Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 73


"Enough." Lian Xi closed his eyes and said in a hoarse voice.

The minister and the watchman all looked at him.

Caochen's lips moved, but he didn't speak. He stretched out his right hand and wiped it lightly in the air.

In the conference room, the faint fragrance gradually faded away. At the same time, the enchantment that blocked the scene inside the house also dissipated. In the corridor, a female nurse suddenly caught a glimpse of the strange and embarrassing behavior of the family in the house. She opened her eyes in surprise and quickly pushed open the door of the conference room: "Hey, what's wrong with you?"

The loud and clear door opening sounded like an alarm bell, ringing in the hearts of the four Li family members and the lawyer.

The five of them instantly recovered their senses, all of them were stunned, and looked up at the female nurse standing at the door.

The nurse entered the room and wanted to help someone, but before she got close, she heard a series of miserable and sharp screams.


The two daughters-in-law of the Li family screamed and climbed up and ran out of the conference room, as if there were some beasts behind them. The two men in the Li family were also pale, trembling all over, and ran out after them.

Behind them, the thief-eyed lawyer hadn't recovered from the illusion. He stared at the nurse in a daze. Suddenly, he seemed to see some evil spirit, and he rushed up to strangle the nurse's neck.

"It's you who won't let me go, it's you who won't let me go!"

At this time, a doctor passed by the corridor, and when he saw this, he hurried into the house and pulled lawyer Xu away and arrested him: "What are you doing!"

The female nurse was terrified and hid aside.

Lawyer Xu: "What's your case about me? He was not convicted of buying a murder because you lacked evidence. It has nothing to do with me, it has nothing to do with me!"

The doctors and nurses stared at this scene dumbfounded.

Soon, more and more doctors and nurses ran into the conference room.

The staff of the doctor-patient office were also shocked when they saw the messy scene in the conference room, and asked, "What about those people in the Li family?"

The little nurse shook her head: "I don't know, they ran away like crazy when I came in, and they didn't give people a chance to talk at all."

The staff was also confused: "What about this?"

The little nurse looked at Lawyer Xu, who was not yet fully awake, in shock. She touched her neck that was still aching. When this short and thin lawyer pinched her just now, he used a lot of strength, and he pinched her to death. If it weren't for the fact that he seemed to have a mental problem, the little nurse definitely couldn't just let him go.

The little nurse was angry and said, "He seems to have a problem with his brain, why don't he send him to a psychiatrist?"

"Oh, that's all it can do."

As soon as they said they did, the staff called several security guards and sent Lawyer Xu, who was still crazy, to the psychiatric department of the hospital.

When walking out of the door of the conference room, a staff member stopped and looked at Lian Xi. He thought for a moment and thought: "You seem to be a friend of the Li family. What's the situation now? Can you contact the Li family?"

Lian Xi didn't answer, but asked, "I heard from the doctor just now that today is the last time for the autopsy?"

The staff nodded and said: "Yes. Generally speaking, forensic autopsies are carried out within 48 hours. If the body is well preserved, the time can be extended by seven days. Today is the deadline. If the Li family does not agree to the autopsy to investigate the cause of death, there will be no future. Here's your chance. Please tell them about this, and I'll keep in touch."

In the quiet hospital corridor, lawyer Xu was taken to the psychiatric department by several security guards who were big and three thick. He was like a skinny chicken, kicking his feet in the air randomly, chanting all kinds of nonsense in his mouth.

Gradually, these people drifted away.

Watchman: "Sir, it should take a few hours for that lawyer to wake up, because the little one gave him a little more of the fragrance of the other side."

"It's okay." Lian Xi shook his head gently.

Carefully looking at Lian Xi's expression, the watchman rolled his eyes, trying to figure out Lian Xi's true opinion of the family in his heart. Obviously, the family just now were relatives of the deceased Uncle Li, and Lian Xi was very kind to Uncle Li. However, it seemed that Lian Xi didn't like the family.

Thinking about it too, if he likes it, he will never let him use spells to fool the Li family.

