Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 43


Lian Xi never expected to see Xu Lang here.

Since the Mao Maojiang incident, he has not seen Xu Lang for two months, and the two have been in contact by phone.

In fact, Xu Lang also did not expect that he would meet Lian Xi. The moment he saw the other party, Xu Lang subconsciously guessed that Lian Xi might also be here for the incident of the star ghost's upper body. But then he saw the two people standing beside Lian Xi. A man in black with a stern look, and a little boy in junior high school who looked silly.

It makes sense to take an adult man, but take a child out to catch ghosts...

Xu Lang smiled and said: "If you come to travel, you can report my name. My company has some investment in Hengdian Film and Television City, and there is no need to queue for all attractions."

I didn't expect to be mistaken by the other party as a tourist. Lian Xi's lips moved, he wanted to refute, but he knew that if he refuted, he would have to explain to Xu Lang why he came to Hengdian since he was not a tourist. So he chose the default: "Thank you."

Xu Lang: "No thanks. Then I have something else to do, so I'll go first."

Seemingly really busy, Xu Lang said hello, turned around and left.

Lian Xi looked at his back, suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind, he remembered the call the other party made to him last night. Could it be that the star that Xu Lang said had an accident was the one that Hu Xiaoli liked

"and many more."

Xu Lang turned around.

Lian Xi took a deep breath and prepared himself mentally. He glanced at the silly Wuxi boy beside him, and finally walked over: "You called me last night, do you remember?"

Xu Lang's expression loosened: "Remember."

Lian Xi raised his eyes to look at him and said seriously, "If we can, can we talk about this topic?"


From Sioux City to Hengdian across provinces, Lian Xi and the three of them did not come by high-speed rail, of course. He rented a car on purpose to make it easier to do things when they got there. But now, the car was parked in the parking lot of Hengdian Film and Television City, and Xu Lang specially sent someone to look after it. The three of them got on Xu Lang's high-end commercial car, plus Xu Lang's little assistant. A group of five people, against the gradually falling sun, left the film and television city and headed for the hotel.

Xu Lang's expression was solemn and solemn: "The star who had the accident is named Lin Siqi. He is a popular young student who has become popular recently. You may have heard his name. He happened three days ago."

In the car, Xu Lang carefully recounted the incident of star Lin Siqi's ghost upper body.

Lin Siqi, the idol that Wuxi Heiwuchanghu Xiaoli is chasing recently, is just 23 years old this year. In the past two years, he became a hit with a fairy tale movie, and he suddenly got out of control and became popular all over the country.

He recently filmed an anti-Japanese war film in Hengdian, playing the righteous male protagonist in it.

Lin Siqi is very popular, and the company values him very much. Naturally, he has a little temper. He is very serious about filming, but he has special requirements for the hotel he lives in. He was tired of staying in ordinary five-star hotels, and this time he wanted to live in a place with beautiful scenery. The crew satisfied him with this trivial matter, and reserved a presidential suite for him at a resort hotel in Pan'an County next to Hengdian.

Everything was going well, and the shooting went smoothly until three days ago, when Lin Siqi suddenly got into trouble.

"His evil attacks are divided into daytime and nighttime." Xu Lang's face was ugly, as if he had remembered something bad, "During the day, he would have a high fever, be in a coma, and recite some incomprehensible words. At night, he would suddenly jump up from the bed, aggressive, as if he had completely changed himself, like a ghost."

Wuxi Xiao Guicha interjected and asked, "What are the words in his mouth?"

When such a young child suddenly interrupted the adult's topic, Xu Lang gave him a strange look, but after thinking about it, even Xi is a rare true master, so the friends around him may not be ordinary. A person can't be seen, he carefully answered Xiao Guicha's question: "The words he said during the day were intermittent and vague, and we couldn't understand it. But at night, his speech would be much clearer, and what he often repeated was four words-

"do not speak!"

do not speak

Lian Xi and Gu Chen looked at each other.

What kind of weird ghost is this

Seeing the dazed expressions of the three of Lian Xi, Xu Lang snorted in his heart, it seems that this time even they can't do anything about it

Xu Lang sighed: "Now Lin Siqi's filming has been temporarily stopped, but the news is still blocked and it has not been leaked to the public. But it won't be hidden for long. To be honest, even Xi, the company has asked a few masters to look at it and sent him to the hospital. I checked it, but it didn't work. After you rejected my invitation last night, I sent someone to Qufu, Shandong, and I heard that there is a famous master of Xuanmen there, but unfortunately the other party was not at home and could not be contacted. "

Qufu, Shandong? Lian Xi was stunned for a moment: "Does the master you speak of have something to do with the Kong family?"

