Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 44


In the deep darkness, Lian Xi and Cao Chen went to the place where the voice was spoken.

This pitch-black space seemed to be infinitely wide, and there was no end to it. The woman who was sobbing in a low voice indicated that she was very close, and Lian Xi and Jichen walked for ten minutes before finally reaching her vicinity. Hearing the weak footsteps of the two, the sobbing female voice stopped abruptly.

Even if he can't see the other party, even Xi can guess that the female voice is probably vigilantly guarding the surroundings.


Lian Xi moved his nose slightly, he smelled the smell in the air and asked, "Hu Xiaoli?"


"Wuxi is impermanent?"

"Who are you!" She heard two footsteps!

Lian Xi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "We are the ghosts of Sucheng. After your colleague Tang Zi found out that you were missing, please ask us for help and come find you together."

Hearing Tang Zi's name, the little fox spirit was completely relieved. The pair of furry fox ears on the top of the head moved twice. The hearing of beasts is obviously much better than that of humans. Hu Xiaoli said, "You guys should walk forward about ten meters."

Lian Xi and the two walked forward about ten meters as she said.

The next moment, a small hand clapped Lian Xi's shoulder. He couldn't see, he was startled, turned his head, and before he had time to respond, he heard Hu Xiaoli's voice: "I'm here. Are you Tang Zi who asked me to save me? Xiao Tang is really a good boy. Woohoo, I really didn't hurt him in vain. What do you call them?"

"My name is Lian Xi, and his name is Gu Chen."

Fox Spirit: "Why didn't Tang Zi come?"

Then, Lian Xi told the little fox spirit how he and Ji Chen suddenly entered this dark space.

The incident happened suddenly, and Lian Xi still remembers that Xu Lang and the bodyguards who were guarding outside the door were alerted after the star suddenly attacked the little ghost. However, the minister said that he probably knew what was going on, so Lian Xi came forward and invited Xu Lang and others out of the room again.

However, just when the minister took out the invincible white jade seal and wanted to press it on Lin Siqi's gate of life, a mysterious golden light blocked the golden light emitted by the white jade seal.

The black and impermanent golden light of Su City can be called a ghost-hunting weapon, and it has never tasted defeat. It is really strange that he has been defeated by another wonderful golden light now.

After listening to what happened, Hu Xiaoli nodded and said, "So, when you were helping Qiqi hunt ghosts, you were accidentally attacked by the evil things in his body, and then caught here?"

Evil thing? Lian Xi frowned, and was about to speak when a low male voice sounded from his side: "That's not a sinister thing."

Hu Xiaoli: "Huh?"

Even Xi looked at the dark area around him in amazement.

In the thick black, Hei Wuchang's tone was calm: "There is not a trace of saltiness in that golden light."

The golden light that engulfed the minister and Lian Xi was too sudden. Lian Xi saw Hei Wuchang being swallowed up by the golden light, so he grabbed his hand immediately and was swallowed in together. He hadn't really observed those golden lights up close.

However, if this is not an evil spirit, Lian Xi wondered, "Then what is this?"

After a moment of silence, the minister gave the answer: "I don't know either, but it has a faintly majestic righteousness."

Majestic righteousness

Lian Xi and Hu Xiaoli were confused and at a loss.

This evil thing that haunts Lin Siqi, the thing that makes him ghost every night, even if it has no yin energy, it still has a majestic righteousness

Lian Xi's brain started to work quickly, and in this boundless darkness, everyone's attention was raised to the extreme. But he thought about it for a long time, but still didn't have a clue. At this moment, I only heard the sound of footsteps coming from above my head.

Hu Xiaoli said in horror: "It's coming!"

Lian Xi's eyes tightened: "What's coming?"

Hu Xiaoli said quickly: "I don't know how long I've been here, and every once in a while, some pictures will be repeated here. Soon there will be light shining in here, and I don't understand the rest, let alone remind you. , but one thing must be remembered -

"do not speak!"

