Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 61


[Chen Kai: Qianqian has woken up, thank you so much yesterday, Lian Xi.]

When he received the news, Lian Xi was leading the ranks of General Manager Ji and Su Jiao.

Yes, there is one more person in the fan group of the dumb anchor, and it is Su Jiao.

The watchmen who were not seen for three days or two were not counted. There were three people living in the house, and both of them were playing games. Su Jiao suddenly felt that he was isolated. Without saying a word, he immediately got down to the glory of the king. As a result, Lian Xi changed from bringing one swindle to two swindlers. If it weren't for him being too strong, he would be fine, and he would definitely not be able to bring these two crap out.

After winning the game, Lian Xi opened the WeChat interface.

[Lian Xi: It's okay, have a good rest.]

[Chen Kai: I told Qianqian about it.]

Looking at the words on the phone screen, Lian Xi was slightly stunned.

[Chen Kai: She also decided to have this child. She takes care of herself a little bit. Our wedding will be held next month. I'll invite you to a wedding wine then.]

[Lian Xi: Good.]

They said two more words and said goodbye to each other. Lian Xi quietly looked at the flashing phone screen.

"Eh Lianxi, hurry up, I have class in the afternoon."

Lian Xi regained his senses, glanced at Caiqiu's roommate No. 2, and said expressionlessly: "Learning is important, you go to class, bye."

Su Jiao: "..."

You're so much better off with niggas than you are on me!

Su Jiao angrily played another game, then packed up and went to school. Before leaving, he looked back at the two roommates who were sitting on the sofa and playing games. He was angry in his heart, and I saw that the minister seemed to raise his head inadvertently, and happened to meet him.

Both were stunned.

Afterwards, Kaoru raised his eyebrows and smiled meaningfully.

Su Jiao: "..."

Don't be complacent! ! !

When Su Jiao went downstairs, he bumped into the watchman who came back with a bag of fruit. The watchman looked at him with a smile and said, "Are you going out to do errands?"

Oh, you licking dog who only licks niggas, tui! Su Jiao snorted and walked away.

The watchman rubbed his head and asked strangely, "What's wrong?" Shaking his head, the watchman went upstairs with the fruit in a delightful manner, opened the door and flattered: "Sir, I bought you your favorite oranges, all imported. Yes, it's precious!"

Days go by.

When I went to Chen Kai's house, it was already the end of the month. After another four or five days, it was officially the end of the monthly performance rankings.

During this period of time, Lian Xi and Ji Chen were not really completely at home, not going out to catch ghosts to work. They also caught ghosts a few times. It's just that the watchman holds the Jiangnan Dao Bai impermanence certificate, the speed of finding ghosts and the swiftness of catching ghosts are far superior to the two authentic Sucheng black and white impermanence.

Therefore, of the points earned, the watchman earns the bulk, and even Xi and Guchen earn only a fraction.

At noon, as soon as Lian Xi opened his eyes, he opened his white impermanence certificate to check the performance of the current month. I saw that on the ghost certificate in black and white, it appeared impressively—

The first place is the ghost poor in Sucheng, Jiangsu Province, with a performance of 245,332 points.

The second place is Wenzhou Ghost Poor, Zhejiang Province, with a performance of 182,553 points.

The third place, Shanghai Ghost Poor, has a performance of 72,258 points.

Lian Xi was relieved.

"More than 60,000 points, it's impossible to lose again this time, right?"

The one who thinks the same as him, is the Ottoman. Early in the morning, Mr. Zong called the watchman. The watchman returned Zong Zong's black impermanence certificate very arrogantly, and at the same time helped him turn to the page of the performance rankings very thoughtfully.

"Look, my lord."

Caochen lowered his eyes and glanced: "Mm."

The watchman laughed and said, "Don't worry, my lord, the two adults will definitely reach the top of the performance rankings today. What is Wenzhou's Xiaoxianggong, just him, he will definitely not be able to steal the limelight of the two adults!"

He was very satisfied: "Not bad, not bad."

Having said that, even Xi and Gu Chen did not let their guard down.

They are psychologically shadowed.

