Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 38


Boundless fields, in the bleak night wind.

After the sloppy old man said this, a vague truth gradually emerged in Lian Xi's heart. He stared at the old man standing in the distance with his eyes solemn, his fingers pressed on the bronze bell, ready to attack at any time.

Lian Xi's voice was calm, and he asked, "What do you mean, you killed Su Cheng and took office as Bai Wuchang?"

The old man chuckled and looked at Lian Xi strangely: "What do you think?"

The night hides endless sins, and the night also hides the densely packed black lines that cannot be seen clearly.

The moonlight shone on the dark line, reflecting a dim glow. Lian Xi's heart tightened, and he hurriedly said, "Be careful!" Lian Xi grabbed the minister and pulled him to his side.

The next moment, I saw endless black lines from all directions, every corner of the earth, all connected to the old man's mouth!


The old man shouted angrily and opened his mouth.

His mouth opened wider and wider. At first, it was only the size of a fist, and then slowly, it opened to the size of a human head. The big black mouth is like a bottomless black hole, and countless black threads connect into his mouth from all directions.

A rustling voice came into Lian Xi's ears.

The minister frowned slightly: "What sound?"

Lian Xi said in horror, "Insects!"

I saw under the cold moonlight, hundreds, thousands, thousands of tiny black bugs crawled into the old man's mouth along the lines!

The old man closed his mouth and swallowed tens of thousands of bugs in one bite. Lian Xi could even hear the worms smashing into each other in his mouth, making his scalp tingle.

too disgusting!

The old man smiled: "Then, it's your turn!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the old man opened his mouth abruptly, and countless black threads spewed out of his mouth like cobwebs, covering Lian Xi and Gu Chen.

Without hesitation, Lian Xi rang the bell.


The sound of the bell spread, and the sound wave hit the black thread spider web, shaking the spider web away. However, it didn't end like this, the little bugs on the black line were shaken to the ground by the sound waves. They fell to the ground, and then, all their feet moved in unison to attack Lian Xi and the two.

Countless black insects swarmed up on the vast land.

This is so fucking disgusting!

Lian Xi kept ringing the bell to shake off the waves of black bugs. Zaochen also used golden albums to obliterate black bugs. But there are too many black bugs, and as soon as the shock receded, a second wave appeared. When the number of black worms killed by the shock reaches a certain number, a strong yin and rot air is suspended in the air.

The air temperature dropped sharply, and the rotten air entangled in the sides of the two, revealing a terrifying cold. At the same time, the old man opened his mouth and manipulated the black threads in his mouth to drive these black worms.

Gradually, Lian Xi felt that these yin and rot were like sharp knives, cutting his own skin. At the same time, the black bugs got closer and closer. He turned his head to the colleague beside him and said, "Caochen! He must be dealt with as soon as possible, he is the culprit."

The minister glanced at him, his thin lips slightly pursed.

Gold albums obviously don't work, so...

The next second, Hei Wuchang flipped his palm, and a crystal clear white jade seal appeared in his palm.

After the white jade seal appeared, in an instant, the black worm approaching them seemed to be illuminated by the sun, screaming and turning into ashes. As for some black bugs standing far away, they subconsciously wanted to turn around and run away, but were controlled by the old man so they couldn't escape.

The old man opened his eyes wide: "What is this?!" How could Hei Wuchang's magic weapon be so powerful!

The same question was also asked by Wuxi Little Ghost. If the Wuxi ghost messenger was here, he would definitely pat him on the shoulder and tell the old man: There is a difference between ghost messenger and ghost messenger. I don't know why this black and impermanent magic weapon in Sucheng is so powerful, but I very jealous.

The old man was in a bad mood.

The strange magic weapon of Sucheng Bai Wuchang, the bronze bell. Although it seems to be very powerful, his bugs can't get close. But the effect of this bell is strange, and Su Cheng Bai Wuchang will only use it constantly, and he doesn't see any special effect. This black and impermanent seal magic weapon, as soon as it appeared, had a fatal lethal effect on black insects.

