Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 54


From a long time ago, Lian Xi was thinking about whether his colleagues were too strong.

Su Jiao once said that the ghosts assigned by the underworld are basically ghosts. They are slightly different from other ordinary ghosts. They may have some merit before their death, or they may be born with stronger strength, so they are sent to be ghosts to help the underworld work and accumulate achievements, in order to cast a good child in the next life.

According to this statement, these ghosts assigned from the underworld should have some strength, but they should not be too strong. If it's really tough, why don't you just work as a civil servant in the underworld and go to the world? It's like exile in ancient times. The underworld is the capital, where dragons and tigers stand, and the most powerful officials are Beijing officials; the yangjian is a remote rural area, and those who come here to be officials are either powerless or exiled.

And the strength of General Manager is like a firefly in the dark night, no matter how hidden it is, it can always show a unique light.

For example, they had a fight with Tang Zi, a brat from Wuxi, and Mr. Zong casually subdued Tang Zi.

Another example is the fight with the sloppy black-toothed old man, which is even more outrageous. Lian Xi began to doubt the strength of his colleagues from this point on. The old man with black teeth once easily killed the predecessor of Su Cheng, Bai Wuchang, and he has not been discovered by anyone. At the same time, for so many years, he has been doing bad things in Su City, and the previous Su City Hei Wuchang did not find his existence.

Although the old man with black teeth was defeated extremely fast, he was really strong. But even such a black-toothed old man couldn't survive a round under the command of the minister...

How are you so strong

Even Xi looked at his colleague with complicated eyes, without thinking about the fact that the old man with black teeth didn't seem to be able to last a round in his own hands.

Aware of the young man's gaze, the minister pondered for a moment: Don't let me look at my phone

It seems that brushing the phone at this time is not very good.

Caochen calmly put away his mobile phone and looked at the slumped watchman: "You said just now that you came here because someone reported it?"

The owner of the golden album was Caochen. Hearing his words, the watchman shuddered and did not dare to hide: "Yes. Originally, yin and yang were separated, so it was difficult for me to run up from the underworld. But because of the chaos in the underworld, the big men fought and fought one or two. The gap between the worlds reveals chaos. And in the chaos, there are many ghosts reporting you, leading me to a way, so that I can pass through the chaos and come here smoothly."

Caochen: "The ghost messengers in the Thirty-Three Cities reported us?"

The watchman nodded: "Yes!"

Ah! The minister's voice was suddenly cold: "I also reported the ghost police in Wenzhou, why didn't you punish them?"

The watchman was stunned: "...Ah?" Seeing that the boss was about to get angry, the guard's back was standing upright, and he dared to neglect. After a careful review, the watchman finally found several reports of the ghost police in Wenzhou from the overwhelming number of report letters that reported the ghost police in Suzhou City.

Taking a closer look, these three report letters were all reported by Su Cheng Hei Wuchang alone!

Watchman: "..."

Why are you punishing you and not punishing them, don't you have a B number in your heart? !

The whole world is reporting you for cheating, and you dare to sue the wicked first, can you point your face!

But how dare the watchman say this. Forced by the obscenity of the general manager, the expression on the watchman's face changed. In the end, he regarded death as home, and gritted his teeth: "This actually has something to do with the special nature of Wenzhou ghosts..."

"Huh?" Lian Xi was a little surprised.

I feel extremely good about myself, I take the first place for granted, you are cheating if you take my first place. But Lian Xi never thought so. He also felt that the performance of Wenzhou ghosts seemed strange, but he also recognized Jiangnan Dao Bai Wuchang, that is, the guard should come to catch himself and Mr. Gu, but not Wenzhou ghosts. After all, they all look more like cheating.

But he didn't expect that this watchman actually knew something.

Is there really a problem with the ghost difference in Wenzhou

Even Xi came to the spirit, and the minister narrowed his eyes, and the two seriously waited for the watchman's explanation.

I saw the watchman with a bitter face and a strange tone: "This has to start with my colleague. My colleague is Jiangnan Dao Hei Wuchang. He is more powerful than me, and has more than five hundred years of Daoism. Among the eighteen ghosts in the underworld, his strength is also among the best. In Wenzhou, there is actually only one ghost, that ghost..." A little awkward, the watchman coughed, and after a few seconds he continued: "That ghost It's my colleague's Xiao Xianggong."

