Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 71


After receiving the call from Wang Zihao, Lian Xi immediately drove to the park hospital.

The community where Lian Xi lives is very close to the hospital in the park. Even during the morning rush hour, it took him only half an hour to arrive at the hospital.

Some things are born again and cooked again.

When Lian Xi arrived at the hospital, the Li family members who were stuck under the tumor building had been invited by the hospital leaders to the office dedicated to handling the relationship between doctors and patients.

The people watching the fun gradually dispersed, and the number of people who came to the hospital to see a doctor slowly increased, and soon no one paid attention to the previous medical incident—

They are really too familiar with this kind of thing.

Dr. Wang was waiting for Lian Xi in the outpatient hall. When the two met, Lian Xi looked in a hurry and asked, "What's going on?"

Wang Zihao's face was very ugly, but he didn't show his face to Lian Xi. The two were already friends and were quite familiar with each other. Wang Zihao was angry with the family members of the patients who had been making troubles at the doctor just now. The hospital leaders said, how much work it took to persuade people from the gate of the tumor building, which was in full view, and did not make the situation escalate.

The director of the hospital in the park was on a business trip and was not able to be there. But the two vice presidents, as well as Director Zhao of the oncology department who helped Uncle Li perform the operation, all came. Director Zhao just had two major operations yesterday, so he finally took a shift off today. He only got off the operating table in the early morning, and before he could sleep peacefully, he was woken up by the phone and rushed to the hospital in a hurry.

Seeing Director Zhao with a tired face, but still trying to persuade the family to calm down and go to the conference room to solve the problem, Wang Zihao was not angry.

Seeing Wang Zihao's indignant expression, the senior doctor in the same department patted Wang Zihao's shoulder and said, "Whether it's right or wrong, it's always the most important thing not to escalate the situation. People say it's scary, there are no perfect victims in this world. You are still young and energetic. Don’t get too angry, you will get used to it after a few years of work. Zihao, remember, never fight against the family members of the patient. It’s refreshing to scold a few words, but you only have one life, you know they can do it What happened?"

Seeing Lian Xi's solemn expression, Wang Zihao took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He is still the kind of rookie doctor who has a bad temper and is always too lazy to deal with people.

Wang Zihao: "That relative of yours came to the hospital to make trouble, saying that the operation for your relative failed."

After a long silence, he said, "I'm sorry."

Wang Zihao said indifferently: "It has nothing to do with you. Even without you, your relatives should have come to our hospital for surgery, and the results will be the same."

The word revenge never describes the thing itself, but the person who does it.

Wang Zihao was just a small doctor, and the Li family was taken to the doctor-patient office, and he couldn't even take Xi there.

Lian Xi thought for a moment and asked, "If you can, Dr. Wang, can you tell me what happened?"

Nodding, Wang Zihao said, "Okay."

Then, Wang Zihao told Lian Xi everything he had learned.

Early last month, Li Guoxin, also known as Uncle Li, underwent liver cancer surgery at the Park Hospital.

Uncle Li's condition is not particularly serious, and it stands to reason that Director Zhao of the Oncology Department should not personally handle the operation. But Wang Zihao knew that this was a relative of Lian Xi, so he talked to his mentor. His mentor and Director Zhao have a good relationship and are old classmates, so Director Zhao personally took care of the operation.

Such a difficult operation was a piece of cake for Director Zhao, an oncologist at the Park Hospital. The operation was naturally very successful, and Uncle Li recovered very well after the operation without any complications. Within half a month, after Director Zhao's confirmation, Uncle Li was discharged from the hospital and went home to recuperate.

So far, it was a good thing, until yesterday afternoon, when Li Guoxin went out to buy food on a bicycle, he suddenly fell off the bridge and died on the spot.

At first, the Li family thought that it was his father who was careless. He was getting old and had an accident. However, after being sent to a nearby hospital for rescue, the doctor told them that the real cause of Uncle Li's death was a fall from a bridge caused by a sudden cerebral hemorrhage.

This time, the Li family broke out immediately.

"My father's body has always been very tough, and he is a big living person. How can it be said that a cerebral hemorrhage is a cerebral hemorrhage, and there is no sign at all?!"

This is what the Li family kept repeating to the onlookers when they were sitting on the ground in the medical trouble. Wang Zihao sneered at these words.

