Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 69


Wenzhou ghost police and Japanese officers were sent to the underworld, but they were not sent back.

The watchman Bai Fatty's face was full of a wretched smile, he hehe hehely held the impermanence certificate left by the Wenzhou ghost, and opened it happily: "As long as this thing is present, my colleague's strength will be reduced by at least 10%. "Speaking, he rolled his eyes, and then said to the minister and Lianxi: "Two adults, this is a magic weapon. With it, we will earn performance faster in the future."

Lian Xi glanced at him: "If you have it, will you be stronger?"

The watchman couldn't hide his joy: "That's natural, if the little one has it, he will be able to better hunt ghosts for the two adults!"

Lian Xi found the watchman's careful thought at a glance. To be honest, this black impermanence card is of no use to him and the minister. From the very beginning, the purpose of catching the ghost was to improve the ranking of the leader, and the general manager would never allow anyone to put him on his head; while Lian Xi was to gain the favor of the minister and the golden light, so he became Bai Wuchang. As for later...

One million yuan per month, whoever is not interested in changing it!

However, for the ghouls like the watchmen, the golden taels are all garbage, and the soul-calling banners and the black impermanence certificate of Jiangnan Province are the real treasures.

Su Cheng Black and White did not mean to ask for the certificate of impermanence. The watchman carefully pondered the faces of the two. After confirming that the attention of the two adults had been removed from the certificate of impermanence, he observed for a while, and then carefully put Black Impermanence Card shoved into his arms.

hey hey hey hey hey...

An unpleasant humming sounded, the watchman trembled in fright, and hurriedly took out the black impermanence certificate from his arms, just about to hold this thin book of impermanence in both hands, hold the top of his head high, and return it to the minister. But he heard the minister looking at his Sucheng black impermanence certificate and said: "He is not in the world, he is no longer the ghost of Wenzhou, is he still number one?"

The watchman was stunned: "Huh?"

Lian Xi looked at the impermanence certificate in the hands of the minister: "Because this month's performance rankings have been determined?"

The two looked at the watchman together.

The watchman hurriedly put away the black impermanence card, leaned over to look at it for a while, and understood what the minister meant. It turned out that he didn't want him to hand over the black impermanence certificate! The watchman explained: "As the lord said, although this little minister makes good use of his power and dereliction of duty, he will definitely be sentenced to trial by the lord himself after returning to the underworld, and there will be no good fruit to eat. But the performance rankings in November It has been fixed, so..." He wondered: "So, that Xiao Xianggong's performance points did exceed ours last month, which is a fact."

Caochen: "Is that the only way?"

The watchman racked his brains for a long time, and suddenly said: "That's not the case! The little one thought of a trick. The adults still remember that Wenzhou Xiaoxianggong did not think about making progress all day. For decades, he did not catch a few ghosts at all. Wenzhou The reason why he can stay in the first place all the time is because he has saved a lot of performance in my colleague's ghost certificate, and every time he needs as much as he needs, he can delineate some. But in fact, his real performance is very small. "

The three of them had just discussed this matter, and naturally they remembered it.

The watchman added: "So, if the additional performance brought by the two 'Jiangnan Dao Ghost Badges' are excluded, our performance will definitely exceed Wenzhou Ghost Badges."

Lian Xi understood what the watchman meant: "You mean, is there a way to only count the real achievements of Wenzhou and Sucheng?"

The watchman smiled and said, "Sir, I am a ghost in the south of the Yangtze River, and I still have this authority. Just make a report, exclude the extra performance of the month, and calculate the real performance to achieve this."

Lian Xi remembered another thing: "If only the real performance is counted, are we worse than the ghosts of Shanghai?"

Counting the performance of the Jiangnan Road Ghost Badge Certificate, Wenzhou and Suzhou City are the top two, and the third is the Shanghai City Ghost Badge. If this part of the extra performance is removed, will it be overtaken by the ghost difference in Shanghai

How could the watchman not even think about such trivial matters, he patted his chest and said, "That's natural. In the past month since I was young, I have been working as a cow and a horse, so busy that I can't touch the ground, even if I make Jiangnan Dao Bai Impermanence. Excluding the additional performance collected by the certificate, our performance is also the first in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai!"

