Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 29


Lian Xi's life, since graduating from university, has been filled with two words—

Salted fish.

Since he was a child, he could see ghosts, so he couldn't talk to other children of the same age, and everyone regarded him as a freak. Later, the people around him died one by one, and everyone gradually distanced themselves from him. When I got to the orphanage, I didn't make a new friend, but instead made myself an autistic goose.

Lian Xi once thought that after he died, he went to the underworld, and the judge opened the book of life and death, and there should be a bloody "miserable" engraved on it. But when he went to college, he had to live in a dormitory and work-study to earn tuition and living expenses, so he had to make a few friends. Life has also changed from a capitalized "miserable" word to a fresh, salty fish.

When a salted fish is really good.

Just swipe your phone every day, play games, live stream on time until eight o'clock in the evening, and earn some game boosting fees every month.

Lian Xi stepped into retirement ahead of schedule, drinking coke and soaking wolfberry, learning from the old man to cook walnuts, and living a very beautiful life.

It's a pity that it would be better if you could buy a suite.

Are you upset about salted fish

Isn't it delicious to eat, drink and have fun

If it weren't for the golden light of Mr. Wan, who would be willing to go out to catch ghosts every night!

That's right, the only motivation for Lian Xi to go out every night to catch ghosts and reincarnate is Jin Guang!

Every time I accompany Hei Wuchang on errands, Hei Wuchang will be in a good mood when he comes back. Whenever that time comes, He always sees the impermanence certificate with satisfaction, and even Xi gains a golden light. Tacit understanding and pleasant cooperation. But since the number of golden light reached the standard, which completely deducted the red light crisis brought by the stray and cat hair sauce incident to Lian Xi, Lian Xi relaxed again and became a salted fish.

This month, he was very inactive in catching ghosts, fooling the boss every day, and he didn't worry about the boss at all.

Just kidding, serious people who go to catch ghosts.

And now...

Why has he become a game anchor, and he still has KPI (performance appraisal)!

Don't do it, don't do it to death!

Looking at the black impermanence certificate that was slapped on his face, and the glittering ghost poor performance rankings above, the corners of Xi's mouth twitched, his heart squinted and his eyes closed, he turned to look at Su Jiao, and bluntly changed the subject: "You Did you buy dinner?"

Su Jiao: "Huh?"

My roommate is an idiot, nothing, nothing, tacit agreement!

Lian Xi was incompetent and furious in his heart, wishing he could find a place to pretend to be dead, as if he didn't know this inexplicable performance ranking.

He moved his face to the left, avoiding the impermanence certificate handed over by the minister.

The minister raised an eyebrow lightly and turned his hand to the left.

Lian Xi's face moved to the right.

Zaochen moved his hand to the right again.

I saw that in the spacious and bright living room, one of the two moved their head and the other started.

Whoosh whoosh.

Go left! Go right! Go left! Go right!

Su Jiao on the side watched for a long time: "Are you playing with that emoji?"

Caochen lowered his head and could only see the hairy back of the young man's head. The fine hair blocked Lian Xi's face, he was determined to play dead.

Looking at this scene, the man's eyes darkened.

Lian Xi was meditating in his heart, "Don't take me when you're a social animal, don't take me when you're a social animal", the next second, suddenly, a pair of cold and thin hands touched his cheek. Lian Xi's body froze, and the warm cheek skin touched the extremely cold finger pulp, causing all the chills on his back to stand up in an instant. The owner of these hands held his face like this, forcing him to look up and look at himself.

The clear and beautiful eyes of the young man fell into a pair of deep and serene eyes.

His eyes were always emotionless, and at first glance there was nothing but barrenness and indifference. Su Jiao always complained in private that the nigger had a pair of ugly dead fish eyes, and Xiao Liu was blind before he fell in love with him.

However, looking at each other, the man leaned down and looked at Lian Xi.

The extremely close distance made the two of them seem to be able to feel each other's warm exhalation.

… those eyes are really nice.

Lian Xi's lips moved, but he didn't speak.

What he didn't expect was that, after he was holding his face, he had to raise his head and look at each other, but he didn't speak.

A brief look is as long as a century.

Lian Xi: "...Is something wrong?"

Unfamiliar heat came from his fingertips, making him feel numb. He looked at the bright-eyed young man in front of him, his Adam's apple moving slightly.

The next moment, the minister said, "I am not active in catching ghosts."

Lian Xi: "???"

Zaochen: "I have a problem with my thoughts."

Lian Xi: "..."

Mr. Zhi stroked Lian Xi's cheek, and said with a heartbroken expression, "I feel ashamed of us!"

Lian Xi: "..."

Don't, don't lose your money, don't lose your loan for me.

Seemingly realizing that the new Bai Wuchang he was looking for really didn't seem to be motivated, the minister let go of his hand, and Lian Xi was finally free.