Seems to have a natural restraining effect on these underworld things.

The old man rolled his eyes.


The sloppy old man didn't even think about it, he turned his head and ran. He ran so suddenly that even Xi and Gu Chen didn't realize it was wrong. When the old man ran a few hundred meters, Lian Xi only reacted: "Catch up with him!"

The old man ran away, but he still left behind many small bugs to stop Lian Xi and the two.

It took the two of them a few minutes to kill and wipe out these black bugs. Without further ado, the two chased after them again.

In the vast expanse of the wilderness, I saw an old beggar covered in tatters running frantically in front, followed by a black car desperately chasing him.

However, a two-legged man is destined to outrun a four-legged man.

The car blocked in front of the old beggar, completely blocking his way.

Lian Xi and Gu Chen got out of the car.

Lian Xi said coldly, "You haven't answered my question yet."

Zhao Chen took the opportunity to answer: "How much performance did you steal from me?"

Lian Xi turned his head: "???" That's not the problem!

Glancing at his colleague, he coughed and continued to look at the old man: "I ask you, was Su Cheng's predecessor Bai Wuchang, did you kill him?"

The old man's dark eyes were fixed on them. After a while, he laughed, and his hoarse voice sounded: "You two, you are more powerful than all the ghosts I have ever seen. I didn't expect to encounter ghosts like you in a small place like Su City. Haha, It seems that it will be endless tonight... You forced me!"

Escape is useless.

The old man shouted angrily, and suddenly slapped his belly with a palm. He retched violently, and as he kept retching, tens of thousands of small black bugs were spit out by him. These black worms rushed to Lian Xi and the two of them, and the two were not afraid. One rang the bell and the other shook the seal to drive away the black worms.

When the last black worm was spit out by the old man, there was a strange muffled sound in his throat.

Lian Xi raised his head.

I saw a huge black worm's leg protruding from the old man's mouth. The moment the worm's leg came out, the old man's body suddenly shrunken, and his face turned pale. The hair was gray and turned into withered grass.

Old man: "Ouch!"

The black worm's legs were completely revealed, and even Xi's eyes were wide open.

This is actually a giant black bug the size of a human head!

ten minutes later.

Lian Xi: "You wash it."

Caochen: "?"

Lian Xi: "Isn't it disgusting, you wash it."

The Ottoman: "Oh."

Lian Xi: "..."

Don't just do it, don't do it, wash that seal of yours!

Yes, just a few minutes ago, after the giant black worm crawled out of the old man's mouth, in the blink of an eye, it devoured all the little black worms on the ground. It ate the same kind and made it even bigger. It raised its serrated mouthparts and rushed towards Lian Xi and the other two.

After dodging and fighting with the black worm, the minister found an opportunity and put the white jade seal on the black worm's mouthparts.

In an instant, the black worm turned into a pool of black water, and the old man was completely paralyzed to the ground, without the strength to resist.

The old man was powerful, but he was disheartened when he was defeated.

Lian Xi looked up at the back seat of the car while driving. I saw the sloppy old man tied up with ropes and thrown behind the car.

Su Cheng’s Black and White Impermanence is a half-daoist monk, and he doesn’t know how to deal with this kind of mysterious repair, so he can only bundle it and throw it behind him and drive back to Sucheng’s urban area.

In the back seat of the car, the old man regained his strength. He still couldn't move, but he grinned, giggled with his dirty black teeth, and gritted his teeth: "I didn't expect this old man to walk all his life, to be planted on your two juniors."

Looking at the handsome Su Cheng in the rearview mirror, the black and white impermanence, the sloppy old man really wanted to spit.

Lian Xi: "If you dare to vomit, I will let him put a stamp on your face."

The minister turned to look at him: "?"

The old man narrowed his eyes, but in the end he didn't move.

Lian Xi: "What should I do now?"

The Ombudsman: "What should I do?"

Lian Xi: "If you catch a ghost, just send the ghost to the underworld for reincarnation. But if you catch someone..."

