Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 5


On the phone, the man's voice was calm and confident: "That's it, you submitted your resume to our guild last year, remember?"

Since the popularization of 4G network, live broadcasting has become a common entertainment item in modern life.

One by one, fresh live broadcast platforms have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

Douya platform is one of the most famous platforms.

After the emergence of the live broadcast platform, businessmen quickly sniffed out business opportunities and began to form an anchor guild. When the anchor joins the guild, you can get the support and exposure of the guild. Just like when a star wants to enter an entertainment company, with a company, you will have more exposure opportunities and become popular.

When he said this, Lian Xi remembered that he did send private letters of recommendation to several relatively large anchor guilds last year. But of course, his private messages fell into disrepair, and no guild paid him any attention.

Among them is the Gem Guild.

Lian Xi: "Is something wrong?"

The man smiled: "As the super-manager of the Gem Guild and the anchor's manager, I want to invite you to our guild."

Lian Xi: "..."

Can there be such a good thing? ! ! !

"I took a look. Your current fans on Douya are only 1W8. According to this fan level, the guild usually pays you 3,000 monthly signing fees. But I can call you 5,000."

Lian Xi suddenly calmed down.

After the guild signs a contract with the anchor, it will give the anchor a "basic salary" every month, but at the same time, the guild will also share a portion of the gifts that the anchor receives.

Lian Xi didn't receive many gifts every month, so the Gem Guild gave him a signing fee of 5,000 all at once. This means that as long as he broadcasts on time every month, he can get 5,000 yuan no matter if anyone watches it or not.

No pie this big will fall from the sky.

Lian Xi: "Why are you looking for me?"


"I have few fans, and I don't have many gifts... You ignored me last year, so why are you suddenly willing to sign me this year?"

The man on the other end of the phone laughed softly: "Of course, there are requirements. You are currently broadcasting the King of Glory, but as far as I know, you have broadcast live commentary of horror games for a while at the beginning. If you sign a contract, We ask you to switch from a mobile game anchor to live streaming of horror games. In addition, we also hope that you can do some outdoor live broadcasts more often.”

Lian Xi noticed something strange: "I don't quite understand what you mean."

The man smiled and said: "For outdoor live broadcasts, you can look for places with urban legends around your city and explore adventures or something. You can also go around the scene of the murder, take pictures of the scene for fans, and talk about it. Just like... the one in the dormitory building of the Chang'an Fan Factory."

Lian Xi was stunned: "How do you know?!"

In a high-end apartment in a bustling city, a young man wearing silver glasses raised the corners of his lips and his eyes were sharp. He stared at the resume that Lian Xi recommended himself on the computer screen, and his eyes stayed on the contact address column for a long time.

He didn't beat around the bush, and said directly: "Actually, Liancheng, I found out last week that there seems to be an anchor who is a live witness of the recently popular Sucheng 2.07 massacre. All the anchors who sent it to my mailbox recommended themselves, I have seen every one of them. Yours, of course I have seen it too. After the murderer of the Sucheng Fan Factory case was arrested, I immediately remembered that someone had sent me a private message, and the contact address was the dormitory building of the Sucheng Fan Factory. I It took me a whole week to find your private letter. You didn't disappoint me, you not only live there, you even live in a haunted house."

"Liancheng, this is the best time for you to turn over and become a big anchor!"

"I haven't watched your live broadcast yet, so I don't know how good your game is, but since you've been live broadcast for a year and it's still not popular, it means that your game level may not be up to standard."

"What you really should do is not the King of Glory anchor, you should be a supernatural game anchor! Even an outdoor supernatural anchor facing the murder scene!"

"I'll send you the contract tomorrow. Now is your hottest period, and the case in the fan factory dormitory building hasn't gone down. After you sign with our guild, I'll give you the best recommendation right away and tell everyone Man, you are the only person who lived in the four dormitory buildings after the incident."

"Even, you once got along with the murderer day and night."