A look of surprise flashed in Xu Lang's eyes: "You actually know this master?" It seems that the real masters still know each other. Now Xu Lang has more confidence in Lian Xi, and regrets not being able to invite the master from Shandong.

However, Lian Xi shook his head and said, "I don't know him, but I know his nephew."

The specific situation has been clearly understood, and we will make a conclusion after everything is in the hotel.

But when Xu Lang said this, Lian Xi once again thought of his roommate who he hadn't contacted for several days. Su Jiao has been missing for many days, and it seems that his uncle is also missing. Lian Xi frowned, he turned on his phone and sent a WeChat message.

[Lian Xi: Are you okay, where are you now?]

After sending the message, Lian Xi put down his phone, never thinking of getting a reply.

Unexpectedly, after a minute, the other party replied immediately.

[Su Jiao: Huh? I'm in my hometown and haven't gone back yet.]

Lian Xi: "???"

I called you so many times before and no one answered, why did it suddenly appear today

Lian Xi hurriedly typed and asked about the situation.

[Su Jiao: [woo woo. JPG] Don't mention it, it's miserable, it's not my uncle's accident, it's the black and white impermanence of our Qufu that I mentioned to you before, and the white impermanence was killed by Japanese devils back then The one, he had an accident, my uncle went to help him before, so he lost contact. It is estimated that this matter will be resolved in two days, and I can also go back to Su City and talk to you face to face.]

[Lian Xi: OK. By the way, there is something here, since you are still in Qufu, can you help to consult your uncle?]

[Su Jiao: What's the matter?]

Lian Xi briefly summarized what happened, and added the disappearance of Hu Xiaoli.

[Su Jiao: What the hell, a star ghost? Okay, I'll ask my uncle for you.]

Half an hour later, Su Jiao sent a long series of voice messages.

Lian Xi opened it, but it was a calm middle-aged male voice.

"In the case of the ghost's upper body, most of the people who are upper body are women. Women's body Yin, if the Yin cold invades the body, the three souls and six souls are separated, and the qi of the whole body is too empty, and it will give the yin and evil qi an opportunity to take advantage of. Take the opportunity to get on your body. You told Su Jiao that the person who was on the body was a man. Although it was rare, it was not uncommon.

"However, I also know a thing or two about the entertainment industry. If it is a star ghost, you can first find out whether the star has raised a kid. I took over a star who was hit by an evil the year before, and she was attacked by the kid who was raised. Was sucked dry for twenty years of life.

"Besides, the disappearance of Wuxi Hei Wuchang, since she is a vixen who has been practicing for a hundred years, even if she loses to Li Gui, she should not be completely lost. This matter is quite strange, and I don't have any good suggestions. But since Wuxi Bai Wuchang She is also present, then I will give you a way to contact her."

Lian Xi immediately clicked on the fourth voice.

"I also learned about this after recent changes. Between ghosts in the same city, you can use the ghosts to communicate. The ghosts are the only approval from the underworld to the ghosts in the world. As long as the ghosts authenticate the master, there is impermanence. You can get the corresponding instruments from it. From ancient times to the present, all the instruments of the ghosts are obtained from the certificates of the ghosts. You can ask the Wuxi Bai Wuchang to return your instruments to the certificates of the ghosts. Bad evidence points to another place of impermanence."

Hearing this, Lian Xi was a little surprised.

[Lian Xi: Master Kong, Su Cheng Bai Wuchang disappeared for more than ten years before, if there is this method, why did his predecessor Hei Wuchang not find him?]

Su Jiao's uncle quickly sent another message.

"This matter should be considered a secret, and I don't know if other ghosts know about it. The reason we know this is because Qufu Bai Wuchang has just escaped from the underworld. This is a secret he heard from the underworld." After a pause, he said again: "By the way, my surname is not Kong, my surname is Zhu."

Not surnamed Kong? Lian Xi was stunned for a while, but he didn't take it to heart, he was more concerned about...