The education that Lian Xi received since he was a child is that the bad guys should be brought to justice and handed over to the police uncle to deal with. But now this situation is clearly inappropriate. After catching the old man, Lian Xi called Su Jiao immediately, but Su Jiao didn't know why he didn't answer the phone.

After thinking for a moment, Lian Xi said seriously: "I think of someone. Go to him, he may know what to do."

At this moment, the car is driving to a fork in the road. On the roadside signs, one side points to the urban area of Sucheng and the other side points to Wuxi. Without even thinking about it, Xi turned around and drove towards Wuxi.

A bustling commercial plaza in downtown Wuxi.

Shopping malls in big cities often close at 10 pm, but at 9:30 pm, the shopping malls will invite customers away one after another.

It's half past ten at night.

The shopping mall has long been closed, and pedestrians walking on the road come together in twos and threes, talking and laughing. No one noticed that on the inner side of the road flowerbed, the figure of a little boy was obscured by the thick and short bushes. If someone saw this kind of kid who looked like a junior high school student hanging out alone in the middle of the night, he would definitely contact his parents.

Wuxi Guicha bent down, hid his body in the shade of the grass, hugged his knees, and squatted obediently.

"Hey, I said, just give birth."


"I can see that you seem to have a long-cherished wish, but you said you can have a long-cherished wish." You are not human. The little devil whispered in his heart.

"Um woohoo!"

"You're enough, just leave if you want to go. Have you heard that sentence? It's all there in the TV series. The King of Hell told you to die at the third watch, how dare you keep someone until the fifth watch. You hurry up and reincarnate me... Eh, go. where?"


The blood-covered yellow puppy suddenly barked, turned and ran into the depths of the bushes.

Wuxi Xiao Guicha hurriedly got up and was about to go after him. Suddenly, he was so blessed that he raised his head and looked forward, and then...

"… "

Wuxi Xiao Guichai rebuked him with grief and indignation: "You don't let this dog go, are you still human?"

Lian Xi, who was suddenly surrounded by puppies at his feet: "..."

The puppy kept arching his bloody head hit by the car, pressing his paws on Lianxi's legs and licking Lianxi's trouser pockets. With a move in Lian Xi's heart, he pulled out a ham sausage from his trousers pocket.

"You want this?"


After the puppy finished eating the ham sausage, he barked contentedly.

Lian Xi raised his head to look at the sad and angry Wuxi little devil, coughed twice, and looked calm: "Look, misunderstanding. This dog wants to eat ham, so he came to pick me up."

As soon as Lian Xi finished speaking, Hei Wuchang, who was beside him, bent down, reached out and gently stroked the puppy's head. While touching, the minister took out his ghost certificate, raised his head and asked Lian Xi, "I will accept this performance?"

Lian Xi: "..."

Wuxi White Impermanence: "… "

You two dogs, be human!

In the end, Wuxi Bai Wuchang took away the ghost of the puppy in the car accident and sent it to the underworld.

The little ghost snorted coldly: "You know each other, don't dare to rob me of my achievements in front of my face."

Hearing this, Mr. Zhi's face was drawn extremely long.

Lian Xi poked his arm.

The minister glanced at him lightly: You don't let me catch ghosts, there is something wrong with you.

Lian Xi: "..."

You really do be a person!

After collecting the ghost of the puppy, Wuxi Bai Wuchang put away the ghost certificate and snorted softly: "Tell me, I have something to do with you, you can't come to Wuxi by the way, and you happened to meet me. How did you find me? "

Lian Xi: "When the ghosts are catching the ghosts, they will temporarily open the underworld passage to guide the ghosts to the underworld. At that moment, the yin qi rises to the sky. The place where the yin qi is heaviest in the whole Wuxi must be the place where the ghosts catch the ghosts. Black and white are impermanent. Personally, there is a one in two chance, we bet right, it is you who happened to meet."