"You can do live broadcasts for half a month in a row, and just do your own experience in the fan factory murder case. I'll also fire up a character for you to tie you to this case. As long as there is a little disturbance in this case, such as that The murderer's trial, the second trial, these are your exposure opportunities!"

"Liancheng, do you know how popular you will be?"

"It's not just the case of the Sucheng Fan Factory. As long as there is a vicious homicide in the society in the future, you can speak out from the standpoint of someone who has experienced it yourself."

"There is no anchor in the entire network with conditions like yours. This is an innate advantage that no one can match!"

"... Liancheng?"

"Hello, people? Can you hear me?"

Lian Xi: "I'm sorry, I don't want to sign a guild for the time being, thank you."

"What? Hey...!"

Lian Xi directly hung up the phone.

The next second, the super tube wanderer called again.

This time, it's not like treating real estate agents, rejecting them over and over again. Lian Xi directly blocked the opponent.

Wandering: "… "


Is this a fucking idiot

Don't want to make money

On the other side, the young man who had just moved his house moved his hands and feet and lay comfortably on the sofa. He lay lazily for a while, and the words of the man just now echoed in his mind.

"Personal experience?"

"I can count?"

The real first-hand experiencers are the victims who have been dead for 23 years.

It is the family of the victims who have been in the pain of losing their loved ones for 23 years and cannot be relieved.

If this really makes the person who has experienced this call receive this call, it may not be as simple as blocking it, it may have to be an angry scolding, or even go directly to the door to deliver a full hospital gift package.

He quickly forgot about the person who was Chaoguan Vagrant, and arrived at Lian Xi's fixed live broadcast time every night.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Lian Xi opened the live broadcast room on time.

No cameras, no extra words.

Click on the game.

Start streaming.

Fifteen minutes later, a familiar fan clicked in.

[Hey, the anchor is back for the live broadcast? I haven't seen you live in two days.]

Lian Xi happened to get a triple kill in the game, saw this barrage, and said, "Well, I moved two days ago, and there was no live broadcast."

After saying this, the live broadcast room fell silent again.

Even Xi silently played games, killed people, and pushed towers.

There are not many fans, just seven or eight, watching silently without saying a word. Maybe he has already turned on the live broadcast room as the background music, and went to do other things.

[Does the anchor receive the list of national clothes?]

Lian Xi came to the spirit in an instant: "Which hero."

[Zhuge Liang.]

"It's a bit expensive, you can ask me privately."

Fan gifts are a drop in the bucket for the little anchor. If they really have to rely on this to eat, Lian Xi has already starved to death.

The way he really makes money is by helping people make orders.

That is, the legendary thugs and power trainers.

Someone opened the door, and the live broadcast room became a little more lively.

[Isn't this anchor playing Sun Shangxiang? Can Zhuge Liang also play in the national uniform?]

[Brother, this is the first time to watch this anchor. Although this anchor never speaks and is a dumb player, his level is still acceptable. He has four national clothes, Zhuge Liang, Sun Shangxiang, Ma Chao and Zhao Yun. Known as the Three Kingdoms Killer.]

Lian Xi watched this barrage several times while playing the game.

Unable to say it, he silently replied in his heart—

Thank you, very strong.

National uniform, if you have it.

As for the dumb players...

You are dumb! Your whole family is dumb!

After a lot of comparisons in his heart, the dumb anchor silently started a new game.

Even Xi didn't speak, the fans in his live broadcast room ignored him and started chatting on their own below.

[There is a major broadcast in the console game area next door, brothers, have you watched it!]

[It was on the hot search yesterday, brother, you went to Mars to grow potatoes, only now do you know?]

Even Xi was stunned.

I do not know.

Originally, I wanted to peek at these two fans and talk more, but who knew they would stop talking and continue to talk about Lianxi's game level.

Lian Xi: "..."

After waiting for the live broadcast, go see it for yourself.

