Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 58


As the sun went down, the car slowly drove into a high-end villa complex by the lake and stopped in front of a three-storey villa.

Deputy Team Wu has been waiting at the door for a long time.

Lian Xi got out of the car, and Deputy Team Wu hurriedly greeted him. He looked at the minister and the fat man who were following behind Lian Xi, his eyes moved slightly, but he didn't say anything. He was a little haggard. Vice-team Wu is already in his fifties, but he has been full of energy all these years, and looks like he is forty years old, until he experienced the scene last night.

Deputy Team Wu's voice was hoarse: "Xiao Chen is already waiting in the room. He doesn't dare to leave Xiaoqian. Although it's not completely dark yet, Xiaoqian doesn't dare to sleep every day, and her spirit is about to collapse."

Without further ado, the four of them knocked on the door.

Chen Kailai opened the door.

After the door opened, he and Lian Xi looked at each other. Chen Kai smiled bitterly, but Lian Xi was shocked.

In the five years we have known each other, Lian Xi has never seen Chen Kai so withered, like a walking dead!

There was no trace of blood on the pale face, and his eyes swayed blankly. According to Wu's deputy team, the "ghost upper body" incident happened only a week ago, but Chen Kai's cheeks were sunken, like a refugee during a famine. He tried his best to show a smile and said to his college roommate: "When Uncle Wu told me on the phone that the expert he knew was you, I didn't believe it. Come in, I dare not leave Qianqian for too long."

The three entered the house immediately.

No lights were turned on in the room, the curtains were drawn tightly, and only a few nightlights were dimly lit, and it was dim.

Chen Kai explained: "Qianqian is afraid of lights, afraid of bright lights."

Lian Xi's heart moved: "Is it something she was afraid of before, or is it a recent thing?"

Chen Kai: "After returning home from the hospital last week, I started to be afraid."

The whole villa was silent, and the sound of the four people's footsteps echoed.

"Qianqian is in the master bedroom upstairs." Chen Kai led them upstairs. He talked about the ins and outs of this incident. In the same way, he said it to Deputy Team Wu last night when Deputy Team Wu came. But every time he said it, he was very sad: "One morning last week, Qianqian suddenly bleeds heavily, and I took her to the hospital. The child was saved. She stayed in the hospital for two days and then went home to recuperate. When I was in the hospital, I and I Her parents realized that something was wrong, but after returning home, it became more and more serious."

Thinking of the horrific and tragic experience and current situation of his fiancée, Chen Kai's voice choked.

Vice Team Wu helped him continue: "They moved home last Saturday, and it happened that Saturday night."

Chen Kai: "Qianqian was in a coma on the first day and woke up the next day. She had nightmares at night, but there were no other problems. On the day she was discharged from the hospital, it was normal during the day. It was fine at night. Until after she fell asleep, that night…”

The voice stopped abruptly, recalling the events of the night, the handsome man's face showed a sad expression.

It was three in the morning.

For a long time, he was chased by a dark shadow every day in his dreams.

Don't look back, don't look back... don't look back!

These four words haunt him like a nightmare. Chen Kai exclaimed and opened his eyes, his whole body seemed to be soaked in water, soaked with sweat.

It's that nightmare again, it's that nightmare again. The nightmare that has been tormenting him since a few months ago has never changed.

However, it is only a dream.

Chen Kai breathed a sigh of relief, he wiped the sweat from his forehead, and was about to sleep again when suddenly his body froze. In the quiet and spacious room, he heard the sound of his own crunching and turning his neck. He turned his head slowly, and then saw the man standing in front of the bed, tilting his head and looking at him.


The fiancee in white pajamas stood by the window, her head bowed, her bright pale eyes staring straight at him.

A horrific fear came over him.

Chen Kai was suddenly frightened, he looked at it dumbly for a long time, and finally summoned up the courage to reach out and touch the hand of his fiancée. "Qianqian, why are you standing here..."


In the dark night, Chen Kai's hand froze.

The chaotic moonlight projected into the room through the thin white window screen, shrouded the woman in the white dress, reflecting a layer of icy color. She stared at Chen Kai without blinking, just staring at it, and then, her head moved. Slightly tilted to one side. Getting crooked, crooked...

The neck bone made an overwhelmed sound.

But Liu Qian is still tilting her head!

She almost turned her head upside down and planted it on her neck. She didn't stop until she reached the maximum load her body could handle.

Chen Kai saw that his breathing was stagnant, and the cold hairs all over his body stood upright.

In the dark night, the whites of the woman's eyes reflected a cold light, and she grinned.

"Hahahaha… "

Chen Kai: "Once she sleeps, she may be 'sleepwalking'. When she sleepwalks, she is actually not aggressive. I dare not wake her up, but I have to wake her up. Every time she falls asleep and wakes up, she seems to experience life and death."

