Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 65


In the dense and prosperous reeds, a little white rabbit fled everywhere, with a nimble figure. Its figure kept disappearing in the towering piles of weeds, burrowing into holes from time to time, and then reappearing in another unfathomable place.

At the first sight of this rabbit, Lian Xi and the three discovered that this was not a real rabbit.

It's a bunny ghost.

Today, although the three of them are much faster than the rabbit ghost, the rabbit ghost's whereabouts are unpredictable, and they have not been able to catch up for a while. The two sides formed a tug-of-war, and the three of them were scattered far and near.

At the same time, a certain small park one kilometer from the construction site.

As night falls, the lights are on. Many young night runners are wearing headphones and jogging for a walk in the park.

On a white bench by the lawn, a young man with fair complexion and bright eyebrows suddenly opened his eyes. This person is extremely feminine, with charming eyes like silk, and the tail of the slender eyes is wrapped in a soft and charming red. His face is small and delicate, and unlike many handsome male stars in contemporary society, he has a hint of femininity. In the blink of an eye, there is a seductive charm.

He is the ghost of Wenzhou.

The passers-by who ran at night quietly glanced at this man, after all, it was rare to see such a good-looking person. Because it is too soft, it is impossible to tell whether it is a male or a female at once. And they couldn't see that the moment the man opened his eyes, a ray of red light flashed from his pupils.

Wenzhou Guicha narrowed his eyes dangerously.

"Why did that old ghost come to the city?"

There was one thing that even Xi didn't think of, the Wenzhou Guichai knew the old ghost.

Although Wenzhou is very big, but Wenzhou ghosts have been here for many years and are impermanent, like the evil ghost who dominates one side to do evil, of course he knows and even has dealings with them. For Lian Xi and Gu Chen, if they saw such a thick golden light, they would definitely track it down and send the evil spirit to the underworld. Once found, they would not keep him alive. But it is different for Wenzhou ghosts.

The evil ghost is powerful, and although the time he was subdued by Lian Xi and Caochen had to be calculated in seconds, he was really strong.

So even if he knew that this ghost had been eating ghosts on the boundary of Wenzhou, and knew that he had committed a monstrous crime, the Wenzhou ghost messenger never thought of subduing the other party. One is that the two sides are fighting, and he may not be the opponent of the evil ghost; the other is that the evil ghost is just occupying the land as the king, eating some lonely ghosts passing by his territory.

What does this have to do with his Wenzhou ghost poor

As long as he doesn't care, it has nothing to do with him.

"That old ghost once made a contract with me for three chapters. Everyone doesn't violate the river water. What does he mean by suddenly coming to the city?" Wenzhou ghost messenger kept thinking, his eyes were cold: "Does he want to break the contract?"

Without thinking any further, Wenzhou Guicha sneered, and with a flip of his palm, a small white soul-calling streamer was put into his bag by him.

When he took away the soul-calling flag, in the distance, the rabbit ghost who was running around suddenly stopped.

The yin qi that seemed to hang over the ghost rabbit gradually dissipated, and the little rabbit stood up blankly and looked around. It doesn't know what to do here.

The three Sioux City ghosts who were tracking the rabbit ghost were all stunned when they saw this.

The watchman was the first to react: "No, my lord, it turns out that Wenzhou Xiaoxianggong used a spirit-revoking banner to attach his consciousness to this rabbit ghost. Now he takes away the spirit-calling banner, and cuts off the connection with the ghost. Rabbit-ghost connection."

The minister frowned displeasedly: "Then there is no way to find him?"

Watchman: "It's not that there is no way. The applicability of the soul-calling flag is only one kilometer, so the little Xianggong must be within two kilometers of us."

Lian Xi and Gu Chen looked at each other and quickly made a decision: "Find separately!"

Split up, which almost becomes a FLAG in a horror movie. As long as the protagonists do things separately, it will inevitably mean that someone will die.

But the current situation does not allow the three to think too much.

In the small park, the ghost of Wenzhou put away the spirit flag, stood up, and walked towards the park exit with a calm expression. Except for an overly bright and eye-catching face, he is no different from other ordinary people. At this time, it is time to praise the place that Lianxi chose.

Lian Xi chose a barren construction site as a trap to lure the ghosts of Wenzhou, which just led to one thing: the vicinity of the construction site was not prosperous.

Within two miles of the construction site, there is only an old community with a low occupancy rate, a food street with few people, and this small park.