Bai Wuchang escaped from the underworld

What does it mean

Lian Xi quickly sent a message to ask.

This time it was Su Jiao who came back.

[Su Jiao: It's too complicated, and we don't know much about it. Bai Wuchang himself doesn't know what's going on. We are still busy. I will go back to Sioux City in two days and tell you in detail.]

[Lian Xi: Well, wait for you to come back.]

After putting down the phone, Xi pondered for a moment and asked, "Did that star touch something that shouldn't be touched?"

Xu Lang's eyelids jumped: "You mean, those pickled things?"


"It's definitely not. He has always been very good, and he doesn't do anything wrong. His assistant knows what he does."

You say there is no more? This is not necessarily, but also to see for yourself when you get the place.

At this time, Xu Lang's little assistant pressed the car window and said loudly, "It's here."

Hearing this, everyone turned to look out the right window.

Surrounded by three mountains, white water is like training, a quiet and beautiful resort hotel comes into view.

Unlike those palatial five-star hotels, this resort is nestled in the mountains, without the hustle and bustle of the city. The car got off the highway and drove into the quiet path leading to the hotel, and you could hear the crisp birdsong. After crossing a stone bridge and passing through a towering pine forest, in about five minutes, everyone arrived at the hotel's underground parking lot.

During the National Day Golden Holiday Week, many tourists came to the hotel, and most of the seats in the parking lot were parked.

The five people went upstairs directly from the exclusive elevator.

Xu Lang pressed the button on the 28th floor. He turned his head and warned, "It's still daytime, so it shouldn't be a big problem. But it will be dark soon. Lian Xi, and your two friends, please be careful, don't hurt yourself."

Lian Xi frowned slightly: "Is it so serious?"

Xu Lang said solemnly: "Yes. But most of the cases are still controllable, only the first day of injury occurred." The elevator continued to rise, Xu Lang looked at the changing and beating numbers, and smiled bitterly: "I hope it can be resolved soon. Otherwise, in two days, I'm afraid we'll have Lin Siqi's family send him to a mental hospital."

If it wasn't a ghost, what could it be

In the elevator, no one said a word.


The elevator stopped steadily on the 28th floor.

This resort hotel is only a four-star hotel, but in order to entertain senior guests, their top floor is on the 28th floor, and the entire floor is a presidential suite, covering an area of more than 500 square meters.

As soon as we got out of the elevator, it was the door of the room. At this moment, two bodyguards in suits were guarding the door. Seeing Xu Lang, they nodded in unison.

People walked over.

Xu Lang said calmly, "How is the situation now?"

Bodyguard: "I'm still talking nonsense in a coma with a high fever. Doctor Wang and Nurse Li are watching inside."

Xu Lang: "Okay, let's go in."


The two bodyguards pushed open the thick pure wooden door, and in an instant, a faint yellow glow passed through the cracks of the door and shone on everyone's faces. Lian Xi couldn't help squinting, and after getting used to the strong light, they walked into the room and saw the situation in the room clearly.

The room is very big, Lin Siqi is lying on the bed in the master bedroom, this room has floor-to-ceiling windows on three sides, and you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the mountains and rivers.

In just three days, this handsome and popular young student has thin cheeks and is not humanoid. He was in a coma during the day and hit evil spirits at night, which made him unable to eat at all, and could only rely on a glucose bottle to maintain his basic food needs. A doctor and a nurse stood by his bed, and a stocky bodyguard watched.

Seeing Xu Lang coming, they all stood up.

"Mr. Xu."

Xu Lang nodded: "How is the situation?"

The doctor shook his head and said, "It's still the same situation."

Feeling even heavier, Xu Lang turned his head to look at Lian Xi and said, "Mr. Lian, it's going to be night soon. When night comes, he will suddenly wake up and act aggressively. Do you want to check the situation now? ?"

Lian Xi: "Does he wait until it gets dark before he wakes up?"

"Yes, when it's completely dark."

"Okay, then you go out first, we can just watch here."

The doctor on the side was surprised: "Let's go out?"

Xu Lang pondered for a moment: "Okay, then we'll go out first, I'll leave it to you, Mr. Lian. You can just call if you have anything, and we'll be watching in the living room outside. When it gets dark, I'll have the bodyguards come over to be on duty. "

"it is good."

The door clicked shut.

