Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 64


Lian Xi heard the surprise in the watchman's words, and he asked keenly, "Isn't it right?"

"This... It's true, but I can't say it's wrong. I understand a little bit when you say this. In fact, don't look at Jiangnan Dao Bai Wuchang who has been a young man for hundreds of years, but he has never understood what this point is. I just know that if you catch an indescribable evil spirit, you will definitely get a lot of points. In addition, you can also get a lot of points for helping a genius doctor who had great merit in his life, such as saving the dead and helping the wounded. But sometimes, some The seemingly inconspicuous ghost has given us a lot of points after reincarnation. I understand when you say this, it turns out that it has something to do with this ghost's next life."

The watchman suddenly realized: "If the reincarnated ghost has a better life in the next life, the more points we will get. This makes sense."

After the watchman said this, Lian Xi finally understood that it turned out that catching evil ghosts with many evildoers will earn more points; helping ghosts with great merit to reincarnate will earn more points. In addition, it is the "reincarnation theory" of Wuxi's predecessor Bai Wuchang.

But I didn't expect that even the serious ghosts of the underworld did not know the specific algorithm of performance.

Lian Xi frowned and couldn't help but ask: "Your underworld doesn't have any rules and regulations, so carefully list these matters as regulations, do you abide by the law?"

Hearing this, Geng Fu was stunned for a moment, and then showed a weird and sly smile: "The underworld's law of the underworld... It is indeed there. But my lord, the so-called laws are made by ghosts and gods. Humans and ghosts have different paths. grown ups… "

The watchman smiled and said, "Today, Yama of the Ten Halls thought of a yin law, and added it to it; tomorrow, the judge thinks that the person who committed this crime will be in the Avici Hell, so he will add it there. The little one is humble, not able to The big man who made the laws of the underworld. The underworld is strictly hierarchical and cannot be surpassed, and anyone above the judge can revise the law."

In the daytime, the watchman's fat face showed a seemingly simple and flattering smile, but the expression on Lian Xi's face slowly faded away.

People and ghosts have different ways.

Humans and ghosts are separated by yin and yang.

Suddenly, Lian Xi understood a truth.

The underworld is in charge of the reincarnation of the six realms, specializing in the laws of the underworld, and reincarnating all beings in the world. This does not mean that they are serving humanity.

Why do they control reincarnation and reincarnate for living beings day by day

Even Xi did not know.

But never for humans.

Everyone who thinks that the underworld must be the shining sun and moon, and the bright sky, that is the beautiful fantasy of human beings about the underworld. You think about the underworld... Does the underworld know

The group of ghosts and gods in the ground may have been humans, trees, tigers... But when they died and possessed shady jobs, they gradually ceased to be living beings, but ghosts and gods.

Lian Xi looked up at his colleagues.

Aware of his gaze, the minister also turned to look at him.

His lips moved, but he didn't speak. Even Xi didn't know what he was going to say or what he should say. Just when he was silent, the minister looked at his constantly changing expression, his eyes moved slightly, and he suddenly realized.

Koomi shook his colleague's hand.

Lian Xi was startled: "???"

Caochen looked at him calmly, with an indifferent tone, but reassured: "Don't worry, he is dead."

Rest assured, Wenzhou ghosts must have no good fruit to eat.

Lian Xi: "..."

I'm not thinking about this ok!

All the messy thoughts were thrown away, and the three got into the car.

After starting the car, Lian Xi found that the car was almost out of gas. He said casually, "I'll find a gas station first." Then he continued to drive.

Lian Xi drove the car attentively, and did not notice that Hei Wuchang, who was sitting in the passenger seat, had been looking at him calmly. After realizing that his expression was normal, the minister turned his gaze back. He lowered his head and silently took out his phone. It's not easy to play games in the car, so I opened a certain alphabet station. After a while, a cheerful sound of music came from the sound hole of the phone.

The corners of the man's mouth twitched slightly, and there was a bright light in his eyes.


When I returned to Wenzhou, it was only two o'clock in the afternoon.

Two o'clock is the hottest time of the day. The sun is the hottest, the sun is the strongest. It stands to reason that if Wenzhou ghosts want to choose a time to rest, it is most likely at this time. But the three didn't waste time.