Lian Xi, who was reborn and thought he had succeeded in pretending to be dead, didn't notice that Lord Hei Wuchang suddenly turned his head and looked at Su Jiao, who was eating melons and watching a play.

Su Jiao suddenly tightened.


If Bai Wuchang doesn't work hard, why not change Bai Wuchang

Mr. Ji was thinking in his heart that he knew that he should reach out and ask Lian Xi to get the Bai Wuchang certificate back and transfer it to Su Jiao, but he lowered his head and looked at Lian Xi, and by coincidence, Lian Xi also looked up at him.

Under the gorgeous sunset, the black-haired young man was stunned for a moment, swallowed, and asked, "Is there anything else?" I meditated in my heart: Don't let me be a social animal, don't let me be a social animal!

The minister: "..."

You hand over the white impermanence certificate.

It seemed that the words couldn't be uttered.

President Ji's eyes swept back and forth on Lian Xi and Su Jiao.

Lian Xi and Su Jiao: "???"

Meow meow meow, is something wrong

Zong suddenly realized.

"Forget it, he's too ugly."

Lian Xi: "?" Who is too ugly

Su Jiao: "?" Who is ugly? I can't be ugly anyway.

President Ji gave Lian Xi a deep look, then turned around and walked to his room, leaving Lian Xi and Su Jiao who were confused.

Yes, the reason why he didn't want to ask Bai Wuchang Zheng from Lian Xi was because Su Jiao was too ugly! Going out with Su Jiao to catch ghosts every day will pollute the eyeballs and affect the mood. In the future, if there is a Xuanmen monk who is pleasing to the eye, it will not be too late to ask Lian Xi for a certificate of impermanence.

Mr. Zong came out abruptly, and went back very freely.

Lian Xi confessed that he had escaped the disaster, got up and decided to go to the kitchen to get a bottle of Coke to suppress his shock. However, just as he was halfway there, he suddenly saw a faint red light fluttering in the air, swaying, and plunged into his body under Lian Xi's shocked gaze.

Lian Xi: "!"

Damn, he actually forgot about the inexplicable red light of bad luck to the door boss!

Lian Xi hurried forward and stopped Hei Wuchang: "That, Lord Hei Wuchang, when are we going out to catch ghosts tonight."

Lord Hei Wuchang, who was extremely disappointed with his colleague, turned around and gave him a cold look: "Whatever."

Lian Xi: "..."

Lian Xi smiled and said, "It's still twelve o'clock?"

The Ottoman: "Oh."

Lian Xi: "..."

After a while.

Lian Xi: "Are you angry?"

The Ombudsman: "Huh?"

Lian Xi: "... angry?"

Caochen: "No."

Lian Xi: "..."

What the hell are these golden lights who are pulling your clothes, as if they are afraid of flying an extra millimeter toward me!

According to this force, it means that even if I go out with you to catch ghosts for a month, these golden lights will not pay attention to me!

Make a salted fish.


But what he wants to do is not a salted fish who eats worms in takeout, steps on dog shit when he goes out, and bumps into actors in the ranking!

Lian Xiyi gritted his teeth: "It's too embarrassing!"

Su Jiao in the living room: "???"

Suddenly his eyes lit up with black impermanence: "Huh?"

Lian Xi took a deep breath, filled with righteous indignation and abhorrence: "The twenty-five cities in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai are ranked twenty-fifth! This 25 is hitting your face and my face! Shame! Shame! I can't bear it!"

Zhao Chen looked at Lian Xi's twisted and struggling expression, his eyes moved slightly, and the corners of his mouth evoked an imperceptible arc. He said meaningfully: "So?"

Lian Xi was firm and determined: "It can't go on like this anymore." He quickly took out his white impermanence certificate, turned to the leaderboard, "set a small goal for yourself first." After saying that, he raised his head to look at the minister.

The priest also looked at him.

The two suddenly felt that the two sides had reached an agreement at this moment.

Lian Xi: "Kill Wuxi!"

Caochen: "Death to Yancheng!"

"… "

"… "

Lian Xi pointed to the leaderboard and kindly reminded: "Master Hei Wuchang, Wuxi Ghost Poor is currently ranked 24th in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, which is one place higher than us, 2000 points more. Look at Yancheng again..." Going up, "Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai are second, and Jiangsu Province is the first. There is ten Wuxi differences between us and Yancheng."

Caochen: "To catch up with the second-to-last?"

Lian Xi: "Yes."

Kaoru: "And then it became the second-to-last?"

Lian Xi: "...Yes." At least not the last one!

The minister smiled: "Short-sighted, shallow ambition! As a ghost from the underworld, the dignified Bai Wuchang in Sucheng, you only want to not be the second last, just for the dignity of not being the last one? Are you? Because of this ranking list, are you a ghost?"

Lian Xi opened his mouth blankly, looking at Lord Hei Wuchang with a cold face but a dignified look.

Don't you want to catch ghosts because you are embarrassed

And... I'm a ghost because of you.

