Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 34


Sioux City Park Hospital, Emergency Department.

After Lian Xi got the contact information of the birth nurse, he hurriedly took a taxi and left.

As soon as he left, the nurse, Sister Qin, carried the fruits and bird's nests he had given, smiling all over her face, and returned to the consultation room cheerfully. On the other hand, the intern Wang Zihao also turned around and prepared to go back to his department on duty. However, before he left, he suddenly heard a hoarse roar from the door of the emergency hall.

"Doctor, doctor!"

Wang Zihao looked back.

Outside the emergency building, a young man with yellow hair hugged a girl in a skirt, strode out of the taxi, and ran towards the emergency room. He shouted "doctor" in a tearful, loud voice as he ran into the hospital. When he ran in, the bright lights shone on him and the girl in his arms, Wang Zihao heard a patient's family members who were queuing up to pay the bills exclaimed, "Why so much blood!"

I saw that under the pale light, the yellow-haired guy was sweating with anxiety and his eyes were red. The girl in his arms closed her eyes, her face was pale, and her cheeks and lips were not bloody. The black skirt hides the blood, and it is impossible to see how much blood is stained. But the dark brown blood ran down the girl's calf and kept flowing. They walked all the way, and the blood flowed all the way, from outside the emergency building to the emergency building, dragging the ground.

Wang Zihao ran up quickly: "What's going on!"

The yellow-haired guy shuddered, and was so scared that he didn't make the words before the preface: "She, she is pregnant, and suddenly, we were shopping. Yes, shopping. She collapsed suddenly. She bleeds...a lot of blood...a lot of blood!"

The doctor in the emergency room was called over. After checking the situation, his face was serious: "Immediately push the operating room and go to the obstetrics and gynecology department to find the doctor on duty!"

The girl was carried on the stretcher bed by the nurses, and the yellow-haired boy suddenly slumped to the ground.

The doctors all came.

"Heavy bleeding! It's been a few months since I was pregnant. Why is there heavy bleeding? The amount of bleeding is too much, at least 600ml. Go to the blood bank!"

"What blood type does the patient have!"

"What blood type do you feed your wife?"

Huang Mao was stunned, as if stupid: "It's not my wife, my girlfriend..."

Nurse: "It doesn't matter what your wife and girlfriend are, what blood type she is!"

Huang Mao: "Ah, blood type... I, I don't know... "

The nurse was anxious: "You don't even know your girlfriend's blood type, she's going to give birth to you!"

The doctors and nurses in the emergency department were busy, and many patients and family members who were watching the excitement also pointed at the yellow hair sitting on the ground and the girl who was pushed into the operating room.

"At first glance, these two are the kind of bastards. The woman is pregnant and has a nail in her mouth."

"There's even a tattoo on his arm!"

The patient is pushed into the operating room, and then it is the work of the doctors in the emergency department and the obstetrics and gynecology department.

But with the amount of blood that the pregnant woman had just now, the child must have died long ago, and her own life was at risk.

Wang Zihao was just an ordinary intern. Looking at the hurried backs of the doctors and nurses, he walked towards the elevator, intending to return to the dentistry department. However, as soon as he left, a terrified scream came from behind him. Wang Zihao turned his head to look, and his face changed greatly. He ran up.

Wang Zihao: "Come here with a stretcher and get him a lung CT and gastroscope!"

"Come here." The two little nurses hurriedly pushed the stretcher over.

"Oh, why does this yellow hair also vomit blood?"

"What's the matter? Vomiting so much blood, there won't be any infectious diseases, right?"

I saw the yellow-haired bastard who was sitting on the ground collapsed just now, suddenly fell to the ground and twitched, vomiting blood from his mouth.

After Wang Zihao did a basic examination, the doctor in the emergency room finally took his place and took his place. "Thank you, you can go back to the consultation room. I'm here. Have you had a CT scan over there? How are your lungs..."

Wang Zihao turned and left.

As he walked out of the emergency room door, his foot clicked as if he had stepped on something.

Wang Zihao raised his shoes.

He stepped on the blood that the yellow hair spit out just now.

A small black worm that was trampled down struggled and twitched in a pool of blood. Wang Zihao frowned and stepped on his feet again, killing the bug.

How come there are still such worms in the hospital now, haven't we done deworming

The young intern walked into the elevator with his hands in his pockets. He didn't notice that after he turned around, the little black worm that died in a pool of blood suddenly swayed twice. Just as he walked into the elevator, the next second, the little black bug flew up and burrowed into his nostrils at a speed that was undetectable to the naked eye.

"Well… "

Wang Zihao pinched his nose.


The elevator door slowly closed.

At night, the emergency hall of the park hospital was noisy. The beeping of the ambulance and the cries of the patients came one after another, becoming the only melody in the dark night.


Sister Hong: "I'm an old friend with your grandfather, so when you were born, I specially changed the class to deliver your baby. At that time, your mother died of dystocia and hemorrhage, and your father kept crying outside the operating room. You didn't cry when you were born. , just closed our eyes, we were all terrified, thinking that you had been in the birth canal for a long time, and you were going to have an accident. Later, I slapped your tender little ass... "

Lian Xi: "..." You can ignore this, at least not add an adjective.