Last month, he almost won the first place. Who would have thought that the Wenzhou ghosts would increase their performance by tens of thousands at the last second and keep the first place. So at night, the two of them were very tacit, neither of them played games, but diligently went out to catch ghosts. The watchman was surprised and secretly said: You are making too much of a fuss. I am a genuine old ghost who has been around for hundreds of years. If I really want to fight for performance, can I beat that Xiao Xianggong

With Lian Xi and Gu Chen there, the watchman was actually not very happy.

This affects his work!

Caochen is a ghost and god of the underworld. Although he seems to have lost his memory and cannot use many spells, he is a ghost and god after all, and he does not need to be restricted by the laws of the mortal world. Lian Xi is different, he is just a mortal, and he can't do messy spells. In the past, the watchman caught ghosts, and they were all ghosts. Once he directed Jinguang to locate a big customer, he immediately escaped at the fastest speed.

Now that there is Lian Xi, the work efficiency of the watchman is greatly reduced.

Lian Xi noticed that the watchman was awkward, thought for a moment, and said, "Go catch the ghost alone, I'll be fine with the minister."

The watchman was relieved: "Thank you, sir, the little one will go now." After speaking, the watchman rang the gong in his hand: "The weather is dry, be careful of the candles!" The voice fell, and he saw a burst of yin rising, and he immediately Shrinking into an inch, the figure dissipated, and when it reappeared, it was already ten meters away.

I can finally catch ghosts happily!

Seeing his appearance, Lian Xi froze in place. After a few seconds, he looked back at his colleague in astonishment: "He is teleportation? You can't do this kind of magic, right?"

Even Xi has seen too few ghosts and too few Xuanxiu.

There are only a few ghosts in total, Qichen, Tang Zi and Hu Xiaoli. Among these three, the minister did not mention it; Tang Zi was a human being, Hu Xiaoli was a half-hearted fox spirit, and the two ghosts in Wuxi really had a fight, I'm afraid they couldn't even beat Xi.

As for Xuan Xiu, Lian Xi had seen both Su Jiao and the old man with black teeth.

Everyone knows what Su Jiao's level is; as for the old man with black teeth...

"When we were chasing the sloppy old man, he didn't teleport, he kept running." Lian Xi thought incredulously, "Could it be because the sloppy old man is strong, but he is also human, so he can't teleport?"

Caochen Xu looked at the silhouette of the watchman who was walking away. He closed his eyes to recall for a moment, then raised his eyes to look at Lian Xi, his voice was calm: "Yes."

Lian Xi: "???"

In the dark night, the minister stretched out his hand and looked at Lian Xi calmly.

"Hand out."

Lian Xi stretched out his hand in a daze and put it on the hand of the minister.

When the warm fingers touched the cold palm, both of them froze. The delicate touch and different temperatures are transmitted to the brain through the touching skin. Lian Xi subconsciously raised his head to look at the minister, and the minister also looked at him. Looking at each other, a strange feeling came to my heart.

a long time.

The Ombudsman: "Try it."

ah? Lian Xi didn't react: "What..."

The words were stuck in his throat before he could say it. The next moment, Lian Xi's eyes widened and he opened his mouth in horror. The rushing sensations spread from the front of the brain to the back of the brain with a bang. As if the whole person was thrown into an unfathomable cave, the strong sense of weightlessness and the disgusting feeling that the internal organs were removed spewed up together.

Everything happened extremely fast. In just half a second, the two of them appeared in the open space 100 meters away.

When both feet stood firm on the ground, the nausea also dissipated. But Lian Xi felt that his spirit was greatly impacted, and his body was no longer uncomfortable, but he still bent down and couldn't stop retching.


The minister pondered: "I understand a little, next time it should be able to spread farther and faster." After speaking, he stretched out his hand, "Try it."

Lian Xi, who is still retching: "..."

Who will die with you!

Seeing that Lian Xi didn't grab his hand, he kept bending over and retching, staring at him with complicated and strange eyes. Caochen felt strange in his heart, didn't you ask yourself, and now you don't want it anymore

Humans are incomprehensible.


While retching, Lian Xi's body froze, he slowly turned his head and looked at his colleagues.