The fox spirit just finished speaking, and suddenly, a tiny beam of light shone down from the top of the three of them.

I haven't seen the light for a long time, and when the sun sets, even Xi and the three of them squinted their eyes unconsciously. At this moment, they felt as if they were trapped underground, probably a cellar, with long, broken wooden boards blocking their heads. The sun shines through the gaps in the planks.

At the same time, the vast and boundless dark space was instantly compressed and reduced in size.

The rumbling footsteps are getting closer and closer, and the things in this cellar are getting more and more real. In the blink of an eye, four or five dusty pickle jars appeared around the three, two rakes, a rusted sickle and shovel, and…

A shabby, long-haired woman in ragged clothes, and a little boy who was so thin that she was holding her in her arms!

Two people suddenly appeared silently beside him, and even Xi and Caochen were startled. Hei Wuchang's eyes turned cold, and he turned his palm to take out the white jade seal, but this time, he lost contact with the white jade seal. The minister's expression turned cold.

Seeing this, the fox spirit hurried over. She walked straight through the bodies of the long-haired woman and the little boy, and walked to the side of Jochen and Lianxi. I dare not speak, I only dare to repeat it again and again with the shape of my mouth—

do not speak!

Lian Xi and Yu Chen's faces sank. After a while, the two nodded and closed their mouths. Together with Hu Xiaoli, they looked up at the gap in the plank.

The roaring footsteps kept approaching, and gradually, the earth was shaken by the uniform footsteps and trembled.

The cellar is so big in total, even if the three of them try to shrink their bodies as much as possible, they will inevitably touch the long-haired woman and the little boy. However, Lian Xi stretched out his hand. Looking at his fingers passing through the long-haired woman's body, he was silent for a moment, then took his hand back.

Soon, the neat footsteps stopped. A screeching sound came from a distance above his head.

Lian Xi listened carefully, trying to discern what these people were saying. He listened hard for a while, suddenly his eyes widened, and he turned to look at Hu Xiaoli in amazement.

The little fox bit her lip and nodded at him.

Among the three, only Hei Wuchang still didn't know what the "people" above were talking about. He looked down at the long-haired woman and the little boy beside him, his dark eyes narrowed, as if he wanted to find the golden light that engulfed him in them. However, he found nothing but looked away.

It's not these two "people". Could it be that Jin Guang belongs to the group of "people" above

At this moment, everyone is waiting for the next move of the "people" above.

After they murmured, I don't know who shouted, and then everyone dispersed.

Followed by all kinds of noises. Farm implements were overturned to the ground, and the walls that might contain money and people were also torn down.

The long-haired woman opened her frightened eyes, hugged the little boy tremblingly, and stared at the wooden board above her head. There was fear in her eyes, and there was a hint of hope in her heart.

don't want.

do not come…

Please do not!

However, her prayers were not heard by the gods.

The door was kicked open and fell to the ground with a thud.

Through the gaps in the planks, I saw a middle-aged soldier wearing a 98-style military uniform and holding a bayonet. He rolled his tiny mouse eyes and walked into the house swearing.

He rummaged around in the house, saying words that the three of them could not understand.


The soldier cursed, and his small eyes looked around, suddenly, to the top of his head.

Under the beams of this thatched cottage, a layer of wooden boards was also built. Country people sometimes use this as an attic, where they can put some sundries. Of course, people can also be hidden here.

The soldier raised his bayonet and stabbed seven or eight knives in the head.

The sound of debris being stabbed came, and at the same time, the knife was also stabbed with some black. It seemed that it had stabbed the sewage that had not been dumped for many years, and the entire blade was instantly stained black.

The soldier cursed again, he turned around and was about to walk out the door, but when he reached the cellar, he stopped and looked suspiciously on the cellar handle for a few seconds. Then, he suddenly raised the bayonet stained with thick black sewage, stabbed it downward, and stabbed the cellar.