Sister Hong: "Oh, you cried all of a sudden, and your eyes opened. But at this time, your little fist, which was tightly clenched and never let go, also loosened. This thing fell to the ground, and everyone saw it. Then what can I say, I didn't have an idea, I said that it was given to you and stuffed into your little fist, and then I fooled them all. "

Lian Xi came out of Sister Hong's house and walked in the community in a trance, listening to the loud square dance music.

He glanced blankly at the small square.

Oh, Sister Hong's wave of people finished dancing, and now a group of old men are dancing the second wave of square dancing there.

In the past half hour, Lian Xi's worldview has been severely impacted.

Grandpa and father have long since passed away, and only Sister Hong is the only one who remembers his birth.

After living for 23 years, Lian Xi was the first to hear about the birth of a bell in his hand.

His father didn't tell him, and neither did his grandpa. Until now, he didn't know that the bell was not given to him by an old nurse, but was held tightly in his hand when he was born.

Lian Xi raised his hand and looked at the simple and heavy bronze bell on his wrist.

"What the hell are you?"

The small bell is automatic without wind, making a crisp jingling sound.

According to Sister Hong, his father and grandfather also knew about his birth with a bell in his hand. But they kept it a secret and didn't tell themselves.

Suddenly, a light flashed in Lian Xi's mind.

Wait, my father kept telling him when he was a kid that he would tell him a secret when he was an adult. Could it be that this secret was born with the bell in his hand? !

Lian Xi calmed down.

Very likely.

Su Cheng Bai Wuchang died suddenly more than ten years ago, and he is twenty-three years old this year. Although he was born with a bell in his hand, Su Cheng believed that Bai Wuchang's absence from work must have nothing to do with him. Because there was a ten year difference, when he was born, Su Cheng took office and Bai Wuchang was still alive.

At first, Lian Xi was worried that his father said that he had a secret to wait until he was an adult, but his father died unexpectedly before he could tell him.

If his father is Bai Wuchang, then their family is likely to be a hereditary ancestral Bai Wuchang. His father planned to let him inherit the position of Bai Wuchang when he became an adult, but it was a pity that an accident happened and he passed away before he could say anything.

Now he was relieved.

Bells are born at birth and have been around for twenty-three years.

Su Cheng Bai Wuchang died more than ten years ago, for more than ten years.

He is definitely not the absent-minded Su Cheng Bai Impermanence.

His father is definitely not the last Su Cheng Bai Wuchang.

That is to say... my dad is definitely not gay!


Lian Xi took out his mobile phone, called a car, and went home.

After returning home, I saw Su Jiao sitting on the sofa eating melons and watching TV shows, while the minister leaned against the corner and stared at the impermanence card.

When the two heard the open door, they all looked up at Lian Xi.

The handsome and elegant young man shook the plastic bag in his hand while changing his shoes: "I bought some Liangpi for a late night snack. Do you want to eat it? Oh yes, there is something I want to ask you guys for advice."

Lian Xi has something to ask me for help? Su Jiao's eyes lit up: "What's the matter?"

The minister raised an eyebrow: Is something wrong

The three sat at the dining table and opened the three bowls of Liangpi that Lian Xi had bought.

Mr. Zhi held the chopsticks, frowned and stared at the white ribbon in front of him for a long time.

Lian Xi: "Eat, talk while eating."

Hei Wuchang forked his chopsticks expressionlessly, and just after taking a bite, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he put down the Liangpi coldly.

Lian Xi: "???" There are still people in the world who don't like to eat Liangpi

Oh, you said you weren't human, then it's fine.

Lian Xi: "I found the old nurse who delivered me today. Do you remember? I said that when I was a child, my father told me that this bronze bell was given to me by an old nurse."

Su Jiao ate his mouth full of chili oil: "Remember."

Lianxi: "I found her today." After a pause, Lianxi's voice was serious: "But she told me that she didn't give me the bell. This bell was in my hand when I was born. If others doubted it, they said she gave it. So Su Jiao," Lian Xi looked at the dwarf roommate, "You are a Xuanxiu, have you ever heard of someone who was born with a magic weapon in his hand?"

Su Jiao's action of eating Liangpi froze in mid-air, his eyes widened: "Natural magic weapon?!"

Lian Xi was startled: "Is this really the case?"

Su Jiao: "There is in the novel, look at that Jia Baoyu, wasn't he a fairy in his previous life, and then reincarnated as Jia Baoyu, he came out with a piece of jade in his mouth. No, no, no, you Isn't it a fairy?"

Lian Xi: "..."

You don't even have a bell, your whole family has a bell!

It is really stupid to believe that Su Jiao can have an idea. Lian Xi looked at the minister and said, "Master Hei Wuchang, have you heard of this situation?"

The minister raised his eyes to look at him: "Yes."

Lian Xi: "?"

