Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 21


The east is white, and the morning light is dense.

A black Didi parked on the side of the road, carrying two impermanence.

Maybe it was because Didi was about to go home to rest after running all night. As soon as Lian Xi and Guchen got into the car, the driver looked at them from the rearview mirror. The car started, and the driver sitting in the front row laughed and chatted: "So early, did you just go out, or did you not come back all night?"

Of course, Lord Hei Wuchang will not pay attention to him, and even Xi is not good at words.

But after a few seconds, Lian Xi dared to say, "Just got home."

The master nodded and looked at the two of them: "You young people, the nightlife is really rich." This is when they went to the nightclub to play all night and just returned home.

Lian Xi hesitantly coped with the past.

Seeing that the driver was going to chat again, even Xi's scalp was numb, and he felt that it was more difficult than dealing with the kid. Suddenly, the mobile phone in his pocket rang, and he opened it to take a look.

It's a WeChat message.

[Xu Lang: Liancheng, I took a look at your live broadcast data in the past few days. It is better than before, and it was not bad last night.]

Taking this opportunity, Lian Xi hurriedly lowered his head to reply, no longer paying attention to the driver: [Hmm… ]

Xu Lang replied in a second, a little surprised: [Are you not asleep, or just woke up?]

[I didn't sleep.]

[Is it ok to accept phone call?]

Even Xi couldn't ask for it: [Yes.]

The next second, the phone rang, and the driver in the front row had to shut up.

Xu Lang: "Hehe, your live broadcast data hit a new high last night, not bad, Liancheng."

Even Xi Gan laughed twice.

From dozens of audiences to more than 100 audiences, it is indeed a new high.

Xu Lang: "I have arranged a very good recommendation for you tonight. Prepare yourself and make some live broadcasts."

Hearing this, Lian Xi remembered: "Don't waste the recommendation for me."

Xu Lang smiled instead: "What is waste? I'm very optimistic about you. Tonight, this is the best homepage recommendation in Quandouya. Don't waste this opportunity, and keep going. I remember the first time hydrogen was used three years ago. On this recommendation, I gained 300,000 followers overnight and received tens of thousands of gifts."

Even Xi's lips moved, but after all, he didn't say much.

… tens of thousands of RMB a night.

I really want it.


One must always have a dream.

In kindergarten, Lian Xi wanted to be the conductor of the choir in the garden, because everyone likes to be friends with the conductor child and talk to him. But it is a pity that Lian Xi practiced singing songs at home for a week. On the day when the teacher selected the conductor, she did not let the children run for election at all, but directly called a child to go up.

The child's father is the vice president of Sioux City Park Hospital.

Later, Lian Xi wanted to be a scientist, an astronaut, and a millionaire...

People always have dreams, you see, he just relied on demolition and became a millionaire.

So now, Lian Xi still has a dream.

If he is not careful, what if he also received a gift of tens of thousands of RMB tonight

With excitement and nervousness, at eight o'clock in the evening, the dumb live broadcast room was officially launched.

In front of the computer desk, the handsome and beautiful young man calmed his breath slightly, and he seriously opened the live broadcast room. In the next second, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room soared from 100 to 1,000 in an instant! Then there was no chance for anyone to react, swish swish, the number of fans swiped, and it rose to 10,000!

Lian Xi: "!"

Su Jiao: "!"

He stood aside, folded his arms.

Tsk, I don't understand what these two humans are excited about.

Su Jiao: "I know, this is too powerful, you are going to be a big anchor!"

Even Xi was very excited, but his cold and indifferent little white face was still very calm, and he couldn't see any fluctuations: "It's still very early..."

With more than 10,000 viewers watching, the live broadcast officially started.

[Who is this anchor, Liancheng? Never heard of it.]

[Recommended on the home page, pesticides are used. What is the anchor playing?]

[Wow tonight, the anchor is recommended on the homepage, awesome, do I have to develop a big anchor? I watched the anchor when he only had 300 followers!]

[This anchor features Ma Chao and Sun Shangxiang, who are national clothes.]

Lian Xi silently added in his heart: Thank you, and Zhuge Liang and Zhao Yun.

The live broadcast room was very lively, but Lian Xi seldom spoke. In a game, he might say two at most. Slowly, there are fewer and fewer people in the live broadcast room. Even if a new audience clicks in from the homepage recommendation and watches the dumb live broadcast for a few minutes, they get bored and run away.

Slowly, there were only a few thousand people left in the live broadcast room.

[Anchor, say something, you are not really a dumb live broadcast room.]

