Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 77


"Do you think you're amazing?"

"Don't you know if you kick people or not in the face?"

"Your fucking feet are smelly and dirty, get up, kick me, and step on my face again!"

The watchman unceremoniously kicked Jiangnan Dao Hei Wuchang frantically, as if he was dancing on his mortal enemy, and his big feet stomped directly on his face. Jiang Gui is the black impermanence of Jiangnan Province. Although he is extremely powerful, he has always been recognized as the first person below the judge. However, he has been severely injured and taken away from the book of life and death. Big cold and vicious eyes, staring at the watchman.

He suddenly caught sight of his colleague's resentful eyes, and the watchman shivered, almost unable to get off his feet. But he looked back at Ji Chen and Lian Xi, and immediately regained his confidence.

"I can't beat you to death!"

Bang bang bang!

Jiang Gui: "..."

Huluo Pingyang was bullied by a dog, so it was him.

The watchman is of course not relieved. Over the years, Jiangnan Dao Hei Wuchang has been so condescending and arrogant to him that even Yu Guang is too lazy to reward him. In Jiang Gui's eyes, there are only unbeatable powerhouses and good-looking beauties. The watchman must not be able to match the beauty, and the strong one, his strength has always been the last among the nine and eighteen ghosts. After being angry for many years, beaten and kicked, and today's fox fake tiger power, all are returned!

"I can't kill you!"

"Luo Zong..." A gloomy male voice sounded sharply from the crevices of his throat. Because he was beaten beyond recognition, the voice also went out of shape. Jiang Gui giggled and sneered: "Don't wait for me to have a chance, I will kill you."

Geng said that I am afraid of you? I'm on the top of the list now, if you have the ability, get up and hit me now.

But Yu Wei, who had been backlogged by his colleagues for many years, still made him put away his feet embarrassingly.

... He's not afraid of Jiang Gui, the dog, he's just tired of kicking!

Just thinking about it, suddenly, a surprised voice came from behind: "Li Guoxin?"

In the dark night and breeze, Lian Xi took the life and death book he snatched from Jiang Gui and looked at it carefully. The more he looked, the more dignified his expression became. He raised his head suddenly and looked at Jiangnan Road Hei Wuchang, who was lying on the ground and didn't know his life and death: "What does this mean, this is Uncle Li's life and death book?"

Caochen raised his eyebrows slightly, leaned over slightly to Lian Xi's ear, and looked down: "Li Guoxin, died of a sudden cerebral thrombosis... Oh? The cause of death has changed?"

The man's warm exhalation could be heard beside his ears, and for some reason, Lian Xi's heart moved slightly. He silently turned his head to look at the minister, pursed his lips slightly, then stepped forward, walked to the black impermanence of Jiangnan Road, and asked, "How can you have Uncle Li's life and death book..."

The sound stopped abruptly.

Lian Xi stared at the pig-headed face on the ground for a long time, then raised his head to look at the watchman.

The watchman smiled slyly, and rubbed his hands in embarrassment: "Sir, how are you? Are you satisfied? It's a pity that Jiang Gui is still a ghost and has a very strong recovery ability. , let this beast dare to harass the adults, beat the adults, he doesn't know what to do, damn it!"

Jiang Gui: "..."

Who was beating whom! The three of you are beautiful and intact, I was beaten on the ground and my face was bruised!

Lian Xi glanced at the watchman and knew that he was here to avenge his personal revenge. But regardless of this matter, Lian Xi asked, "Can you stand up?"

Jiang Gui remained silent.

Even after Xi asked again, he finally stood up with his hands on the ground.

When he stood there, the watchman trembled with fright.

Jiang Gui smiled, but said sarcastically: "Trash, you just said that I have a very strong recovery ability. Now I am so surprised when I see me standing up." The face is made, it must be eye-catching. But now he has a terrifying pig-headed face with a gully wound and a small child crying, so there is no sense of beauty, but it is very ugly and ridiculous.