The woman's expression turned into extreme panic at this moment.

The knife came too fast and the cellar was too small for her to escape.

One knife after another stabbed down, stabbing the woman on the body. Because a lot of sewage had already been stained on the knife, the soldier didn't seem to realize that he had stabbed someone, was stained with blood, and was still screeching out the knife over and over again.

A knife stabbed the little boy on the body!

The woman covered the boy's mouth with great speed. The boy bit her hand in pain, biting her bloody. The woman's eyes went straight from the pain, but she opened her mouth and didn't dare to say a word.

do not speak!

Finally, after seven or eight stabs, the soldier left.

When the movement outside the house stopped, and after another ten minutes, the woman turned pale and pulled out her bloody hand bitten by the boy.

Because a woman was protecting her body, the boy was only stabbed.

get out.

The woman crawled out of the cellar covered in blood. She was hit with four or five stabs, but none of the stabs hit the point. She could still move. She wanted to find something to stop the bleeding. She wanted to save herself and the boy.

The moment she opened the cellar door and went out, a light flashed in Lian Xi's mind, his face changed, and his heart was not good.


The cellar door opened, and the woman crawled up from the ground with difficulty on her arms. Before she raised her head, she heard two or three footsteps.

The blood in the whole body congealed at this moment.

She raised her head.

The sun turned down from behind the two soldiers and shone into the house. I saw two soldiers in military uniforms and armed with bayonets, smiling at each other, their small eyes full of light.

"I knew there must be someone hiding, there was blood on the ground, she thought I didn't know haha."

"Tanaka-kun just likes to see the expressions of these women who think they are rescued, but don't know that they are about to step into hell. You are really perverted."

"Aren't you the same?"

"Ha ha ha ha."

Next, everything seemed to be in order.

The cries and screams of the women, the frantic mocking and laughter of the men, mixed together, became the melody that reverberated in the hut at the moment.

The fox spirit turned her head reluctantly. She watched it many times, but every time, she couldn't bear to continue watching.

Lian Xi looked at the scene above his head with a cold face, and pinched his nails into his palm.

Caochen watched everything happen quietly, there was still not a trace of ups and downs on his emotionless face, but there was a faint golden light flickering in the bottom of his eyes.

Under the cellar, two soldiers had already found the little boy who had been stabbed. They laughed loudly and opened the cellar door completely, instead of killing the little boy, they let him lie on the ground and watch what happened to their mother.

It wasn't fatal, but it was too thin and didn't stop the bleeding.

The boy's eyes widened, looking at all this, unable to rest his eyes.

He is still too young, and he doesn't know why it is still on during the day, why there is such a devil walking in the world.

And the two soldiers who carried out atrocities in the house watched the boy with his eyes wide open and gasping for breath, and were immediately bored. At this time, the woman was also dying, and only her last breath was left. The soldiers were about to leave when one of them stopped and said a few words to his companions with a lewd smile. Then he picked up a few large sharp stones from the ground and stuffed them into the woman's body.

The woman twitched in pain.

The soldiers laughed and walked away.

With her last strength, the woman looked at the boy who died in the cellar. A tear fell from the corner of her eye and she closed her eyes.

At this time, the little fox spirit hoarsely said, "It's over here. It's this scene, repeated here many times. I think there must be one of this woman and this child that caused Lin Siqi to be ghosted. ."

After a moment of silence, Lian Xi nodded lightly. He was about to speak when suddenly, his eyes stopped.

The next moment, Lian Xi: "No, it's not over yet!"

Little Fox Spirit: "What?!"

Kaoru also looked at him in surprise.

Lian Xi opened his eyes wide and looked at the long-haired woman who fell to the ground. I saw her tearful eyes stay on her son's body for a long time, and then she turned her head to look in the direction of the inner room!

Lian Xi: "There... there are people there!"