Your dad is tough? Your dad just got liver cancer and just had a major surgery to open his stomach!

In addition, if the disease of cerebral hemorrhage can be completely prevented and given a warning before the onset of the disease, how can there be so many people in the world who die of sudden cerebral hemorrhage

However, the Li family didn't listen to these words at all. They didn't care about medical theories or medical proofs, they just said: "My dad was fine before he went out, and he hasn't been sick or ill all these years. If it wasn't for your surgery, my dad would suddenly have this condition. A disease?"

"Hehe, it's all because Director Zhao's surgery was so well done. It's only been more than a month, and people can not only walk around, but also ride a bike." Wang Zihao raised his thin lips and sneered sarcastically. After speaking, he suddenly remembered that Lian Xi was still there, and he quickly said, "Sorry."

"It's okay." Lian Xi shook his head, with mixed feelings in his heart, he didn't know what to say.

Lian Xi: "So, what is certain now is that Uncle Li died of a cerebral hemorrhage?"

"To be precise, it was a sudden syncope caused by a cerebral hemorrhage, and then he fell off the bridge, causing multiple fractures throughout his body, rupture of internal organs and massive bleeding." After a pause, Wang Zihao added: "This is the death judgment given by the fourth hospital. The place where the accident happened to the old man was near the fourth hospital, and he was pulled to the fourth hospital by an ambulance nearby for rescue. Generally speaking, the death judgment cannot be wrong."

Speaking of this, Dr. Wang's voice stopped.

The two looked at each other. Lian Xi immediately understood what he meant.

The cause of death is obvious, and the only thing to explore now is why the sudden cerebral hemorrhage occurred.


Park hospital, doctor and patient office meeting room.

The hospital in the park has long been very skilled in handling such disputes between doctors and patients. The doctors involved are not allowed to participate in such matters. Before, the Li family refused to go to the conference room, and they had to see Director Zhao before they would settle the matter. So the hospital just called Director Zhao and asked Director Zhao to persuade the person to come over. After the person persuaded him, Director Zhao was placed in the office next to him.

"What about Director Zhao? He killed my dad, we want him to pay for it!"

"Yes, pay for it! My dad is only 59 years old, not yet 60! He left at such a young age, Dad, you don't give your son a chance to be filial!"

The staff frowned and patiently persuaded: "Since everyone is sitting here, let's calm down the family members of the patients..."

Hearing this, the boss of the Li family stared straight and said angrily, "Peace? Your father is dead, can you calm down?!"

Another commotion.

It took a long time for the staff to speak again.

"Everyone wants to solve the problem. Li Guoxin's medical records, every data before and after the operation, we have records, and now we can check the details. As far as these records are concerned, the operation has no Any problems." Seeing that the Li family was about to attack again, the staff member immediately said: "Of course, indeed, there may be emergencies that humans cannot predict."

The second child of the Li family rolled his eyes: "Do you mean to admit that you failed the operation and killed my father?"

Staff: "I didn't say that. According to the "Hospital Complaint Management Measures", in the face of the current situation, our hospital has the right to request an autopsy."

When the words fell, the two sons and daughters-in-law of the Li family said in unison, "No way!"

The eldest of the Li family: "My father is dead, and you still want to make him restless. Does your hospital still have Wang Fa?"

The staff smiled and said: "It's okay to not perform an autopsy, but according to the law, the medical institution requires the patient to assist in the autopsy, but the patient refuses to perform an autopsy, which makes it impossible to find out the cause of death... Then the patient will bear the unfavorable legal consequences."

The Li family froze in place, looking at each other.

The staff left the conference room first, giving the Li family a space to discuss countermeasures.

As soon as the people from the hospital left, the Li family immediately exploded.

The second daughter-in-law of the Li family: "What does he mean? If we refuse to perform an autopsy, they will not be responsible?"

The second son of the Li family glanced at his daughter-in-law, looked at his elder brother, and said in a displeased tone: "Boss, what are you going to do now. The doctors in these hospitals are all fucking old fritters. If you say a word, give us ten and eight words. When we talk about the law, it is because we are not lawyers and don’t understand the law.”

Second daughter-in-law: "Hehe, I think I should stay downstairs and not come up, let everyone see it. Now, let's come up, but these people in the hospital are arrogant, thinking we are easy to bully."