"You can only meet me, because the shameless Hei Wuchang hasn't returned to Wuxi for two months." He complained in his heart, and the kid pretended to be mature, "Okay, let's talk, what's the matter? .I advise you to make a long story short, today is the last day of September, and the rankings are coming to an end. I also want to make more money and improve my rankings, maybe my rankings can be improved a little more.”

Hearing this, Lian Xi smiled slightly, opened his impermanence certificate, and handed it over: "Friendly reminder, you are now the last from the bottom, and we are now the second from the bottom. If you improve your ranking, you will surpass us."

Wuxi little ghost almost exploded his hair: "Why, I can't surpass you?"

Seeing that the junior high school boy was obviously very cowardly, but pretended to be fearless and arrogant, Lian Xi couldn't help laughing: "Have you heard a story before?"


"When you are chased by a bear, you will never run past the bear, but your teammate."


Lian Xi touched his chin: "There is still an hour left to complete the list. Maybe I can tie you directly now to prevent you from catching ghosts, then our second to last will be stable."

Wuxi little ghost: "..."

You are really not human! ! !

But a joke is a joke, and soon, Lian Xi talked about the purpose of this time.

After listening to their stories, Wuxi Xiao Guicha frowned and looked like a little adult: "You mean, you caught a Xuanxiu, caused a lot of trouble in Su City, and killed a lot of people?"

Lian Xi: "Yes. At first I thought he killed someone, but after I caught him, my colleagues and I..." After a pause, he turned his head and glanced at the man with the words "I don't want to ignore you, don't look at me". Hei Wuchang, withdrew his gaze, and continued: "I and he found traces of Desire Nightmare on the old man."

"Hey, have you ever seen Desire Nightmare in Su City?"

Lian Xi said in surprise: "Do you know what Desire is?" This kid looks so young, how can he know so much, more than he and Mr. Ge combined together...

Wuxi little ghost: "Why, I'm young and I've just been white impermanence for a while, but I can't know it? I'm not afraid to tell you that our black impermanence in Wuxi was black impermanence a hundred years ago! She knows There are many things. Desires are actually very common. As long as people have desires, Desires will not disappear. It will always exist in the crowd. But Desires are very weak. They just magnify the desires in people's hearts and satisfy these desires. Afterwards, they will take some interest, such as making you catch a cold, fall, etc. The level of desire to enlarge desires is not high, and all that is satisfied are small desires. The desire you mentioned that kills and dismembers corpses , it seems that it must have been strengthened by the guidance of this mysterious cultivator. It's terrible."

After a few seconds, Xiao Guichai suddenly widened his eyes: "Murder and dismember corpses? Damn it, it turns out that the female college student murder case that was particularly popular in Sucheng recently was murdered by desire."

Lian Xi: "Well. So we want to ask you, how to deal with this Xuanxiu?"

Lian Xi drove the car to a remote place and deliberately looked around, but there was no camera.

Although the three of them are not wanted criminals, and there will be no police officers who are free to look through the camera records to find their faults, it is better to be careful in everything. What if the magic device of impermanence failed to block the electronic signal this time.

Lian Xi opened the car door: "It's him."

The little devil stretched his head into the car to take a look, and hurried out: "Well, he smells so bad."

Lian Xi sighed: "So it's not easy to drive him all the way here."

The little devil agrees.

When the old man saw the little ghost, he smiled hehely: "What a tender little doll."

The little devil shrank his neck. He turned to look at Lian Xi: "You said just now that this old man killed Su Cheng and took office as Bai Wuchang, robbed him of his impermanence certificate, and also has a lot of ghost hunting orders?"


"First of all, according to my colleague, Wuxi Hei Wuchang, only ghosts have the ghost hunting order. This thing is nothing in the underworld, but in the world, it can drive ghosts to do things for themselves. If you have money It can make ghosts run the mill, but that is illegal hiring of ghosts and ghosts; it is different with a ghost hunting order, which is called legal hiring of thugs."

After a pause, Xiao Guichai continued: "So, there is no doubt that the ghost hunting orders in the hands of this old man were all snatched from the hands of impermanence. As for whether it is Bai impermanence who took office in Sucheng, I don't know. Yes. You show me that impermanence certificate."