When Wenzhou Guicha walked out of the park gate, a handsome black-haired young man walked towards him. Glancing across the face of the black-haired youth, Wenzhou Guichai was stunned for a moment, and like him, even Xi was stunned for a moment.

The two looked at each other.

Wenzhou Guicha narrowed his eyes and observed for a long while: It was a human being.

It is no surprise that Wenzhou ghosts have seen many people who look at him absent-mindedly when they meet. If it wasn't for his good looks, he wouldn't be deeply liked by Jiangnan Dao's Black Impermanence. Jiangnan Road Hei Wuchang has eight concubines. He is the ninth one, and he is still a man, but Hei Wuchang still loves him the most, and even lent him his ghost certificate. It can be seen from this that Wenzhou Guicha has an outstanding appearance and how good his bed skills are.

Although the appearance of this black-haired human is the type that Wenzhou ghosts like, he doesn't care. Seeing the other party staring at him blankly for two seconds before returning to his senses, Wenzhou Guicha twitched the corners of his mouth and threw a meaningful smile at him.

The two passed by.

Wenzhou Guicha walked past him, and after a while, Lian Xi turned around and looked at the man's back quietly. In his field of vision, a faint trace of yin entangled this coquettish and beautiful man, tightly surrounding him, but did not hurt him.

After a long while, Lian Xi took out his mobile phone and opened WeChat.

[Lian Xi: Found it.]

The minister and the watchman opened the phone.

found it

Before they could reply, Lian Xi sent another message, which was a WeChat location.

Lian Xi's attention, Wenzhou ghosts naturally did not ignore. Lian Xi didn't pay attention to him intentionally, but the Wenzhou ghosts were extremely keen on the sight of others. He felt Lian Xi's fiery gaze locked tightly on his back, as if to burn him through.

However, Wenzhou Guichai didn't take it to heart, on the contrary, he laughed silently. It's a pity, he really liked the appearance of the little white face when he didn't want to meet, but he already had his heart.

And this little white face just stared at him, and didn't do anything else, he was clearly an ordinary human being.

As for sending messages with a mobile phone... Isn't this normal? Maybe I'm telling my friends that I suddenly saw a very handsome person and I want to share it with everyone.

Could he still be calling his brother to beat him

The ghost of Wenzhou smiled calmly.

Without thinking too much, the Wenzhou ghost went to the parking lot of the park and got on a gorgeous and luxurious red Ferrari.

After finding the ghost in Wenzhou, Lian Xi shook the bell, hidden his figure, and followed him quietly to track his whereabouts. Seeing that Wenzhou Guicha actually got into a luxury car worth millions, Lian Xi was slightly stunned, and then he thought: Wenzhou Guicha has been ranked No. 1 in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai area for many years in a row, so why not? Should be rich

But the strange thing is that after Wenzhou ghost got into the car, he didn't start the car to leave, but stayed in the car all the time.

Lian Xi stood aside, waiting for the arrival of the minister and the watchman, without disturbing.

Five minutes later, the Ottoman and the watchman arrived together.

He snorted coldly, turned his hand and took out the golden album: "Where is it."

The golden album targets ghosts, and the white jade seal restrains living beings. Wenzhou Guicha is an impermanent ghost assigned from the underworld, and the golden album can be described as his natural enemy.

Lian Xi pointed at the red sports car not far away: "It's in there."

The three of them hid in the bushes beside the parking lot and turned to look at the luxury supercar together.

"Heh." A cold laughter sounded from his throat, and the minister did not say a word, and directly manipulated the golden album, and was about to hit it. Lian Xi suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the golden album flying in the air, and at the same time stopped Jochen.

The priest looked at him puzzled.

Lian Xi shook his head solemnly: "Wait a minute, it's a little strange. He went in ten minutes ago, but he never came out." After a pause, Lian Xi turned his eyes and thought, "Could it be that he found us , that's a trap, he's waiting for us to take the bait?"

Watchman: "It's not impossible that Xiao Xianggong is tricky and coaxing my colleagues into circles!"

This time, the three of them stared at the seemingly calm sports car carefully, not daring to be careless. Zaochen also followed with caution.

It seems that this Wenzhou ghost is very powerful and cannot act rashly.

Watchman: "Sir, I have a spell that can be used for eavesdropping and peeping. However, this spell consumes a lot of my strength, and I need an adult to help a small one."

The minister: "Yes."

With a grim expression, the watchman gave a low voice and raised his instrument, the gong.

"The decree of Bai Wuchang, Jiangnan Road, chase the shadows for thousands of miles!"