Lian Xi is actually interested in whether or not to take the first place. Anyway, the money is not much different, only a difference of 100,000, and the monthly income of 900,000 has made him very satisfied. The saviour was very concerned.

"you try."

Watchman: "Yes!"

I saw that in the dark night, the watchman held his certificate of white impermanence in one hand, and stretched out his index finger in the other hand.

After a while, a faint golden light flashed past his ghost certificate.

The watchman raised his head and said: "It's done. Don't worry, the two adults. Although this ranking is a rule set by the judge, it is an independent ranking. After the rules of the ranking are set, the judge will not ask. This ranking list has a lot of contacts, but it is our nine ghosts. Now I have submitted a report to the ranking list to erase the extra performance phenomenon of this month's Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai rankings. "

In fact, the first and second are almost the same, so there is no need to care so much... Lian Xi thought so, but the black clothes beside him were impermanent, but his eyes lit up.

The man's handsome and deep face is a rare concentration, because he is too focused, the pair of dark eyes faintly danced with anticipation.

The Ombudsman: "Look at it."

Watchman: "Okay, sir, let's take a look together!"

Lian Xi looked at them both, his eyes unconsciously looking at his colleagues.

He had only seen this kind of look when President Ji was fighting for the glory of the king. He wanted to win, he wanted to take the first place, he would never admit defeat... he would never be a minister.

Wei Wei paused, and Lian Xi was stunned by his inexplicable thought.

Strange, why did he suddenly remember this sentence, and he would never be a minister...

After a while, Lian Xi figured it out. Probably because he accidentally searched for the meaning of the word "卩" two days ago, and he suddenly had such an idea.

Watchman: "Sir, it has changed, and the name of the little Xianggong is almost gone!"

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted, and even Xi opened his own impermanence certificate. At this moment, the watchman and the minister are looking at the same book of impermanence, their eyes are shining, and they are looking forward to it; .

I saw that on the thin book, the number one, Wenzhou ghost poor, these four words slowly dimmed.

The knight raised the corners of his lips.

The watchman raised his chest proudly.

Lian Xi watched calmly, watching the name of Wenzhou Guicha disappear in the first line as if it was erased by an invisible hand. The watchman laughed excitedly, but suddenly, his laughter stopped abruptly, and even Xi was stunned.

The three stared wide-eyed together, looking at the impermanence card.

However, after seeing the name of the Wenzhou ghost messenger being erased, the next one... Below him, the second-ranked Sucheng ghost messenger, the name of the Sucheng ghost messenger was also wiped out!

The minister: "..."

Lian Xi: "..."

The watchman was horrified, and hurriedly said: "Maybe it's to erase the name first, and then get it first."

The minister's eyes were blank, and he nodded slightly suspiciously: "Well..."

Then, I saw the four big characters "Shanghai City Ghost Poor" appearing on the first row of the monthly performance rankings!

The minister: "..."

Lian Xi: "..."

Watchman: "..."

Lian Xi's eyes tightened and he said, "There are words at the bottom."

Hearing this, Caochen and the watchman bowed their heads and looked at the bottom of the month's performance rankings.

Under the gazes of the three of them, lines of bloody small characters slowly appeared on the white page—

"It has been verified that both Wenzhou ghost police and Sucheng ghost police are suspected of cheating. After being reported by Bai Wuchang, Jiangnan Road, the review of this list has been completed and the cheating has been confirmed. Here, the cheaters in the two places will be deprived of all the performance of the month and given a serious warning. 』

"This list is not a place outside the law, and I recommend that ghosts from all over the world enforce the law carefully and work diligently! 』

"We hereby announce that the names of the ghost officers in Wenzhou and Suzhou City will be published and circulated among the ghost officers in Jiudao 663 City, hoping that all the ghost officers will take a warning—"

"Wenzhou Ghosts: Qiao and Yue. 』

"Sioux City Ghosts: Lian Xi, @# $@ #$. 』

"Remarks: The effective display period of this notice and criticism is one month. 』

Lian Xi: "???!!!"

