Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 3


Twenty-three years ago.

February 7, 1997, the morning of New Year's Day.

It was a sunny day, the sun was shining, and there were no clouds.

The workers who live on the third floor of the No. 4 dormitory building of Chang'an Fan Factory put on new clothes and new scarves, and prepare to go out to visit relatives and friends. The girl on the third floor stood in front of the iron gate, her mother crouched down to tie a scarf for her, and the little girl slowly looked upstairs with her ignorant and clean eyes.

Along the eaves of the corridor, she quietly watched and watched.

"Mom, it's raining red in the sky."

"Where does the red rain come from? It's a sunny day. Nonsense."

"Red rain, look at the red rain."

The young woman looked in the direction of her daughter's finger when she saw the river of blood dripping from upstairs along the corner of the wall...


Ten minutes later, the police at the police station just two blocks away received the call and arrived at the fan factory dormitory.

At that time, Lao Wu was not called Lao Wu, his name was Wu Fang, and he was a rookie police officer who had just entered the police station for half a year. On the first day of the new year, the old policeman went home for the Chinese New Year, and he and a senior whose mother-in-law died was on duty at the police station. When they received the alarm, the two of them didn't take it seriously, they just thought that there was some neighbor dispute or a conflict between husband and wife.

The Chang'an Fan Factory has not had a murder case for decades, but couples quarreled for three days, and the police often came to help with these trivial matters.

Wu Fang and his seniors came to the fan factory dormitory building. After getting off the bicycle, he felt relieved for a while, but the seniors were experienced. When he saw the good people who surrounded Building No. 4, he immediately thought that something was wrong.

"Xiao Wu, I'm going to call for support. I don't think it's easy today."

Wu Fang was stunned: "Okay, I'll go back to the office and make a call later."

The old policeman: "Call now! Just call the small shop by the road, and use their phone number!"

Wu Fang felt strange, but didn't say anything. He ran to the canteen and called the two policemen on duty at the police station next door. By the time he finished the phone call, the senior had already entered the fourth building of the fan factory. Wu Fang hurriedly followed. He was walking down the narrow stairs. As soon as he reached the fourth floor, he saw the senior run out of a room and into the corridor.

is 404.

There are four families living on the fourth floor of the fan factory. 404 is the closest to the stairs, followed by 403, 402 and 401.

"Uncle Zhang? What's the matter?"

Uncle Zhang stretched out a hand towards him.

Wu Fang stopped.

next moment.


At noon, people from the Criminal Police Brigade of the City Bureau came.

All four dormitory buildings of the entire fan factory were blocked, and no one was allowed to go out.

As the first police officer to arrive at the scene, Wu Fang saw everything that happened in that room.

Broken limbs, dim light, blood all over the room.

The hostess was hacked to death, and the body was placed on a chair by the murderer, sitting at the dining table.

There is a casserole on the table, and a pot of red meat is stewed in the pot. Half eaten, half left. It looks like braised pork, but it's not braised pork. Because more meat was simmering in the large iron pot on the kitchen gas stove, a woman's arm was inserted into the pot, as if the chef had meticulously decorated it.

Wu Fang felt a burst of nausea.

However, things are not over yet.

Before the people from the Criminal Police Brigade came, the four policemen from the police station pushed open the doors of the three rooms next door.

"This, here is more!"

"And here!"

"I have three victims here!"

Suddenly, Wu Fang felt a chill rising from the soles of his feet.

Frozen to the bone.

The warm sunshine in winter can't heat it up, and the cold wind in the twelfth lunar month is not as cold as it is.

Chang'an Fan Factory on the fourth floor of Building No. 4.

Four families.

All were killed!

Twenty-three years later, Xiao Wu has become Lao Wu, and he has also changed from a small police station police officer to the deputy team of the city bureau's criminal police brigade.

"Team Wu, I'm still not going home today. It's been a few days. Isn't it strange for my sister-in-law?"

Old Wu held an old enamel cup and brewed a cup of hot black tea, nonchalantly: "Go home? Why go home! Old couples and old wives dislike it! You young people know a thing or two, sticky and sticky all day long. Not disgusting."

"Team Wu, I'm still looking at the case of the fan factory."

"Hey, the dormitory of the fan factory will be demolished next week, do you know that?"

"I know."

Old Wu: "I really can't find out..."

Little criminal policeman: "The workers in the dormitory building went to watch, and the scene was a mess. We didn't collect any useful clues. Let's just say, Team Wu, I heard that you proposed to start with the victims in Room 404?"

Old Wu: "It was proposed to have an egg, but nothing was found."

The little detective murmured, "But I think you're right!"

Old Wu rolled his eyes.

Check, of course.

But I couldn't find it back then, and I can't find it now!

