Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 33


When he first saw the performance rankings, Lian Xi set himself a small goal: to defeat Wuxi.

Today just entered the second half of September. There are a total of 25 cities in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai. Suzhou City is the last with less than 2,000 sales, and Wuxi is the second last with less than 4,000 sales. However, apart from these two cities, the third-to-last Jinhua Ghost is worse, with a performance of more than 8,000 points!

Yes, I chose Wuxi not because I was afraid of Jinhua, and I couldn't do it. I just wanted to be down-to-earth, not to be too ambitious, to be honest and reincarnate, and to be a good ghost.

But now it seems that the performance is very good!

In two days, the two earned 2,000 performance, surpassing Wuxi.

Lian Xi couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Why are the ghosts in Wuxi so low in points? They are really vegetarian and don't want to make progress."

Koomi looked at the ranking of the month's performance rankings with great satisfaction, nodded lightly, and agreed.

You see, the two of them were just about to get serious about catching ghosts, and they got 2,000 performance points this night. It's easy.

Let's look at the ghost difference in Wuxi.

Alas, how can there be such a disrespectful ghost in the underworld!

The two have completely forgotten the fact that their 2,000-point performance was stolen from.

However, how can a ghost thing be called stealing, it is all to contribute to the construction of a harmonious world!

After eating noodles, it was just dusk.

Lian Xi: "I'm going to the hospital, and I've been busy all day and night, why don't you go home first, and we'll go out in the early morning to catch ghosts?"

Suddenly became the second-to-last, even Xi was in a happy mood, and was not in a hurry to save performance.

Zhao Chen seemed to be in a good mood, too: "Hmm."

He took a taxi for President Gui, and after confirming the location with the driver, Lian Xi sent Hei Wuchang away. He looked at the time, it was only five o'clock in the afternoon, and the appointment time with Dr. Wang was five thirty, just in time.

Half an hour later, Sioux City Park Hospital, outpatient hall on the first floor.

The outpatient service of the hospital is suspended at 5:00 p.m. and closed at 6:00 p.m. At 5:30, there were not many patients and family members left in the outpatient hall, and there were only a few lines left standing at the door of the pharmacy, waiting in line to get the medicine.

The tall, thin and handsome young man stood in the outpatient hall waiting quietly, holding a bag of fruit in one hand and a bag of canned bird's nest in the other.

Five minutes later, the intern in a white coat got out of the elevator.

When Wang Zihao saw Lian Xi and the things he was carrying from a distance, his face that always looked "Don't suffer me" looked a little better. He came over and said, "A gift for Sister Qin?"

Lian Xi nodded.

The young intern smiled and said, "You're quite attentive."

Lian Xi: "It's not easy to find a nurse from more than 20 years ago. Sister Qin has worked hard."

Wang Zihao curled his lips: "Of course it's not easy. Our hospital's information has been cleared in 20 years, and Sister Qin has spent a lot of effort to help you find someone..."

The door of the obstetrics and gynecology department was closed, and Wang Zihao brought Lian Xi directly to the inpatient department. However, the two did not find Sister Qin.

Little nurse: "Sister Qin went to the emergency room, and suddenly two pregnant women came."

After the hospital closed, the only open clinic was the emergency department.

Wang Zihao: "Oh, then I'll go look for her."

The two of them rushed to the emergency department again.

As soon as he entered the emergency room, a burst of screams came into his ears.

The bright and tidy emergency building was crowded with people everywhere. There are people waiting in line to pay the bills, waiting on plastic stools, and doctors and nurses in a hurry.

There were two mobile stretchers leaning against the corner, one was sitting on a middle-aged man with a broken head and bleeding, and the other was lying on a woman who was clutching her stomach and screaming. The two of them were anxiously waiting for the doctor to check the situation. After a few seconds, a young doctor came over. He had just checked the situation of the woman's stomach, and the middle-aged man on the side was suddenly unhappy: "I'm bleeding all over my head, you Don't show me to her first."

The doctor didn't look back: "People came first."

"Then I'm bleeding!"

"You can go to the debridement room to sew you a stitch later for your injury. I've already called someone for you. It's nothing."