Lian Xi didn't react for a while: "?"

The minister asked directly: "What is Xiao Xianggong?"

Watchman: "It's a prostitute! That kid was a playboy before his death, with thin skin and tender flesh. After he arrived in the underworld, my colleague took a fancy to him and took him to the room. This kid's skills are very good, and he coaxed my colleague. He was allowed to reincarnate, and in order to let him reincarnate, he went through the back door, sent him to Wenzhou, who had no ghosts at the time, and even lent him his black impermanence certificate!"

Thinking of this, the watchman felt that his colleague was really fascinated.

It is said that ghosts can confuse people, but ghosts can also confuse ghosts!

His colleague has eight concubines in the underworld. These eight female ghosts have been with the colleague for hundreds of years, but they can't let the colleague promise them a good future. The actor had only been with him for decades, and his colleagues even lent out his own black impermanence card.

Watchman: "Our impermanence certificate is inferior to yours... ahem, it's not the same as your ordinary impermanence certificate. Our impermanence certificate can monitor the changes of ghosts and ghosts in the entire Jiangnan Province, and can record a hundred records at the same time. The breath of a lonely soul and a wild ghost." After speaking, the watchman opened the certificate of impermanence, and he snorted: "The decree of Bai Wuchang in Jiangnan Dao, ghosts and ghosts, show up!"

The voice fell, and I saw a gust of wind rising from the ground. Then, a hundred golden beams of light flew out from the White Impermanence Certificate in the watchman's hand and scattered in all directions.

These 100 golden beams of light are thick and thin, and most of them are as thin as hair. But there are also a few, as thick as baby arms!

Watchman: "And the use of this ghost certificate is more than that. This is the real ghost certificate, and only cheap imitations are used by the ghosts in the world. This ghost certificate of mine can directly monitor the entire Jiangnan Road Three The movements of the ghosts in the fifteen cities are also recorded with your general information, as well as the accumulated performance since you became a ghost."

Lian Xi took a breath, but before he made a decision, a fast wind flashed in his ears.

The minister directly stole the Bai Wuchang certificate from the watchman's hand.

General Manager: "Your ghost certificate is not bad."

Watchman: "..."

General Manager: "It's mine now." After a pause, he raised his eyebrows insincerely and asked, "Do you have any opinions?"

The watchman wanted to cry without tears: "No!" He had long thought of it!

Covered by the golden light of the golden album, the watchman is like a frosted cabbage, his head downcast.

Knowing the secret behind Wenzhou Ghost's terrifying performance, Lian Xi's confusion over the past half month finally has an answer. Although the reason is slightly different from what he imagined, it's a little... too simple.

He originally thought that Wenzhou ghosts might be a business genius, and the money could be quadrupled in the hands of Wenzhou people, and the performance points could be doubled in the hands of Wenzhou ghosts. Unexpectedly, in the end, it was only because Wenzhou Ghost Badge had a good backer.

That's it

Even Xi shook his head, saying that he was disappointed with this answer, and that he had no choice but to acknowledge it. After all, this is the truth.

Sure enough, he would never do this kind of backdoor cheating since he was a child. Whether in the orphanage or later in society, he was always the one who followed the most rules.

Lian Xi: "If I snatch the black impermanence certificate from Wenzhou Guicha, will it make any difference?"

Watchman: "???" Are you bandits? !

Lian Xi: "Jiangnan Road is black and white and impermanent, and the two impermanence certificates have both fallen into the world. Two in one, will there be other different things?"

Watchman: "There are only two real impermanence cards in the whole world. If they get together, it will probably have some influence on the inferior ghost cards on the other eight paths? These are all my guesses." No responsibility for mistakes!

Lian Xi and Gu Chen looked at each other, without words, they looked at each other and smiled.

Watchman: "..."

You two are more devil than me! ! !

The watchman ruefully reflected on what was wrong with him, and why did he go to the world? The sun is too scary, he wants to go back to the underworld! At this time, Lian Xi squatted down and moved to the watchman's side. His actions made the minister glance at him more, but didn't say much.

Lian Xi lowered his voice and asked in a voice that only the watchman could hear, "There is something. The underworld has sent a new ghost to take office under your command. You should know that."

The watchman was stunned: "I know."

