Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 15


In the air-conditioned elevator room, the cool wind blows down from the top of the head.

Lian Xi glanced at the young guy, smiled and shook his head: "No, go out to do something."

The boy was surprised: "Going to work so early?"

Even Xi didn't explain much: "Yes."

The two chatted casually for a few more words, and soon, the elevator reached the first floor. As soon as Lian Xi got out of the elevator door, a young man exclaimed from behind: "Ah, I didn't take my mobile phone!" Lian Xi turned around and saw the young man helplessly spread his hands, hehe smiled: "Brother, look at my memory, I'll go get a cell phone."

Lian Xi nodded: "Okay, bye."

When Lian Xi came to the gate of the community, the Didi driver had been waiting for a long time.

Getting in the car and blowing the cold air-conditioning wind, he thought in a trance: Is it a bit too extravagant

It seems that in the past month, he always took a taxi when he went out, and he never took the bus.

But then I thought about it, in such a hot day, there is no need to suffer myself. Not to mention that it is still a demolition household, even if it is really sitting on the mountain...

Isn't there a golden man at home

Lian Xi thought in a daze, and soon, he arrived at the park hospital.

The Park Hospital is the largest hospital in the Sioux City Park.

Lian Xi is from the old Sioux City.

At that time, he was considered a premature baby, and before the due date, he was scheduled to go to the hospital the next day, but who knew that he was in a hurry to come out, and his amniotic fluid broke that night. My father hurriedly used a motorcycle to pick up my mother from the suburbs and sent it to the hospital in the park to deliver the baby.

More than 20 years ago, there were only two three-story buildings in the park hospital. Today, it already occupies an area of 100 acres and there are many high-rise buildings.

Lian Xi waited for a while in the lobby on the first floor of the hospital, when a young man with glasses in an intern's clothes came over.

Lian Xi stood up.

Doctor of glasses: "You are... Lian Xi?"

Lian Xi: "Yes."

The doctor of glasses glanced at him up and down, and said "Oh" softly: "Zhao Wei told me about you. You know someone from the hospital before, and now you want to find out? He didn't make it clear on WeChat."

Lian Xi explained: "I was born in the park hospital, and now I want to find the nurse who delivered me back then."

The optician was dumbfounded: "Are you looking for the nurse who delivered you?"


"Uh, it's hard to do..."

Lian Xi graduated from Sioux City University, and the Department of Medicine of Sioux City University is well-known throughout China.

Looking for the old nurse who gave him the bell back then, it was naturally impossible for Lian Xi to smear her eyes and suddenly came. He deliberately went to the alumni group to ask around, and found a classmate with a good relationship. Then I asked this classmate for help and contacted the intern who graduated from Suzhou University.

The optician pushed the frame of the glasses with a look of embarrassment on his face: "So, I was intern in the obstetrics and gynecology department last month. There is an old nurse with a lot of qualifications there. Maybe she knows something. I'll take you there to ask."

Lian Xi: "Okay, sorry for your troubles, thank you."

Lian Xi was lucky. When the two arrived at the obstetrics and gynecology department, the old nurse happened to be on duty today.

However, when Lian Xi asked about the nurse who delivered her baby twenty-three years ago, the old nurse rolled her eyes and said speechlessly, "Who knows this kind of thing?"

Doctor of glasses: "Sister Qin, help."

The old nurse known as Sister Qin frowned: "Xiao Wang, it's not that I don't want to help you, it's been 23 years, it's been 1997! Although I came to this hospital in 1995, women The obstetrics department is over, but do you know how many people we deliver every day? Do you know how many nurses have gone and how many nurses have come in in the past 23 years?" She looked at Lian Xi again, "When were you born? "

Lian Xi immediately replied: "November 27, 1997."

Sister Qin thought about it for a long time and sighed: "Don't say whether I know who delivered you, I don't even remember, whether I was on duty that day! Who can still remember the twenty-three years!"

Even Xi felt a big head.

Indeed, what happened twenty-three years ago, for him, was the day he was born and the most unforgettable day for the whole family. But for these nurses and doctors, it was just an ordinary day.

Sister Qin glanced at them both: "Okay, on Xiao Wang's face, I'll go back and ask you in the retirement group. But don't get your hopes up, how is it possible to find this? The doctor and nurse who delivered you, even if you see it. I'm sure none of my news has been remembered! By the way, do you remember anything special that happened that day? Talk about it, maybe it will be useful."

Lian Xi: "There was an old nurse that day who gave me a bell."

Sister Qin said in surprise: "Send a bell? It's weird. Okay, I understand, you can go first, I will ask you."

Lian Xi and the two returned home in defeat.

Leaving the obstetrics and gynecology department and before the elevator, the optician said, "I have to go upstairs to do the experiment. If there is news from Sister Qin, I will inform you later."

Lian Xi nodded and said softly, "Thank you, I'll treat you to dinner when you're free."

The optician didn't look awake, nor was he polite to Lian Xi. He waved his hand casually, turned around and entered the elevator.

Even Xi came early.

The hospital opened at six, and he arrived at half past six.

However, even at six o'clock in the morning, the hospital was already crowded and full of people.

Some people came to the city from the countryside overnight, carrying a plastic bag of test sheets from the township hospital, just to find a specialist to see a doctor for their father; some held a feverish daughter, rubbed her forehead in distress, and waited anxiously at the door of the pediatrics department; There are people who are wandering in the city alone, seeing a doctor, doing tests, paying bills, and sitting on a plastic chair with a cotton ball in a daze...