This is a deserted construction site.

It's probably an unfinished building. The dozens of-storey skyscrapers are only half-built and left on the ground, no one cares anymore. There are littered cement and steel frames everywhere. However, the protective shed surrounding the construction site was not removed, probably thinking that he would continue to build houses in the future.

The tall reeds grow unattended and grow so densely that they cover everything around them.

"Just here."

After Lian Xi finished speaking, the minister took out the golden album. With a slap of his palm, a thick black yin qi floated out from the golden album.

This evil ghost has eaten a lot of ghosts, and has a profound way of doing things. However, he was beaten by the golden album and the bronze bell before, and now he is dying. After transforming into the image of a bony middle-aged man in rags, he fell to the ground, gasping for breath. When he realized that he was actually released, it was already ten minutes later.

I was actually released

The devil's heart tightened, and he looked around.

no one!

The devil didn't even think about it, he just ran away. But he just took a step, when the golden album suddenly rushed out of the reeds viciously, and a golden light hit him. The evil spirit screamed and fell to the ground.

The golden album flew back to the reeds again.

After the evil spirit calmed down, he looked in the direction where the golden album disappeared. The dense reeds blocked his vision. As a demon with high mana, he is not afraid of the scorching sun, and can even open his eyes to the sun. But looking at the patch of reeds, he looked at it for half a minute before realizing that there were three people who were squatting in the middle, staring at him.

Devil: "..."

If you want to kill or cut it, it's a pleasure to give ghosts a little dignity!

The evil spirits also saw it. For some unknown reason, this group of people seemed to have left themselves here, but they were not allowed to leave by themselves, and were still watching from the sidelines. He has lived for hundreds of years and is rich in knowledge. Although he doesn't understand what these three ghosts are doing, he is clear in his heart that he is planted in the hands of these three ghosts today.

In this case, the evil ghost no longer struggled, he sat down with his legs crossed, absorbed some weak yin qi floating in the air, and regained his own strength.

Even if you want to resist, you have to eat your stomach first.

If the evil ghost died a little later and watched some war TV dramas, he would probably have found that his current situation was very similar to that of the protagonist's companion who was caught by the enemy. The villain caught him and threw him into the open space while he hid himself. As long as the protagonist comes to save him, he will be ambushed.

Of course, Wenzhou ghosts are definitely not decent protagonists. The three ghosts in Sucheng are not good people, but they can't be called villains either.

As for his evil ghost, it is even more heinous, and no one will think too much of dying 10,000 times.

As time passed by, the evil ghost gradually had eaten up his yin energy, and felt that his own strength had recovered by 80%. But he didn't act rashly, he vaguely realized that the three ghosts were not just staring at him because of boredom, they should be waiting for other people.

That being the case, he might as well take advantage of the snipe and clam fight, the fisherman will benefit, and there may be a chance to escape.

The sky was getting dark, and even the three Xi and the others waited in the reeds for three hours, but they did not see the ghost of Wenzhou.

The watchman cast a spell to hide the three figures. They can only be found by careful observation with mana.

As the sun sets, the moon rises. The watchman began to worry: "It stands to reason that although this is just a small blindfold, that Wenzhou Xiaoxianggong should also be able to, but when he is not free for a while, he should think that someone is ambushing him, so he will not cover his eyes with mana, and he will definitely look at him. Without us here."

Then why didn't he show up

Lian Xi pondered, "He noticed something?"

Watchman: "Sir, this shouldn't be the case. How does he know that we will come to trouble him from thousands of miles away?"

Lian Xi thought for a moment and was about to speak. Suddenly, an almost untraceable rustling sound sounded from a distance.

He shut his mouth shyly and looked up at the place where the sound came from. At the same time, the minister and the watchman also narrowed their eyes, staring coldly at the turbulent reeds.

Of course, the evil ghost sitting cross-legged in the center of the construction site also found the thing that was rapidly approaching him, and he became nervous, his whole body tense. Once the opponent makes a move, he can counterattack immediately.

The thing was running very fast, covered by tall reeds, and he could only see his trajectory through the swaying withered grass.

Whoosh whoosh—

to the front!