Although his body had partially recovered, Jiang Gui still did not dare to make trouble. With this kind of rude behavior, he can get into the position of the first ghost in the nine ways. Jiang Gui is not like a watchman who can blow rainbow farts, but he is aware of current affairs.

This time, he was seriously planted. Su Cheng's black and white impermanence has an incredible strength.

Su Cheng Bai Wuchang seems to be only a mortal body, but Su Cheng Hei Wuchang is a ghost. Which ghost is this? Jiang Gui scrutinized the minister quietly, the minister had a keen sense of perception, and glared at him coldly, a pressure from the superior slammed down, making Jiang Gui's legs soften, and he almost wanted to kneel again!

- The spirit of the gods, evil dodges, do not look directly at it!

Jiang Gui's heart turned back and forth, but his face became honest. He slightly cupped his hands and said, "Return to the two adults, this is indeed a book of life and death."

The watchman stood beside the minister and Lian Xi, and pretended to say, "Oh, bastard, how dare you steal the life and death book from Judge Cui!"

Jiang Gui glanced at him, and then looked back with courage.

Jiangnan Dao Hei Wuchang, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face, scolded the dead fat man thousands of times in his heart, but he couldn't do anything, so he had to suffer from a dumb loss and gritted his teeth: "I didn't steal it from Judge Cui, it was actually given to me by Lord Judge. Treasure, I am here to run an errand in the realm of the earth."

Hearing this, even the three of them were stunned.

Soon, Jiang Gui explained his reason for this time.

According to the time in the mortal world, a few days ago, a ghost named Li Guoxin won the Heavenly Dao Award, and he was summoned directly by Judge Cui without queuing, and he had a good afterlife. However, when Judge Cui opened the book of life and death, he found that this Li Guoxin was obviously not a good person, but he got the permission of the book of life and death, which changed the reason for his life and death!

"This is very rare, but there are precedents. Occasionally, the book of life and death will suddenly modify a very good fate for a creature who can't see the name. The creature whose fate is modified may be human, or it may be flowers, trees, birds and beasts. Obviously, he didn't do any special good deeds before his death, so he was rewarded. But this kind of thing usually happens once every thousand years. Originally, Judge Cui just wanted to ask me and Luo Zhong to ask what happened to Li Guoxin." After a while, Jiang Gui continued: "But after he summoned me and Luo Zhong, he suddenly found out that Luo Zhong had sneaked into the realm long ago, so he ordered me to come to the realm to arrest Luo Zhong and bring him to justice."

Lian Xi looked at the watchman, a little surprised: "Your name is Luo Zhong?"

Watchman: "Yes..."

At this time, the minister looked at Jiang Gui and said abruptly: "So, you are here to arrest him."

The hairs on the watchman's back stood up, and he looked in horror at the calm-faced Caochen.

Jiang Gui: "Yes, Judge Cui ordered me to come to the realm, and the most important task is to arrest Jiangnan Dao Bai Wuchang who left the underworld without permission." By the way, I'll take the two of you down for questioning.

Jiang Gui didn't say anything after that. He deliberately concealed information that was unfavorable to Lian Xi and Caochen, and pointed the finger at the watchman.

The gloomy eyes dangled constantly on the guard, and the pig-head-like face perfectly concealed the evil smile on Jiangnan Dao Hei Wuchang's face.

So, Luo Zhong, do you think the two thighs you licked would offend Judge Cui and the underworld for you

The watchman didn't say a word, he fell to the ground, hugged the minister's thigh, and cried, "Sir, the small one is only for the adult, the small one has a bright heart, the heaven can learn from it!"

Caochen showed disgust on his face, and was about to shake off the watchman who was hugging his thigh, when he heard a calm voice: "The war in the underworld has been settled?"

As soon as these words landed, everyone was stunned.

The watchman finally remembered: "Yes, the reason why I secretly came to the world is because the underworld is fighting!"