The eldest daughter-in-law of the Li family narrowed her eyes and smiled sharply: "Oh, what do you mean, blame me for agreeing to come up? I am now pregnant with the grandson of the old Li family, it is November, it is so cold, you let me I'm sitting in the cold wind. You're not pregnant, are you?"

The second daughter-in-law also smiled: "My son has already gone to primary school, who hasn't been pregnant with the grandson of Lao Li's family."

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean?"

The boss of the Li family: "Okay! I haven't made a statement yet. Your own people start arguing first. Are you interested?" After a roar frightened the two women, the boss of the Li family looked at his brother: "Your daughter-in-law has something to say. That's right, they fool us because we don't know the law! In this way, we'll find a lawyer when we go back today, and have a good consultation on what to do. Then I'll go back to my hometown."

Second child: "Why are you going back to your hometown?"

The eldest grinned coldly, his face trembled slightly: "Mom passed away early, there are few people in the old Li family in Sucheng, just the four of us. Your son is too young, it's useless to come here. I'll go back to my hometown and find more Relatives are coming. Let's sit at the gate of their hospital and see what they do! Still want an autopsy

The two brothers smiled at each other and nodded tacitly. But the two looked at each other, each with a plan in their hearts.

Before coming to the hospital, Lian Xi thought about whether Uncle Li's son did not operate on him, causing him to suddenly fall ill and die.

However, it really isn't.

Uncle Li underwent surgery, which was very smooth, and he also took medication as prescribed by the doctor after the operation.

Although he spent his own demolition expenses, he ate the medicine he bought himself.

The eldest of the Li family runs long-distance transportation, and the husband and wife are in charge of the truck. They have to be away from Sioux City for 12 months a year, and 10 months. This time Uncle Li underwent surgery, and the husband and wife came back. I originally planned to go to pick up the goods next week, but who knew that the old man died suddenly.

Looking at his own younger brother, the boss of the Li family thought to himself, how much legacy does the old man have

The demolition cost is more than 1.3 million yuan, and the old man spent 300,000 yuan to build a house in his hometown, so there is still one million yuan left. In addition, in the past few decades, it is impossible for the old man not to save money!

Of course the boss of the Li family knew who his father was. His dad has always been frugal, and he can't wait to split a penny in half to spend. One of the most extravagant things the old man ever did in his life was to build a big house in his hometown and make it beautiful. He also said that he bought a room for both of them, and the decoration was better than the house in the city.

In this way, the old man's deposit must be at least one million, at least 1.1 million!

In the same way, the second child of the Li family is also thinking about it.

Not counting the house in my hometown, Uncle Li has a deposit of at least 1 million. He is not willing to share the money equally with the boss. Why, the eldest is not in Sucheng all year round, he takes care of Dad. Just like this time Uncle Li was discharged from the hospital after the operation and went to his house, and he and his daughter-in-law took care of him. No matter what, he should divide the big head, the elder and the younger.

The two were thinking about each other when the second daughter-in-law suddenly said: "If you bring your father's body here, the hospital will definitely not dare to say anything."

The two sons of the Li family froze, and looked back at the second daughter-in-law who said this.

"Look, look at what I'm doing."

The young woman with curly yellow hair touched the back of her hand, feeling somewhat empty for some reason.

This woman is disgustingly vicious! The eldest of the Li family had always disliked his sister-in-law, and now he was even more disgusted. "Bring my dad here? You fucking came up with such a bad idea? Let me tell you, I, Li Youde, can't do such a damned thing! If your family dares to do it, second child, I will never stop with you!"

You Li Youde can't do this kind of thing, so I can do it right? Li Youyi was also angry: "When did I say I was going to bring Dad's body here?" He pushed his wife viciously, and said in a bad tone, "I will put away all your little thoughts, that's my dad. , you are crazy, my dad is dead, you treat him like this, do you think he will live in the underground?"

The second daughter-in-law whispered, "I'll just say..."

The eldest daughter-in-law glanced at her mockingly and said, "Okay, let's discuss the countermeasures quickly, don't waste time."

Waiting in the hospital is not an option, even Xi Xian went home. Wang Zihao is staring here, if there is any situation, he will be notified as soon as possible.

In the evening, the Li family came out of the meeting room of the doctor-patient office.