[Why don't the anchor sing a song.]

And the old audience: [The anchor who spoke last night was your roommate, you can sing a song with him. You two sing, and I'll brush the plane for you.]

airplane? !

One hundred dollars!

Lian Xi's eyes lit up.

But he quietly looked back at the black impermanence who was sitting on the sofa and rarely went out to work today...

Forget it, he can't earn this hundred dollars.

Lian Xi: "He doesn't like to sing."

[Wow, the anchor's voice is very nice, why don't you talk more.]

[It sounds good, pay attention to the anchor! Your roommate doesn't like to sing, so you can sing a song yourself.]

Even Xi was about to say that I don't like to sing, but the audience member said again: [I really don't want to sing, or the anchor can tell a story. Anyway, you are so strong in games, torture and kill, and tell us a story with dual purposes. Tell a story, and I'll give you a plane.]

Lian Xi suddenly came to the spirit, he recalled for a moment in his mind, and spoke slowly.

"Then... let me tell you a story."

[Talk about it!]

[Send a blood bottle to the anchor! Hurry up!]

Lian Xi was silent, and while manipulating the characters to play games, he told the story in a gentle voice.

"I heard this story from a college roommate. My roommate is from Yancheng, Jiangsu, and his middle school is Yancheng Middle School. Their school is very large and has many campuses. Among them, the campus of the junior high school is located in Yancheng City. The district, an old campus, was established in the last century and has a long history of 93 years.”

[Wow, Yancheng people report!]

[The sense of substitution is coming!]

Outside the door, the dwarf roommate passed by after taking a shower. Hearing that Lian Xi was actually telling a story, he sat over curiously.

Lord Hei Wuchang also raised his gaze from the certificate of impermanence. He looked at Lian Xi. From his perspective, he could just see the smooth chin line of the young man.

Lian Xi said quietly: "Yancheng is the revolutionary base of the New Fourth Army. There is a two-story building in the old campus of Yanzhong Old Campus. Many famous generals lived there during wars, such as General Chen Yi. Therefore, this building The building is also known as the Chen Yi Building by the locals.”

"The old campus has a lot of flowers and plants, and many trees, the kind of towering trees. No matter how strong the sun is in summer, unless the sun hangs over your head at noon, you will be walking on the campus, and many places will not be able to get the sun at all, and all of them will be covered by dozens of meters. A tall tree is blocking it."

[Recognized by real name, the anchor does not seem to be making up stories. The flowers and plants in our salt are extremely lush, and the big mosquito in the salt does not want to recall.]

[Alumni recognize relatives! Don't want to recall +1!]

Slowly, there were more people in the live broadcast room again.

Lian Xi glanced at the barrage. After the game was over, he didn't start a new game, but put down his phone and told the story seriously.

"There are many horror legends in every school. The simplest and most widely spread one is that every school is built on a cemetery. First, it can use the students' honesty and righteousness to ward off evil spirits, and second, the cemetery is cheap. , the school doesn't care about that.

"My roommate said that when he was in middle school, there was a horror legend going on at the school.

"Say there's a ghost in the grove behind the North Building..."

[Fucking ghost story?]

[I took off my pants and you actually told me ghost stories?]

"At that time, my roommate had just entered the first year of junior high school. He was a dormitory student. There were eight people in the dormitory, six first-year freshmen and two second-year seniors. The two second-year students secretly told them that the windows on the first floor of the dormitory were actually It's bad, as long as you break it a little with your hands, the iron railing will bend. People who are a little thinner can get out. They often go out to play like this at night.

"When he said this, the six first-year students were very excited and wanted to go out and play. That night, after the lights were turned off, they secretly ran to the first floor together. Like the two second-year students said, the window railings were It's bad, but they broke it hard for a long time and only bent a little.

"In the end, it was only enough for two second year students, my roommate, and a skinny guy with glasses, and four of them got out.

"There are security guards patrolling at night, but there are too many trees and flowers in the salt. It's September when the school just started, and it's very hot in summer. The security guards are not willing to drill into places with many flowers and plants. They are all mosquitoes and insects. They hide in these places. In the tall grass and trees, I quietly ran to the North Building, and ran all the way to the grove."

[Is there a grove behind the North Building? The old school sister who graduated ten years ago said that she had forgotten all about it.]

[Anchor Modo Modo!]

"Four children, just run and run like this, after getting into the woods, my roommate and another first-year student suddenly started to get scared.