The middle-aged man got up all of a sudden: "What do you mean, I'm still bleeding, so I don't care?"

The young doctor frowned and was about to speak when suddenly a nurse ran over and directly pushed away the stretcher bed the middle-aged man was sitting on.

Middle-aged man: "What are you doing!"

The nurse glared at him: "The ambulance is coming from outside, your injury does not hurt your leg, just stand!"

Middle-aged man: "What the hell is your attitude, how dare you stare at me?!"

The little nurse has pushed the stretcher bed away.

Watching this scene, Wang Zihao scolded "idiot" in a low voice with a cold face.

Lian Xi suddenly understood why this medical student from the same school had a stinky face all day and didn't want to talk to anyone.

This is to encounter this kind of patient who puts himself first and is the biggest in the world every day. I am afraid that everyone will not be pleasant.

However, there are still very few such idiots. Most of the patients who come to the emergency room to see a doctor are normal people. Those who are really serious have long been pushed to the emergency ward, and those who are not serious are waiting outside.

Wang Zihao asked a nurse to inform Sister Qin, and the two were standing outside.

After waiting for a few minutes, a pair of young girls hurried through the door, one of them covering his mouth with a strange expression. The other was sweating with anxiety, pulled a nurse and asked, "My friend's tongue was pierced, is there a doctor?"

The nurse was stunned: "Tongue pierced?"

Girl: "Yes, when we went to eat seafood, our tongue was pierced by a lobster shell, and she bleed a lot!"

Nurse: "There is no stomatology doctor at the moment, so I'll go to the stomatology department and call a doctor for you, you wait."

The nurse was about to leave when Wang Zihao said, "I'm doing an internship in the department of stomatology this month."

The little nurse turned her head to look at him, and then looked at the name tag hanging on his neck: "Doctor Wang, take a look."

Wang Zihao walked over with a cold face that no strangers should approach, and said to the girl who covered her mouth, "Open your mouth and let me see."

Even Xi looked at the girl curiously.

Girl with red eyes and open mouth.

Wang Zihao: "Put out your tongue."

The girl opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out obediently.

Wang Zihao watched for a few seconds.

"It's okay, go home."

Two girls: "???"

Wang Zihao: "I said nothing, go home."

One of the girls hesitated: "Doctor, are you all right? My friend is bleeding a lot, please give me some medicine."

Wang Zihao smiled coldly: "Fortunately, you came early, and the wound should have healed two minutes later."

Girls: "… "

The little nurse and Lian Xi on the side: "Pfft."

As the two girls walked, they complained to each other.

"I said that I can't see the wound. I'll show it to you in the taxi here. The wound is gone!"

"But I bleed a lot, Yuanyuan, as you can see, vomited a bowl!"

The cold-faced doctor didn't have a good airway: "The tongue is one of the most easily self-healing organs in the human body, and saliva has a disinfecting effect. It's a waste of time."

Lian Xi turned his head to look at the poisonous tongue doctor and asked, "How about biting your tongue and committing suicide?"

Wang Zihao: "Hehe, stupid."

Lian Xi: "..."

This guy is quite interesting.

Ten minutes later, Sister Qin finally finished her work and came over. She looked at what Lian Xi was holding and smiled: "It's better to just tell you the address and find it yourself, and come here on purpose."

Wang Zihao: "He wants to thank you in person."

Lian Xi was very knowledgeable and handed the thing over: "Excuse me, Sister Qin."

Sister Qin waved her hand: "It's all trivial matters."

He successfully obtained the contact information of the old nurse from Sister Qin. It was not too late. He even bid farewell to Dr. Wang and Sister Qin, and took a taxi to find the old nurse.

According to Sister Qin, she asked several old colleagues and finally determined that there were four nurses on duty on the day Lian Xi was born. The three had no impression of him at all. Only one named "Sister Hong" said that he still remembered him. If Lianxi wanted to find him, Sister Qin could give Lianxi her address.

Wang Zihao was a little surprised: "Each nurse has delivered so many people, yet does she really remember you? What happened when you were born?"

Lian Xi casually made up a reason: "My mother had a difficult labor at the time."