Lian Xi handed over the old man's tattered certificate of impermanence.

The little ghost turned over and his eyes suddenly stopped: "No, you guys come and see!"

Lian Xi immediately got up.

Caochen didn't bother to pay any attention to them. He glanced at them and began to silently search for any achievements on the streets of Wuxi.

Little Guicha: "Look at this. Although this ghost certificate is missing one piece, there is still a lot of information on it. There are many names on it, and they should all be the ghosts caught by Su Cheng Bai Wuchang. And this last name is The year of birth and death is '1988-2004', which shows that this Bai Wuchang was probably killed by the old man in 2004."

Lian Xi frowned: "So what?"

The little ghost said: "My colleague told me that you used to be impermanent in the black and white of Suzhou, which was very powerful. In terms of performance rankings, you have been in the top five all the year round. You even rushed to the first place once. But the impermanence of black and white in Suzhou City is Homosexuals are a couple, they are very exclusive, they don't communicate with the ghosts in the surrounding cities, and they don't allow others to go to their sites. So everyone is not very familiar. But in 2004, your Sucheng's performance suddenly plummeted, and all of a sudden It's in the top ten. My colleagues suspected at the time that there was something wrong with Sucheng."

Lian Xi asked subconsciously, "Is no one going to take a look?"

"Look? What are you looking at?" The little ghost asked as a matter of course, "Everyone is working for the underworld, so what kind of real feelings do you have. What do you think us people are called black and white impermanence, what ghosts are called, the underworld really treats us as What's the matter? We are the lowest-level contract workers in the underworld. Do the contract workers understand that there are no insurances and housing funds, and nothing. If you die, you will die, and the underworld doesn't even bother to look at you." The little ghost shrank his voice and whispered. He pointed to Hei Wuchang who was looking around, "Just like your colleague, defiant."

Lian Xi agreed very much, thinking: My colleague is really defiant, he only has performance in sight.

Little Ghost: "Eh? What are your colleagues looking at everywhere?"

Of course, we are looking at your performance in Wuxi.

Lian Xi cleared his throat: "Su Cheng took office when Bai Wuchang suddenly disappeared more than ten years ago, and the time is right. But Hei Wuchang thought that Bai Wuchang was seriously injured and went to the underworld to be reincarnated."

The little ghost pouted: "Reincarnation and reincarnation are all for the sake of reincarnation. If it weren't for reincarnation in the next life, for example, if the surname is Ma, the family will play some small games; or if the surname is Ma, the family will buy some small commodities. Who would be willing to be this? Bad shit."

After thinking for a while, Lian Xi analyzed: "If this impermanence certificate is the one that Su Cheng took office as Bai Wuchang, then where did this new one in my hand come from?"

The little ghost thought for a while: "Did you post a new one again?"

After a moment of silence, Lian Xi Jingjing said: "There is another possibility. The Ren Sucheng Bai Wuchang, the gay one, who we all know, did go to the underworld due to some unexpected circumstances, but the underworld also sent a new Bai Wuchang. The book of impermanence in the book was left by the ex-homosexual Bai Wuchang, and the real predecessor, Bai Wuchang, just came to the world not long after he came to the world, and before he met Hei Wuchang, he was brutally murdered... in hand."

After speaking, the two of them looked at the sullenly smiling old man in the back seat of the car together.

Lian Xi: "Which one is it?"

The old man: "Hey, guess what."

With a sneer, Lian Xi raised his eyes and looked at the little ghost: "He doesn't know either, because he can't tell which one it is."

Xiao Guichai complained: "It doesn't matter whoever is, this guy is really pitiful. If he is the gay Bai Wuchang, then his old friend should have gone to the underworld by now, thinking that he can meet him in the underworld, but I don't know that he has long been Eaten. It would be even more pitiful if he wasn't the gay white impermanence, no one in this world knew he existed, he just disappeared."