As soon as the person left, Xiao Guichai immediately said: "It's him, Lin Siqi, I know him, and every time Hu Xiaoli catches a ghost, he has to touch the fish, play with his mobile phone, swipe Weibo, and look at his photos! We are going to see him now. Did something happen?"

Lian Xi: "Don't worry."

Tang Zi: "?"

Lian Xi: "I just learned from a friend a way to contact ghosts, try it."

Lian Xi told Tang Zi the method taught by Uncle Su Jiao, and Tang Zi said in surprise, "Is there such a method?"

Just do it. Tang Zi took out a small and delicate silver-white stainless steel compass from his pocket, and opened his impermanence certificate at the same time. He held the compass in one hand and the impermanence card in the other. He looked at it in confusion for a long time, and finally decided to point the needle of the compass at the impermanence card and poked it hard.

There has never been a ghost messenger who would attack the impermanence card with his own magic weapon for no reason, and the kid ghost messed it all up. Seeing that the tip of the needle was about to pierce through the pages of the impermanence certificate, in an instant, a gloomy wind blew up, and a cold and cold breath instantly filled the entire room!

The moment the silver-white compasses instrument touched the impermanence card, it was swallowed up abruptly and disappeared. At the same time, that icy aura turned into a black yin qi, circling and rising from the book. The black yin seemed to want to point in a certain direction, but it pointed to the left for a while, and then to the right, and finally turned around and returned to the book.

Tang Zi looked at Lian Xi in astonishment: "What's the situation?"

Even Xi was confused, he looked at his colleagues subconsciously: "Do you know what's going on?"

ha? Naruto replied confidently, "Do I look like I know?"

Lian Xi: "..."

sorry for disturbance.

To untie the bell, you have to tie the bell, and even send a message to Su Jiao. After a while, Su Jiao came back with a message, another voice, it was Su Jiao's uncle.

"I'm sorry, this method is what we only figured out this time, and it may not work."

Dare to love is not necessarily useful!

All of a sudden things went back to where they started.

Tang Zi pursed his lips and took out his magic weapon from the certificate of impermanence: "So, what should I do now."

Lian Xi put down the phone, he raised his head and looked at the young man lying on the bed.

"Then, we can only continue to start from him."


In the spacious and bright living room, it was getting dark. The doctors and nurses had been busy all day and went to the second bedroom to rest. The bodyguards also temporarily went to the bathroom. Only Xu Lang and his little assistant were left in the living room.

Looking at the gradually setting sun outside the window, the assistant touched the goosebumps on his arm. He remembered what he saw when he first arrived here last night.

Lin Siqi, the little assistant of course knows him, this is the most popular big star right now.

But the person from last night was definitely not Lin Siqi!

He is like a mad madman, with quick movements, tearing everywhere, biting when he sees anyone, and there is an incomprehensible grunt in his throat. The shock made him tremble and his scalp tingles.

"Brother Xu, do those people really have a solution?"

Xu Lang took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, lit one, took a puff, and slowly exhaled: "That's a real master, just like the one from Shandong, not a liar."

The little assistant swallowed: "But they are still so young, and there is a child inside..."

Hearing this, Xu Lang was silent for a moment, and said, "If there is nothing he can do, he can only hold the last hope and go to Shandong to invite that master again."

The little assistant was about to speak, when suddenly, there was a sound of heavy objects falling to the ground in the room.

Xu Lang and the little assistant's expressions changed: "Not good!"

Xu Lang: "Go and call someone!"

Without saying a word, the assistant rushed to the door and called out to the two bodyguards who were standing guard outside: "Come in!"

Everyone rushed to the master bedroom.

With a loud bang, the door was pushed open and smashed against the wall.

Xu Lang: "Are you alright!"

The two bodyguards also rolled up their sleeves, ready to work. However, as soon as they entered the door and saw the situation inside, they were stunned.

In the dimly lit room, a handsome and indifferent man in black put one leg on Lin Siqi's back, one hand grabbed his arms and tied it behind him, and the other held a strange golden album, which he held against Lin Siqi's back. He grabbed the back of Lin Siqi's head and pressed him to the ground, unable to move.

Beside him, a frightened little boy slumped on the ground, watching this scene with wide eyes.

Lian Xi walked over, pulled Tang Zi up from the ground, and asked, "Are you alright?"

