Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 42


Early in the morning, the little ghost from Wuxi took the high-speed train and rushed to Sioux City overnight.

Lian Xi rented a car and picked up someone at the train station. Without saying a word, the three of them got on the highway to Hengdian, Jinhua.

The car drove steadily to the high speed, and Lian Xi took time out and asked, "What's going on?"

Maybe it was because he hadn't slept all night, the little ghost sent Tang Zi's eyes dark blue. With a solemn expression, he said: "Actually, I found out yesterday that something was wrong. My colleague, Wuxi Hei Wuchang, is a vixen with more than 100 years of Taoism, her name is Hu Xiaoli, and the name on the human ID card is Hu Xiaoli. She became a black impermanence a hundred years ago, during the period of the Republic of China, but her magic power is not high, and she has always been a half-assed person."

Thinking of the missing colleague, Tang Zi couldn't help showing a worried expression on his face.

He was really worried.

The vixen who has been practicing for a hundred years sounds like he is very powerful. But in fact, they all know that Hu Xiaoli's level is really just a trick.

"It was an accident that Hu Xiaoli was able to become Black Impermanence. At that time, she had just transformed into a human figure and came to the world. It was 1915. She went down the mountain and went to a very popular restaurant at that time to try the famous restaurant. Who knew that he happened to meet a teacher who was chased by a group of killers, and Hu Xiaoli saved his life. As a result, the teacher was the local black impermanence at that time.

"Hei Wuchang was seriously injured. Although he has mana, he is still a human being. He is a revolutionary who has made many enemies and escaped many times, but he did not escape that one time. Before he died, he put Hei Wuchang's position It was passed on to Hu Xiaoli, and Hu Xiaoli became a black impermanence by accident. She is not at that level at all."

The little boy was very worried about the situation of his colleagues, and his speech speed was much faster involuntarily: "Hu Xiaoli has been eating, drinking and having fun for more than a hundred years, but she has lived a long time and has many antique treasures. In the last century, she relied on antiques to her She saved a lot of money, invested in a few people, and she was successful, so she is very rich, and she has always been very good to me."

Colleagues always don't work, but Xiao Guichai never blamed her. Because he also knew that Hu Xiaoli was right.

Both of them are half-way ghosts to drive ducks to the shelves. The two of them work desperately, and the highest ranking is only tenth from the bottom, and normally it is the bottom five. It's better to enjoy life and not be so tired. So their only goal is to not reverse one.

Tang Zi raised his head and looked at Lian Xi who was sitting in the driver's seat: "I found out that she was missing because the star she liked recently was on the hot search the day before yesterday." After a pause, he continued: "Fox Xiaoli has liked a male star named Lin Siqi for the past six months, and has been chasing him everywhere. Recently, he has been chasing him to Hengdian. I saw this male star was the second most searched on Weibo yesterday, and he was scolded for it. Yes, I went to Hu Xiaoli at the time to tell her that her idol was scolded, but she didn't reply to me on WeChat.

"After a day of waiting, I found out that she hadn't gotten back to me, and the hot search for her idol was always in the top ten. At this time, I knew something was wrong... Hu Xiaoli has chased many celebrities, and she likes to pretend very much. An ordinary fan, she works very hard to chase stars with other fans. But if Aidou is scolded, she will definitely spend money to remove the hot search, or at least find the water army to scold people. But she has not responded. Wait until Today, it has been two full days, and I still don't answer her phone, she must have an accident!"

After listening to Xiao Guicha's words, Lian Xi thought about it for a moment, and then he had a scruple in his heart.

Xiao Guicha's remarks reminded him of Su Jiao last month. Su Jiao suddenly returned to his hometown because he couldn't get in touch with his uncle.

Having said that, I haven't seen Su Jiao for a long time, and I don't know what happened to him...

His thoughts were pulled back, and he sneered: "I can't contact you for two days and two nights. There are indeed some problems." This is not Su Jiao's uncle. At that time, Su Jiao had only been unable to contact his uncle for a long time and rushed home, while Hu Xiaoli was unable to contact him for two whole days.

In today's society, it is very dangerous to be unable to contact a person for two days and two nights. Nine times out of ten, something really happened.

Tang Zi was worried: "Right. She's so stupid, she won't be caught and eaten."

Lian Xi raised his head and looked through the rearview mirror to his colleague who was sitting in the back seat of the car: "Caochen, what do you think."

Su Chenghei was holding up his mobile phone, not knowing what he was playing. After hearing Lian Xi's words, he raised his head after a few seconds and said softly, "Huh?"

Lian Xi: "Do you think something might have happened to Wuxi Heiwuchang?"

