Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 68


Wenzhou Guicha listened to the words of Lian Xi and Guchen, he raised his head and glanced at the two of them, but didn't say a word.

He is willing to live and die with the man he loves the most, suffer the catastrophe of the sky with him, and may even lose his soul, but he doesn't want to go back to the underworld, he doesn't want to see the black impermanence of Jiangnan Road!

"I can live and die with you, but I can't live and die for you. 』

Thinking of that man, Wenzhou Guicha shivered, and a chill surged from the bottom of his heart that made him tremble all over. That kind of fear has been deeply implanted in his heart, even if decades have passed, he has forgotten the face of that terrifying evil ghost, but he can't forget the deathly despair that person brought him.

He doesn't want to go back, he can't go back! Once he goes back, Jiangnan Dao Hei Wuchang will definitely kill him!

"Let me go, please. I didn't lie, what I said is true." Wenzhou Guicha's voice was hoarse, looking at Lian Xi three people eagerly.

The strangeness of Wenzhou ghosts fell into Lian Xi's eyes. He thought for a moment and asked, "Are you so afraid of the impermanence of Jiangnan Road?"

Hearing this name, the Wenzhou Ghost Patrol cried out in fright, his face pale.

Lian Xi looked at the watchman: "Is it so scary?"

Caochen was also curious and looked at the watchman.

The watchman said embarrassedly: "This... it doesn't count, my colleague just has some special hobbies. But he is not a bully who robs the people, his eight-bedroom concubine, and this little Xianggong are all voluntary. Be good to him. Before my colleagues put them in the house, they made a contract with them. After many years, I will send them to reincarnation, and promise them that I will give them a good baby. "

Lian Xi asked: "Black and white impermanence still have this kind of right?" Whoever wants to have a good pregnancy will be able to have a good pregnancy

Watchman: "This kind of trivial matter still has some privileges. Every hundred years, we will be allocated a certain quota. As long as the reincarnated ghost did not commit a heinous crime, such as massacre of tens of millions of people, it is not allowed by God, and we ghosts can send some of them. Once the ghost is in the womb, the judge, Lord Yama, will pass by with one eye closed."

Lian Xi: "So casual?"

The watchman's wretched fat face had a subtle smile, and he said honestly, "Sir, aren't the rules set by ghosts and gods?"

Even Xi didn't ask again.

Hearing these words, the minister showed a thoughtful expression.

With the acquiescence of the two adults, the watchman immediately became arrogant and looked down at the little Xianggong arrogantly.

There is one thing that even Xi doesn't know, the watchman is actually one of the kindest ghosts and gods in the underworld. He is too lazy to bully men and women, and has no interest in abusing his power. The thing that the watchman does the most every day, in addition to catching ghosts, is to practice diligently and surpass his colleagues as soon as possible.

Huaxia Nine Roads, Eighteen Ghosts, and Jiangnan Road Black Impermanence are definitely at the top, not the first, but also the top two.

The watchman has the goal of catching up with his colleagues, and every day can be considered enjoyable. But what about other ghosts

Day after day work, the unchanging Huangquan Difu. When ghosts line up to be reincarnated, they are still in a daze, not knowing whether to live or die; but ghosts and gods are always awake. Day by day, watching the yin and yang of that scene separated, the six reincarnations.

The watchman also didn't think his colleagues were perverted. Didn't those concubines and Xiao Xianggong hear the notoriety of Jiangnan Road's impermanence before signing the contract? They all know it. But everyone who wants to take shortcuts, or who have done some evil things in their lifetime, know that they will not be able to give birth to a good child in their next life, and who want to take advantage of opportunities and use beauty to do things to others, they will always hold a fluke mentality.

Maybe Jiangnan Road is not so scary

Maybe Gangnam Road Black Impermanence will be nice to me

Everyone who can be favored by Hei Wuchang in Jiangnan Province is a one-of-a-kind beauty. They had tasted the benefits of outstanding hues before they died, and felt that everyone would treat them well because of their beauty. I always think that I will always be the special one before signing the contract. In the end, except for one Wenzhou ghost who did get the favor of Hei Wuchang, which was considered a lot of benefits, the others were tortured to the point of being half-dead, and they had no chance to work as ghosts in the realm to save their achievements, and were directly sent to reincarnation. See getting any benefits other than contract.

The watchman looked at the Wenzhou ghost with a smile, his tone was calm, without a trace of sympathy: "Don't keep saying how horrible my colleague is, he's a bit brutal and a bit brute, but he treats you well, right? I gave you a ghost certificate. You work hard in the world, and in a few years, you will be reincarnated. Not to mention being reincarnated as a horse, at least you can be reincarnated as a king. I met my colleague two years ago, While holding his sixth concubine, he still misses you, saying that when you are reincarnated, he will ask the Lord Judge for you, so that you will not only be rich and rich in your next life, but also make you healthy and everything goes well."

