Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 46


"Hu Xiaoli woo woo, I thought you were dead."

"I thought I was dead too woo woo woo..."

Wuxi kid is still young, so he is not tall. He hugged and cried with the little fox spirit, and for a while, it was impossible to tell which one was more like a child. However, Hu Xiaoli quickly reacted and said angrily, "Who are you cursing to die, I'm not living well!"

Tang Zi pursed his lips and muttered in a low voice, "Just your three-legged cat spell, I'm not afraid that something will happen to you."

The little fox thought for a second. Also, if it wasn't for even Xi and Guchen, she would probably be stuck in that terrible place for the rest of her life and couldn't get out. The vixen also needs to eat, she will be fine if she doesn't eat or drink for ten days and a half months, but if she doesn't eat for a year and a half, she will also become a ghost fox of starvation.

Hu Xiaoli was moved to tears: "You still treat me well."

The two hugged and cried for a while.

Even Xi looked at it, thinking that the two ghosts in Wuxi are like children, no wonder Huihui was at the bottom of the performance.

"Okay, let's solve the problem at hand first." Lian Xi interrupted them.

Wuxi Guicha let go of the other party. After all, Hu Xiaoli has a lot of knowledge. Although she is not very knowledgeable, she knows the most things present. She touched her still painful ear, and said, "Since that woman can create such a fantasy, her ghost must be nearby."

Caochen frowned slightly: "I've searched this room, but no."

As soon as they entered the room, the three of them searched the entire room with their yin and yang eyes, but found nothing.

Hu Xiaoli thought for a moment: "Maybe that mysterious golden light protects her soul, so it's not easy for us to find it. But if you look carefully, if she can influence Qiqi like this, it must be nearby and not far away."

The crowd immediately began to look for it.

The master bedroom of the hotel where Lin Siqi lives is not very big, only about 50 square meters, and you can see the head at a glance. However, because of the long-term filming in this place, Lin Siqi brought a lot of luggage here. Lin Siqi's personal belongings were everywhere, and it was quite difficult to find something that a female ghost could possess.

Everyone searched for half an hour, and even went through Lin Siqi's clothes one by one, but still couldn't get any clues.

Tang Zi raised his opinion: "Will he not be in this room? He has wrapped the entire floor, maybe in another room?"

Hu Xiaoli: "There is such a possibility, but it requires the power of the ghost to be very powerful to affect such a long distance."

Tang Zi: "Then let's go to other rooms and do a search."

Hu Xiaoli: "Yes."

Everyone was about to open the door and go to other rooms to continue searching for clues. Suddenly, a male voice sounded: "Wait."

The crowd looked back.

I saw Su Cheng Hei Wu Chang, dressed in black, standing beside the huge French window. He was looking down at a fish tank on a high tripod.

This fish tank is purely a small fish tank for hotel decoration, placed on a high platform made of white marble. A few small red and white goldfish shuttled left and right in the water. Although the fish tank is small, it has all the internal organs. There are small water plants swaying with the water waves and a few colorful pebbles.

The minister looked back and looked at Lian Xi: "This stone?"

Lian Xi looked at the bright red jade stone on his colleague's finger, he frowned and thought, suddenly, his eyes widened, as if he understood what it was, and strode forward.

Tang Zi: "Hey, what is that? What kind of stone?"

Hu Xiaoli was also at a loss: "Don't make it, what kind of stone? Could it be that the female ghost is possessed on the stone? Why is it a stone?"

At this time, Lian Xi had already walked to the fish tank. He stretched out his hand to pick up the stone, but just as his fingertips touched the water, he stopped. He turned around and went to the bathroom to get a clean towel. Lian Xi carefully grabbed the towel with his hands and put it into the fish tank. He took out the bright red stone that was as clear as jade.

The ruby stone broke out of the water, and the moment it came into contact with the air, boom! The light in the room suddenly dimmed, and a powerful and terrifying Yin Qi invaded upward from the soles of everyone's feet!

"do not speak!"

A hurried and sharp female voice slammed into the room. The whole house was shaken violently, Tang Zi almost fell, Hu Xiaoli grabbed his little devil, and this prevented him from being knocked down by the strong Yin Qi.

The door was also banged with a loud bang.

There were knocks from Xu Lang and others outside the door.

"Are you all right, Mr. Lian?"

Lian Xi grabbed the Ruby Stone with a towel in one hand, and shouted loudly, "It's okay, don't come in."

Xu Lang hesitated for a moment: "Okay, let me know if you have something to do."

