Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 56


After ordering the takeout, Lian Xi put away his phone and looked at his roommate who he hadn't seen for half a month. He remembered what Su Jiao said just now outside the door, pointed at the fat middle-aged man with a well-behaved face, and was about to introduce the other party's identity, when he saw Su Jiao's eyes staring: "Just tell me, is this a new one you found? roommate?"

"?" What the hell.

Shaking his head, he said, "Of course not."

Su Jiao breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay if you don't."

Although I don't know why, in the short half month that I left, my two roommates seemed strange for no reason. But after all, I didn't find a new roommate behind my back. The big stone in Su Jiao's heart was finally put down.

After catching the train all night, Su Jiao went straight to the sofa as soon as he entered the room. All four limbs collapsed on the sofa, and the shorty roommate gasped contentedly: "Comfortable!"

Lian Xi glanced at him, after all, his roommate had just returned, and he was still in the fresh period of never getting tired of seeing each other. He took the initiative to walk into the kitchen to get a bottle of water and hand it to Su Jiao. Su Jiao was so moved that he filled half the bottle and decided to report back to his roommate and share the latest news with Lian Xi.

I saw Su Jiao sitting upright in the rising sun with a solemn expression: "Lian Xi, what I told you on WeChat before... Do you remember?"

Hearing this, the other three people in the room were stunned.

Lian Xi was sitting on the sofa peeling oranges, and the minister was sitting next to him, playing with his mobile phone with his head down. The watchman doesn't get such good treatment anymore, he honestly stood aside and didn't dare to take a breath.

Among the three, Ge always had no idea what Su Jiao had said. The watchman had already seen the identity of Su Jiao Xuanxiu, and now looking at Su Jiao's solemn appearance, he thought: Could it be that something happened in the world? Is it related to Xuanjie

Only Lian Xi, his expression changed, and he suddenly understood what Su Jiao was going to say.

Su Jiao looked solemn: "It's too miserable! After I returned to my hometown, I searched for a whole day before I found my uncle! Do you know what happened?" Lian Xizheng wanted to say, "We probably already know." However, Su Jiao didn't give him a chance at all. He asked himself sadly and answered: "You absolutely don't know that the white impermanence in my hometown is the blacksmith who died during the Anti-Japanese War. He escaped from the underworld!"

The watchman let out an "ah" in surprise.

Su Jiao brushed his head to look at him: "You are also Xuan Xiu." It wasn't Xuan Xiu, and even Xi would not bring people back for no reason.

A strange expression appeared on the watchman's chubby face: "Ah, I..."

Su Jiao waved his hand: "It's too scary, just listen to it, don't get involved. The white impermanence that my uncle knows, he has accumulated for decades, and finally has enough, and is ready to reincarnate. My uncle Just send him the last ride and give him practice. Who knew that after he went to the underworld, within five minutes, he would run back before the passage was closed. It’s okay to run back, and he will bring it back for hundreds of years. The wicked devil!"

"It's terrifying." Su Jiao couldn't help but feel embarrassed when he recalled his heart-wrenching journey in the past half month: "I caught ghosts for half a month, half a month!"

Su Jiao: "The blacksmith didn't see anything clearly. He said that as soon as he went, he saw a group of ghosts fighting. He was so frightened that he turned his head and ran back." Looking at his roommate with arrogance and concern: "Lian Xi, the underworld is in chaos, don't be a ghost, your company has closed down!"

Even Xi silently finished peeling the orange, and was about to break half of it and put it in his mouth, when he suddenly noticed a line of sight.

He raised his head.

The Ombudsman: Stare.

Lian Xi: "..."

Break the orange in half and hand over half of it. Lian Xi looked at his worried roommate: "Is the underworld in chaos?"

Su Jiao: "Yes!"

Lian Xi: "I know about this."

Su Jiao: "Well, this is too serious, don't be a ghost... eh? You know?!"

Lian Xi's expression was calm: "Isn't it because the Ten Temple Yama has fought, don't you know?"

Su Jiao: "?" How would I know!

While eating oranges, Lian Xi calmly pointed to the fat watchman beside him: "He also knows."