This is not like the silver case, a major Northwest case that was cracked a few years ago.

The murderer of the silver case left behind semen, but it was limited to the lack of DNA technology and databases back then, so no one could find it. But the murderer of the dormitory building of the fan factory was very lucky. The scene was completely destroyed by the good people, and he did not leave any useful evidence.

Is this really the end

Next week, the fan factory dormitory will be demolished...

At this time, the office phone rang.

"Hey, the Criminal Police Brigade of Sucheng City Bureau. Huh? Wumen Police Station? Well, yes, you said... surrender?"

The little criminal policeman clenched the microphone and turned his head: "Team Wu!"

Old Wu: "What's wrong?"

"I, I surrendered!"

Putting down the enamel cup, he seemed to have guessed something, and Lao Wu asked slowly, "...Who turned himself in?"

"The murderer of Chang'an Fan Factory!"


It's been a week.

Originally, the Chang'an Fan Factory dormitory building was supposed to be demolished this week. Suddenly, the murderer from 23 years ago appeared, and the eyes of the whole nation were once again focused on this small dormitory building.

Police officers, reporters, and all kinds of curious people who eat melons go back and forth near the dormitory building every day.

Even CCTV sent reporters down to interview.

This day, Lian Xi had just put on his clothes and went out, and the door had just opened a crack. He saw a female reporter with an interview microphone at station C coming up the stairs, saying to the camera behind him as he walked, "This is a place that shocked the whole country. The scene of the 'Sucheng 2.07 Extraordinary House Robbery and Murder Case', now we have come to the fourth floor. It is reported that since the brutal murder, only one family has lived on this floor, and he lives on this floor. Room 403. Let's interview him."

Lian Xi, who closed the door with a swipe: "..."

dong dong dong!

dong dong dong!

"Hello, is anyone there?"

Lian Xi who blocked the door: As long as I pretend to be dead, you can't see me, as long as I pretend to be dead, you can't see me!

After three minutes: "It seems that the tenant is not at home, then let's continue to look at the scene of the incident..."

At this time, a cheerful and smooth mobile phone ringtone came from the door of Room 403.

Female reporter: "… "

Lian Xi: "..."

Quickly hung up the phone.

Outside the door, a nice female voice sounded: "Hello, is there anyone at home?"

Lian Xi, who pretended to be dead, was unmoved by it.

After another five minutes, the female reporter: "..."


"It appears that the tenant is indeed not home."

Hearing the sound of footsteps outside the door gradually walking away, ten minutes later, they finally ended the filming at the crime scene and went downstairs. Lian Xi was relieved. He turned on the phone, saw the call log, raised his eyebrows in surprise, and called back.

"Hey Xiaolian, why are you calling back now? What happened just now?"

"There was something just now, Uncle Li, what's the matter?"

"Something! Good thing! Our house is being demolished!"

Lian Xi: "???!!!" Am I through? !

Uncle Li: "Ah, I'm so happy to talk, my house is going to be demolished, and yours is going to be demolished too! Our two families are going to be demolished, and our community is going to be demolished!"

Then, Lian Xi finally understood the ins and outs of the matter.

It turns out that the municipal government has always planned to build another expressway from Wunan District to Zhejiang Province. There was a plan for this last year, but it has not been said where to go. There are rumors that many communities will be demolished, but no one has ever rumored that the community will be demolished in Lianxi. But just yesterday, suddenly! The house is about to be demolished!

But I am so happy for Uncle Li!

Uncle Li was Lian Xi's neighbor when he was a child.

After Lian Xi's father died in a drunk driving accident in his early years, he lived with his grandfather, opposite Uncle Li's family. After grandpa also went, even Xi was still young and there were no relatives at home, so he could only go to the orphanage. But their house is still there.

The house is very biased, old and old, no one buys it at all, and can only watch it.

Who knew that this pie could still fall from the sky, and it was going to be demolished!

Uncle Li: "Xiaolian, how can you still have such a good thing? I heard that each family will pay more than one million yuan! Come back and go through the formalities. This morning, someone went to the neighborhood committee to line up, hurry up. !"

Lian Xi: "Okay, thank you Uncle Li, I'll go now!"

After hanging up the phone, Xi was still in a trance.


Get rich overnight...


Get rich overnight!

He slowly lowered his head and looked at his hand. Suddenly, his eyelashes trembled. As far as he could see, he saw a bright and warm golden light.

He raised his head along the golden light.

I saw an honest middle-aged man in a big padded jacket with blood all over his head standing in the room. He rubbed his hands awkwardly and bowed to Lian Xi. He got up and seemed to want to say something, but he didn't know what to say, so he smiled naively and bowed again. Then, the body slowly dissipated into the air.

As he dissipated, the golden light around his body also disappeared, turning into starlight dancing all over the house, and finally returned to peace.