The yin qi was still spreading, and even Xi wrapped the whole stone with a towel. The hair strands on the forehead were washed by Yin Qi and swayed backwards. Lian Xi gritted his teeth, ready to shake the bronze bell if he couldn't hold back. At this moment, a white jade seal fell from the sky and covered the towel in Lian Xi's hand.

"There is a way of heaven and earth, but there is no door to hell!"

The golden light was impressive. This time, the mysterious golden light that protected the female ghost appeared again, opposing the golden light on the seal of the minister, and it seemed that he was not allowed to harm the female ghost.

But the minister did not intend to beat the female ghost to pieces this time, nor did he even intend to send her to reincarnate. So the mysterious golden light resisted for a few seconds and then slowly dissipated, allowing the minister to seal the yin qi that was running around in the ruby stone.

Six golden characters in seal script were suspended in the air, sealing the yin qi that was flying out of control in the ruby stone.

After the Yin Qi was completely suppressed, the six golden characters slowly dissipated.

Lian Xi held onto the stone tightly and breathed a sigh of relief.

Five minutes later, Hu Xiaoli turned into a little fox and curled up in Tang Zi's backpack. The three pushed open the bedroom door.

Hearing the movement, Xu Lang and others who were guarding outside immediately stood up. Xu Lang walked over quickly: "Mr. Lian, are you alright, how is the situation?"

Lian Xi nodded lightly: "It's alright, he should be fine."

Upon hearing this, Xu Lang's assistant hurriedly brought the bodyguards, doctors and nurses into the room to check on Lin Siqi's physical condition. I saw Lin Siqi lying quietly on the bed, resting with his eyes closed. Because of the muscle relaxants and sedatives, it is temporarily impossible to see whether he is doing well or not. The doctor measured his temperature and said in surprise, "The fever is gone!"

The assistant walked out of the bedroom and told Xu Lang the situation.

Xu Lang's eyes lit up with joy. He believed that Lian Xi, since Lian Xi had agreed, and Lin Siqi's fever had subsided again, nine times out of ten, it was really all right.

Xu Lang said repeatedly: "Thank you very much, Mr. Lian, you have helped a lot. I must thank you well. If you have anything to say, I can do it, and I will go through fire and water."

Lian Xi: "... um, no need."

Xu Lang smiled and said, "You really helped a lot this time. The film that Lin Siqi is filming is actually invested by our company. If he has something to do and start over again, it will cost a lot of money. You're welcome, what's the matter? Just say what you need.”

There was one thing Xu Lang didn't say. He was very happy to spend some money to have a good relationship with a master like Lian Xi.

Someone once said that people must make three friends in society: a teacher, a lawyer, and a doctor.

Now Xu Lang feels that he needs to add another one, which is more important than the first three, and that is a true master like Lian Xi.

"Have you ever seen this stone?" The minister suddenly said.

Hearing this, Lian Xi opened the white towel very tacitly, revealing the ruby-like stone inside.

Xu Lang was stunned, he glanced at the stone, then turned to look at the man in black beside Lian Xi. Xu Lang rolled his eyes, this is Lian Xi's friend, and he must be a master. Thinking of this, he smiled gently: "I haven't seen it, but I can ask Lin Siqi's assistant." He called Lin Siqi's assistant and asked, "Have you seen this thing?"

A strong, flat-headed young man came over and looked down at the red stone in Lian Xi's hand. After a few seconds, he exclaimed, "Ah, I've seen it. I accompanied Siqi back from filming three days ago, and he thought the room was boring. Go for a walk in the hotel garden. This is a random pebble he picked up in the flowerbed. He thought it looked good, so he picked it up, and it seemed like he put it in the fish tank."

Hearing this, Lian Xi nodded clearly.

Now the truth is revealed.

Lin Siqi accidentally picked up the stone possessed by a female ghost and brought it back to the hotel. The female ghost woke up from her deep sleep. She had been dead for many years. She had forgotten everything, even who she was, but she still remembered one thing—

do not speak!

The son in the cellar has long been unable to speak, and was killed by the Japanese devils like her. So who would she want to say this to

It can only be the third person who was hidden in the back room and was not discovered by the enemy.

Until now, Lian Xi already had the answer in his heart.

He looked at Xu Lang: "If you want to inquire about the historical data of this place during the Anti-Japanese War, where can you find it?"

Historical data from the Anti-Japanese War? Xu Lang's eyes flashed, but he couldn't think of anything. He smiled and said: "It should be in the local chronicles. Each county in our country has its own independent local chronicle, which records the major events that occur in the county every year. However, there may be some defects in the war era, and not all of them may be clearly recorded."