Su Jiao: "???" Isn't this a big secret? I thought I knew the whole world, but now you're telling me that everyone knows

The watchman coughed, rubbed his hands together, and looked at Su Jiao a little ingratiatingly. This Xuanxiu was a friend of Sucheng Ghost Badger, and it was definitely right to have a good relationship with him. The watchman smiled and said, "Little brother, do you know who I am?"

"I do not know."

The watchman smiled: "I am Jiangnan Dao Bai Wuchang."

Su Jiao looked confused: "What is Jiangnan Road?"

The watchman smiled slightly and began to popularize science.

ten minutes later.

After listening to the watchman's explanation, Su Jiao was stunned, suddenly woke up, and glanced at the watchman in amazement.

This is actually a hell of a lot!

In awe.

But soon, Su Jiao whispered, "It turns out that the ghosts from the underworld are quite good-natured." When the watchman heard these words, he was immediately heartbroken, and said to himself: If I hadn't been convinced by your two friends, how could I be the bear that I am now

However, there are more important things now. Su Jiao asked Lian Xi curiously: "What are you going to do? The underworld is in chaos, and the war is going on. Are you still a ghost?"

Lian Xi asked, "Why not?"

Su Jiao was stunned for a moment, and thought for a while: "Oh yes, you still want the reward for that performance ranking."

The watchman said: "The performance ranking is a rule set by the judge before. Although the underworld is fighting now, no one has changed this rule, so it will automatically issue rewards and will not change."

Lian Xi nodded lightly, with awe-inspiring righteousness: "Although the underworld is in chaos, we still have to work hard to catch ghosts and contribute to the construction of a harmonious Su City."

The watchman rolled his eyes, seized the opportunity, and quickly licked it up: "Your Excellency is really dedicated, and it is only after death, a role model for my generation!" I lick!

Su Jiao: "..."

You are just for the money!

Everyone is talking, and the takeaway has arrived.

Lian Xi and Su Jiao went to the door to get takeout and put it on the dining table. Turning his head, the handsome and beautiful young man shouted softly, "Caochen."

A man sitting on a sofa watching an e-sports game looks up.

Lian Xi: "It's time to eat."

The Ottoman: "Oh."

In the early morning, the faint rays of sunshine lit up from the east, illuminating the misty morning mist.

After all, there are very few people who come out at night like the ghosts of Sucheng. For Lian Xi and Gu Chen, their day has just ended. But for the vast majority of the citizens of Sioux City, a new day has just begun.

At this moment, there is a high-end villa complex across a lake.

The heavy curtains are drawn tightly, and the high-grade and expensive fabrics block the morning sun, showing the owner that it is so expensive with its excellent opacity.

In the dark bedroom, a rush of gasping could be heard faintly. Not a morning exercise, but a man gasping for breath. He breathed eagerly, eyes closed tightly, grabbed the sheet with big hands, and pulled out sharp folds from the sheet.


With an exclamation, Chen Kai opened his eyes and woke up from the nightmare.

The first time after waking up, he was still not awake. The scene in front of me is still a nightmare, a small dark forest, counting down the numbers, young boys complaining and blaming each other, they shouldn't run out of the dormitory so late to play.

Do not look back…

Do not look back!

In the dream, he was slapped violently on the shoulder, and then Chen Kai woke up.

After a long time, Chen Kai wiped the sweat off his forehead. Weary, he reached out and turned on the bedside lamp. Immediately, a dim warm light shone down.

"Um... what's wrong..." the gentle fiancee beside her whispered.

Chen Kai shook his head, gently touched his fiancée's fair cheeks, and coaxed softly: "It's okay, it's still early, it's only after six o'clock, go to sleep."

"alright… "

After coaxing his fiancee to sleep, Chen Kai did not fall asleep. He wasn't sleepy at all. I've been having this nightmare for the past few months, torturing him to the point of exhaustion every time. He thought he would get used to it after a few more nightmares, but it was impossible, he couldn't get used to it!

The small forest in the junior high school, that sentence "don't look back"...

Chen Kai stroked his fiancée's cheek, his eyes gradually narrowed and his eyes became fierce.

Suddenly, his fingers paused slightly. The cold temperature on his fingertips made Chen Kai wake up from his memories. He looked down at his fiancée: "Qianqian?"

No echo.

Chen Kai's fingers trembled, stroking his fiancée's cheeks that were so cold that they didn't look like a living person: "Qianqian, Qianqian?"