The minister smiled: "Guicha's accompanying magical tool is born with it, just like it." The voice fell, Hei Wuchang moved his fingers, and a book with golden skin and purple light appeared in his palm.

Lian Xi: "...What if it's not Bai Wuchang's accompanying magic weapon?"

"Oh, that's gone."

"… "

The so-called cannibalism has a short mouth and a short hand. Su Jiao finished eating a bowl of Liangpi and wiped his mouth: "It's okay, I'll ask my uncle for you. I'm not good at learning, and I can't do many things. I understand, but my uncle knows, he's awesome. I'll give you a call and ask him to know."

Lian Xi immediately sat up straight.

Su Jiao took out his mobile phone and dialed the number.

Five seconds later.

Su Jiao: "It's strange, why didn't Shishu answer the phone?"

Twenty seconds later.

Su Jiao: "He went to play mahjong, didn't he bring his mobile phone?"

No one answered the phone, Su Jiao raised his head and said, "It's okay, I'll call again later, maybe my uncle forgot to bring his phone. He will definitely go home to watch the 22 o'clock Golden Eagle Solo Theater at night. What family TV series, he likes to watch it the most, and he doesn't end up with an episode!"

two hours later.

Su Jiao held the phone: "..."

Su Jiao: "It's over, my uncle is missing! No, Lian Xi, I have to go back to Shandong, and something must have happened to my uncle!"

Lian Xi: "Would you like to ask your neighbors and ask your relatives and friends to visit your house?"

Su Jiao wanted to cry without tears: "My uncle has scolded the invincible hand in the whole community, and he is also friends and relatives. It's not bad that they are not all enemies on the road. When it's over, it must be my uncle who quarreled with someone. .I have to go back and see!"

Lian Xi: "Uh, just a phone call..."

Su Jiao suddenly thought: "Why don't you call the police and ask the Qufu police to help me see if my uncle is at home. It's a good idea."

Lian Xi: "Remember to bring your ID card when you go to the train station, you won't be able to send it off if you walk slowly."

Lian Xi just said this casually, but he didn't expect that Su Jiao actually packed his suitcase overnight and left.

"You don't understand, my uncle was really beaten. It was terrifying in a small alley."

Lian Xi: "..."

In the middle of the night, a roommate dragged his suitcase and ran away, while the other roommate didn't lift his eyelids, and continued to look through the impermanence card against the back of his chair.

Only Lian Xi was left standing silently in the wind.

The clock on the wall is ticking.

Suddenly, the hour hand pointed to 12 o'clock.

The man in black stood up abruptly: "Catch the ghost."

Lian Xi was stunned: "Huh?"

The minister looked at him, and his face wrote "Are you trying to be lazy again?": "You said, after twelve o'clock, catch the ghost."

Lian Xi: "Oh yes."

The matter of being born with a bell in hand will be put aside for the time being.

In the evening wind, Su Cheng went downstairs again, and embarked on a arduous journey of accumulating performance and climbing the leaderboard.

It was really good luck to defeat Wuxi Guicha, and it was a big achievement at one time. But this time, it is no longer so easy to defeat Jinhua Ghost. The two searched for four hours and found them at four in the morning, only to catch five ghosts and gain 450 points of achievement.

Lian Xi opened the performance rankings.

Twenty-third, Jinhua Ghost Poor in Zhejiang Province, with a performance of 8534 points.

Twenty-fourth, the ghost of Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, with a performance of 4923 points.

Twenty-fifth, Wuxi Ghost Poor, Jiangsu Province, with a performance of 4510 points.

Even Xi hates iron not becoming steel: "Wuxi's ghosts really don't work hard at all!"

Mr. Ji's eyes went all the way up, looking straight at the first row. He suddenly said: "Where is Wenzhou, is it far from here?"

Lian Xi: "?"

The minister looked at him: "Go to Wenzhou to hunt ghosts?"

Lian Xi: "..."

You are only the second to last, and you are thinking of grabbing the first place!

Can you take a look at the third-to-last first!

The colleague was eating the food in the bowl and looking at the supermarket shelf, he was speechless. He was about to speak, when suddenly, in the evening wind, a sharp and angry sneer sounded: "Oh, after the ghosts in Sucheng have been caught, go to Wenzhou to catch ghosts?"

Lian Xi's eyes tightened, he quickly looked around, and clenched the bell on his wrist.

He also frowned, squinting his eyes and looking around.

Just listening to this sarcastic voice coming from all directions, there is nowhere to find a sound.

He gritted his teeth and said word by word.

"Is Sucheng enough for you to catch?"

"Is Su City not big enough?"

"The area of Sucheng will be twice as large as that of Wuxi!"

"The population of Sucheng is twice as fast as that of Wuxi!!!"

Lian Xi: "???" Wait, why is it weird

This resentful scolding was carried by the evening wind and drifted so far that no one could hear his true voice. But when the man was furious to the extreme, he finally forgot to hide his voice, revealing a childish voice with a slightly drake voice that had not been completely changed.

"You don't even spare the dog..."

"You don't even let the dog go!!!"

"Is that human being!!!"