In the cool night wind, Hei Wuchang, who had a stern face, looked down at him lightly, while a hand gently caressed his back. After Lian Xi turned his head, the minister looked calm, and said as a matter of course: "On TV, after a human woman vomits like this, others will soothe it like this... Isn't it right?"

That's for pregnant women... I thought so in my heart, but even Xi didn't say it.

The nausea was much better, Lian Xi stood up straight, he quietly glanced at his colleague, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "Catch a ghost?"

Caochen put his hands in his pockets: "Oh." Looking at the corners of Lian Xi's slightly upturned mouth, Caochen's heart moved, and for some reason, he also became happy.

"Catch the ghost."

Since having a watchman, the two have not worked so hard to catch ghosts together for a long time.

Although only six ghosts were caught in one night, both of them were in a good mood.

The first four ghosts have no obsession, or in other words, if the obsession is not deep, they can be sent to the underworld at will. The two ghosts behind, the first one just wanted to talk to their mother on the phone again and listen to her mother's voice. She is a young girl who died of overwork and was raised by a single mother, but she did not want to leave suddenly, leaving her mother alone.

This wish may seem difficult, but it is actually very simple.

Lian Xi: "Do you remember your mother's phone number?"

The female ghost nodded and reported a series of numbers.

Lian Xi called the phone, and soon, someone picked up: "Hello?"

Hearing this voice, the female ghost's eyes lit up, and she immediately shouted, "Mom!"

Normal humans cannot see ghosts, nor can they hear ghosts.

On the other end of the phone, my mother waited for a while, but no one answered, and asked strangely, "Hello, no one? Did you make the wrong call?"

The female ghost's tears fell rustling and quickly wet her pale face.

Glancing at her, Lian Xi picked up the phone: "I'm sorry, it seems that I made a mistake."

After a pause, the phone responded, "Oh, it's okay."

Lian Xi smiled and said, "I'm bothering you." He was about to hang up the phone when his mother's hoarse voice came from the sound hole: "I seemed to be on your phone just now and heard my girl's voice. Hey, boy, I have no ill intentions, I Seeing that your number is from Sucheng, my girl also works in Sucheng." After a pause, the middle-aged woman said on the phone pretending to be calm and smiling: "But she passed away last month, it may be because of my hallucinations. already."

Hearing this, the female ghost opened her eyes wide and said again and again: "Mom, Mom, I'm here, did you hear me?"

This time, however, the mother on the phone heard nothing: "I'm sorry, lad, hang up."

Lian Xi silently looked at the girl who was crying with tears on her face. The girl looked at the phone in his hand. After a long time, she wiped away her tears and nodded with a smile.

Lian Xi: "Excuse me, goodbye."

The phone hangs up.

The girl's wish was granted, although she could not see her mother in person because her hometown was thousands of miles away in the northwest. But she was happy to hear her mother's voice.

She voluntarily walked into the gate of the underworld formed by impermanence and left the world.

After the ghost was delivered, the last ghost was found near the hospital in the park.

This ghost is also a female ghost, but she is young and looks like a junior high school student. Her obsession is not too deep, not as deep as the female ghost in front, but deeper than the other four ghosts who just went to the underworld to reincarnate.

The little ghost girl raised the corners of her mouth with a smile, showing two small dimples.

"Are you just here to catch my underworld ghosts? It turns out that there really is an underworld underworld."

This kind of ghost who is very happy after death is actually rare. Lian Xi and Gu Chen looked at each other and looked at the hospital gown on the little girl's body. Lian Xi understood in his heart, "Did you die of illness?"

The little girl nodded obediently: "Well, I just died this morning. I have leukemia. It's been four or five years and I haven't been able to find the right bone marrow. But my parents and I have already accepted it, and I have a new sister. Well, they should come out soon."

Lian Xi squatted down: "If you don't want to be reincarnated, do you have any last wishes?"

The little girl smiled brightly: "Yes."


"I want to play another game of King's Glory!"

Lian Xi: "???"

Mr. Gu, who has been beside him and has nothing to do with himself, folded his arms, but his eyes lit up: "Your obsession is to play King's Glory?"

