Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 72


"Okay don't cry."

Back in the conference room, Li Youde, the eldest of the Li family, looked at the three aunts and six grandmothers who were sobbing in low voices, and his heart was even more impatient. He worked hard to invite these distant relatives from the countryside who had never communicated with each other in the past, in order to create more pressure on the hospital. These old men and women are not fuel-efficient lamps. Li Youde has to pay them thirty yuan a day for food and housing before they are willing to come and "help".

But now, seeing the stalemate between the two sides, he has not been able to get compensation from the hospital for a long time, and when he sees these three aunts and six wives, he is extremely irritable.

A fifty-year-old grandmother stopped her fake crying, and when the person beside her rubbed her arm, she understood and said, "Third nephew, it's time for dinner..."

A group of people stared at Li Youde eagerly.

Why didn't Li Youde understand what they meant, and his disgust was even greater, so he took out two hundred yuan from his pocket and threw it: "You guys go to dinner first."

After getting the money, the distant relatives scattered and went out to eat. In the conference room, only the two brothers of the Li family, their daughter-in-law, and the lawyer invited by Li Youyi were left.

Without the outsiders, the eldest daughter-in-law of the Li family raised her voice and said strangely: "Second child, it's not the sister-in-law who said that this group of people is not cheap! In just a few days, it cost us a full 3,000 yuan!"

Li Youyi is turning his arm. Just now, his arm seemed to be roasted by fire, pain into the bone marrow. Now that the pain is suddenly gone, he still feels numb and itchy in his arms. Hearing his sister-in-law's words, he frowned. Before he could speak, his wife said to him, "Youyi and I have taken a week's leave, and our wages have been deducted a lot."

The eldest daughter-in-law of the Li family rolled her eyes: "Why don't you go back first, your elder brother and I are watching here. We are all running trucks and haven't received business recently. Unlike you, we still have to work."

How could Li Youyi and his wife listen to her? The two husband and wife thought to each other: If we leave, what if the old man secretly made an agreement with the hospital or took the money for himself

Li Youyi said politely: "Sister-in-law's thoughts are ours. It's Dad's business. How can we ignore it?"

You came and I talked for a few words, and Li Youde whispered: "Okay. The situation doesn't seem to be good for us now, so let's ask lawyer Xu what to say."

Yes, that's the top priority. Everyone immediately looked at Lawyer Xu.

Attorney Xu is a friend of Li Youyi's acquaintance in college, and works in an unknown private small law firm in Sioux City. He has not received many cases and has a bad reputation in the industry, but he is good at crooked ideas. He has received many cases of medical malpractice and has experience.

Lawyer Xu: "It's actually quite simple for you. First of all, you need to be clear about whether your father's death has anything to do with this hospital?"

As soon as these words landed, the four of the Li family looked at each other.

Does it really matter

Li Youde gritted his teeth and said, "It must be related."

Attorney Xu heard the deep meaning in his words and smiled: "I understand. But as a human being, don't be too greedy. The current law is becoming more and more unfriendly to the families of innocent patients like you. Compensation will definitely be available, just The question of more or less, there is a measure of the degree..."

In the quiet and spacious conference room, lawyer Xu spoke in an orderly manner, and the four of the Li family listened patiently.

Suddenly, a faint soft fragrance floated in the air from nowhere. This smell is very light, like a white jade flower that has been placed for a few days. It is reasonable to say that the fragrance should be wasted and dissipated, but because the fragrance was so vigorous during his lifetime, it still left a faint fragrance. The scent penetrated the nostrils of the four Li family members and lawyer Xu along the not-tight gap in the door.

In the room, lawyer Xu was still talking in a low voice, and the four of them also listened carefully. Gradually, lawyer Xu's voice became slower and slower. He seemed to be drunk, speaking loosely and intermittently. The four members of the Li family shook their heads in a daze, their eyes blurred.

"We're going to make sure, go to court... for sure... no, no..."



Li Youde knelt down suddenly, his knees slammed on the tiled floor of the conference room, making a harsh sound. He raised his head and looked in the direction of lawyer Xu in horror, his lips and teeth trembled in fright, and he made a creaking sound: "Dad, no, it's not that I don't want to take care of you, I'm too busy, it's me..."