The little ghost said with lingering fears: "No, it's okay... It's too sudden! We were talking just now, and he suddenly jumped up. Isn't it still dark, why is this happening?"

Lian Xi turned his head to look at Xu Lang: "It was not dark, he suddenly did this, has it happened before?"

Xu Lang finally recovered from the shock, and he arranged for bodyguards to subdue the crazy Lin Siqi. However, the two bodyguards walked to Lin Siqi's side, but the man in black who had subdued him with one leg did not give in.

The two bodyguards turned to look at Xu Lang.

Xu Lang: "Mr. Lian?"

The warm sunset shone into the house through the floor-to-ceiling windows, Su Cheng Hei Wu Chang easily subdued this disobedient human, pressed the golden album to the back of his head, raised his eyebrows and said, "Performance?"


Lin Siqi struggled to run, but he was pinned down by the minister.

Lian Xi was about to open his mouth to persuade the minister to let him go, but before he could speak, the minister suddenly stood up on his own initiative. The two bodyguards took the opportunity to grab one of Lin Siqi's arms, and the third bodyguard also ran into the house at the same time and plunged a syringe into Lin Siqi's arm.

Soon, Lin Siqi went limp, and the bodyguards caught him and put him back on the bed.

Xu Lang explained: "Muscle relaxants have great side effects and don't last for a long time. We rarely use them. Mr. Lian, what's going on, can you tell us?"

Lian Xi lowered his eyes and pointed to the little ghost boy beside him: "We were talking just now, when suddenly Lin Siqi jumped up from the bed and attacked him, still shouting 'don't talk'. But until now, the sky hasn't black."

Xu Lang said apologetically: "I'm sorry, this has never happened before. We dare not bind Lin Siqi with restraints. When he is crazy, he will not take care of his body at all. If he can't attack others, he will attack himself. , the day before yesterday he bit off a piece of flesh from his tongue. In this way, I'll ask the doctor to come in and show this kid. "

Tang Zi shook his head: "No, I'm fine."

"Let them out."

Lian Xi turned his head to look at the minister.

The minister looked down at him, his tone was calm, and he repeated: "Let them go out."

After being silent for a while, he said, "Okay." Then, he turned to Xu Lang and said, "Please go out again."

Xu Lang: "This?"

Lian Xi said solemnly: "It's okay, we have probably understood the situation, maybe we can solve it."

The door was closed again, and there were only four people left in the room: Lian Xi, Caochen, Tang Zi, and the unconscious Lin Siqi.

The three ghosts gathered together and stared straight at a big living person. If Lin Siqi was awake now, he might be so frightened that he would faint. Only the dying are treated like this.

Tang Zi was still a little scared. Just now, Lin Siqi suddenly jumped up and grabbed him, with that heart-piercing expression and the white eyes that almost popped out of his sockets, he was obviously a living person, but he was more terrifying than a ghost.

Lian Xi looked at the minister: "You have a solution."

It is an affirmative sentence, not an interrogative sentence.

Caochen: "The one on him is not a ghost."

Lian Xi and Xiao Guicha asked suspiciously, "Isn't it a ghost?"

But then they figured it out.

Tang Zi: "I checked the yin qi on his body just now. It is very strong, but there is no evil spirit. There is really no ghost attached to him, unless this ghost can hide the eyes of the three of us at the same time."

Even Xi also said: "If it's not a ghost, these can be explained. But if it's not a ghost, what are these on him?"

Lin Siqi fell into a deep sleep on the spacious bed, as quiet as a Sleeping Beauty, and no one could connect him with the violent lunatic just now.

The minister strode to the front of the bed, flipped the palm of his hand, and a crystal clear white jade seal appeared in his palm. The minister held the seal in his hand and pressed it downward, printing it towards Lin Siqi's gate of life.

However, just as the seal was about to touch the opponent's skin, Lin Siqi suddenly opened his eyes. In the huge eye sockets, the whites of the eyes completely disappeared, turning into a cold pitch black. At the same time, outside the window, the sun completely sank below the horizon, turning into intense darkness.

"do not speak!"

The roar-like sound resounded sharply, and even the glass resonated with tremors.

The minister's eyes were cold, without any hesitation, he continued to fall mercilessly according to the seal's movement.