I thought so in my heart, but after the live broadcast, Lian Xi forgot about it, washed and fell asleep.

Life has returned to peace.

But the super tube wanderer didn't give up.

Even after Xi blocked his phone that day, he actually called from another phone the next day. Even after Xi found out it was him, he didn't even think about it, hung up again, and blocked it.

Wandering: "Fuck!"

As for the private messages of the live broadcast platform, even Xiquan can't see it.

Of course it was a good thing to be able to sign with the Great Guild, but he didn't want to eat human blood buns.

The biggest advantage of being a network anchor is that if you really don't want to see someone, they won't be able to find you.

Lian Xi didn't apply for a job after graduating from university, but became an anchor, because this occupation allows fewer contacts.

Don't communicate with people.

I am also afraid of killing others.

The anchor is so good, you don't need to talk, just play games silently, occasionally take orders, and live a normal life.

In the evening, Lian Xi went out to the convenience store outside the community to buy a few cans of Coke. He went home with a plastic bag, and when he came out of the elevator door, he took out his keys and was thinking about what to order for takeaway at night. Suddenly, his footsteps stopped, and Lian Xi looked at this strange man standing in front of his house, and was slightly stunned.

Not only was Lian Xi stunned, in fact, the wanderer was more frightened than him.

His eyes stopped for a while on the young man's handsome and stern eyebrows, and then slowly glanced at his handsome face. After looking up and down for a while, the wanderer opened his mouth, but he didn't return to his senses for a while.

What the fuck? !

That 18,000-line little anchor Lian Chengchang is like this? !

At the next moment, a sharp light flashed in his eyes. Originally, he just planned to ask again for the last time, but he really refused to sign the contract. Now he made a plan to win.


Must sign!

Must be a hit!

In the future, the live broadcast must turn on the camera!

Write this in the contract!

Wandering pushed the frame, revealing the smile of a successful man: "Liancheng."

"You are?"

"I am a wanderer."

"… "

"Superman of the Gem Guild."

"… "

I remember.

Lian Xi glanced at him calmly and asked, "How do you know my address?"

He has only moved for a week, and even Uncle Li doesn't know where he lives now. How could this superman know.

Wandering smiled confidently: "Didn't you answer a courier call at noon today?"

Lian Xi: "???" What

Wandering: "I asked my friend to call you, tell him your current address, and send you a courier."

Lian Xi: "..."

It is impossible to guard against it!

Wandering: "Don't you think it's fate? Actually, I'm from Sioux City too. If you sign with our guild, I can sign an additional agent contract with you. I'm very confident and will make you popular. Don't refuse first. , do you know the anchors I have now? Brother Douya, the big anchor of Glory of the Kings, PKing, know? I made him popular. There is also the star show anchor Wan Zai, who is also supported by me. Except for these two The biggest big anchor, the anchors under my hands also have six guns, hydrogen, cool legs..."

"I may not be able to hold you as the second PKing, but I am confident that you can be the second hydrogen."

"How is it, Liancheng, what do you think?"

Without any hesitation, Lian Xi said lightly, "Please get out of the way, I'll open the door."

Wandering raised his eyebrows and reached out his hand to stop him: "Do you know how much hydrogen can make every month?"

"do not know."

"One hundred thousand starts."


I pass? ! ! !

Lian Xishua looked up at Wandering, Wandering laughed confidently in his heart.

"The signing fee, I can make my own decision and give you 30,000 yuan per month. This is just the beginning. If you become popular, we can change the contract at any time. "How about it, 100,000 yuan, you don't care, I have a hundred ways to You are in the red! "

"… "

Even Xi almost gave in!

Holding the key in his hand tightly, Lian Xi almost tried his best to hold three words between his teeth.

"Please get out of the way."

The wandering eyes dimmed: "Hydrogen earned 130,000 last month! This is the money he got himself, not the share of the platform and the guild!"