Deputy Team Wu nodded and said, "Xiao Qian's body is really weakening at a speed visible to the naked eye. Don't be surprised to see her, she may only have 80 pounds left now."

"That's it."

Everyone stood at the door of the room.

Chen Kai pursed his lips and knocked on the door: "Qianqian, we're in. Uncle Wu brought someone to see you." Without waiting for a reply from the room, Chen Kai said, "Let's go in directly." He opened the door.

The room was pitch black, with no light at all.

Suddenly entering this dim environment, everyone is a little blind. Soon, after getting used to the light, Lian Xi and the three of them could see the white-skirted woman squatting at the foot of the bed with the light outside.

She folded her hands on her knees, her hair was messy, and her face was buried in her legs.

Chen Kai clenched his fingers distressedly, pinching his fingernails into the flesh of his palm, and he shouted in a hoarse voice, "Qianqian, are you still awake?"


The young woman tapped the wooden bed frame with her fingers. Her head nods from time to time, and that means she has been trapped to the extreme. But she didn't dare to sleep. As soon as she fell asleep, she would fall into a terrible nightmare. She completely forgot what kind of dream it was, but she deeply remembered that kind of fear, nowhere to escape, no way to leave, she was dragged into the abyss of despair by countless hands.

So, can't sleep.

can not sleep!

Chen Kai was heartbroken, he stepped forward and hugged his fiancee.


Hot tears fell and fell into the woman's messy hair. Liu Qian slowly stretched out her hand and hugged the man she loved.

With tears all over his face, Chen Kai turned to Vice Captain Wu and said, "Abort, I don't want this child!"

Deputy Team Wu looked struggling and was about to speak when Liu Qian in Chen Kai's arms trembled with a thin and weak voice, and murmured, "Give him another chance, don't...don't..."

Chen Kai burst into tears.

Looking at this scene, Lian Xi's heart clenched fiercely.

Deputy Team Wu looked at him and said, "Abortion is the last option. If it really doesn't work, we will do the same. Today I invite you, Lian Xi, just to ask you and your friends, really only Can you choose to abort this child? Is everything really caused by this child?"

Lian Xi restrained his expression, he turned his head to look at the minister, and then looked at the fat watchman.

The three didn't talk nonsense, and looked at Chen Kai and the woman he was holding together.

A few seconds later, Lian Xi suddenly looked at Gu Chen in amazement, and after getting the same opinion from the latter's eyes, he looked at Fatty again. The fat man also shook his head at him.

Actually not

Yes, there is no suspicious Yin Qi in this woman!

Aware of Lian Xi's solemn expression, it is obvious that this "fighting ghost" couple is very important to him. Fatty rolled his eyes. He hadn't spoken since he entered the door. He pondered for a moment, and finally said, "You said just now that she's fine when she's not sleeping, but something will happen to her after she sleeps?"

Deputy Team Wu: "Yes!"

Fatty: "Then let her sleep."

Without waiting for Deputy Team Wu to answer, Chen Kai said, "No, every time Qianqian sleeps, she will be very upset, and her whole body will be confused."

Lian Xi: "But she can't hold it anymore."

Chen Kai opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

Even Xi Dingding looked at him: "Trust me, Chen Kai, you and Wu lieutenant go out. The three of us stay, let her lie on the bed and get some sleep."

Can I really trust you

Chen Kai shouted in his heart. However, looking at his friend's solemn expression, he finally chose to shut up. He picked up his fiancée, who was as light as a feather, and placed her gently on the bed. Chen Kai said softly, "Sleep, Qianqian, don't be afraid, I'm outside the door", and then he walked to the door.

When he walked to Lian Xi's side, Chen Kai looked at him and said solemnly, "Brother, I'll leave it to you."

Soon, Chen Kai and Vice Team Wu left the room together.

The fat man walked over and closed the door. After a click, there were only three people left in the room, and Liu Qian, who was lying on the bed ready to fall asleep.

In the pitch-dark environment, no one could see anyone, only faint and steady breathing could be heard.

Liu Qian didn't seem to fall asleep, but her breathing had gradually become very slow. After all, it's been a week, and she hardly dares to sleep. As long as she closes her eyes, she can fall asleep quickly.

For a moment, Lian Xi lowered his voice and said, "She does have yin qi on her body, but it's not suspicious yin qi, it's the yin qi that normal pregnant women have."

Yes, Liu Qian's body is not without a trace of yin entanglement, on the contrary, a faint yin qi is entangled near her stomach. However, this is normal.

Because every pregnant woman is surrounded by yin.

Breeding and having children is a matter of life and death.

One life and one death, one yin and one yang, all things are in between.

It is said that Yin and Yang are separated. When the minister came from the underworld to the underworld, he was severely injured and lost his memory. It was not easy for the fat watchman to cross the two realms. He didn't seem to be injured, but that was because of the battle between the Hell Kings in the Ten Palaces. At the same time, there were also ghost police reports from thirty-three cities to guide him in the direction. In addition, he was very lucky, so he was not injured when crossing the two realms.