Lin Siqi reached out and grabbed the hand of the minister, Hei Wuchang sneered, and the golden album flew in the air, emitting a dazzling golden light. If it is an ordinary ghost that is irradiated by the golden light, even if its vitality is severely damaged, it is unable to resist, and can only collapse to the ground and be captured. This kind of situation happened frequently in the past. Whenever there were some lonely ghosts who had to complete trivial obsessions and refused to be reincarnated, Su Cheng Hei Wuchang would ruthlessly suppress them with golden albums and throw them away for reincarnation.

This time, however, something unexpected happened.

The golden light of the minister radiated out, and the whole room was bright with golden light. Seeing that the golden light was about to hit Lin Siqi's body, a strange aura suddenly appeared, and in the next second, another golden light emerged from Lin Siqi's body. This golden light is very weak, and it is completely different from the golden light of the minister. But this weak golden light actually covered the brilliance of the golden album!

For the first time, a stunned expression appeared on Hei Wuchang's cold and indifferent face. Before he could regain his senses, the faint golden light eroded his fingertips holding the white jade seal.

The next moment, Lian Xi's eyes were rounded, and he exclaimed: "Chen Chen!"

Lian Xi grabbed the minister's hand. Behind him, the kid reacted a bit too slowly and failed to catch the two of them.

In the room, two large living people disappeared suddenly.

The little devil shouted in horror, and then he covered his mouth.

Xu Lang's voice came from outside the house.

"Lian Xi, are you alright?"

Tang Zi released his hand covering his mouth: "No, it's fine, don't worry."

Xu Lang: "Okay, let's talk about anything."

Tang Zi said vaguely: "Well, I see."

My friend is missing in front of my eyes, what should I do, please wait online!

In this regard, Tang Zi's choice is-

Take out your phone.

[Tang Zi: DiDi! Are you there?]

Waited five minutes, no reply.

... Sure enough, there shouldn't be a reply!

Tang Zi was so anxious that he looked up at the door.

Maybe, really need to find someone to help

At the same moment, Lian Xi only felt that he was falling violently. The terrifying yin qi of Gangfeng constantly washed over his body, cutting his cheek like a thin knife. On the wrist, the bronze bell was about to ring when a cold hand suddenly grabbed Lian Xi's hand.

The bell stopped and did not move.

In the boundless darkness, the minister wrapped his arms around Lian Xi's waist with one hand and the back of his head with the other, burying his face in his arms with his fingers.

The body froze slightly, and after a long time, Lian Xi asked softly, "Caichen?"

"The ghosts from the underworld come to the wind, and the human body cannot bear it."

As soon as he finished speaking, another violent overcast wind blew from below, and Lian Xi hurriedly stretched out his hands, wrapping his arms around the man's waist.

The saviour's body froze.

"It's okay." After a pause, Hei Wuchang's calm voice was still the same as usual, low and pleasant: "Don't be afraid."

Lian Xi lowered his head and buried his face in his chest, the thought of "I'm not afraid of Yin Feng, but just afraid of falling down" flashed in his mind, but his lips moved slightly, and he didn't say it after all. Pressing his face tightly against the man's chest, he closed his eyes, and there was a faint cold sweetness lingering in his nose.

Very unfamiliar smell, he has never been so close to this person, so he has never smelled this smell.

The black and impermanent taste is actually sweet.

The minister: "Why are you holding me?"

Lian Xi: "Why?"

"Well, why."

Lian Xi was stunned for a moment and said, "There is no reason, I just did it subconsciously."

He didn't get a response for a long time, and Lian Xi couldn't help calling him: "Chen Chen?"

Maybe it was an illusion, Lian Xi felt that the arms around his waist seemed to be tighter. He didn't have time to think about it, when a man's voice came from above his head: "Got it."

After a short silence, Lian Xi asked, "Don't you have a heartbeat?"

In the darkness that the young man could not see, the minister looked calm and said lightly: "Have you ever seen a ghost with a heartbeat?"

It seems to say so.

At this moment, the fall stopped abruptly, without the impact of falling from a high altitude, they stepped on a piece of soft ground gently.

For the first time, neither of them moved until it was confirmed that there was no other change around.

Lian Xi broke away from his colleague's arms, and suddenly, he frowned: "Did you hear that?"

In the thick black where the five fingers could not be seen, a faint cry came from a distance.

Needless to say, the minister looked directly at a direction in the darkness, his eyes narrowed: "There."