The watchman put his fingers together, his eyes focused, and he stared at the gong in his hand. His two fingers lightly drew circles on the gong. Following the movement of his circles, the gong suddenly became a bronze mirror. Slowly, layers of light waves appeared on it. Soon, the picture changed, dim light and constantly moving figures appeared on the mirror of the gong.

The whole picture is too dim and the clarity is extremely low, and it is impossible to see what the people in the car are doing.

The sound is there, but like the picture, it's indistinct. Like the old radio that broke at the beginning of the last century, making noises. Rather than the content of the broadcast itself, the audience listened more to the noise of bad machines.

But that's it, the watchmen are sweating on their foreheads, feeling that their mana has been overdrawn.

This is an extremely complex spell, and it has taken a lot of energy to achieve the current results. The watchman looked at the minister and said quickly: "Sir, if the little one is dying, please help the little one!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he didn't see the minister helping him, but instead he nodded thoughtfully: "So that's the case."

Watchman: "?" What

The body felt hollowed out, and the watchman became anxious: "Sir, please help the little one!"

The next second, the minister suddenly reached out and took the gong in the watchman's hand.

Watchman: "???"

The minister put his fingers together and lightly tapped on the gong. The brilliant golden light condensed into a single point, from the fingertips of the minister, to the mirror of the gong. In an instant, there was a stormy sea on the gong! When the wave stopped, a 4K ultra-clear picture appeared in front of the three of them, and at the same time, it was the conversation and gasp of the two men in Ferrari.

There were no lights in the car, and the outdoor parking lot outside the car was dim, so it shouldn't be so clear.

But after Caochen applied the mana on the gong, the picture was not only conveyed very clearly, but even took the initiative to light up, as if turning on a 100-watt light bulb, completely revealing the two men in the car who were chasing clouds and rain.

Ten minutes ago, the ghost from Wenzhou, whom Lian Xi had seen, was sitting on a man without an inch of his body.

The two babbled, and the ambiguous sound kept going.

"You were at the gate of the park just now and saw that man for a long time..."

Wenzhou Guicha blushed and said with a hoarse smile, "He looks a bit like you."

In addition to being shocked, Lian Xi took a closer look.

Not to mention, the man who was seated under the ghost of Wenzhou did have a subtle resemblance to Lian Xi. It's not that the facial features are similar, but that the two of them have clear eyebrows and cold faces. Even if they are not young, they still have a natural youthful air. They are the same look type.

"Slow, slow um..."

"Let you see other men."

"Don't watch, don't watch, Xianggong slow down..."

Three Sioux City ghosts: "..."

"It turns out that men and men can really do it, that's how it is..." The minister nodded lightly, staring silently at a certain part of the screen that was used more frequently.

Lian Xi: "!"

Brush stretched out his hand, covering his colleagues' eyes.

The Ombudsman: "???"

Lian Xi's voice was cold: "Don't look!" He looked so carefully!

It doesn't matter to the minister, he has no interest in the Wenzhou ghost messenger and the man under him. It was pitch black in front of him. In fact, if the minister really wanted to see it, Lian Xi would never stop him. But at this moment, feeling the soft and hot temperature pressing down on his eyelids, like a goose feather, the minister's heart moved slightly, but he didn't resist.


Caochen suddenly stretched out his hand and covered Lian Xi's eyes.

The cold palm touched the thin eyelid, and Xi's body froze.

The man's low and cold voice sounded: "Then don't look at it."

I don't see it, and neither should you.

Lian Xi: "..."


Only one person is left to watch the watchman of the live erotic palace: "..."

I'm the only one who doesn't want anyone to care, just watch it casually.

Of course, Lian Xi and Gu Chen just blocked each other's eyes, but the sound from the gong was not blocked, all of them were not pulled at all and passed into their ears.

Listening to the filthy obscene language and the ups and downs of Wenzhou ghosts.

Lian Xi suddenly understood a little bit, how did this person coax Jiangnan Road Hei Wuchang Jiaofang to be the only favorite, and he loved him even more, and even gave him his own impermanence certificate.

This is really a set.

Lian Xi said to the watchman: "No wonder your colleague was eaten to death by him. Now your colleague has come to the realm. I remember you said that he is better than you, and you can't beat him. How powerful is he? Can you beat him?"

The watchman's expression changed slightly, and he coughed: "My colleague didn't come to the world."

Lian Xi: "?"

Caochen: "?"

The watchman said embarrassedly: "The one in the car... is not my colleague."

Lian Xi and Cao Chen: "..."

Oh wow.