Wenzhou Guicha stared at him coldly: "Would you like it for you?"

"Hahaha." The watchman laughed, and he mocked: "I was a traitor in my lifetime. I knew that according to the rules of the judge, I would be reborn as a pig in my next life, so I went to the notorious Jiangnan Dao Hei Impermanence, and begged him. Accept yourself as a little minister?"

When his own shortcomings were revealed, Wenzhou Guicha's complexion kept changing, and it was extremely ugly.

Lian Xi glanced at the watchman: "You didn't say this before."

The watchman immediately complimented him: "Sir, it's the little one who forgot. This kind of little guy, the little guy really can't remember. He has been in the world for decades, and it's been thousands of years since he was here, and it was the little guy who just remembered it. "

Wenzhou Guicha defended himself: "I didn't become a traitor! I did get together with Xianya, but after I was with him, I didn't do anything inappropriate, and I also advised him to stop participating in the war!"

Watchman: "Who knows if you're telling the truth or a lie."

Wenzhou Guichai said angrily, "If one word of what I said is false, I am willing to be abused by that beast for thousands of years!"

The watchman was stunned for a while, then muttered: "It seems to be true..."

This time, Lian Xi completely understood the truth of the matter.

It is true that they are in love with each other, and it is true that the Japanese killed many Chinese people. After they were together, the actor did persuade the lover to stop killing, and the Japanese officer also did it. However…

The minister turned his head to the side and said calmly: "How much performance can I increase by sending him to the underworld?"

The ghosts of Wenzhou turned pale in an uproar.

The watchman flattered: "Don't worry, sir, there should be a lot, this is also a big ghost."

Wenzhou Guichai panicked: "No, I said everything, I will give you all my rewards, I just ask you to let me go, I don't want to go back, I don't want to see that beast!"

No one listened to his words.

This time, Lian Xi didn't bother the watchman anymore, he took out his Sucheng White Impermanence Certificate.

Wenzhou Guichai trembled uncontrollably: "Is there really any deep hatred between us? Sucheng Guichai, think about it carefully." He didn't have any hope for the two ghosts and gods. He stared at Lian Xi, trying to impress him. This human, "I just stole your first place twice, I can return it to you, and I will return it to you. I still have a lot of deposits in my bank card, and these are all yours. Those magic weapons that are rewarded are also all Here it is. Please, let me go and give me a way out!"

"Speaking of which, there's something I've never been able to understand." Lian Xi suddenly spoke, and the Wenzhou Ghost Trooper stopped his voice. Lian Xi lowered his head and looked at the glamorous young man with a begging face in front of him. Because of the panic and pleading on his face, this face was no longer so admirable, but had a hint of indescribable narrowness.

Wenzhou Guichai asked cautiously, "What, what's the matter?"

Lian Xi: "We used that old ghost to trick you before, and you also sent the rabbit ghost to check the situation, but why did you choose to turn around and run, and you didn't take the bait?"

The watchman glared and licked: "Don't try to lie in front of adults!"

There was no response from the watchman's flattery, but the minister was very satisfied. Two golden lights on his body quietly floated up and flew to the watchman. The watchman suddenly felt much refreshed, and his cultivation base, which had been immobile for many years, also improved a little, and there seemed to be signs of loosening, which surprised him.

It's really strange, could it be that cultivating in the earth can better improve the realm

The watchman suddenly had many thoughts in his mind.

Wenzhou Guicha's eyes rolled around, thinking that this was not a big deal, so he told the truth.

"I actually know that old ghost. I have dealt with him more than 20 years ago. But he is very strong. I didn't want to fight with him, so the two sides made an agreement that the well water would not violate the river. This time he suddenly appeared. In downtown Wenzhou, I thought he wanted to break the agreement, but he couldn't beat him for a while, so he turned around and ran away."

Lian Xi: "I heard Wuxi Black Impermanence say that if you encounter such a big ghost, you can choose to join forces with ghosts in nearby cities. Even if the final performance is evenly divided, it will still be earned."

The Wenzhou ghost stammered and refused to speak. But the watchman understood it at a glance, smiled slyly, and pointed out the truth: "You are afraid that other ghosts will come to the boundary of Wenzhou and find your old lover!"

Wenzhou ghosts have nothing to say.

Even Xi looked at him quietly and did not speak.

