."

Grandma: "I don't! I'm waiting for my good grandson!"

Lian Xi: "In the middle of the night, your grandson is asleep. I'll help you there."

Grandma: "No, my good grandson will come."

Lian Xi: "Can you let me help?"

Grandma: "No!"


"I won't!"


"Do not!"

Lian Xi: "..."

Lian Xi: "Let's go!"

The old grandmother howled: "Save the ghost, it's hard for someone to force the ghost!"

Watching Su Jiao, who was lively for a long time, said: "..."

He poked Lian Xi's arm: "What are you doing, you have to help this old woman cross the road?"

Lian Xi paused slightly and pointed at the old woman's forehead: "Can't you see?"

Su Jiao hugged his arms and stared at it for a long time: "What do you see?"

Lian Xi looked back at the faint golden light on the old woman's forehead. He turned to look at Su Jiao, and said calmly, "Nothing. I just think, learn from Lei Feng, do a good deed every day, and help the old grandma cross the road."

Su Jiao looked at the old woman who was crying bitterly and muttered, "Are you sure you are doing a good deed every day?"

Lian Xi glanced at him.

What do you know

From childhood to adulthood, Lian Xi has seen countless ghosts.

At the beginning, he would often help these ghosts to fulfill their wishes, and they would not refuse, because most ghosts are not evil ghosts, they just have unfulfilled wishes, so they are nostalgic for the world. As long as their obsessions are fulfilled, they can be reborn.

However, gradually, Lian Xi discovered that every time he finished helping the ghost, the ghost's body would flash golden or red light.

Golden light, then the heaven descends the merits.

The red light is full of evil!

Last time, he helped Chen Jianjun's ghost and found the murderer of the fan factory murder case for him. He made a lot of merit and made him a second-generation demolisher; this time, he killed Mao Maojiang's ghost and immediately became red. Wrap around! It's been three days, and I eat worms in takeout every day. Who can stand it!

However, when it comes to helping ghosts, it doesn't mean that if you do good deeds, you will get golden light, nor do you do bad deeds.

So ethereal!

Except for very rare cases, most ghosts can only know whether they are getting golden light or red light after they have helped them.


From the looks of it now, Su Jiao doesn't seem to have this trouble at all. He is not affected by the red light and the golden light at all, and he cannot see these things.

Lian Xi turned his head to look at the old woman who had been dead for some unknown number of years, stared at the faint golden light on her forehead, and gritted his teeth: "You can pass today, but you can! I'll help you cross the road! "

Grandma: "… "

I may not be human, but you are a real dog!

Nonsense, of course Lian Xi couldn't let this old woman go.

He and Su Jiao strolled around the entire Sucheng Park, only to find such a ghost, and his body flashed golden light in advance.

Can he let her go

Lian Xi grabbed the old woman's arms with both hands: "Come with me!"

The old woman cried with pear blossoms and rain: "Woooooo, save the ghost, save the ghost! Hey, that handsome guy in front, save me, it's hard for a strong ghost!"

Su Jiao laughed: "You are so old, you still know how to look at handsome guys? Where can I look?"

Lian Xi wholeheartedly forced the ghost to cross the road, but he didn't even bother to look up: "Just follow me!"

Old woman ghost: "Help, handsome guy!"

Lian Xi frowned slightly, and was about to speak, when suddenly, a golden light flashed in the corner of his eye.

He shook his body and raised his head slowly.

At three in the morning, Sioux City Park, Times Square,

The cool night wind is oncoming, and at the empty intersection, the handsome and beautiful young man slowly opened his mouth and looked at the man walking towards him...

golden light.

In this life, even Xi can't forget the scene in front of him.

Beside her is a crying old woman.

In front of him was the golden light that came slowly and silently.

The unparalleled splendor is dazzling with the sun.

At this moment, the heartbeat became peaceful and quiet, and there was the whistling sound of the wind, and the slow and steady heartbeat of plop, plop.

For the first time, so hot.

… not wind movement.

is heartbeat.

Old woman: "Help, handsome guy!"

Lian Xi brushed loose and grabbed the old woman's two hands, and the old woman fell to the ground with a slap.

Old woman ghost: "???"

Su Jiao: "Lian Xi???"

Looking at the blinding golden light in front of him, the young man's eyes were hot and his breathing quickened. He exhaled lightly, calmed his mind, then smiled gently, his eyebrows and eyes curved into a beautiful crescent shape: "That..."

"Excuse me, do you want to cross the road?"

The author has something to say:

Granny Ghost: ? ? ? ? Does it fit? Does it fit? You just threw me away, let me slap it, is that right

CC: Golden Light! What a big golden light! This is mine, I must be mine! ! !

General Manager: ... [I didn't even show my face?]

#On what kind of experience the face is covered by golden light#