The watchman was relieved, hehe smiled and said: "Sir, there is something I didn't say. After using the other side flower, there are actually side effects. If the will is not firm, and you can't pass your own level in the illusion, then you will be in the future. In the next few years, I will often have nightmares about everything I see today. Of course, if you have a clear conscience, you will be fine."

Hearing this, Lian Xi looked at the watchman in surprise. The watchman grinned, grinning at him.

Having nightmares every day, dreaming of the unfortunate things you have done, doesn't seem to be a big deal, it's just a dream. However, the ancients often said that you never do anything wrong in your life, and you are not afraid of ghosts knocking on your door in the middle of the night. When the "ghost" has really knocked on the door, the nightmares will no longer be illusory dreams, but will really affect people's mental state.

The four of the Li family might be better. The "ghost" they saw was only their father. Then lawyer Xu is in danger. Judging from the fact that he recognized the nurse as a "ghost" and wanted to strangle her to death, the fear in his heart was already buried deep in his heart, and it was difficult to get rid of it.

But all in all, the next few years will be very difficult for these five people, and even have a great impact.

But Lian Xi didn't say anything, he just hummed softly and answered the watchman's words casually.

Lian Xi: "Well, I see."

The Li family had already left, and the staff of the Doctor and Patient Office were busy contacting them. It doesn't even make sense for Xi to stay here any longer. He left the conference room and just walked to the elevator door when he saw the three aunts and six grandmothers contacted by Li Youde having dinner, picking their teeth with their nails, and struttingly walking towards the conference room.

"The two sons of the second uncle's family are really rich."

"Or else. Let me tell you, that Li Youyi is a college student. How much did your second uncle spend to get him to go to university. That Li Youde is also not bad. He went to a vocational school and is literate."

"Second aunt left early, second uncle is really not easy. It's a blessing, two filial sons have grown up with great difficulty, and they left just as they were about to enjoy their happiness."


Wu Ya Ya walked past the three of Lian Xi.

The relatives from the Li family were all uncles and aunts, and they were not tall. The minister glanced down at them, only to see the top of their heads, and moved away without interest. The watchman found it much more interesting. He watched the group of old men and women walk past him, and when they were all gone, he smiled and said to Lian Xi, "There must be some people here who won't live long."

The minister raised his eyebrows and said, "Can you see the death of mortals?"

The watchman winked and said, "How can it be. You can't even see it as an adult, how can a child have such ability. The so-called life and death are fate, and these are all controlled by the six realms of reincarnation. If you don't open the book of life and death, even the King of Hell will not know when Death. But it's best not to get involved in such unclean funerals for such an elderly person. This is called death. The deceased is happy, and the descendants do it well for him, and the death is joy. If the deceased has grievances after death, and future generations have to do some shameless and despicable things to smash the deceased, then this death will turn into bad luck."

When the elevator arrived, the watchman summed it up in one sentence: "So it's not easy to be a mortal, and you may cause a lot of trouble just casually."

"Is it difficult?"

The watchman looked at Lian Xi.

Lian Xi stretched out his hand and pressed the elevator button, his eyes lowered slightly, and he said calmly: "It's very simple to be a person, don't take ill-gotten wealth, and don't do unkind things. You deserve to be worthy of the world, you are worthy of your conscience, you can be a good person." After a while, he raised his head and looked at the watchman quietly: "Is it difficult?"

The watchman was stunned, speechless.

The elevator door slowly closed, and Zaochen looked at Lian Xi silently. Under the bright and clean light, the tall and thin body of the young man is like a green bamboo, and the light shines on it, reflecting the brilliance.

Aware of the man's gaze, Lian Xi turned his head, and the two looked at each other. Lian Xi thought that the minister might be bored, so he said, "I'll be going home soon."

Caochen put his hands in his pockets, made a low hum, and looked away from the young man's delicate eyes.

The elevator moves down layer by layer.

Lian Xi: "You have a way to find out, is there any problem with Uncle Li's death?"

Caochen raised his eyes to look at him, and the watchman was also stunned.