On the other side, Li Youyi also stood up abruptly, and the chair fell backwards because of his sudden standing, making a loud bang. He looked at the air above his eldest brother Li Youde's head, as if he saw something extremely terrifying. Death, I really didn't think about it..."

At the same time, the eldest daughter-in-law and the second daughter-in-law of the Li family also had photos.

The eldest daughter-in-law was timid, her eyes were out of focus, she stared at the front in fear, and inadvertently stepped on the back of her sister-in-law's hand, who was lying on the ground. The second daughter-in-law of the Li family screamed in horror the moment she saw her father-in-law's ghost, and fell to the ground. The back of her hand was stepped on by her sister-in-law's high heels, and she bleeds all at once, but she didn't notice it at all, she just kept shaking her head in panic.

"I-I didn't want to drive you away, it's... you said you want to leave, you said you want to leave... ahhh!!!"

In the small conference room, the world is full of all kinds of expressions.

The eldest of the Li family knelt down and kept kowtowing, his eyes were red as blood. It was the first time in the seven days since his father died that he was so sad and his tears could not stop flowing. He defended himself against the air, saying that he never wanted his father to die, he never did!

The two daughters-in-law of the Li family are even more exciting.

The two of them were terrified one by one, their appearance was miserable, and they were so frightened that they were crawling around in the conference room.

Everything in the conference room was sealed by the watchman with magic, and no sound could come out. There were doctors and nurses passing by outside, and they could only see the scene of the four Li family and the lawyer talking in a low voice. Only Lianxi, the minister and the watchman who can see the ghost can see the truth of what happened in this house.

The watchman put away a shriveled blood-red flower in his hand and carefully put it back in his pocket. Seeing Caochen looking at this flower curiously, the watchman took out the blood-colored flower again and handed it to Caochen: "Sir, this is the flower of the other side that grows on the edge of Wangchuan. The flower blooms for a hundred years, and the leaves bloom for a hundred years. The flowers and leaves never see each other for the rest of their lives. In the last hundred years, the little one kept this one."

Caochen: "The other shore flower?"

The watchman smiled and said: "Yes, it is also called Manzhushahua. This thing looks similar to a flower called Lycoris in the world, but it is not the same."

The minister took the other side flower and glanced at it casually, but returned it to the watchman without interest.

The watchman took it carefully, and put it away preciously.

I'm so bored, I even want to play games, at least play on my phone for a while. Just as he was about to pick up his mobile phone, Zaochen's gaze stopped on the young man beside him.

Lian Xi fixed his eyes on the five people in the conference room, his eyes were calm, and he watched silently.

The four members of the Li family were in a state of embarrassment, like clowns, performing episodes of despicable and ugly dramas. Then Lawyer Xu was not much better, even Xi said that this lawyer is not a good thing, and the watchman will often please the leader.

The illusion that lawyer Xu saw was even more terrifying than the four of the Li family, and he didn't know what he saw. He stared in horror, fell to the ground and crawled forward, saying things that others couldn't understand as he crawled. : "You can't blame me for that, I just took a little money, don't come to me, don't come to me... ahhh!!!"

A shrill scream rang out, and in the center of the crotch of Attorney Xu's light-colored suit, a water stain slowly fainted.

The watchman snorted in disgust.

Lian Xi glanced coldly at Lawyer Xu, and then continued to look at the four of the Li family.

"Dad, it's not that I don't want to take care of you, I'm busy, I'm busy!"

"It wasn't me, Dad, it wasn't me... I didn't want you to die, I didn't want you to die!"

"Don't come here, don't come here!"

"You wanted to buy groceries that morning, I didn't let you go, I didn't, I didn't!"

"The hallucination they saw was seeing the dead Uncle Li...?" the keeper asked strangely.

Watchman: "Yes. My lord, although the other side of the flower can only be effective for mortals who are not determined, this illusion can be controlled. The little guy let the sly-eyed guy see what he feared the most in his heart, and the four people , Xiao thinks, Lord Bai Wuchang wants them to see their father, so they can see their father."

Caochen frowned slightly, his lips moved, but the words didn't come out.