The devil held his breath.

Finally, the thing sprang out of the reeds and looked up at the evil spirit.

Devil: "Huh?"

I saw a little rabbit staring at him with red eyes.

The next moment he saw the evil ghost, the rabbit turned his head and ran away. He sneered and stood up. The watchman also picked up the gong and stood up with a grim smile. He banged on the gong, and the yin energy instantly spread all over his body. When he met again, he was already ten meters away.

Among the three, Lian Xi was the only mortal who couldn't teleport even though he had a bronze bell next to him.

Lian Xi was thinking about how to track, when an icy hand grabbed his wrist.

Lian Xi looked up.

Caochen: "It's not too far away."

Lian Xi: "???"

An ominous premonition came to his heart, and even Xi's eyes widened, before he could refuse, the man's other hand had already wrapped around his waist.

"No, the minister..."


Ordinary mortals repeatedly said: "..."

You gave me a chance to refuse!

In the reeds, one person, two ghosts, and three ghosts teleported away together. The evil ghost sitting cross-legged in the middle didn't react for a while, and soon he showed an ecstatic expression: "Can I go?"

For fear that the three ghosts would come back again, the evil ghosts immediately got up and were about to leave. However, he just took a step, and a golden light flew from afar and smashed on the evil ghost. The evil ghost screamed in panic and was staggered a few steps by the golden light. At this moment, the golden gate of the underworld appeared in front of him.

The evil ghost widened his eyes in horror: "No, no, I don't want to go to the underworld, I don't want to be reincarnated!" He didn't want to be reincarnated through the regular channel, he ate so many ghosts to strengthen himself, and he would definitely be sentenced to hell and punished, even forever. Super born!

However, without giving him a chance to refute at all, the golden album flashed golden light and kicked him directly into the underworld.

The gate of the underworld slowly dissipated, but the golden album did not leave.

After the evil ghost was beaten into the underworld, he fell on the banks of the Wangchuan River, in a miserable state. Beside him are ghosts who are queuing up for reincarnation. The ghosts are unconscious and numbly lining up, waiting to be reincarnated.

The evil ghost felt that his memory was slowly being deprived, and his consciousness was gradually lost, and an inexplicable longing surged in his heart—

He's going to line up.

I don't know why there is a line, but he wants to line up.

The evil ghost felt that his body was out of control, he got up and walked step by step to the queue of ghosts waiting to be reincarnated. But just as he was about to reach the queue.

sun room.

The golden album suspended in the air radiates golden light.

Beneath the underworld, the evil ghost screamed miserably: "Ah!" In the next second, his soul seemed to evaporate, turned into white smoke, and disappeared.

It was actually dissipated.

At the moment when the evil ghost disappeared, the entire underworld shook slightly. This weak shaking did not attract the attention of the ghosts and gods. Among the ghosts and gods in the Yin Division, only the Ten Temple Yama and Judge Cui, the leader of the four judges, noticed this extremely slight change.

The watchman did not know that several big figures in the underworld had been fighting for decades, and suddenly died a few days ago.

At this moment, the Tenth Hall Yama is sitting obediently in his own hall, carefully reviewing official business.

Oh, there's a ghost that went away before being judged? It's nothing, it's all little things. Looking over the misdeeds that this ghost has committed in the past, the wheel-turning king shook his head and said sadly: "Your lord is still too kind. Such evil ghosts who do all kinds of evil should first go to the eighteen layers of hell, torment for thousands of years, and then And then disperse its soul!"

After speaking, after waiting for a long time, he quietly raised his head to look at the surging Forgotten River outside the hall.

no response.

Is it that the flattery was not filmed well, or did you not hear it

I don't understand, forget it, it's always right to flatter yourself anyway.

On the other hand, the golden album of course did not know that King Yama was quietly flattering it - after all, it was the one who beat the evil spirits to pieces.

Send the evil ghost to the underworld first: this will get you points.

Then beat the evil spirits to the core: this is the order of the minister.

Jin Zhenyuguang Ziwen didn't understand why the master did this, but since it was the master's order, it obeyed.

With a swoosh, the golden album turned into golden light and flew towards the direction where the minister and Lianxi disappeared.