The little girl smiled and nodded: "Yes, it's weird. I'm often hospitalized, so boring. I played this game before, it was fun. But then I became seriously ill and couldn't play the game at all. I shouldn't have played the game for more than half a year. Right." She counted with her fingers.

Caochen: "It's simple." After speaking, he took out his cell phone from his pocket and handed it to the little girl.

The little girl happily reached out to take it, but five fingers penetrated through the phone. "what."

Caochen frowned, and he put his fingers together and tapped on the phone. I saw a faint golden light jumped into the phone from his fingertips, and the next moment, the little girl got the phone.

"Hey, can I meet it?"

Caochen's expression was calm, but he looked at this little ghost with a kind of approval and approval in his eyes.

Playing the same game as me, tasteful, not bad.

Lian Xi finally came back to his senses, he coughed twice, and said, "Then you can use his account, and I'll show you a game. Have fun, you can play whatever you want, I'll definitely bring you to win."

The little girl laughed: "Okay, thank you brother!"

Lian Xi's game level is too high, and this little girl's skills are even stronger than that of Gu Chen. No matter how much time Xi procrastinated, fifteen minutes later, they won the game.

"Thank you brother, I'll give you the phone back."

Lian Xi put away his phone: "Then it's time for you to reincarnate."

The little girl smiled and nodded: "Okay."

A golden halo flickered in the air, and this little ghost with short hair waved to Lian Xi and Gu Chen as she walked into the halo and passed away.

After she left, Lian Xi Qing's cold voice sounded: "This seems to be the first time you have helped a ghost realize your obsession?"

In the past, when Lian Xi and Guchen were catching ghosts, they never said that they must help the ghost to complete his obsession before sending him to the underworld. One is that the two of them are very busy, and there are many ghosts who do not go to reincarnation every day, and they are eager to make money, and those strange obsessions have no time to complete; the other is that some ghosts are too obscure, such as wanting to be The richest man in the world wants world peace. For this kind of obsession, even Xi Ting didn't bother to listen to it, and gave it to reincarnation directly.

Only some of the simpler wishes, such as making a phone call or playing a game, will be fulfilled.

However, in the past two months, this is the first time that the minister has taken the initiative to help the ghosts realize their wishes.

After fulfilling these two wishes tonight, two golden lights flew out of the two female ghosts and got into Lian Xi's palm. Such a small amount of golden light can't bring any change at all, it only makes Lian Xi feel more energetic and less tired.

However, the minister never received the golden light. His whole body was shrouded in countless golden lights, but he couldn't get the golden light by helping the ghosts to complete his obsession. Therefore, he has never taken the initiative to help, and there is no need to help. Every time, Lian Xi helped the ghosts to complete some big and small obsessions, and the minister watched from the side. Sometimes my face stinks because it's a waste of time.

Only this time, he helped.

Hearing the young man's words, the minister asked back, "Really?"

Lian Xi looked at him: "Yes, this is the first time you have helped a ghost to complete his obsession. Before, you only watched from the side."

Zao Chen thought for a while: "Because those wishes are boring."

Lian Xi: "Is it boring. For example, that girl, she wants to hear her mother's voice again, is this boring?" She knew that helping the ghosts to complete their obsessions might not get good rewards, and might even get evil obstacles, but Lian Xi still Done. Because that girl's wish is so simple, so simple that it makes people feel that it has no weight compared with the so-called "becoming the richest man", but it is very heavy, as heavy as Mount Tai.

The minister seemed very puzzled, and looked at him fixedly: "Aren't you boring?"

Can you not reincarnate after listening to it? Can you remember it in the next life? Can you be resurrected

"Then that little girl just now, isn't she boring when she wants to play games?"

The priest was stunned for a moment.

Lian Xi's eyes were calm: "Playing games can't change anything. She is still going to reincarnate and leave this world. Then why are you willing to help the girl who wants to play games, but not the girl who wants to hear her mother's voice? ?"

The priest frowned, but didn't answer for a long time.

With a long sigh, he has already found the answer for his colleague: "Because you can understand better, the obsession of wanting to play games. In fact, you can think of it this way, for the girl who wants to hear her mother's voice, she listens to her mother's voice. Sound, like the girl who wanted to play a game just now, is just as important." Even, it's different.