Gu Chen: "Where's my name?" Gu Chen carefully looked at it for a long time, and saw only Lian Xi's name behind the words "Sucheng Guicha". After Lian Xi's name, the leaderboard seemed to always want to display the name of the minister, but it was a mess of garbled characters.

Fortunately, not particularly embarrassing. Mr. Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, and closed the impermanence card without changing his face.

Lian Xi, who was embarrassed and thrown all over the country: "..."

Turning his head suddenly, the handsome and calm young man can no longer be calm at this moment, even Xi gritted his teeth and asked word by word: "What, what, back, what?!"

Watchman: "..."

The fat body trembled, the fat all over his body trembled, and the husband was miserable, shouting to himself: "I'm wronged, my lord! I really don't know how smart this leaderboard is! Before we nine Dao ghost messengers often gag and chat with it, and it all looks dumb and stupid, especially easy to fool. It is just a set of rules set by Judge Cui, how can this, how can it suddenly become intelligent like this! " He just asked the leaderboard to erase the extra performance of Wenzhou and Suzhou City, and didn't let it catch cheating!

At this point, Lian Xi stared at his name written in red on the white paper below the impermanence certificate, and gritted his teeth and asked, "When was the last time you communicated with this leaderboard."

The watchman recalled: "Ten years ago?"

Lian Xi: "It has evolved like this in ten years?"

Watchman: "...It's ten years in the world. In the case of the underworld, it's about three thousand years?"

Lian Xi: "..."

The minister said lightly: "Actually, it's nothing. Even if all the ghosts in other areas of the world have seen it, they don't know you. Just know a name."

Lian Xi turned his head: "Then write your name on it?"

Gu Chen looked at him lightly, and his tone was calm: "This impermanence card is not very useful, it does not show my name, and it is not forced by me, it seems that there is a bug," Mr. Gu is now a game Old players, the word BUG is very easy to say, "If it shows up, it doesn't matter."

Heh, Lian Xi said coldly, "Your name is not on it."

The implication: You are standing and talking without back pain!

Sensing the meaning behind the young man's cold eyes, the minister raised his eyebrows as if casual. He opened his Su City Black Impermanence Certificate, put his right fingers together, and drew lightly on it: "It's just that a group of strange ghosts know your name and know that you are cheating. Is this a big deal? Just write it on What's the matter."

Saying that, the minister looked calm, calmly used his finger as a pen, and wrote his name on the garbled code of impermanence.

Thin and slender fingers slid across the white page, and with each stroke, golden light emerged under the fingers.

Soon, the golden word "Caochen" appeared at the bottom of the leaderboard.

Kaoru smiled: "But that's it."

Lian Xi: "..."

The watchman opened his Jiangnan Dao Bai Impermanence certificate, and suddenly said in horror: "Sir, your name has also been written! This is actually updated synchronously!"

Lian Xi was stunned, and quickly looked down at his Su Cheng white impermanence certificate. Then…

Oh wow. Smile.

The grin on his face instantly froze.

Flip the palm of his hand, Su Cheng Hei Wuchang sneered, and the golden album appeared in his palm. The minister narrowed his eyes, looked at the watchman, and scolded in a low voice: "You said earlier that it would not affect my performance as a ghost in Sucheng. How should I explain the current situation?"

Watchman: "???" You didn't ask just now, you look like you don't care at all!

The watchman's scalp was numb, trembling and begging for mercy: "The villain is really wronged!!!"

Someone once said that if you want to forget a bad thing, you have to find a worse thing to catch your attention.

At this moment, Lian Xi and Ji Chen completely forgot that they were supposed to be the second in the rankings this month, and suddenly, let alone the second, there was no last place, and they couldn't even make it to the rankings! There are only six words in their eyes now—

Complete! country! Pass! report! batch! Comment!