This time, Caochen was about to speak, but was snatched by the watchman. The watchman didn't even think about it, this kind of professional thing, usually even Xi was talking to him, and this time was definitely no exception. The watchman said helplessly: "Sir, this matter... It's really hard to do something small."

The watchman looked embarrassed: "The youngest is only one of the nine and eighteen ghosts, and he is an official with the size of sesame and mung bean in the underworld. Inquiring about the life and death of mortals, you must at least have the rank of Yin Law Envoy to have this authority."

The watchman once said that the Nine Paths and Eighteen Ghosts are the lowest officials in the underworld. Of course, there are still many yamen in the underworld who are not even officials, but if we really talk about the official system of the underworld, these black and white impermanence are the lowest level.

On the top, there are the Yin law envoys such as Meng Po and Niu Tau Ma Mian; and further up, there are the four major judges. Finally, there is the Ten Temple Yama.

"There may be no way."

Lian Xi and the watchman all glanced at the minister.

Under the high-wattage light, the man in black calmly hooked his lips, and his tone was light: "Jin Zhenyuguang Ziwen." The understatement of the six words fell, and I saw that the minister turned his right palm, and a book was glowing. Ziguang's golden album appeared in his hand, and then he put his fingers together, stroked a stroke in the air, landed on the album, and said in a low voice, "... Fengdu Edict!"

The next second, in the small elevator room, the wind was blowing.

At the same moment, when the minister shouted out the words "Jin Zhen Yuguang Ziwen", the camera in the elevator room had a signal disorder. In the security room of the hospital, snowflakes appeared on a surveillance video. The security guard in charge of checking the monitoring was eating takeaway. It took half a minute for him to realize that something was wrong, so he called his colleague: "Pharaoh, the monitoring of the elevator in the office building seems to be broken. Find someone to fix it."

He didn't know that in the elevator room where the signal was disturbed, at this moment, the black yin was rushing down, and the cold was pressing!

When the elevator stopped on the first floor, the golden album also shook and ended, and returned obediently to the hand of the minister.

The black yin disappeared in the blink of an eye, the elevator door dinged open, and a few nurses walked into the elevator, wondering, "Why is it a little cold, and the air conditioner is on?"

At this time, the three of Lian Xi had already stepped out of the elevator and left the hospital office building.

Out of the building, it is night. The moon was bright, and the cool autumn wind blew the dwarf trees in the hospital garden, making a clattering sound.

Lian Xi silently stared at the minister, he was waiting for an answer.

With a flick of his finger, the minister put away the golden album and looked up at Lian Xi. After a pause, he said, "His death is indeed a bit strange."

The watchman opened his eyes wide, and his world view was severely refreshed: "What?" No, can this really be found out? !

Lian Xi pursed his lips, hummed, and said, "So, what's going on?"

The minister: "I don't know."

Lian Xi: "...don't know?"

Gu Chen confidently said: "I don't know. I don't know how to use it. Maybe it can only be used to find out the cause of death. It's a bit strange." Wouldn't it be weird for him not to use this golden album, it would be nice if he could remember the name of this thing. Speaking of which, he remembered the name of this thing, but even Xi was not surprised, nor did he care...

President Ji pouted in dissatisfaction: Forget it, after all, someone important to Lian Xi died recently, forgive him.

Caochen: "That Uncle Li, his death and destiny should change."

The watchman immediately understood and took a deep breath: "Sir, do you mean that there is a discrepancy between this person's method of death and the book of life and death? Well, I have heard of such a situation."

The watchman looked solemn: "I have heard that if they had great merits or committed monstrous blood disasters in their lifetime, they have already passed the Six Paths because of the far-reaching influence they have done, so even if it is already doomed on the book of life and death. The cause of their death, they will also change their death because of other things! But, this Li Guoxin is a great man or a great evil man, how can this... a small person like him change the cause of death in the book of life and death?!"

After coming to the realm this time, everything he saw was beyond the guard's imagination, and he constantly refreshed his understanding of mortals.