When they left the conference room, the four people's faces were not good-looking. The staff of the doctor-patient office gave them some basic legal knowledge and told them that it is not that there is no law in the country to stop such medical troubles. According to relevant laws, medical harassment is illegal and may even be punished.

But at the same time, the hospital is also willing to give some compensation in a humanitarian sense. At the beginning, Uncle Li's surgery expenses were all refunded to the Li family.

However, Uncle Li used medical insurance during the operation. Even if all the expenses before and after the operation are added in, the first few thousand can be refunded at most. For several thousand yuan, none of the four Li family agreed.

The Li family left the hospital with a heavy heart.

Hospital gate.

Li Youyi: "I went to a lawyer. I know a lawyer friend."

Li Youde: "Okay, second child, I'll leave it to you. I'll go back to my hometown now."

The four had an orderly division of labor, and just as they were about to part, a cold voice sounded from the side: "Is it Li Guoxin Uncle Li's family?"

The four of the Li family were stunned for a while, then turned to look.

I saw the setting sun set in the west, and under the dim light of dusk, a young and handsome youth stood by the roadside with a solemn expression, looking at them quietly.

Who is this person

The boss of the Li family nodded and said first: "Well, I'm Li Youde. Do you know my dad?"

Looking at this rough and burly face in front of him, it was difficult for Lian Xi to associate him with the boy who had played in his memory. He nodded lightly and said, "Yes, I know Uncle Li. I don't know if you still remember me. I'm Lian Xi, who lives opposite your house."

After a while, the second child of the Li family remembered first: "Oh, Lian Xi, I know, my dad mentioned you. What's the matter?"

Lian Xi: "I want to know, did Uncle Li really die accidentally?"

The Li family didn't think too much about it, they just thought that Lian Xi was their own, and when they heard that their father died, they also wanted to seek justice for them. Li Youyi said indignantly: "My father had an operation in this hospital, but the operation failed, and he suddenly fell ill. My father fell to his death."

Looking at the expressions of the people in front of him, half of the haze in Xi's heart disappeared.

It seems that Uncle Li's death really has nothing to do with his sons, it should be just an accident.

Lian Xi: "What are you going to do with it?"

Li Youde: "How to deal with it? Blood debts are paid for in blood, we must give us an explanation!"

Lian Xi frowned and didn't speak again.

Lian Xi: "Leave a contact information?"

The two brothers of the Li family: "Okay."

After exchanging contact information, the two sides separated directly at the hospital gate.

The two Li family members each have their own place. They are so busy that they have no time to waste time chatting with Lian Xi. Watching the backs of the two families, Lian Xi's expression was hidden in the gradually darkening twilight. He turned around and walked into the hospital.

Some things, he still wants to confirm with Dr. Wang again.


China is a land of 9.6 million square kilometers. Every second, 3.5 people die.

The medical troubles of the Li family caused quite a stir in the park hospital, but they neither knew how to strengthen their "offensive" by means of public opinion, nor did they know how to make up some hype stories to attract the attention of the good people. So this matter in the next week, although there is some degree of discussion, it is only in a very small range.

The doctors and nurses in the hospital in the park talked a lot about this matter, and some people in the major WeChat groups in Sucheng also reposted and discussed the matter.

All in all, some heat, but nothing.

This is just one of the most inconspicuous medical incidents.

Over the past week, the Li family has found a lawyer and brought more people from their hometown to the city to discuss with the hospital. The hospital persuaded them in a good voice, not wanting to make things worse.

Lian Xi felt guilty. He thought that it was he who brought Uncle Li to the park hospital to see a doctor, and then what happened next. So every time the Li family brought people to make trouble, he would follow and stop him.

The handsome and handsome young man stood silently, and whenever the Li family clamored for action, he would stop him.

At first, the two Li brothers didn't see anything, but soon they found out: "You and the hospital are on the same side?"

This time, the Li family scolded Lian Xi directly.

Wang Zihao reluctantly pulled Lian Xi aside: "Why do you care about this kind of mess, you can't directly kill these shameless people. Don't worry, our hospital is very experienced in this kind of thing. Everyone is stunned, and it's not a big scene."

Lian Xi was silent, his lips moved, but he didn't speak.

Wang Zihao couldn't help him: "I'm on duty, call me if you have anything."

Lian Xi: "Okay."