This is the world.

There is no place better than the hospital to see the world and understand that everyone has their own fate.

Dressed in gold and silver, in ragged clothes.

After entering this door, there is only one appearance left: I want to live and step out of this door safely.


The elevator has arrived.

Lian Xi walked into the descending elevator, and a few patients next to him glanced at the elevator, but did not go in.

They were waiting for the elevator to go upstairs to see a doctor.

Lian Xi took out his mobile phone and prepared to take a taxi. However, after a few tries, the signal in the elevator was extremely poor and he was never in the service area.

It seems to have to wait for the elevator to take a taxi.


Lian Xi was about to go out when suddenly, his footsteps stopped.

He slowly raised his head, his eyes fixed, and he looked at the long-haired woman who entered the elevator.

In the empty and white corridor, there are no windows on both sides, only the high-wattage ceiling lights illuminate the smooth ground, glowing a layer of dead gray.

A black-haired woman lowered her head and walked stiffly from the corridor... into the elevator.

She walked slowly to the corner, then stood still.

With a click, the elevator door closed.

Lian Xi looked up at the display.

Four floors.

"Where are you going?" The young man's voice was calm and calm.

The mirror of the elevator reflected the long-haired woman standing behind her. She didn't say a word, but kept her head down, hiding her face behind her thick long hair.

Lian Xi stared at each other quietly, a red flash flashed in his corner of the eye. Lian Xi looked down.

A thin red rope was tied around the woman's wrist.

Unlike the red rope on Lian Xi's left wrist, this rope is thicker, and there is no bronze bell tied to it. It's just a bare red rope, not good-looking, but it's tied to a pale and bloodless hand.

In the icy elevator, the floors descended layer by layer.

Lian Xi stared blankly at the elevator number and jumped to the second floor, and then...

It is the negative first floor.

Skip the first floor.

"Do you know that there are rules in the mortuary of the hospital?"

During the long dead silence, suddenly, the woman's hoarse and monotonous voice sounded. Lian Xi raised his head, his eyes met the woman's.

At some point, she also raised her head, her long jet-black hair slid down her cheeks, revealing a pale, standing face.

"do you know?"

In the elevator mirror, the woman slowly tilted her head, looked at Lian Xi, slowly opened the corner of her mouth, and smiled.

Lian Xi looked at her silently, and said lightly, "I don't know."

"A red rope must be tied to the body of the dead. Once it is tied, you will know... it is going to be sent to the morgue."

"… "

long silence.

The woman just grinned silently, but a laughter that seemed to come from her bones kept echoing through the metal walls of the elevator.

dong dong dong —

dong dong dong —

The whole elevator seemed to tremble.

The elevator keeps going down, keeps going down!


Lian Xi quickly looked up...

Eighteen floors underground!

At this moment, the elevator door slammed open, and the cold and pale light squeezed out of the gap in the door and poured down!

Lian Xi's eyes tightened, his lips pursed, and his hand pressed the bronze bell on his left wrist. But just as he was about to ring the bell, suddenly, the people standing outside the door were illuminated by the light.

Lian Xi's movements stopped.

A short old man in work clothes with a mop in his hand stood outside the elevator, looked at Lian Xi in surprise, and then looked at the elevator numbers above his head.

"Boy, why are you here?"

Lian Xi didn't let go of his hand holding the bell. He looked at each other carefully, and after a while: "There seems to be something wrong with the elevator."

The old man slapped his thigh: "The elevator is broken again! This is the mortuary, you are in the wrong place, go up quickly!" He saw the person behind Lian Xi, his eyes narrowed: "Xiao Lin! Why are you here? Is it scary again?" As he said, he reached out and pulled the woman standing in the corner.

The short old man looked at Lian Xi and smiled apologetically: "My colleague, I always like to be scary. Did she tell you that the dead in the mortuary would tie a red rope, and then show you the red on her wrist... Uh, You have one too, lad."

Lian Xi: "..."

Lian Xi silently hid his left hand behind him.

The short old man patted the long-haired woman on the head: "Why don't you apologize to others."

The long-haired woman giggled.

The short old man: "Don't listen to her nonsense, there is no one who ties red ropes to dead people now. Then..." The old man rolled his eyes, "If it's all right, we have to clean up, so let's go first."

Lian Xi glanced at the two of them, said nothing, and nodded.

The old man breathed a sigh of relief, as if he was afraid that Lian Xi would go to the hospital leaders to complain to them.

Through the gap of the elevator door that was gradually closing, Lian Xi saw the old man constantly reprimanding the young woman, accusing her not to scare the patients in the hospital.

"Make you scarier!"

"Do you still want this month's salary?"

"Young people today, you can't control it!"


The elevator door was completely closed.

Lian Xi looked up at the display.

negative three layers.

It must have been wrong just now.

He pressed the elevator button on the first floor, and the elevator slowly drove up.

The cool air of the air conditioner was blowing gently, and Lian Xi turned on the phone and found that there was a signal again.

The elevator went up floor by floor, but in the corridor of the mortuary on the third floor of the hospital, the short old man's scolding became less and less. At the end of the scolding, he was completely silent, only the laughter of the woman echoed through the corridor walls.

The woman lifted her foot, and the skirt slid away, revealing a bony left ankle.

There's a plastic tag tied there—


"whee… "

"Hahahaha… "

The author has something to say:

General Manager: ? ? ? Does this mention me a word

CC: Gold, Light, Big, Guy! Four words!