The minister said solemnly: "The rich should be robbed to help the poor."

Lian Xi: "..."

Caochen: "Don't bully the weak."

Lian Xi: "..."

Are we weak now

Caochen: "Let's go, go out and catch ghosts."

Lian Xi was stunned: "The sun hasn't set yet."

"But there are still ghosts."

"Then my live broadcast, I still want to make money..."

Caochen paused: "Have you seen the small-print remarks below this leaderboard?"

Lian Xi suddenly moved in his heart, and an incredible thought came to his mind. He held his breath, looking down at the impermanence card with anticipation and anxiety, his eyes slowly moved down, and he looked at the bottom of the performance rankings of the ghost for the month, only to see...

*Remarks: For the first place in the month, you can get 10 bowls of Meng Po soup, 10 ghost hunting orders, 1 ghost banner, 100 taels of gold, which can be exchanged for the same amount of celestial currency.

The second place in the month, black and white impermanence can get Meng Po soup... Gold 80 taels...

The third region of the month… Gold 62…

The 24th place in the month, black and white impermanence can get one drop of forgetting river water and two gold coins.

The 25th place in the month, black and white impermanence can get a drop of Wangchuan water and a gold.

Lian Xi felt that his blood, which had been silent for many years, suddenly boiled and went straight to the top of his head.

It is known that one tael is equal to 50 grams; one coin is equal to 5 grams.

And a gram of gold…

Lian Xi turned on his phone and searched for today's gold price.

555 soft sister coins!

Lian Xi: "!!!"

Under the setting sun, the handsome and fair-skinned young man suddenly raised his head and looked at Gu Chen calmly: "I'm ready."

The minister was slightly startled: "Huh?"

In the next second, Lian Xi had already walked to the entrance and started to change his shoes. He raised his head and looked at Hei Wuchang, who was still standing in the restaurant, and said in surprise, "Didn't you say you want to go out to catch ghosts?"

Zhao Chen was stunned for a while, and his eyes stopped for a long time on the serious and serious face of the young man.

The handsome eyebrows raised, and the minister smiled: "Oh."

Su Jiao was still sitting on the sofa eating sugar cane, not knowing what happened. This road has twists and turns, ups and downs, and the plot develops so fast that he can't understand it!

Su Jiao couldn't help holding Lianxi: "Ei Lianxi, what are you doing, you are going to catch ghosts before it's dark today? You don't want to live broadcast at night?"

Lian Xi: "I have already sent a WeChat message to Vagrant, and I will ask for leave today and not broadcast."

Su Jiao: "?"

Damn, when did you send WeChat? !

Su Jiao: "No, what's wrong with you..."

Hearing this, Lian Xi asked righteously: "Zhongxie? If you are ranked first, don't you be ashamed? Don't you feel shameless?" , Conscientious and conscientious, and finally brought Sucheng's GDP to the top ten in the country and the first in Su Province. The people in the world work so hard, what are our ghosts in the underworld doing? Down, count, first, first! Self-deprecating! Shameful and hateful!"

Su Jiao: "Fuck!"

Lian Xi: "I'm going to catch the ghost, so I don't need to leave the door."

The voice just fell, only to hear a bang, the door closed.

In the empty room, only Su Jiao was left staring at the door, not knowing what was going on, it was extremely desolate.

Standing in front of the elevator, Lian Xi carefully looked at the white impermanence certificate in his hand, earnestly, and studied every word word by word, including the 24 regional ghosts above him and their points.

These are all class enemies who block my money and keep me from buying a house.

Note in a notebook.

It doesn't matter if you earn one hundred taels of gold or one million per month. The main thing is to improve yourself, work hard, and do your best for the underworld, and contribute to the construction of a harmonious society in the city and the sun.


Lian Xi looked at Hei Wuchang, who was beside him: "Zhichen, didn't you receive the reward of the ghost poor performance leaderboard last month?"

The last one also has gold coins, worth 2500 soft sister coins.

But Lian Xi has never seen that Lord Black Impermanence has money in his hands.

I'm in a good mood today, how dare you call me by my name? Lord Hei Wuchang said indifferently: "The last reward is shameful."

The implication: Ben impermanence disdains to take it, and will not admit the fact that it is the last one. As long as I don't take it, I'm not the last one.

Lian Xi: "..."

defeat! Family! son!

Did you pay your rent first

The author has something to say:

CC: Sioux City is my home, and catching ghosts depends on everyone. It is the responsibility of the ghosts to build a ghost-free city. Don't rob me, it's my responsibility, it's my obligation. Love ghosts, love the underworld, start with me, thank you.


General Manager: Don't bother to catch ghosts, be ashamed.


General Manager: ... about a relationship

CC: Are you satisfied to get the first place in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai? Did you get No. 1 in East China? Did you get the first place in the country? What kind of love is there, dating affects the speed of my catching ghosts!