After sending Wang Zihao away, Lian Xi returned to the doctor-patient office. Walking in the corridor, before he entered the conference room, Li Youyi was coming out of the bathroom and met him head-on.

The second child of the Li family stopped, his eyes fixed on Lian Xi's face for a long time, then he raised the corners of his mouth and said sarcastically, "That doctor was your friend just now? No wonder, my dad is so kind to you, you fucking stand still. At the hospital, speak for them!"

Lian Xi was holding the phone to reply to the message, and when he heard the sound, he raised his head. Indifferent eyes swept across Li Youyi, Lian Xi was too lazy to pay attention to him, and walked away.

"Wait a minute!" Li Youyi reached out and stopped Lian Xi.

Lian Xi frowned slightly: "Is something wrong?"

Li Youyi: "Is there something?" As if he heard something funny, he exaggeratedly mocked: "Yes, I have something." It happened that the second daughter-in-law of the Li family also came out of the conference room. Li Youyi called his daughter-in-law and pointed at Lian Xi. He pointed his nose and said to his wife, "I just remembered something, you know, my dad's death was not an accident, he was killed by someone!"

Lian Xi narrowed his eyes and tightened his fingers slightly.

Li Youyi's wife didn't understand what he was talking about at all. She didn't like even Xi, but she was better than her husband. After all, it is a good-looking opposite sex, and it is difficult for Li Youyi's wife to dislike Lian Xi. "What do you mean, wasn't your father killed by the unscrupulous doctor in this hospital?"

The Li family actually knew in their hearts that the cause of Uncle Li's death due to medical malpractice was minimal, but it was not for nothing. However, they dare not gamble.

There are no absolutes in medicine, and the wonders of the human body are always beyond their own imagination. Even if all the doctors in the park hospital felt that Li Guoxin's operation was very successful, his cerebral hemorrhage had nothing to do with that operation. But none of them can guarantee 100%.

Because there is indeed a 1 in 10,000,000 chance, it is really due to improper surgery, which caused adverse sequelae and caused Uncle Li to have a sudden cerebral hemorrhage.

This was also confirmed by Lian Xi to Dr. Wang a week ago.

"That Li Guoxin's death 99.9... 9% has nothing to do with Director Zhao's surgery! 』

Even Wang Zihao dare not say 100%, because as long as there is no autopsy, there is no way to prove the truth.

"My dad was indeed killed by this hospital, but my dad was also killed by him!" Li Youyi stared at Lian Xi with a fierce look in his eyes.

The second daughter-in-law said "ah": "What do you mean?"

Li Youyi looked at Lian Xi with a sneer: "I remember. Lian Xi, right, you are the broom star who killed your mother once you were born, and after two years, killed your father and your grandfather, right? My mother said at the beginning, keep my father away from you, my father will not listen to you, and will go to the orphanage to see you. Now it's alright, my father is not yet 60, and he is gone at such a young age! It must be you, yes You killed my dad!"

The second daughter-in-law was stunned for a while, with a strange expression on her face: "Kill the dead?"

Li Youyi was upset with Lian Xi for a long time, pointed at Lian Xi's nose and scolded: "You still have the face? You killed my father, how dare you come?"

"What are you doing, what are you arguing about?" Hearing the noise, Li Youde also walked out of the conference room.

Li Youyi grabbed the eldest brother's arm: "Boss, do you still remember, this Lianxi is the broom star that Mom said!"

Li Youde was stunned for a while, then remembered: "Yes, that's what happened." He took a step forward, squinting to look at Lian Xi: "I understand now, you bastard, killed my dad, and told the hospital. Stand on one side. This is what the world is! All murderers stand on one side!"

Li Youyi: "My mother was killed by you too! Your grandfather died two years ago, and my mother passed away." Seeing that Xi didn't say a word, Li Youyi said again: "Hey, say something, you are so cruel. Dead little beast, as long as you have a conscience, stay away from my dad!"

"Enough said?"

The black-haired young man raised his head calmly, his dark eyes deep and deep, soaked in a cold cold light.

This icy look made the second son of the Li family choke in his throat. Lian Xi put his hands in his pockets and walked to the doctor's office. Some things, he wants to make final confirmation. However, just as he was halfway there, a stout hand grabbed him directly: "You have the fucking face to stay here?"