After a few seconds, a fluttering male voice sounded, with a very impatient tone: "Don't send them reincarnated?" It's all performance.

Lian Xi looked at his colleague: "Well." After speaking, he opened his impermanence certificate.

Wenzhou ghost saw this, his eyes were cold.

"I've already compromised, so don't deceive people too much. You're the one who forced me to my death!"

He roared angrily, and suddenly used the spirit banner without hesitation, summoning countless animal ghosts and attacking Lianxi.

I saw a fierce tiger ghost roaring in the sky, kicking its hooves on the ground, and rushing towards Lian Xi.

On the other hand, Wenzhou ghosts were not idle either. In addition to the soul-calling banner, he also opened the impermanence card of the black impermanence of Jiangnan Road.

"Hundreds of ghosts are all, like seeing the Yin God!"

Watchman: "No, this is my colleague's spell, and he even taught this little Xianggong."

The watchman said something was wrong, but he didn't panic. Even if Wenzhou ghosts used the black and impermanent spells of Jiangnan Road, it is not a concern, because the same spell is used by different people, and the effect is completely different. Just like the watchman used a gong to peep at the image, only the black and white silent films of the last century can be shown; the minister used his spells and instruments, but the effect was Dolby sound in 4K video.

The watchman reminded him just to show his loyalty. He has long seen that the two adults he respects are powerful, and even if his colleague shoots in person today, he will not be able to ask for it.

Wenzhou Guicha seems to have sunk to the ground, his expression is desperate and crazy, countless ghosts, mixed with monstrous black yin, rush to Lian Xi.

Having experienced so many incidents, even Xi is not panicked. He calmly held down the bronze bell and tossed it gently.


A steady bell rang.

Bronze bells flew out from Lian Xi's wrist, and with a swish, attacked the soul-mongering banner and the black impermanence card of Jiangnan Road. The moment the two sides collided, the raging yin qi instantly dissipated.

Lian Xi stepped forward and was about to continue sending the Wenzhou ghost messenger and his concubine to the underworld, but saw the Wenzhou ghost messenger biting his lips, turned and ran to his lover lying on the ground behind him. His movements were extremely fast, and almost the moment he threw the Black Impermanence Card and the Soul-calling Banner, he rushed backwards at the same time.

Lian Xi was stunned, his heart was wrong.

I saw the ghost of Wenzhou hugging his lover lying on the ground.

"You will definitely not end well if you go to the underworld, you will only be tortured, and then you will lose your soul. Xianya, I will decide for you!"

Wenzhou Guicha's eyes were firm, and he was holding onto his dying lover. Yamada Kanya couldn't answer his words and was still in a coma. He has already turned his palm over, and a small and delicate gold-encrusted hairpin appeared in his hand. Wenzhou Guicha said nothing, held the golden hairpin, raised his right hand, and stabbed his lover in his arms.

This slender golden hairpin rolls up a lot of yin energy, it is actually the impermanent magic weapon of Wenzhou ghosts!

Yes, the spirit banners used by Wenzhou Guicha are the rewards of the performance rankings; the black impermanence card is a magic weapon that has been borrowed. Only this golden hairpin is the magic weapon that he obtained after being certified as the master by the Wenzhou ghost messenger.

"You go first, I'll be there later!"

All this happened too fast, seeing that the golden hairpin was about to stab into Yamada Kanya's chest, even Xi and the watchman didn't have time to stop it. However, a sharp whistling sound was heard, and a golden light flashed from the air, hitting the golden hairpin in the hands of the Wenzhou ghost. He screamed, and the golden hairpin was directly pierced and broken by the golden light, turned into two pieces, and fell to the ground.

Lian Xi turned his head and looked at the man beside him.

The golden album was suspended by the side of the minister, sensing Lian Xi's gaze, the minister also looked at him and raised his eyebrows lightly: "You don't want to perform?"

If Yamada Xianya was killed by the Wenzhou ghost, and his soul was scattered, of course it would not count as their achievements.

After a long time, Lian Xi nodded lightly: "Of course."

The next moment, the ruthless Sioux City ghost sent a pair of lovers to the underworld without blinking an eye. By the way, he also took away the Jiangnan Road Black Impermanence Certificate that Wenzhou ghosts had dropped on the ground, and didn't send it back together.

When they were thrown into the underworld, Wenzhou Guicha hugged his lover and stared at the three of them with malicious eyes. As if to say never give him a chance to come back, as long as he comes back, he will definitely take revenge.

Mr. Ge was too lazy to pay attention to this kind of person, and did not understand the meaning of Wenzhou Ghost Trooper's last look. He just picked up the black impermanence certificate on the ground, and then flipped through it, frowning slightly: "Not many names?"