The reality is so cruel, the two did not discuss any more about who Su Cheng's predecessor, Bai Wuchang, was.

Xiao Guichai remembered one thing: "Oh yes, although I have never received a good performance reward, I heard from my colleagues that that Meng Po soup might be able to solve your problems."

Lian Xi looked at him in surprise: "Meng Po soup?"

"Yes. Only the top ten ghouls can receive a monthly reward of Meng Po soup. The first place is ten bowls, and the second place is nine bowls, in descending order. Meng Po soup is not for drinking, but for splashing. Yes. Throw a bowl of Meng Po soup on the person you think is suitable, it will change some of his memories, it is impossible to change all of them, but it will change some of his memories related to the underworld and ghosts."

Lian Xi frowned: "Tell me carefully." He didn't understand much.

The little ghost: "Ah, why are you so stupid." Wuxi Hei Wuchang told him five times and he understood, "I'll give an example, didn't you have that murder case in Sucheng recently? It is very big and very serious. But the murderer will definitely not be found. At this time, because this case has stepped into the underworld and has a connection with the underworld. Then you can choose to find a police officer related to the case and throw a bowl of Meng Meng on him. Po Tang. Then, he will change part of his memory, and at the same time, the underworld will also use some insidious methods to help the police 'arrange' a real murderer. Isn't this old man the murderer this time, but the police are investigating at all If you don't get on him, at this time, you pour Meng Po soup, then the police will definitely be able to catch him and find 'evidence' to convict him."

That is to say, Meng Po soup is also a prop for the law of cause and effect. As long as it is splashed, although I don’t know the principle, it will definitely solve some unsolvable incidents related to the underworld

Lian Xi thought for a while: "What if it's a ghost? What if there is no murderer at all?" How to find a real murderer

The little ghost was overwhelmed by his question. After thinking about it for a long time, he became angry: "You are really annoying! Isn't there a murderer now, why do you care so much!"

Lian Xi nodded helplessly, and a thought flashed through his mind inexplicably: the rules and regulations of your underworld seem to be really imperfect, messy...

Wuxi Xiao Guichai waved his arm: "Okay, let's find it next. Since this old man has so many ghost hunting orders, he must have Mengpo soup. Sucheng ghost sent a lot of Mengpo soup before. Okay. Well, there's nothing else to do, it's almost twelve o'clock, I'm going to catch the ghost quickly."

While talking, Xiao Guichai handed Lian Xi the tattered certificate of impermanence.

Lian Xi took the impermanence certificate and was thinking about how to coax his colleagues to search the smelly sloppy old man and find a bowl of Meng Po soup. Anyway, the courtier took the seal and stamped the black bug on the body and didn't wash it. He looked like he didn't like to be clean...

Suddenly, his sight caught sight of the impermanence certificate of his predecessor, Bai Wuchang, and his body froze.

"Wait a moment!"

The little ghost was about to leave: "What's the matter!"

Lian Xi looked tense: "I suddenly found something! Come here and take a look at this book of impermanence."

Little devil: "Huh?"

The two of them bowed their heads together, their heads were brought together, their eyes widened, and they looked at this tattered and rotten proof of impermanence.

After looking at it for half a minute, Xiao Guichai exclaimed, his eyes widened: "This, what is this?"

I saw that on this filthy book of impermanence, the last line of words was "Someone, 1988-2004, stayed up late and died suddenly". And then further down, there is no name.

However, if you look closely, you will find that there are some names hidden in the blank book that seems to have no writing.

It's like writing on paper with a pencil and erasing it with an eraser. The words have been erased, but the geese have left marks, and the handwriting is still there. If you look carefully, you can see what is written.

Lian Xi quickly flipped through this book of Impermanence.

From 2004 onwards, for a full sixteen years, it has continued until 2020, and names have been written continuously!

Various names, various birth and death years, various causes of death...

Lian Xi looked at the last two names.

