Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 59


into the night.

In the empty, dark room, everything was silent, with only a few barely noticeable breathing sounds.

When people are deprived of vision, their perception of the passage of time is extremely slow. Maybe fifteen minutes, or maybe half an hour. Suddenly, a rustling sound of clothes rubbing sounded from somewhere in the darkness, and even Xi's heart moved, he clenched the bronze bell on his wrist, and the minister also took out the white jade seal.

The rustling became louder and louder, and at this moment, the fat watchman gave a low voice.

"Jiangnan Dao Bai Wuchang decree, the ghosts and ghosts quickly retreat!"


A strange and strange sound suddenly sounded in the room.

It sounded like the sizzling sound of meat being scorched. Fatty used his ghost certificate to emit several rays of light, forming a large net, shrouding a dark shadow not far from the three of them. This light net barely provided a little light, and it also allowed Lian Xi to see clearly the people it enveloped—

It's Liu Qian!

Liu Qian's eyes rolled, she just got up after falling asleep, as Chen Kai said "sleepwalking". But after being imprisoned by Fatty with this light net, her body made a sizzling sound, her whole face was distorted, and she screamed mournfully.

The anxious voices of Chen Kai and Deputy Team Wu came from outside the house: "It's alright, what's wrong, what's wrong with Qianqian!" After saying that, the two of them were about to push the door and come in. Lian Xi quickly locked the door and said quickly, "Don't worry, it's alright."

Chen Kai and the others were in a hurry outside the house.

Inside the house, after being restrained by the light net, a circle of black yin energy wrapped around Liu Qian's stomach evaporated. The more intense the yin qi became, the more fierce Liu Qian's face became.

Fatty: "It really has something to do with the child in her belly!"

If it has nothing to do with the child, then he uses the impermanence card, and the yin qi of the fetus will not react.

Lian Xi: "What should I do now?"

Fatty: "Subdue her. If you don't care about the fetus, you can just disperse the yin qi, but the fetus will inevitably have a miscarriage. But the little one rashly speculated that if it was possible, the two adults still wanted to keep the child. Fortunately, this yin The qi is not strong, we can subdue her first, and then slowly solve the yin qi. Sir, is there any way you can strip this yin qi from her? Short-term stripping will not cause her to miscarry, as long as It's fine to go back within 12 hours, but we need to let the Yin Qi leave her body before we can make any plans."

The minister narrowed his eyes: "Take the yin from her body?"


The watchman's voice fell, and the golden light flashed in the hands of the minister. The next moment, a shiny white jade seal flew up and rushed towards Liu Qian, who was tearing at Guangwang. The white jade seal unceremoniously poked at Liu Qian's stomach, and six large golden seal characters immediately appeared in the air, illuminating the entire room, and quickly dissipated in the air.

But even in this very short moment, the watchman could still see the six words clearly. He was stunned for a moment. He didn't fully recognize the six words, but he recognized two of them.

The expression on his face changed, and the watchman began to think about who this Su Cheng Hei Wuchang was.

At this time, the white jade seal had completely stamped on the circle of Yin Qi. The golden light is prosperous, covering the black yin. However, it was not stripped from Liu Qian.

Is this a living thing? The priest raised his eyebrows.

The White Jade Seal is only valid for things that are dead, and cannot control things that are still alive. But don't worry about that.

The minister took back the white jade seal, and then took out the golden album.

The wind whistled, and the golden album rushed up excitedly, ready to show off. It opened the pages, emitting a dazzling golden light. This time, the yin qi wrapped around Liu Qian's stomach was illuminated by golden light, constantly changing and dim. However, after a few seconds, it was still useless!

The watchman did not know the different functions of the golden album and the white jade seal. But looking at this scene, Lian Xi and Gu Chen were stunned, and they looked at each other—

This yin qi is neither alive nor dead, neither human nor ghost!

Seeing that the golden album and the white jade seal didn't work, the watchman was shocked and said anxiously, "My ghostly weapon is a slaughter, and it cannot separate the yin from the mother's body."

Seeing Liu Qian roaring and tearing at the light net covering her, she was about to break free. Lian Xi raised his wrist, and the cuffs faded down as he raised his hand, revealing a quaint bell tied with a red thread.

Lian Xi moved gently.


The distant and quiet bells spread around with the bronze bell as the center.

Wherever the bell went, everything fell silent, and even the air became peaceful.

Because he failed to subdue Liu Qian's yin qi, after the golden album and the white jade seal returned to the minister, he was quite impatient. But after hearing the sound of the bell, they calmed down obediently and quietly disappeared into the palm of the minister; the fat watchman held the gong in one hand and the certificate of impermanence in the other. Try the gong to see if it can remove the yin. Suddenly hearing the bell, his mind suddenly calmed down.

The fat man turned his head and looked at Lian Xi and the bell on his wrist.

The one who reacted the most was Liu Qian who was subdued.

Lian Xi rang the bell again, three times in a row.

The first bell rang, suppressing the boiling yin qi in Liu Qian; the second bell rang, the black yin qi finally realized that the bell was not to help itself, and it resisted impatiently; the third bell rang, yin qi The connection point with the woman's body was clicked and completely divided.

At the moment when the yin qi was completely separated, the minister directly grabbed the yin qi with his palm.

The watchman's eyes widened. He was about to say, "We must use a utensil as a container, and we cannot grasp the yin qi with bare hands", but he saw that the minister had already firmly grasped the yin qi in his hands.

Watchman: "..."

Okay, my worldview has been shattered many times, and this time is not bad.