Lian Xi opened Weibo.

For several days in a row, the whole country has been discussing the 2.07 massacre in Sioux City.

He clicked on the hot search first.

After scrolling through the popular Weibo, I soon saw a warm family photo of a family of three.

The woman was wearing a white dress and snuggled up beside her husband. They held a little girl with two pigtails and smiled happily towards the camera.

There was a huge black mole on the man's mouth. Because he was smiling, the mole also raised slightly.

After watching silently for a long time, even Xi laughed.

"It seems that this time, it is a blessing."


Because of the sudden appearance of the murderer in the fan factory dormitory building, the leader of the fan factory did not immediately demolish the dormitory building due to the high level of discussion outside. This also gives residents like Lian Xi more time to move.

In the next few days, even Xi was on his way to go through the formalities and wait for the demolition fee.

To go to Wunan District, it takes an hour to take the bus alone every day. Two hours back and forth! But even Xi was not tired at all, and got up early every morning to rush to line up.

It doesn't matter what the demolition fee is, the main reason is to complete the formalities earlier, so as not to delay the people's livelihood of our country's highway construction!

In the evening, return to the fan factory dormitory with the final formalities.

Even before Xi entered the door, the uncle of the doorman stopped him.

"Hey Xiaolian, you're back." He said to a group of uncles and aunts sitting next to him, "This is Xiaolian who lives on the fourth floor! He has lived alone on the fourth floor for so many years. ."

"It's such a pretty boy!"

"Young man, aren't you afraid?"

Lian Xigan smiled and shook his head: "I'm not afraid."

After he left, there was the chatter of a group of people from the uncle of the doorman behind him.

"I tell you, who would know, Liu Sanzao is such a beast! I worked with him as a colleague for half a year, half a year! I didn't see it at all!"

"You said that this Liu Sanzao, who was far away, came back. He is not afraid of being attacked?"

"Ask me about this, I really know! When he first came here, he used to go for a walk in Building No. 4. I asked him what he was doing. Guess what he said? He said that he heard that there is a dead man's building, and it will be a dormitory building in half a year. It's about to be demolished, he's curious, look at it more, and he won't be able to see it in the future. I think he's a pervert!"

"Yes! After so many years, no one has found him, old bastard, so I just wanted to come over and see where he killed him back then!"

The little detective who went back to the scene to take pictures and was about to write a criminal investigation report passed by. Hearing this, he pouted.

Returning to the city bureau, he asked, "Team Wu, why did Liu Sanzao suddenly return to the fan factory? Hasn't he been doing well all these years? After hiding for so many years, he has to go back?"

Old Wu: "Huh, do you think it's Mao?"

The little criminal policeman recalled the gossip and gossip of the uncles and aunts: "Is it really because the fan factory is going to be demolished? Team Wu, when you tried the prisoners, what did the prisoners say?"

Old Wu sneered: "He's crazy. That night, he was wounded, and his face was covered in blood. He crawled to the police station, crying and begging the police not to drive him out. There is a ghost outside! When he was tried later, he explained it all at once, and he kept muttering that there was a ghost. I think he has a ghost in his heart! "

"I understand, pretending to be insane, thinking that you won't die? You're an idiot."

"Haha, the law will give the victim an explanation, this old beast can't escape."

The two talked for a while, and the little detective said, "Captain Wu, you haven't said why he wants to go back to the fan factory."

Holding the warm enamel cup, Team Wu looked far and thought for a long time: "That kind of perversion has long been abnormal. The fan factory is going to be demolished, and he will never see his 'masterpiece' in the future. I want to go back and see more. You said, if you stand next to the crime scene every day, no one will find you...Aren't you exciting?"

The little criminal shivered all over: "I just feel scared, afraid of being caught!"

"So you're not a murderer hahahaha!"

"But I heard that he was just a gangster back then. At the beginning, he broke into 404 and just wanted to rape the hostess. Who would have thought that the host should have brought his daughter to his mother-in-law's house for New Year's greetings, but suddenly he came back with something missing halfway through, and then Was bumped into. It wasn't a premeditated murder, was it?"

"What happened later? I was afraid that I would find out that I had only killed three members of the 404 family, and that I would find out about myself. Wasn't it premeditated?"

"Ah, this..."

"From the moment he moved the knife and saw the blood, he was not a person. Or..."

Team Wu gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and in front of his eyes appeared that morning twenty-three years ago, that chilling purgatory on earth.

"From when he touched people's buttocks on the street, when he picked locks to get in and raped..."

"He's not human anymore."

Little detective: "Ah..."

Team Wu put down the enamel cup, looked at him, and said earnestly: "Xiao Wang, some people are born as individuals. Some things are no longer human."