After a long time, the minister asked, "What about the obsession of wanting to be the richest man in the world?"

Lian Xi: "..."

Can you please not spoil the atmosphere!

Lian Xi coughed dryly: "This is another matter!"

Seeing the awkward expression of the young man, the minister raised an eyebrow lightly and smiled. He wanted to say that it was all a ghost's obsession, how could he tell the difference. Anyway, he couldn't tell the difference. For the past two months, he only thought that the obsession of the little girl just now was very interesting, very tasteful, and worthy of a group.

Lian Xi thought carefully: "Anyway, you will remember later that some trivial obsessions that seem to be very easy to accomplish are generally the same as that little girl's obsession with playing games. They are very important. Think about how much you want to play. Games, those people want to complete these obsessions. It's all the same, heart-to-heart."

… compare hearts to hearts

Heart to heart.

After chewing these four words over and over again, the minister suddenly said, "That female ghost's obsession is not to listen to her mother's voice."

Lian Xi was surprised: "What?"

Naomi: "What she wanted in her heart was to see her mother again. But she didn't say it."

Lian Xi thought: "She should be clear in her heart that this is Sucheng, and her hometown is too far away to see her mother, so she didn't say anything and asked for the next best thing."

"Not necessarily."

Lian Xi looked up at his colleague strangely.

Caochen: "Just cast a spell and you can see it. It's similar to the spell you just cast on the phone, it's very simple." It's just that he was too lazy to help just now.

I almost forgot that my colleague is a ghost, and a very powerful ghost! Lian Xi shook his head helplessly: "But she's already reincarnated, forget it."

The priest glanced at him, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

The next second, his palm flipped, and the golden album suddenly appeared in the air.

"Jin Zhenyuguang Ziwen, open!"

Lian Xi: "???"

In the dark night sky, a dazzling golden light shot out from the golden album, piercing the sky, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

This is not a golden light that mortals can see, it almost illuminates the entire Sioux City.

At this moment.

Su Jiao was playing a game in the room when he suddenly glanced out of the corner and saw a golden light. He whimpered strangely, turned his head to look out the window, but saw nothing: "Are your eyes dazzled?"

The watchman was grinning and grabbing a fat corrupt official ghost and kicking the person into the underworld. After he scolded: "Fatter than me? You are full of oil!" Suddenly, he saw the golden light on his face. The smile disappeared, and a terrifying and majestic pressure, like a mountain, hit him so hard that he fell to his knees involuntarily.

This, what is this? !

On the other side, Lian Xi widened his eyes in astonishment as he watched the light from the golden album, which illuminated an illusory dim scene in midair—

In the dusky world, the long and turbid river flows turbulently, and there is a dense long queue on the river bank, in which countless ghosts are arranged, and the thick darkness fills the entire illusion.

The golden album screeched in the air, then rushed towards the phantoms, and suddenly caught a female ghost in line.

At this moment, the entire underworld was shaking.

Beside Wang Chuan, two majestic and majestic ghosts and gods in official uniforms are sneering intrigue, staring at each other vigilantly, as long as whoever shoots first, the other will definitely seize the opportunity to fight back.

However, when the golden light illuminated Wang Chuan, the two of them suddenly felt a huge pressure. Fortunately, this pressure only lasted for less than a few seconds, and disappeared as the female ghost was captured back to the world.

But the two Kings of Hell looked at each other in astonishment, covered in sweat with disbelief on their faces.

"He's not dead yet?"

"Isn't he dead?!"

How could he still not die! ! !

The two ghosts and gods looked at each other in horror. The next second, the two turned their heads and ran away in an incomparable tacit understanding. They ran directly back to their Hell Palace, grabbed the government affairs papers that they had not dealt with for a long time, and pretended to be working diligently. Trembling, unable to move.

It's so scary!

Su Cheng naturally did not know about the affairs of the underworld.

After the minister took the female ghost back to the world, he threw it directly in front of Lian Xi: "Well, ask her if she is obsessed with wanting to see her mother."

The female ghost was stunned and still didn't understand what happened: "I-Isn't I reincarnated?"

Lian Xi: "???"

No, the ghost that was sent away was brought back with him! ! !