"If you are willing to participate in more offline activities, I can even arrange for you to enter the entertainment industry! My family is in the entertainment industry and has connections!"

"Hey, Liancheng!"

The man reached out to stop him again.

At this time, with a "click", the door opposite the door opened a crack from the inside.

A young guy looked at Lian Xi and Wandering quietly, turned his eyes on them, and finally looked at Lian Xi: "Hey brother, do you want to help. Are you a newly moved neighbor?"

Lian Xi: "Uh..."

Wanderer frowned: "I'm sick, what's your business?"

The young man let out a "hoo" and opened the door completely. The next moment, seven young men with vigor and vitality appeared behind the door.

Wandering: "… "

He cursed in his heart, wandering speechless for a long time, and shoved his business card into Lian Xi's hand.

He stared at Lian Xi seriously, and said word by word, "Think clearly, you will never have such a good opportunity in your life!"

When you're done, turn around and leave.

Lian Xi glanced at the business card in his hand and threw it into the plastic bag of the convenience store he was carrying. He looked up at the opposite door and smiled, "Thank you."

The first young guy to speak waved his hand and laughed: "Small thing! What was that just now, debt collectors or door-to-door sales? You were stomping at the door before you came back. I don't look like that. Nice guy."

Lian Xi thought for a while: "It's door-to-door sales."

The young man said to his companions: "What I said, I knew it!"

Lian Xi looked at them and asked, "Are you... a group renter?"

As soon as these words landed, the eight young guys facing the door immediately widened their eyes. The leader put his hands together, winked and begged: "Good brother, our brothers have just come to Sioux City to find a job. Don't report it to us, we never speak loudly or make noise. You all live here. It's been a week, and you don't think we're arguing, do you?"

Lian Xi smiled and said, "It's okay, I'll ask."

Indeed, it has been a week since we moved here, and Lian Xi has not heard any noise.

Although there are few non-noisy group rentals, they are not absent. As long as it doesn't affect his life, Lian Xi doesn't really care.

But he thought: "You pay attention to the electricity, don't let anything happen."

The young guy smiled: "We didn't modify the circuit privately, don't worry. We will visit more in the future! You are welcome to come to our house to play!"

"it is good."


In Sioux City at the end of July, the heat wave is raging.

At night, the city is still bustling and noisy, and the night sky is illuminated with most of the rosy red by the city lights.

Xu Lang walked out of the gate of the community, waited for five minutes, and sat on Didi.

He irritably pulled the tie around his neck, muttering and cursing, "The idiot who doesn't want to make money deserves to be poor all his life, living in such a poor neighborhood!"

Master Didi looked up at him in the rearview mirror.

Xu Lang, one of the management members of the Gem Guild, ID Wandering.

Despite the scolding, Xu Lang still did not give up on signing Lian Xi.

That face is absolutely enough for the entertainment industry, and there is a gimmick that the fan factory has experienced personally.

With him around, even Xi Neng's fire is still a big fire.

Xu Lang was thinking about how to convince Lian Xi when suddenly, his cell phone rang. Looking at the name flashing on the screen, he clicked his tongue and connected the phone. As soon as the call came through, he was stunned.

"Why are you crying? You're an idiot, the big man called me to cry?"

"… "

"Who died?"

"That fan of yours committed suicide for you?!"

"Fuck! Just that rabbit fur?"

"I don't care what kind of rabbit fur, cat fur and dog fur she is, is she sure she's dead?"

"Fuck! Stop crying, you're all dead, you cry!"

There was a panic in his heart, but suddenly, Xu Lang calmed down.

His fingers tapped the phone case lightly, his tone was calm, and he said lightly:

"Didn't you both break up for half a month? She's dead, it's none of your business. Now leave the hospital immediately, go home, and turn on the computer. I remember your live broadcast time at 7 o'clock in the evening?"

"You want to be late?"

The author has something to say:

CC: QAQ that's 100,000, 100,000 per month, woo woo woo...