Wang Zihao nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

On the way to the old nurse's house, Lian Xi pressed the phone number given by Sister Qin and called.

The phone beeped but no one answered.

Lian Xi felt strange. After taking a taxi to the gate of the community, he got out of the car and asked someone for directions, and found the residential building where Sister Hong lived.

This is an old community built in the last century.

No elevators, all six-storey affordable housing. There are many people in the community, and many uncles and aunts moved a chair and sat on the roadside to enjoy the shade and chat. Obviously, most of the residents in this community are retirees of the same age as it.

There was an empty square in the center of the community, and the deafening "Dancer" was blaring noisily. Dozens of aunts and uncles dressed in uniform white exercise uniforms, holding big red dance fans, danced square dance in unison.

Lian Xi covered her ears and came to Sister Hong's downstairs. Dengdeng climbed upstairs and knocked on the door. However, he knocked for a long time, but no one opened the door.

"Is anyone home?"

No one responded.

The square dance music downstairs shook people's brains, and Xi frowned and waited for another ten minutes.

It seems no one is home.

Sighing, Lian Xi turned around and was about to leave. As soon as he went downstairs, suddenly, his eyes met an old lady wearing a training suit and holding a red dancing fan at the entrance of the stairs.

Lian Xi was stunned for a while, then turned sideways to let the other party go first.

The old lady walked past him and went upstairs.

Just when Lian Xi continued to go downstairs, the old lady turned around and said, "Hey boy, what were you doing standing in front of my house just now?"

Lian Xi turned around and said, "Sister Hong?"

The old lady's eyes lit up: "Do you recognize me? Who are you?"


Entering the room, Sister Hong poured Lian Xi a cup of hot tea.

Sister Hong smiled and said, "You are Xiaolian, don't call it Sister Hong. Xiaoqin and the others call me sister. I'm the same age as your grandfather. What's your name, sister, grandma."

Lian Xi: "..."

I'd better call you sister.

But he found one thing keenly: "You and my grandfather know each other?"

Sister Hong smiled: "No, otherwise why would I ask someone to give you my address. My grandfather and I are fellow villagers. We went to an elementary school back then." Recalling the past decades ago, his gray hair The old lady didn't look old at all, but she was full of energy: "Your grandfather was the only one in the class with a bicycle at that time. He was really rich."

It's a pity that my grandfather soon fell into the middle of the family.

Unexpectedly, this Sister Hong was actually Grandpa's old friend, and Lian Xi suddenly relaxed a lot. No wonder Sister Hong remembered him and gave him a bell. Lian Xi: "I came here just to ask. I have always had a bell. My dad said that you gave it to me when I was born. Do you still remember?"

Sister Hong was stunned: "Bell?"

Lian Xi raised his left hand and shook his wrist lightly. The simple and elegant bronze bell swayed slightly in the air, but did not make a sound. "It's this bell, do you remember?"

Sister Hong's expression suddenly became strange. The old lady looked at Lian Xi with strange eyes. After a while, she stood up and ran to the living room bookshelf to get an old book.

"It's been more than 20 years, and I almost forgot about it. You've grown up so much."

Lian Xi sat up straight: "Do you remember?"

"Remember, why don't you remember. Xiaolian, have you read this book?"

Lian Xi lowered his head and glanced at it, it was "A Dream of Red Mansions". "Seen."

Sister Hong: "I read this book when I was young, and I took it out this year. It's hard to understand. But when I saw it, I thought of you. You know Jia Baoyu."

Lian Xi's heart suddenly filled with an ominous premonition: "I know..."

Sister Hong said with emotion: "I told your grandfather back then that Jia Baoyu was born with a jade title, so he was called Jia Baoyu. Your grandfather named you, what was it from. You said you were born holding a bell, I think you should be called Lian Bell!"

Lian Xi: "?!"

I was born holding a bell

What is it that I was born holding a bell

… No, wait, what the hell is a bell!

The author has something to say:

Wuxi Ghost Poor: Why is my performance not good, don't you have a B number in your heart? what!

CC: I feel like my worldview has been impacted…

General Manager: bell~

CC: ? ?

General Manager: Little bell poof.

CC: Shut up! ! !