He saw the incomparably powerful Su City, black and white, and he also saw that there are ghosts and gods who can directly query the book of life and death in the world.

But what shocked him the most was that a seemingly ordinary mortal, his fate recorded in the book of life and death would be rewritten

A thought flashed through the watchman's mind: Could it be that Li Guoxin, who looks ordinary and ordinary on the surface, is actually a serial killer full of evil

But he dared not say it.

The watchman quietly glanced at Lian Xi...

He was afraid of being beaten to death!

However, after seeing Lian Xi's expression, the watchman snorted in his heart.

Under the icy water-like moonlight, a wordless grief rose on the young man's cold and graceful face. The eye sockets were slightly red, and the lips trembled slightly. The nails were firmly pinched into the flesh of the palm, and even Xi felt that his throat was blocked and his heart was sore and painful. He had a lot to say, but in the end, he couldn't say a word.

For a long time, Lian Xi: "... let's go, go home."

Watchman: "Yes."

The Ottoman: "Do you know what's going on?"

The watchman looked at Gaochen in horror: No, sir, can't you see that Lord Bai Wuchang doesn't want to mention this at all

There was silent silence in the air. After a long time, Lian Xi turned his head and looked at the minister, his voice was calm: "I heard that you can kill people."

On the other hand, seven days ago. Jiuyou Huangquan, on the banks of Wangchuan River.

The turbid and turbid Wangchuan roared past, and on both sides of the strait, there were mountains and swathes of manzhushahua. This year is the 100th anniversary of the blooming of flowers and leaves, so I can see inexhaustible green, covering the entire underworld.

On the bank of the river, densely packed ghosts lowered their heads and lined up in despair, waiting for their reincarnation.

Many people in the world who always like to jump in line never imagined in their life that people always have to line up before they die, and they still have to line up after they die! Only, this time they can no longer cut the queue. The underworld has its own laws, and only good people can jump in the queue. People who like to jump in the queue will definitely not be good people, and even for some wonderful reasons, they will often be jumped in the queue for no reason. So how many teams are in the world, just wait for the other ghosts in the underworld to jump in line and come back!

However, there are exceptions to everything.

After Uncle Li came to the underworld, not long in the queue, suddenly two yamen found him.

"Li Guoxin?"

"Looks like it's him."

"Li Guoxin, wake up. Don't lose yourself, remember your past life, you haven't been reincarnated yet. Don't forget, don't forget. Remember, remember..."


Like a drowning person who suddenly came out of dehydration, Uncle Li suddenly sobered up and looked at the two green-faced evil ghosts who were holding knives and forks, standing aside and scanning himself.

"Ah!" Uncle Li almost fell in horror.

A clerk supported him and said strangely to his colleague: "This man was actually a kind person in his life? I can't see it." It's a completely ordinary mortal appearance!

When doubts arise, the two yamen are not fooled. They bowed respectfully to Uncle Li, and then said, "Li Guoxin, our underworld yamen. You won the reward of six reincarnations, so you don't have to wait in line with these ghosts for a hundred years. Now my two brothers will take you to Judge Cui. Do you want to be punished directly by Judge Cui?"

Can this be rejected? Uncle Li's voice trembled: "I wish... I would."

When the errand was done, the two yamen immediately led Uncle Li out of the queue and went to Judge Cui's Yin Law Division.

After walking for a few hours, Uncle Li saw various scenes of the underworld along the way, and was so frightened that he didn't dare to look around. Finally, he came to the Yin Law Division. I saw a majestic and majestic palace sitting on the banks of the Wangchuan River. There are four palaces with the same shape and structure. There are ghosts queuing in front of the main entrance of each one.

The Yinlusi Palace in front of Uncle Li was the last of the four palaces, but it was even more grand. However, the strange thing is that this palace is obviously larger, and the ghosts lined up in front of it are the least, which can be described as a dick.

"Li Guoxin, come in."

The two yamen were only sent to the door, Uncle Li nodded tremblingly, and walked in in fear.