Caochen: "Wuxi Black Impermanence? Who?"

Lian Xi: "..."

Tang Zi: "..."

Little Guicha turned his head to look at Lian Xi seriously: "Let's just go with the two of us."

Lian Xiyu said earnestly: "He is really very strong."

The little devil gave in immediately.

At this time, sitting in the back seat of the car and addicted to his mobile phone, Mr. Zong pouted and snorted suddenly.

The two Bai Wuchang in the front seat all looked back at him.

Oh, it's humming the phone, not us.

Garbage phone, destroy impermanent youth!

Knowing the general process of what happened, Lian Xi analyzed while driving according to the navigation: "There are only two situations. First, your colleague encountered an accident in the world. You said just now that she is not good at Taoism, and her mana is not good enough. Very low. Let me guess, is her strength comparable to yours?"

The kid almost nodded: "Only a little bit stronger than me."

Lian Xi: "If this is the case, then she has a chance to be caught and kidnapped by mortals. You said that she is very rich, maybe she is rich."

Xiao Guichai thought for a while: "Although she likes to pretend to be an ordinary fan and hang out with ordinary fans, she never does anything special. But it is true that she may accidentally reveal her wealth and be targeted by others."

Lian Xi nodded lightly: "Well, this is the first possibility. In fact, this situation is neither good nor bad. First of all, it is not that dangerous. I believe that fox spirits are not so easy to kill, right? But this belongs to the world. If we are really kidnapped by humans, we can only call the police and ask the police for help, and we can't do much. The second possibility is that this incident involves ghosts and ghosts, or human beings. Although it will be more dangerous, we should be able to figure out a way." The voice stopped, and Lian Xi concluded: "In short, let's go to Hengdian first. We don't know where Hu Xiaoli disappeared in the end, but we will definitely be able to. Know where the star she likes is filming."

The black sedan drove by quickly, and the white impermanences in the front seat were concentrating on discussing countermeasures, and were ready to meet a powerful enemy. Hei Wuchang in the back seat also bowed his head to fight the enemy attentively... Another fiasco, Hei Wuchang's face collapsed with a slam.


Lian Xi raised his eyes and glanced at Guichen.

Caochen also just raised his head, and their eyes met in the reflection of the mirror.

Putting the phone aside, the man looked up at his colleague, finally took time out, and asked, "What happened, where are you going now? Looking for achievements?"

Do you still know performance

Thinking so in my heart, Lian Xi's expression did not change at all: "It's almost here, hope has nothing to do with performance."

Under the hot autumn sun, the car got off the highway and officially came to Hengdian.

Hengdian is located in Dongyang City, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province.

This small town was originally supposed to be an inconspicuous one among the thousands of towns in Zhejiang Province, but because of the famous "Hengdian Film and Television City", its name is well known to people all over the country.

After getting off the expressway, turning into a national highway, and driving for several kilometers, the three finally came to Hengdian Film and Television City.

There is no doubt that if you want to find the last trace of Hu Xiaoli, you should come here. She came here to chase stars, and the place where her idol was filming was probably the last place she appeared.

The three got out of the car.

There are two ghosts in two cities, and three are impermanent. One is a powerful evil spirit who just climbed up from the underworld (to be verified), and the other is a junior high school student who has no life experience and swears it in the car, but when he gets out of the car, he doesn't know where to put his hands and looks around.

Lian Xi sighed: "I'm going to buy tickets."

Xiao Guicha was surprised: "Tickets?"

Lian Xi: "Well, this place is open to tourists. I bought a ticket, let's go in together."

Xiao Guicha: "Oh, oh, I listen to you." The voice fell, and Xiao Guicha smiled and grinned white teeth.

Lian Xi glanced at Xiao Guicha and his colleagues.

Alas, these two living wastes, who can listen to me if they don't.

Everyone has to compare. Lian Xi always thought that his ability to live was already very poor. Compared with his college roommate Chen Kaibi, that was a very low emotional intelligence, far inferior to other people's long-sleeved dance skills. But standing with Caochen and Tang Zi...

The dwarf was selected as the general, and he was the early bird.

After buying the tickets, the three entered the film and television city together.

Perhaps because of the National Day holiday, there are many tourists visiting the film and television city. When queuing up, passers-by from time to time quietly looked at the three of them.

It was the first time that the little ghost went away, or traveled across provinces, and looked around curiously. Hei Wuchang knew that he was holding his mobile phone and didn't care about the gazes of the people around him.

After a long time, a little girl with short hair came over and whispered, "Are you guys celebrities? Can you sign your name for me?"

Lian Xi was stunned, was it because of this? He shook his head: "No, sorry."