"Did the underworld send a new Sucheng Hei Wuchang?"

The watchman looked at Lian Xi in surprise, and then looked at the minister behind him: "Isn't Su Chenghei Wuchang the successor he found by himself? The hell didn't assign it."

Lian Xi's face changed slightly, and his tone was casual: "Oh, I just want to see if you know about this. By the way, your impermanence card... "

The question of the questioning is almost the same, and even Xi carefully tortured the watchman about all the methods of using this book of impermanence. Even more details, all of them are revealed. After he explained all the things he should explain, Lian Xi stood up and looked at his colleagues. Before he opened his mouth, the watchman showed horror on his face and shouted sharply: "Don't kill me, don't kill me! I am willing to take the initiative to return to the underworld, or you can imprison me. I am the master of this white impermanence card. , if I die, this impermanence card will have no owner, you will not be able to use it, and the underworld will find out that I am dead!"

Lian Xi paused slightly. In fact, he didn't mean to kill the watchman, but the thought did flash through his mind.

Because he knows too much.

Lian Xi's gaze swept across the body of the minister, and the glance was so fast that even the minister did not notice his complicated gaze.

Two months ago, the order of the underworld was in chaos, and the river of forgetfulness was cut off. According to rumors, a peerless evil spirit escaped from the underworld.

Two months ago, Zhao Chen suddenly appeared in the world. He lost his memory and was mistaken by Su Cheng Hei Wu Chang as a new ghost sent by the underworld...

If these two things are really related, then everything has an explanation.

Unparalleled strength, one person has two magical tools.

The contempt for all creatures in the world and the indifference that is like a god.

And the whole body, even though it still haunts the minister's body to this day, like a little golden light like a firefly!

Although golden light and red light are not directly related to good ghosts and bad ghosts themselves. But at this moment, Lian Xi finally understood that from beginning to end, these golden lights were all hinting at him—

As long as you send this peerless evil ghost to reincarnation, you can obtain supreme merit!

"Is something wrong?" The handsome and handsome man stared at Lian Xi with his dark eyes down.

Colleagues who like to sit on the sofa and eat oranges.

A colleague who likes to play games, plays well but still loves to play.

He was still talking about life and death a moment ago, and death is just a reincarnation. The next second, he would silently accompany everyone to read historical books together, and his colleagues who silently read that history...

Lian Xi suddenly remembered that whenever he was broadcasting live, his colleagues always sat beside him obediently. Don't play games, just look at him so seriously. When he won a game and turned his head to laugh with his colleagues in a happy mood, this person would always nod his head gently, with recognition and admiration in his eyes.


The minister is a peerless evil spirit.

But... He is even more impermanent in Su City.

Lian Xi took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He shook his head slightly and smiled: "It's okay."

The young man's silent and solemn gaze and sluggish smile made the minister's eyes move slightly, and a strange feeling rose in his heart. After a while, he nodded lightly and said, "I have something to do."

Lian Xi was stunned: "Huh?"

The minister put his hands in his pockets and said confidently, "What is Xiao Xianggong?"

Lian Xi: "?"

Caochen: "What is a prostitution?"

Lian Xi: "??"

Before Lian Xi could answer, the watchman turned into a dog's leg, and hurriedly answered while licking: "My lord, I know this. Xiao Xianggong is a man who is cared for, and a prostitute is a little man who is cared for by a man!"

Caochen was stunned, his lips slowly opened: "...A man and a man, can they be together?"

The dog-leg watchman couldn't wait to say: "Of course. My lord, this kind of thing has been common since ancient times. It was called Longyang in ancient times, and it is called homosexuality in modern times." I can tell you anything else you want to know!

"How are we together? The harmony of yin and yang is for heaven and earth. The imbalance of yin and yang is for the incompatibility of heaven and earth, and besides..." Gu Chen thought about it carefully, and after a few seconds: "There is no compatibility between men and men."

Lian Xi: "..." Are you still seriously thinking about it!

Watchman: "Why not, my lord, of course men are after use..."

"Enough!" Lian Xi finally couldn't bear it anymore.

The minister and the watchman all turned to look at him.

Lian Xi looked at his colleague with a serious face, who seemed to really just want to discuss the gate of the new world, and covered his face with a headache: "Go home first. Su Jiao sent me a message just now that he was at the door of the house, but he forgot his key..."