Entering the Yinlu Division, Uncle Li did not dare to look up, but only dared to look at the large bluestone bricks several meters long and wide on the ground. The bricks were bright and gorgeous, each one clear enough to reflect a person's face. From time to time, there are ghosts passing by Uncle Li, entering and leaving the Yin Law Division, the cold and yin qi is horrified, and Uncle Li lowers his head to death.

From the gate to Judge Cui's desk, there is a distance of 100 meters.

After finally walking to the front, Uncle Li hadn't opened his mouth yet, Yunnan Dao Hei Wuchang happened to be working in the Yin Law Division. When she saw a ghost coming, she laughed crisply and said, "Lord Judge, there is a ghost who cut the queue."

"Huh?" Judge Cui raised his head from the case, his eyes like swords, and shot at Uncle Li who was standing below the hall.

Uncle Li: "...!!!"

So scary!

Uncle Li almost fell to his knees by the power of this ghost.

There are always differences between humans and gods. Although ghosts and gods are ghosts, they are also gods, with their own divine power. Not to mention that Judge Cui is also one of the famous bosses in the underworld: Judge Cui is under the Ten Temple Yama.

Judge Cui is of great strength, and he is also a rare and honest official in the underworld, so he is in charge of the Yin Law Division and leads the four major judges. The Ten Temple Yama has nothing to say, so he can only not count the intrigue to Judge Cui. .

Although Judge Cui is in charge of the book of life and death, there are not many ghosts who come to him to be reincarnated, usually only one can be seen every three to five days.

Judge Cui is the most honest, but he is also a ghost. He has no interest in talking to these great people in the world, just doing business. He opened the book of life and death indifferently, with an indifferent tone: "This judge has always believed that good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. You don't have to worry about panic, as long as you have done good deeds that meet the judge's determination during your lifetime, this judge will grant you You have a good afterlife. So, you did it in the last life…”

The voice stopped abruptly, and Judge Cui frowned and said nothing for a long time.

Yunnan Dao Hei is uncommon and flattered: "Lord Judge, what's wrong, what's wrong?"

Judge Cui carefully looked at the book of life and death for a long time, but after all, he did not see any abnormality, so he had to say to his opponent: "You also come and see."

"Yes." Yunnan Daohei impermanence took the book of life and death respectfully. After reading it for a while, she was surprised: "Hey, this person is not a kind person. The things he did during his lifetime can only be said to be ordinary, be kind to others, but In any case, this cannot be considered a good person. Even if it is based on Jiang Gui's standard of behavior, it is definitely not a good person."

Jiang Gui is the name of Black Impermanence in Jiangnan Province.

What was his name, even he himself forgot, only remembered the surname Jiang, so he was called Jiang Gui.

All the ghosts and gods in the underworld know that Jiang Gui is the evil ghost among the evil ghosts, but he always obeys the rules, so even if Judge Cui sees him every time, he can only make him calm down, but he cannot cure his sins.

Judge Cui narrowed his icy eyes and said calmly, "That's it. But how can an ordinary mortal let the book of life and death rewrite his fate for him?"

"Let the little one look at it again." Yunnan Dao Hei Wuchang: "His original fate should have been that he was diagnosed with liver cancer three years ago, but he has been unable to recover. So he suffered from pain again and again, and it was not as good as being born every day and every night. He died. He spent a lot of money on treatment, but the medicine was still useless. In the end, his descendants did not want to treat him, so they broke up with him and had no one to support him. Now, according to the detailed cause of death recorded in the life and death book, it turned out that he got cancer three years later, and then at the damn time, he suffered a brain hemorrhage... Ah, just died like this?"

It should have been tortured and physically and mentally exhausted, but now, as soon as you close your eyes, you die

Judge Cui: "If he did great deeds during his lifetime and the book of life and death was rewritten for him, this judge would still understand. But now..."

Judge Cui and Yunnan Dao Hei Impermanence looked at each other and looked at Uncle Li who was still shivering in the hall.

So, for no reason, why did the life and death book suddenly rewrite the cause of death for you