The little girl blushed and ran away again. Not far away, she whispered to her companion angrily: "I'll just say no. How can there be any stars who have to line up to enter."

"If you're not a star, you can't ask someone for a WeChat?"


Seeing that the little girl with short hair kept looking at this again, even Xi felt her scalp go numb. Just when the group of little girls were about to run over again, they suddenly queued up.


Finally don't have to deal with strangers.

The next step is to find the place where Hu Xiaoli disappeared last.

Hu Xiaoli is an ordinary person, but the star she likes is not. Soon, Lian Xi and the three found out on the Internet that the star named Lin Siqi was filming recently. It's actually a national drama.

"Republic of China drama, that's pretty easy to find. It should be filmed in the Republic of China Street in the film and television city." Lian Xi thought, and walked to the Republic of China Street with two silly teammates.

The Republic of China Street in Hengdian Film and Television City is also called Guangzhou Street and Hong Kong Street.

It is said to be a street, but in fact it is an entire area. Large and small, row upon row of houses sit in this wide area, with blue tiles and white walls, a pair of old shop plaques full of the vicissitudes of the last century, ancient bluestone bricks, and arched column buildings. Among them, it is like traveling back to the last century.

Now there are not many crews filming on the streets of the Republic of China, there are only two in total.

The three of them searched and quickly found the crew where Lin Siqi was filming, called "Half a Lifetime Destiny".

After the crew rents the venue for filming, they will use fences to surround the crew, and tourists and fans are not allowed to enter casually. Even Xi looked at it from a distance and couldn't get in at all. There are many tourists who are watching around like them.

Tourists who come to Hengdian Film and Television City come to watch the scenes in these TV dramas, and secondly, to watch the stars. Maybe some stars came out of the crew to breathe, and they happened to meet.

But anyway, this is the end.

They can only go here, and so does Hu Xiaoli.

Lian Xi: "Let's split up and look around here to see if we can find some auras that don't belong to the world. For example, some spirits, lonely ghosts, or traces left by Xuanxiu."

Tang Zi: "Yeah!"

Lian Xi looked at his colleague, but he couldn't instruct Mr. Gu: "Sir, just stand here."

The minister's lips moved slightly, he originally wanted to investigate, but after hearing this, he looked at Lian Xi's calm expression. The minister raised his eyebrows lightly, and said softly "Oh".

Tang Zi, the little ghost on the side, suddenly connected with Lian Xi's words: "I'm going to buy you an orange?"

Lian Xi: "?"

Caochen: "?"

You stand still here, I'll buy you an orange...

I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense!

Fortunately, Mr. Ge didn't understand orange stalks, and the little ghost just said that casually, and didn't plan to popularize it with Mr. Ge. Lian Xi was relieved.

He and Tang Zibing were separated, and the two searched along the Minguo Street for a long time. After an hour, they met at the same place.

Lian Xi: "I didn't find any traces that didn't belong to the yang world, nor did I have the slightest yin qi."

Tang Zi: "Me too."

Suddenly, the minister said, "Is the orange you peeled for me last time?"

Lian Xi turned his head: "???"

The minister said thoughtfully: "It's delicious, are you going to buy it for me now?"

Lian Xi: "..."

Just when Xi was racking his brains to think about how to get Mr. Ge to give up this idea, and how to make Mr. Ge who owns a mobile phone and seems to surf the Internet every day not to find the orange stalk in the future, he didn't realize that the three of them. The combination of people is actually very eye-catching in the crowd.

Tourists around looked at them frequently, guessing if this was a star.

Likewise, they also attract the attention of a special person.

When Xu Lang and the little assistant came out of the crew, their faces remained unchanged and their minds were heavy. When he walked to the Republic of China Street, the assistant was surprised to find that there were many people watching on the street, and he craned his neck curiously to take a look.

Hey, are those two stars

Sensing that the assistant was distracted, Xu Lang said displeasedly, "What are you looking at?"

"Ah, Brother Xu, there seems to be a star there, I'll take a look..."

"Star?" Xu Lang frowned and followed the little assistant's line of sight. Suddenly, his eyes stopped.

On the spacious and clean street, Lian Xi was still thinking about how to hide from the black impermanence who had learned to surf the Internet. Suddenly, a smiling voice came from behind: "Lian Xi?"

Lian Xi turned around in surprise and saw the person coming.

Xu Lang walked over with his assistant. He was wearing a neatly ironed suit, stretched out his hand, and smiled slightly: "I didn't expect to see you here." Saying that, the minister and the kid who looked casually on the side were different. Sweeping over his body, he retracted his gaze, looked at Lian Xi, and said with a smile, "Why, are you here to travel?"