Otherwise, normal ghosts will often be injured when they come to the underworld to take office. This is still from the official official channel.

From this, it can be seen that the two realms of yin and yang have a huge disparity between life and death, and they cannot be smuggled at will.

If you want to talk about the most common passage between the two worlds, it is actually not the "official way" when the ghosts take office, nor is it the door to the underworld that the ghosts temporarily opened when they helped the ghosts reincarnate. But these pregnant women.

From the moment they became pregnant, they had an invisible connection with the underworld.

When they became pregnant in October and gave birth to a child, the yin qi surrounding them was at its peak. At that time, the brand-new soul who drinks Mengpo soup and has no previous experience will completely merge with the mother body and gain a new life.

These yin qi are actually the souls waiting to be reincarnated. Before they were born, they existed in the form of yin qi and would not condense into a human form. They are not harmful to pregnant women and will not affect their health at all.

Lian Xi originally thought that the reason why this happened to Chen Kai's family was that after Liu Qian had a miscarriage last week, the child miraculously survived. The child they kept was not their child at all, but a lonely ghost.

Likewise, the fat man thought so too. He analyzed: "If a pregnant woman has a miscarriage, the yin qi around her will dissipate on its own, and the ghost who is about to be reincarnated as her child will also return to the underworld, waiting for the next chance to be reincarnated. But there are exceptions to everything. When the real child leaves the mother's body and returns to the underworld, there is a certain chance that the lonely ghost wandering in the world will take advantage of it. Before coming, I thought this was the case, but I didn't expect that, my lord, things seem to be a little different. Same… "

There was darkness in front of him, but Fatty's eyes shone faintly. He looked at Liu Qian's belly.

"The yin qi now entangled in this woman's stomach is inextricably related to her, and her husband is also related by blood. This is indeed the child of the two of them, and there is absolutely no mistake."

As soon as these words landed, even Xi was at a loss.

Since the child is a real child, not a ghost child occupying a magpie's nest inexplicably, what is the situation now

Lian Xi pondered: "What happened to Liu Qian has nothing to do with this child?" Was it caused by other places

But they didn't see any yin, let alone ghosts, anywhere else in the house.

"It's not necessarily the child who caused it."

Lian Xi's heart tightened, he couldn't see the minister standing beside him, but he somehow felt that the minister was also looking at him.

Lian Xi: "How do you say?"

The fat watchman was also very curious. He had been a ghost for hundreds of years, but he had never seen such a situation. He flattered: "Your lord is really wise and wise, and if you think about it, your lord must already have an idea!"

"The yin qi around her is really not suspicious. This is her child. But that doesn't mean that the child won't harm her. Perhaps, this is an evil ghost who had a feud with her in her previous life. She was reborn in this life. come to find her."

Even Xi frowned.

The fat watchman said in surprise, "Is this still possible?" He thought for a moment, "This probability is actually very low. The reincarnation in the underworld will only roughly determine things like 'casting a good child' and 'casting a bad child', and the rest are completely It's random, there's never any karma to speak of."

So that joke, if you hate someone very much, you curse him, and after he dies, he will be reincarnated as his son in the next life, making him uneasy.

This is definitely not going to happen. The underworld is too lazy to take care of your mortal grievances and grievances. If you want to take revenge, you can do it yourself, don't bother the underworld.

Naomi wanted to explain, but after thinking about it... That's right, I don't know why. But as long as I don't say it, you don't know that I don't understand.

With a light snort, the minister said lightly, "Wait for her to fall asleep."

The fat watchman took a deep breath.

It seems that this Su City Black Impermanence may really be a big man in the underworld, and he can know such strange things! I just don't know how he came to the world.

Lian Xi looked at his colleagues, but was a little skeptical: "If according to Fatty's words, reincarnation is completely random regardless of previous life's grievances and grievances, then the probability of this child having a grudge against Liu Qian is very low. It is really with this child himself. Related?" Why do you say that, is there any reason

The same question was asked by the fat watchman, but the minister pretended not to hear it. Now even Xi asked.

Quietly glanced at the young man, the minister's voice was calm: "Intuition."

Lian Xi frowned and looked at him: "Just intuition?"

The minister: "Yes."

Among the three, in fact, only mortals can't even see things, and both the minister and the watchman can clearly see all the movements in the room. Gu Chen calmly looked at his colleague, and after a few seconds, he couldn't hold back, and reached out to caress Lian Xi's face.

The cold finger pulp suddenly touched his cheek, and Xi's body froze, almost shaking the bell to attack. Suddenly, however, he put down the hand holding the bell.

The mortuary clenched his face lightly and turned his face 15 degrees to the right.

"Looks crooked."

"… "

Lian Xi: "Oh."