'Will the teacher find out? '

'Is there really a ghost here? '

'Shall we go first? '

"Two junior high school students told them that if they wanted to go to hell, it was very simple. Find the thickest tree in the grove, put your face to the tree, and silently count down to the tree for 100 seconds. After 100 seconds, if When the ghost appears, it will pat you on the shoulder. At this time, you must not look back. You can ask the ghost a question, and the ghost must answer you honestly. After he answers, he will ask you to look back at him. But no matter what he does Intimidation and temptation, you can't turn back.

"Then they found the thickest tree, covered their faces... and started the countdown."

[… In the middle of the night, the anchor, let’s play games.]

[Swipe the plane for the anchor! Keep talking, I love listening!]

[The anchor's voice is so nice, and ghost stories are no longer scary.]

In the room, Su Jiao hugged Lianxi's pillow tightly and swallowed.

Hei Wuchang calmly leaned against the sofa, with one leg up, leaning on the back of the sofa, his single eyelids slightly closed, as if he was listening to the story casually.

Lian Xi: "100, 99, 98...

"Finally, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...

"My roommate shouted, did someone pat you on the shoulder?!

"The other three shook their heads in unison, covering their faces and daring not to lift their hands, saying that no one patted their shoulders.

"The four children waited for a few minutes in such a terrifying manner, but there was still no movement, only the wind was blowing behind them.

"My roommate and his friend were getting scared when suddenly, the two second year students laughed.

'No way! Are you still serious? '

'I'm dying of laughter, freshmen are so stupid. '

"My roommate was angry, and they scared him to death in the middle of the night, and the two second-year juniors acted like the real thing. They said a lot of ghostly things about the old students along the way, but the results were all fake. The freshman with glasses was also very angry, he let go of his hand and was about to leave.

'You guys are so boring! Chen Kai, let's go, ignore them. '

"The two first-year freshmen made up their minds that they would never pay any more attention to these two first-year students, and would go back to the dormitory together. As soon as they turned around... Suddenly! Two gloomy faces suddenly appeared in front of their eyes, and the white eyeballs almost Put on their eyelids!

"I saw that the heads of those two junior high school students slowly turned their heads, looked at them with a smirk, and asked...

'Hee hee hee, didn't I tell you... not to look back? '"

in the live room.





[The scary anchor quits.]

[Anchor 88888.]

Lian Xi: "..."

You asked me to tell the story!

Seeing that more and more people are withdrawing from the customs, the audience who promised to send the plane at the beginning disappeared. Even Xi felt a pain in his heart and quickly saved: "The fake stories, obviously, are all lies. And it's not scary. My roommate said it was all a dream. When he woke up, he found that there were only six people in their dormitory, and the two second graders were made up by himself, and there was no such thing as a second grader."

[The anchor sings a song and I won't cancel it.]

[Sing and sing!]

Lian Xi: "..."

How easy is it to be a host!

After the broadcast, Lian Xi was sweating and panting, only feeling that he had experienced a catastrophe.

Shorty's roommate still had lingering fears: "The story you told is quite real and a little scary. It turned out to be a dream."

Lian Xi glanced at him: "It's really just a dream. It's just that my roommate told the other five people in the dormitory about this dream the next day, and all four thought it was funny, only the thin roommate with glasses didn't speak. During lunch, the glasses roommate quietly grabbed my roommate and told him...

"He had the exact same dream."

Su Jiao: "..."


Su Jiao: "Boring! Go away! Go to bed!"

In the quiet room, there were only two people left, Lian Xi and Mr.

For some reason, Mr. Ji didn't dutifully go out to catch ghosts and reincarnate tonight, and it was very strange that he didn't even ask Xi.

After the broadcast, Lian Xi closed the live broadcast room, and soon, his WeChat was lit up.

Click to take a look.

[Shanzi Boss - Fried Squid: How about the anchor, my national uniform Zhuge Liang's list is ready, August is coming to an end, can I have the national standard next month?]

Lian Xi lowered his head and silently watched the message flashing on the phone screen.

[Liancheng: Well, it's done.]

[Boss Shanzi - Fried Squid: Okay, I will give you the remaining balance after getting the national standard at the beginning of next month. Hehe, but don't work hard at the end of the month and save yourself as a brother. Oh, by the way, the anchor, the ghost story you told tonight is quite interesting, you really made it up? I am a native of Yancheng, and it is quite immersive to hear your story.]

[Liancheng: Well, it’s fake, it doesn’t make any sense.]

[Shanzi Boss - Fried Squid: It's alright, it's very interesting. You can tell more ghost stories in the live broadcast in the future. Next time I'll give you a flight.]