"Sun Yan, 2000-2020, Desire for Life"

"Zhu Jiannan, 1998-2020, Corpse Insect Eater"

Lian Xi's eyes narrowed, and after a long time, he calmly analyzed: "Could it be that all the people this old man killed were regarded as impermanence and recorded in this impermanence certificate?" Suddenly, his eyes lit up, "Wait a minute. , these words are hidden and do not appear, because this old man is not Bai Wuchang, after he killed his predecessor Bai Wuchang, this impermanence certificate is considered to have no owner, and he did not recognize him as the master. But those who were killed by him did not He was sent to the underworld to be reincarnated, but it was eaten by his black worms and eaten into his stomach. What about these achievements now?"

Wuxi Xiaoguicha exclaimed: "How much performance does this get?! If you can get these achievements..."

Not far away, Hei Wuchang, who was looking for achievements with a cold face, frowned and found that something was wrong.

Um? performance

Lian Xi: "Perhaps, these achievements can really be counted in our real Su Cheng's black and white impermanence..." The voice stopped abruptly, the handsome young man's eyes widened, and he looked at his colleague in astonishment: "Zhenchen, what are you doing? When did it come?"

In the cool night wind, the handsome and indifferent Hei Wuchang stretched out his hand: "Show me."

Lian Xi handed over the impermanence certificate of his predecessor Bai Wuchang.

Wuxi little ghost hummed aside, and said sourly: "This is just your imagination, who knows if the people killed by this old man can count as your achievements. Besides, so what? You can wipe these off. The words have reappeared, I have never heard of such a strange thing."

The next second, I saw the palm of the minister flipped.

Lian Xi's eyes lit up.

It's like he doesn't know how to use the bronze bell, and can only play it stupidly every time. Lian Xi has long discovered that his colleague who has lost his memory will not use his golden album and white jade seal. , there is no door to hell", whatever effect the magic weapon gives.

But now, an inexplicable thought popped up in Lian Xi's heart—

Zaochen can definitely count these achievements on the two of them.

Don't ask why, just ask is to have confidence in the hard power (career) of General Manager.

The cold wind blows head-on.

Black-clothed impermanence holds a white jade seal, and a golden light flashes in his eyes.

"There is a way of heaven and earth, but there is no door to hell!"


A seal was savagely stamped on this dirty and tattered certificate of impermanence.

There was a moment of silence in the air, and the next moment, there was a gust of wind, yin qi whistled, and golden light danced.

Countless black words flew wildly out of the White Impermanence Certificate in the hands of the minister, like swarms of wild bees, rushing into the White Impermanence Certificate held by Lian Xi!

On the other side, at the same time, there are 25 cities in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, and 23 other cities.


In the last half-minute, the ghost guards were relieved and stopped catching ghosts. They found a place to sit down, and while they rested, they opened their impermanence cards.

"Hey, it's No. 1 in Wenzhou again. It's boring. It's really boring."

"Whether Shanghai City can stabilize the third child this time, I think Hangzhou is very fierce."

"I will definitely get the top ten! Top ten, top ten, top ten!"

"Come on, what is this?"

Suddenly, I saw the numbers on the impermanence card... It started to move!

All impermanent gazes slid down and fell to the bottom of the performance rankings.

The second-to-last, the ghost of Suzhou City, Suzhou Province, has a performance of 8848 points.


The numbers... are starting to skyrocket!

It's not a surge of dozens or hundreds, but a bang, a thousand! Again, three thousand!

Counting down three seconds, the ghosts were stunned. Seeing that the performance of the ghosts in Sucheng exceeded the 50,000 mark, it was about to surpass Wenzhou...

The last second of September.

Wenzhou's performance suddenly increased by 10,000 points.

Finally, the list is finalized.

Monthly Ghost Performance Ranking (Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai)—

The first place is Wenzhou Ghost Poor, Zhejiang Province, with a performance of 62,213 points.

The second place is the ghost poor in Sucheng, Jiangsu Province, with a performance of 53,256 points.

Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai ghosts: "..."

Longevity, and ghosts have learned to cheat! ! !