Although the name on the impermanence card will be updated in real time, if you have been a ghost for decades, the name of the ghost you caught at the beginning may have disappeared - in order to make room for the name of the new ghost. After all, the thickness of impermanence certificate is unchanged. But the problem is that the minister opened the book of impermanence and took a closer look: "Just these few?"

"Let's take a look." Lian Xi took over the impermanence certificate of Wenzhou ghosts and looked at it, and he frowned: "It's very few."

"Sir, please let the little one take a look." The watchman found the evidence of impermanence, and after reading it, he immediately understood: "This little Xianggong is lazy! I knew all day long that I was in a relationship with his concubine, and where would I want to arrest him? Ghost! Every day, he only needs to take a little 'deposit' from my colleague's impermanence certificate and put it on his own impermanence certificate, even if he has achieved his own performance. Gee, the little things are very insidious."

The author has something to say:

Some readers say that it is uncomfortable to watch, because it is normal, because the setting of the underworld is revealed little by little, and it is a collection of selfishness and evil. This article does not intend to take the Weiguangzheng family fun route, what I want to take is more alternative and curious. If it is the kind of spiritual text that pleases everyone and caters to 99% of the public, including my own three views, I have written it, and I will not write it again.

However, I have something to say about this chapter. In the previous chapter, I was selfish. Regardless of what the truth of Schrödinger was, I personally did not agree with this choice, and I also said that it was wrong in the text. Of course, many people feel the same way. Then, in this chapter, Xiao Shou and the others sent this pair of lovers to the underworld for trial, and you feel uncomfortable again. Then this is a contradiction.

If you are selfish, you don't agree; if you act impartially, you don't agree.

So, just follow your own preferences.

This is what I don't agree with the most. Of course, many people have already given up the article, and I don't particularly care. Everyone is destined to meet each other. It's good to say hello to each other. If there is a second batch of people who want to abandon articles here or gain weight, I also think I can understand. However, since the contradiction has emerged, I will directly say what I really think. Anyway, it is almost over. My thinking is that I am very tired of deciding what is right or wrong based on my own preferences, so the underworld is wrong, the attack is wrong, and the feeling is not right. The laws of the underworld are also wrong, because it is decided by ghosts and gods. Do you know what red light and golden light is? It's Xiaogong's judgment and his preference. Ghosts and gods regard all things as cud dogs, but this does not mean that they are really machines without emotions, they are conscious. Because there are feelings, so there is bias. And one person's opinion can never be right. Maybe it's right a lot of the time, but it always seems right, and he'll always be right.

What this article wants to do is to abandon the underworld and not ghosts and gods.

Each individual is not qualified to judge others with one's preferences and emotions. The real basis for judgment is the law. The law may not be perfect, but he is constantly improving and perfecting. If today a thinks this person deserves to die, b thinks this person should be sentenced to 20 years, and c thinks he is acquitted. Who should I listen to? Even if 99% of people think they should choose a, this is all personal. Even if the answer given by the law is a, but he did not judge it because 99% of people think it should be a. This is a complex first-come-first-served problem. Because 99% of people think it should be a, so the law to choose a is made; but after the law is made, it is no longer affected by "I think". The existence of the law is to prevent people from being involved in private affairs.

Of course, it is reasonable and reasonable. Laws are made by people, and improvements are made by people, and their essence is to serve people. In real life, there are many things that need to be judged and adjusted by people, and the law also has its irrationality, which often makes people feel unfair, and this needs to be improved gradually. There is absolutely no absolute fairness in reality, but this article is not necessary, a matter that can be solved by the way of heaven. Absolute justice can exist in novels, but this absolute justice should never be decided by Gong Shou, or some emotional individual. This has always been my idea. It was mentioned in the previous articles on cultivating immortals. Shou is not willing to be in the way of heaven, because the way of heaven should be ruthless, and he did not want to be deprived of himself, so he gave up.

Finally, old readers who have read my articles should know that I like to try different themes, and I rarely write about the same theme in recent years. Spiritual texts can't be the same. Readers who can't agree with the setting of this article, we can see you later~ The novel is for reading fun, and my next article should be easier. Recently, I have also reflected on whether this article has too much output from the three views (although many people have misunderstood my three views, they will know at the end). The novel should not be like this. I have been reflecting on this matter. It is a mistake made by a newcomer, but the idea of this article at the beginning has been too much to export the three views. Most of it can't be changed. In this case, I will continue to improve it~

Thank you for reading this, each article is a progress, giving me a lot of feelings. All in all, writing is a happy thing.