Lian Xi was stunned for a moment, and then he quickly reached out his hand to stop it. But just before that hand was about to touch Lian Xi's shoulder, the second child of the Li family suddenly screamed. His face was twisted, his arms twitched, and he staggered back a few steps.

Li Youyi's wife grabbed her husband's body, which almost fell, and asked, "What are you doing!"

Li Youyi held his right arm and cried out miserably, "I've been burned, so hot, so hot!"

The Li family hurriedly helped Li Youyi drop the sleeves, but under the sleeves, Li Youyi's skin was fine, and there was no sign of being burned at all.

Li Youde glared at his brother: "Are you sick?"

Li Youyi only felt the burning pain in his arm, the pain pierced deep into his bone marrow, his arm seemed to be roasted on a fire, and his muscles twitched in pain. Soon, Li Youyi fell to the ground in pain, sweating all over his body, and he rolled: "Help me, save me! It's hot, it's hot..."

This time, everyone froze in place. The relatives of the Li family also ran out of the conference room and stared at this scene in a stunned manner.

Lian Xi was stunned for a moment, then turned around. On the stairs, a black-clothed court minister put his hands in his pockets, raised his eyelids loosely, and glanced contemptuously at Li Youyi, who was rolling on the ground. Beside him, the fat watchman also followed. Looking at Lian Xi, he smiled, took a few steps up the steps, and whispered to Lian Xi, "Sir, Xiao is here as soon as I receive your news. Come here immediately."

Lian Xi pointed at Li Youyi: "You made it?"

The watchman did not dare to take credit: "How can it be, this kind of magical means is naturally the handwriting of the minister."

Lian Xi looked at his colleague and gestured with his eyes: What did you do

Mr. Zhi snorted softly and said lightly, "Burning the soul."

Li Youyi's pain was exaggerated, his body was not damaged, but he was sweating and his face was pale, and several doctors around rushed over.

Lian Xi's voice was calm: "Don't cause trouble to the hospital, forget it."

Caochen glanced at him, his fingers in his pocket moved slightly, and before the doctors ran to Li Youyi's side, a golden light that could not be detected by the human eye flashed past and got into Li Youyi's arm.

The next moment, Li Youyi's howling suddenly stopped.

"Hey, it doesn't hurt anymore?"

The doctors felt speechless, and scolded themselves inwardly for being stupid. They forgot how shameless this family was, and they came here subconsciously to save people. What a shame!

After this incident, the Li family didn't care about Lian Xi's affairs. They supported Li Youyi, who had collapsed, and returned to the conference room. It's as if just going back there, they're back to their own barriers. There, the hospital side must not drive them away unless the two sides reach an agreement.

This is the proposal that Li Youyi's lawyer gave them. If doctors make trouble like this, if they really want money, don't make too much trouble. If the trouble is really big, they have to take legal channels. The two brothers of the Li family know what the outcome will be when they go to court.

An indifferent and unhappy male voice sounded: "You never go home because of these people?"

Lian Xi looked up at his colleague and said softly, "Well."

These people are more important than my game? Caochen pouted, looked at Lian Xi's heavy and irritable expression, and said nothing.

Caochen: "Is there anything you want to call me here?"

The watchman took a peek at the minister, and silently added: The lord still called me...

Lian Xi: "It's something. I can't do anything to mortals," he shook the bronze bell on his wrist, "This thing is only useful for ghosts, if it is used for living people, it can only make living people calm and refreshed So, I can only let you come."

Lian Xi said a few words quickly, and the watchman immediately understood it, and said with a wretched smile: "Hey, I understand. This matter is covered by the little one, and the little one is good at this, so don't worry, adults."

The minister frowned, "Why didn't you do it seven days ago?"

After a pause, Lian Xi looked at him: "They are Uncle Li's sons after all."

Caochen: "So?"

Lian Xi: "I just didn't quite believe that a good person would raise such a shameless and despicable son. I want to confirm it again."

"Oh?" The minister raised his eyebrows lightly, "Confirmed results?"

Lian Xi raised his eyes and glanced at him, but did not answer, but said directly to the watchman: "That lawyer is Li Youyi's friend." He pointed through the window, pointed at a man with glasses in the conference room, and sneered: "One Stomach is bad."

The watchman will try to figure out what he likes, and he will understand: "Hey, I understand!"