On the soft big bed, the young woman's eyes were tightly closed, her face was pale, and there was no trace of blood. No matter how Chen Kai called her, she would not wake up.

Chen Kai suddenly pulled the quilt away, and his eyes froze when he saw the big pool of bright red blood on the bed.


The man screamed in horror, hugged his fiancée's cold body and rushed out the door.

An hour later, the park hospital.

Liu Qian's parents are natives of Sioux City. After getting the news, they rushed to the hospital immediately.

As the deputy chief of the Sioux City Police Department, Liu Qiangke is a burly, dignified and strong middle-aged man. His eyes were like falcons, and at a glance he saw Chen Kai who was guarding his only daughter's hospital bed. He strode over: "What's going on?"

Seeing her daughter's bloodless cheeks, Mother Liu immediately burst into tears: "Qianqian, Qianqian!"

Chen Kai seemed stunned and murmured: "I don't know... We slept well this morning, but suddenly, Qianqian is like this. She bleeds a lot, a lot of blood. I took her to the hospital immediately. , rescue came back."

Director Liu immediately breathed a sigh of relief. People are still alive. However, his expression froze: "What about your children?"

Chen Kai was dumbfounded: "...No more."

Mother Liu said in shock, "What is it?!"

Chen Kai covered his cheeks in pain, tears streaming down his fingers: "No, the child is gone. Qianqian has a miscarriage, our child is gone..." His voice was hoarse and sad, every word seemed to come from himself plucked out of his heart.

Mother Liu looked at her daughter's bloodless face and cried bitterly: "What should she do when she wakes up! She likes that child so much, and she talks to me every day about how to decorate the baby room..."

Director Liu took his grief-stricken wife into his arms and comforted him: "It's ok if you're still alive." Then, he looked at Chen Kai sternly: "Did the doctor say why the miscarriage, Qianqian wasn't hurt, right? She had an accident. What are you doing, and what time are you doing?"

The father-in-law used a tone of torture subconsciously, but Chen Kai didn't notice it because he was too sad. He honestly described the situation at that time.

"...That's it, I don't know why it happened suddenly, suddenly."

The boy didn't cry easily, but he didn't get to the sad part.

Chen Kai's eyes were red, he wiped his tears and stopped crying, but his heart was heavy, and his throat seemed to be choked.

It seems that it has nothing to do with the son-in-law, but it can't be casual, you still have to find someone to check. Director Liu thought to himself and said, "I and the dean of the First Affiliated Hospital are old friends. When Qianqian wakes up, I will transfer her to the First Affiliated Hospital."

Chen Kai was about to speak when the door of the ward was suddenly pushed open.

He came in without knocking on the door, and the three people who were crying in the room were all unhappy when they saw their weakness. However, the doctor who entered the room took the examination sheet and was stunned for a moment, then said eagerly: "Is it the patient in Room 315, there was something wrong with the previous examination. I checked it again just now, and there is one data that is not right. The patient's child may still be there!"

Father Liu and Mother Liu were stunned.

Chen Kai rushed up directly: "What did you say?"

The doctor was taken aback by him: "But, but a more detailed examination has to be done."

Without further ado, the doctors and nurses conducted a more detailed examination for Liu Qian, who was still in a coma. Half an hour later, Director Wang of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department came to the ward specially. He took the list checked out by Liu Qian and said repeatedly: "This is really a medical miracle. It's amazing. My heart stopped. But now, the fetal heart is back! Also, he is strong, he is thriving. I have never seen a child who bleeds so much and survives, he is a miracle!"

Liu's father and Liu's mother cried with joy.

Director Wang is still excitedly explaining how amazing this thing is: "It's really strange, how could such a thing happen. Usually, the fetal heartbeat occurs at 6 weeks, and the fetal heartbeat can be heard at 12 weeks. This child has already It's definitely gone, but he miraculously came alive again. I've been in the industry for more than 40 years, and I've never encountered such a situation. It's as if some miraculous force rushed into the mother's body and brought new life to the fetus. s life!"

Mother Liu covered her face and wept: "It's okay, it's okay."

In the festive ward, only Chen Kai looked at the B-ultrasound image and slowly froze.

The warm sun in the morning spilled into the house, but for some reason, a chill came straight up from the soles of his feet...