After a few months in the realm, Mr. Ji was no longer the indifferent ghost who knew nothing of the world and only knew how to catch ghosts. He followed Lian Xi to catch many ghosts, and also watched Lian Xi help many ghosts to complete obsessions. But…

How should humans react when they see their dead father

"Because of a guilty conscience, I dare not face it, so I am afraid."

Hearing these words, Shizuo turned his head to look at his colleague. After a while: "That's it."

Humans are really complex creatures.

In the huge conference room, the four members of the Li family began to cry bitterly, telling their grievances and injustices. They really didn't think that Uncle Li's death had something to do with them. In their narrative, Lian Xi gradually saw a vague and unclear truth.

An old father who just got liver cancer came all the way from the countryside to see a doctor.

In fact, his illness is not that serious, and he even has the ability to take care of himself. He has two sons, two eldest sons who have established a family. Before entering the city from the countryside, he went to the fields to cut vegetables, and went to the town to get oil. He said to the neighbors who cared about him: "I have two sons in my family, both of them are filial!"

After finally arriving in the city, I ate a closed door directly. The eldest was running a truck outside, and the lights of Er'er's house were on, but no one opened the door for him. He waited outside the door for a long, long time, and when he didn't dare to stay any longer, as if some ghost was waiting to eat him behind the door with the lights on, he ran away as if he were running away, and ran to an unrelated person. An old neighbor's grandson stayed for one night.

Finally, he got sick.

Not serious!

He breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not serious, the money spent is not much, and the two sons won't be embarrassed, right

I waited for a few days until my eldest son came back. He hadn't thought about the surgery that a hospital said was very safe, and the two sons quarreled. It was noisy from morning to dusk, and the next day after work, it was noisy again.

"For this surgery, I have medical insurance, and I have money, so there's nothing to worry about." He couldn't help interrupting his two sons.

The two sons looked at him blankly, and after a while: "Dad, the operation must be done, don't worry, it's not about money."

"Yes, it's not about money."

...isn't it about the money

Before advancing to the operating room, he was still thinking, really... Isn't it about money

After being discharged from the hospital, the eldest son wanted to run a truck, so he could only live in the second son's house. He held on to his still aching abdomen, pressed the position of the scalpel, and staggered into the door with the man-eating lamp again.

His son and daughter-in-law have to go to work, and he needs to be taken care of while lying in bed. The daughter-in-law complained like muttering, and a sound came into his heart.

He didn't understand a little. He gave birth to two sons, both of them were so big, but why did he seem to live in the fence of other people's houses, hiding, afraid to even wipe the tears down his cheeks, for fear He was found by his daughter-in-law that he hadn't slept yet.

He obviously has two sons, two sons that big.

"I've thought about it for the past two days, I'd better go back to my hometown."

He was having breakfast, when he heard this, the second son was stunned and put down the porridge bowl: "Dad, didn't you just finish the operation, who will take care of you when you go back to your hometown."

Uncle Li shook his head and said with a smile, "It's alright, minor illness, didn't the doctor say everything, I can live by myself."

The second daughter-in-law lowered her head and whispered, "It seems like I said so..."

The second son gouged out his daughter-in-law and looked at his father again: "Dad, you just live here, it's nothing."

When the second daughter-in-law heard this, she glared at her husband: Dare you not to take care of the old man, right

The expressions of the husband and wife fell into Uncle Li's eyes. He was dumbfounded for a while, then shook his head with a smile: "I'll go back tomorrow. I bought a bus ticket." After speaking, he touched his grandson's head before giving his daughter-in-law a chance to speak. Head: "Grandpa is going home tomorrow, what Xiaojun wants to eat, grandpa will cook it for you today."

How did the seven-year-old grandson know so much, and when he heard that he could eat delicious food, he put down the small spoon happily, and rolled his round eyes: "Is anything ok?"

"Hey, it's fine!"

"Then I want to eat prawns, big fish, and meat, I want braised pork!"

"Okay, whatever my grandson wants to eat, grandpa will cook it for you."

In the conference room, the embarrassed second daughter-in-law staggered and crawled back while crying, "It has nothing to do with me, you went out to buy food because you wanted to cook for Xiaojun, I didn't let you go, I didn't. , don't come to me, don't come to me..."