Lian Xi: "Can you help us make arrangements to check the local gazetteer?"

Xu Lang: "Of course. But it's very late today, and the local chronicle's office has long been closed. Lian Xi, can you do it tomorrow?"



Pan'an County is located in the east of Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province.

It is backed by four mountains including Tiantai, Kuocang, Xianxia and Siming, and also has four rivers including Qiantang, Oujiang, Lingjiang and Cao'e River passing through it. .

The resort hotel where everyone is located is in the middle of Pan'an County. Early the next morning, Xu Lang arranged for an assistant to drive with the three of Xi and a little fox hidden in a backpack to the county local chronicle history office to inquire about the local history during the Anti-Japanese War.

The staff led the three to a bookshelf.

"During that period, the army was in chaos, and many things were not remembered at all. These things were recorded by other people's memory after the war, and they were written intermittently. Until the beginning of this century, some old people suddenly remembered some things, and then let them Others write articles and publish them. However, not necessarily what you want."

"OK, thanks."

The three of them spent the whole noon looking up information.

Said to be three people, but in fact there are only two: Lian Xi and Tang Zi.

After reading another piece of old official news with no clues, Lian Xi put the yellowed old book on the bookshelf. He raised his head and looked at his colleague.

The sun shines into the room through the gaps in the bookshelves, and the mottled dust in the air flutters gently and falls on the books in Hei Wuchang's hands.

Zaochen didn't look for clues, but he was looking at that history.

He looked at it seriously, as if it was the first time he knew this era. In fact, he may really know it for the first time.

Lian Xi retracted his gaze and picked up another book.

Tang Zi said in a low voice, "Hey, isn't that right?"

Lian Xi immediately leaned over: "Where is it?"

Xiao Guicha pointed to an article: "Look at it. Here, more than 100 villagers have been slaughtered in this village for 42 years."

Villagers were slaughtered

Most likely this is it!

Lian Xi took the booklet in the hands of Xiao Guicha and read it carefully.

During the war, Zhejiang Province was not completely occupied, and 12 counties survived, including Pan'an County under their feet.

However, this is only an official statement. In fact, according to the memories of many elderly people, Pan'an County was actually occupied at that time. It's just that the county seat has not fallen, but the villages below have fallen, so the official conclusion is that it has not fallen. And now what they are looking for is a village that was once burned, killed and looted by the Japanese army. This village must still be within the county.

Looking at this article, Lian Xi's face became more and more gloomy. He put down the book in his hand: "It seems that this is it. Continue to check the information in this direction."

With direction, everything becomes easier.

Lian Xi quickly found an article: "At the end of 1942, the villagers in 14 villages in the occupied areas were transferred to Pan'an County... This incident has only been four months since the massacre of 100 people!"

Before Tang Zi could speak, a small fox head stuck out from the backpack behind him: "This means that they must have found a safe transfer route to avoid the enemy." As the only person present who has experienced that era Human, Hu Xiaoli obviously has a say: "This kind of route is hard to find. If you are not careful, you will be discovered by the enemy, and then you will be outflanked by the enemy to the county town, resulting in a complete fall. So..."

The little vixen didn't speak anymore, she looked at Lian Xi with big fox eyes.

And even Xi understood what she meant, he put down the thin book in his hand. This book is very thin, and in just a few lines, it introduces the great transfer that happened more than seventy years ago. However, Lian Xi felt that it was very heavy. This short few lines of words, but I don't know how much blood was used behind it, and it was hard to get it.

Lian Xi said quietly: "So, it was the third person in the house. He found a safe route. He survived. He took the route back to the back... Finally, the villager transfer was successfully realized."

Tang Zi pursed his lips, lowered his head and stopped talking.

Hu Xiaoli remembered the teacher who had long been blurred in his memory, the fluffy fox ears on the top of his head moved slightly, she said softly: "Actually, Xiao Tang, Lian Xi, I just remembered, the one who blocked us in the illusion , what is the golden light that won't let us out. I thought it was a little familiar before, but I can't remember where I saw it at once. Because the last time I saw it, it was so dim that it almost died Now, only the last bit of light remains."

Lian Xi: "What is it?"

Before the little fox could speak, the minister closed the book in his hand: "I also remembered."

Everyone turned to look at him.

"It's the fate of the country." Hei Wuchang's expression was indifferent, his voice was calm, and he said word by word: "The fate of the mortal people is to protect the loyal and loyal people in the world who have sacrificed their lives for the country. "

It is this country that is protecting this woman.