In fact, what he thought was very simple. Since the two useless things, the golden album and the white jade seal, can't contain the yin qi, then he will do it himself. In the two months since he became the black and impermanent city of Su City, it is not the first time that Mr. Zong has dealt with the yin qi of lonely ghosts. Although the yin qi this time is a bit special, it seems to be neither human nor ghost. But Yin Qi, could it still hurt him

The yin in his hand screamed and boiled again.

Caochen frowned, his fingers tightened, pinching the yin qi.

The yin qi made a sharp whistling sound, and even Xi held down the hand that the minister was about to pinch again, and the minister looked up at him.

Lian Xi shook his head with a solemn expression: "Don't hurt it, after all, it seems that it should still be the child of Chen Kai and Liu Qian."

Oh... Zhao Chen slightly loosened his fingers, but the yin qi no longer dared to resist, and was honestly held by Hei Wuchang in his hand.

After the yin qi was stripped from her body, Liu Qian was suddenly weak and fell backwards. Lian Xi quickly stepped forward to support her. This woman has not slept well for many days, her face is pale and her eyes are blue and black. She fell asleep as if in a coma.

After Lian Xi placed the person on the bed, he turned his head and looked at the minister and the watchman. To be precise, he was watching the watchman.

"How to say?"

The watchman did not dare to be careless, and immediately put away his gongs, carefully observing the yin qi curled up in the palm of the minister.

"Two adults, please take a look." The watchman pointed to the cloud of Yin Qi, "This cloud of Yin Qi is actually the soul of the baby that this woman is about to give birth to. The two adults have never been to the underworld, so I'm afraid they don't know. When catching ghosts in the world and sending them to reincarnation, the lonely ghosts that I see seem to be in human form, right?"

Lian Xi heard the second meaning from his words: "What do you mean, don't the ghosts who were sent to reincarnate by us, when they arrive in the underworld, are not humanoids?"

The watchman nodded first, then shook his head: "Yes or no. They crossed the gap between Yin and Yang and came to the underworld in human form. But as they got closer and closer to reincarnation and ushered in a new life, they would slowly Lost its form and turned into the purest yin qi soul body. Meng Po Tang is just a ritual, it is a consolation, it is a consolation for you, but you are in the past. Your lord should have received the Meng Po Tang rewarded by the performance rankings, right?"

Lian Xi: "Of course."

The watchman continued: "Then you should have discovered that Meng Po soup is very magical, but its function is not to wash away the ghost's memory. What really makes a ghost forget the past and become a new life is the road to reincarnation. Take the first step and start to forget the former parents; take the second step and forget the love-hate entanglement...

"When the ghost walks out of the end of reincarnation and turns into this circle of yin qi that wraps around the mother's body, it has completely forgotten the past and is waiting for a new life."

After finishing speaking, the watchman solemnly looked at the cloud of Yin Qi in the hands of the minister: "So, this is a complete soul. And this soul is indeed the child of this woman and the man outside the door. Sir, please see ."

The watchman turned over his ghost certificate and gently covered it over the cloud of yin.

"Jiangnan Dao Bai Wuchang's decree, don't ask about the past, but know this life!"

After the black yin was shrouded in the ghost card, with the watchman's order, the ghost card radiated white brilliance. At the same time, the yin qi illuminated by the ghost certificate moved in response, projecting two black lines. One shot at Liu Qian lying on the bed, and the other shot at Chen Kai outside the door.

There is no doubt that he is mirroring his parents.

"There is a relationship with the mother, because he escaped through the mother's body. This is an indelible flesh and blood, raising a great favor. Any ghost, even a lonely ghost that occupies a magpie's nest, after clinging to the mother's body, they are all It won't hurt the mother, because he and the mother have become attached. Now that he has a relationship with his father, it means that he is not an evil ghost occupying the magpie's nest, but a child who really belongs to these two people." , he hesitated for a moment, and then said: "But the strangest thing now is that even if the evil ghost seizes the house, it should not hurt the mother body. Circumstances. Unless…”

The voice stopped, and the fat watchman was startled and did not speak.

Lian Xi was listening, when suddenly there was no more text, he looked at the watchman: "Unless what?"

Fatty hesitated for a long time, and said, "Unless, this is really an evil ghost occupying a magpie's nest. He is bound to his mother, which is inevitable, because he has already entered the mother's body. But at the same time, this black line pointing to his father does not mean that he To be related to his father, but to say that he and his father... have a big grudge!"

Speaking of this, Fatty said no more, he looked at Lian Xi worriedly. He knew that the child's father was Lian Xi's friend.

Even stunned.

… The father of this child is Chen Kai.


Hearing the screams of his fiancée in the house, Chen Kai was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan, restless. Beside him, although Deputy Team Wu has experienced strong winds and waves, he has never experienced such a bizarre incident. His self-proclaimed excellent criminal investigation ability is useless at this moment, and he can only wait anxiously with Chen Kai.

Finally, the door opened.

Chen Kai and Deputy Wu rushed up immediately.

But Lian Xi didn't open the door, he only opened a gap.

Chen Kai was stunned: "Lian Xi?"

In the narrow gap, Chen Kai and Deputy Team Wu could not see the scene in the house, only the calm and calm eyes of the young man.

Lian Xi looked at his friend and said, "We probably already have a clue about this matter. Chen Kai, come in. But Vice-Captain Wu, the situation inside may not be as familiar to you in the past few decades. Same, so why don't you just stay outside."

Chen Kai's heart was tight and he was about to enter the house.

Deputy Team Wu was stunned for a moment, and the next second, he looked at Lian Xi with resolute eyes, reached out to stop Chen Kai, and said word by word, "Xiao Qian refused to tell her parents because she was afraid that her parents would not give them a little bit of money. When she had the chance, she hit the child directly. She was willing to tell me that she treated me as a family member. In this case, I must accompany her. Lian Xi, can you let me in too? "