[Liancheng: Do you find it interesting?]

[Boss Shanzi - Fried Squid: It's fun, why?]

[Liancheng: Then you might as well turn around now.]

[Shanzi Boss - Fried Squid:…]

[Boss Shanzi - Fried Squid: Hahaha, are you still scaring me? [doge]]

[Boss Shanzi - Fried Squid: Let me tell you, I have been scared since I was a child, I am not afraid of anything! I'll take a video for you to see if there's a ghost behind me.]

A six-story residential building in Yancheng, Jiangsu.

In the narrow small room, a flat-headed young man sat in front of the computer, and the faint blue light reflected on his shriveled and thin face. He grinned and looked at the words of the king anchor on WeChat who deliberately scare him, and laughed nonchalantly. He turned on the camera of his mobile phone and planned to shoot a video for this little anchor to see how bold he was, and then a little bit.

He turned his head.



In the dimly lit room, there was a sound of needles falling. Turning around, the flat-headed youth's smile suddenly froze on his face.

He saw a pair of feet...

He raised his head, his eyes stopped suddenly when he saw the man in black behind him.

Under the pitch-black light, the man's deep and handsome facial features were like an axe and a knife. He raised the corners of his lips and smiled lightly.

"You should be reincarnated."

The flat-headed young man's eyes were wide open and his lips were wide open. Before he regained his senses, he turned into a ray of white light and dissipated in the air.

At the same time, Sioux City was hundreds of miles away.

Lord Hei Wuchang, who sat on the sofa in a daze for several hours, slowly closed the certificate of impermanence in his hand, his slender legs fell on the ground, and he stood up.

The minister lowered his eyes to look at his colleague and raised his eyebrows: "Let's go, go out, work."

Lian Xi obediently got up and changed his clothes.

When the two of them went out, they thought for a while: "You look very happy?"

Caochen: "Yes?"

Lian Xi nodded: "Yes."

This fried squid was looking for Lian Xi to play Zhuge Liang's list of the national costume last month, so he added a WeChat friend and has been appearing in Lian Xi's live broadcast room in recent days. This morning, Lian Xi finished his list and contacted him on WeChat. It was his mother who replied. Only then did Lian Xi know that it turned out that the squid had died of overwork three days ago.

Although the live broadcast is on, waiting for the rabbit, catching a ghost who forgot that he was dead and didn't go to reincarnation is indeed an achievement.

But Mr. Gu waited for hours for this ghost!

With this time, Mr. Ge can go out and catch three ghosts.

But he seemed quite happy...

On the street, the cool evening breeze is oncoming.

Lian Xi: "Because you got a ghost, are you happy?"

The stern-faced man in black put his hands in his pockets. Hearing this, he laughed in a low voice: "Oh, that's really happy."

Lian Xi didn't know why: "Why?"

"Why?" The man looked back at him, his deep eyes flickered with a dark teasing light: "Because, this is not a ghost belonging to Sucheng."

Lian Xi was stunned, it took a few seconds to react, and then: "..."

It is said that a wife is not as good as a concubine, and a concubine is not as good as stealing!

Dare you to be extremely excited because you stole the performance of Yancheng Ghost Badger? !

He quietly glanced at Hei Wuchang, who was beside him, and even said to himself: If there is a target for this in the future, why not go out and steal fish every day

Hei Wuchang's low voice sounded: "Are you scolding me?"

Lian Xi: "?!"

The young man looked calm and raised his head: "No."

Hei Wuchang smiled: "Oh, remember, communication is not only by words, but by words... Be careful."

Lian Xi: "..."

Black is so handsome.

Black Impermanence is awesome.

Lord Black Impermanence has boundless mana, surpassing the gods!

… Did you hear that

The minister looked at Lian Xi meaningfully, and Lian Xi also looked at him.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

At the same time, after Lian Xi and Gu Chen left home to work, in the top corner of the corridor of the house, a bedroom door slowly opened. The shorty roommate wearing the mask stood inside the door, looking at the door of the house as he raised his hands and smoothed the folds on the mask. After a while, he snorted coldly: "I think you are blinded by lard, you bastard!"

"This place can't live anymore."

Shorty's roommate pursed his lips, and while scolding him for being inexplicable, he took out his suitcase and began to pack his things.

"I'm moving back to school! I can't live anymore! I can't live anymore!"

The author has something to say:

CC: It looks like a scumbag, Aquaman, likes to steal!

Mr. Zong raised his eyebrows: Did he steal you? So excited.

after a long time.

General Manager: …

CC: Huh! Ah!