On the way back to Su City, Lian Xi stared at his name under the leaderboard and couldn't help sighing. Take another look, then sigh.


Kaoru was even more angry.

Hei Wuchang sat in the passenger seat, his face was cloudy and uncertain, sometimes he opened his own impermanence certificate, and sometimes he threw it aside.

"How did Judge Cui make the ranking rules, why should he reveal the name of the ghost?" Gu Chen frowned and asked in dissatisfaction.

The watchman replied flatteringly: "Cui, Judge Cui is probably just set up like this. I didn't expect to offend the adults?" An unprofessional part-time ghost courier, he is such a serious ghost coordinator, the judge does not even glance at the corner of his eye. What's wrong with revealing your name? You can't even reveal your sexuality!

The fingers pressed the impermanence card page, making a clicking sound.

He snorted softly and closed his eyes.

Seeing this, Lian Xi glanced at him while driving. Sure enough, they all chose the same method...

As long as I play dead, you don't know it's me who is being criticized!

However, within a few minutes.


The phone vibrated, just off the highway, and encountered a red light. Lian Xi stopped the car and turned on the phone.

[Tang Zi: ? ? ? What fat four, Lian Xi, I saw your name on the certificate of impermanence.]

[Hu Xiaoli: Hey, why did your name appear on the certificate of impermanence, and criticized you, saying that you cheated?]

[Tang Zi: I saw the following, cheating! I knew hahahaha, you are cheating, you deserve it! Heaven is reincarnation!]

Lian Xi: "..."

Before replying, WeChat rang again, and even Xi opened it and took a look.

[Su Jiao: My uncle said that he heard from a friend that you and the nigger sent two people to be criticized by the ghost sent from the underworld? Are you two cheating?]

Lian Xi: "!!!"

This day is over!

How many ghosts did he know, how many Xuanxiu? They all know it!

Even Xi covered his face with his hands and coughed awkwardly. He turned off the phone without looking at it, and threw it aside.

No, he didn't see any of these news!

In the quiet carriage, Su Cheng was in a very bad mood, not in the mood to speak. The watchman did not dare to make a sound, for fear that Lian Xi and Cao Chen would take him to the test after they had eased their embarrassment and recovered.

Turned into a quiet lane, but after a while, the car drove to the gate of the community.

Lian Xi drove the car calmly, holding the steering wheel with one hand, and turned to prepare to enter the community. Suddenly, his eyes stopped, and his eyes were fixed on the old man who was holding two big snakeskin bags and staggering at the gate of the community.

His eyes widened slightly, and even Xi called out to the other party: "Uncle Li."

Hearing this voice, Uncle Li turned around, and after seeing Lian Xi, he carried two snakeskin bags and walked over with a smile: "Xiao Lian, it's such a coincidence. I happened to be going back to my hometown, so I thought I had some dishes to order. Why don't I bring it to you. I haven't gotten through to your phone call, I'm going to leave, you just came back. Hey, did you just come back from outside... Xiaolian, why don't you talk?"

Under the light of the morning light, the honest and honest middle-aged uncle raised his hand and touched the back of his head. The pale and blue face, only the lips, were blood red.

He smiled naively: "Xiaolian, you always see why I don't speak."

The sourness filled his nose, the hand holding the steering wheel trembled slightly, and Lian Xi looked closely at the person in front of him. Beside him, the minister and the watchman also looked over.

Caochen had seen Uncle Li before, but when he suddenly saw him, he was slightly stunned and looked at Lian Xi subconsciously, but he could only see the young man's sculptural, unwavering profile.

In the back seat of the car, the watchman said "Huh": "The ghost who just died? It seems that he has only been dead for less than 24 hours."

Uncle Li didn't seem to hear the watchman's words, he looked at Lian Xi with a smile, took out the smashed old computer from his pocket, and said very distressed: "I called you several times, but no one answered. I thought about it, but you came back so coincidentally. Xiaolian, uncle brought you canola oil and sticky corn, I remember you like it the most."