Jiang Gui rolled his eyes and said, "Yes."

Lian Xi was about to speak, but the minister opened his mouth one step ahead of him: "How to calm down."

You still care about the underworld? Lian Xi glanced at Jichen quietly and closed his mouth.

Now that he was a prisoner, Jiang Gui said honestly: "About a month ago in the human world, suddenly one day, the Ten Temple Yama stopped fighting, and tacitly truce. I am just a little Jiangnan Dao black. Impermanence, a humble person, and ignorant of what happened, Judge Cui may know what happened."

"Oh." He replied lightly, and the minister asked again, "How is the underworld now?"

Jiang Gui: "Normal order has been restored a long time ago. At least from the point of view of a little devil like me, it is no different from the past." After speaking, the thought of "Why are you asking so much?" quickly flashed in Jiang Gui's mind, but he Didn't say it.

"Is what is written on this book of life and death true?"

Jiang Gui turned his head to look at Lian Xi, his eyes narrowed slightly when he met the serious and profound gaze of the young man.

To be honest, among the people present, his favorite was Lian Xi's appearance. It's a pity that even Xi and Wenzhou Guicha's adulterer look alike, and Jiang Gui really can't feel good about him. Although he wouldn't be disgusted by the two dogs, he should not like it.

However, at this moment, under the bright and bright moonlight, the breeze passed slowly, and the young man's elegant and clear face was sharp and sharp. It should be a white and simple bamboo shoot, but it is tough and straight, pretending to be a green bamboo that grew out of the ground.

Jiang Gui couldn't help narrowing his eyes. His lips moved, and a familiar desire for conquest emerged spontaneously, and his lust for lust was hidden under this pig-headed face. Even the watchman who was most familiar with Jiang Gui didn't notice that his colleague had the same kind of desire to make fun of people. The thought came to him, but saw a figure dash forward, and in the next second, Jiang Gui stared, and stuck out his bright red tongue like a hanged ghost.


His distinct fingers directly grabbed Jiangnan Dao Hei Wuchang's neck without leaving any strength. As soon as the minister made a move, he directly choked Jiang Gui's throat. Jiang Gui's neck was crooked on his shoulders at this moment. If it weren't for him being a ghost, his corpse would already be cold.

However, the golden brilliance faintly overflowed from between the minister's fingers, and Jiang Gui's face became even paler.

The man's indifferent and cold voice was like an evil spirit in the depths of the extreme cold, and he said in a low voice, "Just kill him."

This scene happened very suddenly, and Xi was stunned for a moment, then took the hand of the minister: "He is still useful."

The young man's warm body temperature came from his wrist, and the minister paused, then snorted coldly, and let go of the hand that had snapped Jiang Gui's neck.


Jiang Gui held his head, and the waves in his heart were surging into the sky, so he put his head back, not daring to make it again.

But apart from Jiang Gui, not even the minister at the scene knew why he suddenly wanted to kill. It was just that he seemed very unhappy all of a sudden, seeing that this ghost was so annoying that he wanted to kill him, so he did it.

The husband has lingering fears. It's really like a tiger with a king, and the minister can turn his face faster than a book!

Jiang Gui was more honest now, and he completely put away his restless mind. When the watchman was beaten, he acted peacefully as a licking dog. Jiang Gui is much stronger than Geng Fu, and if he doesn't really kill him once, he may never accept his fate.

Now that the matter was over, Jiang Gui closed his eyes and could only say: "The book of life and death is written in black and white, and even the King of Hell has no right to change it, so it is naturally true."

"What do you mean, Li Guoxin was supposed to be sick for three years and tortured himself to death?" Lian Xi's voice became hurried.

Jiang Gui nodded: "Yes. As soon as he was born, the book of life and death gave him a good ending."

"Then now?"

"Now I don't know why, the book of life and death changed his fate and gave him a good afterlife."

Closing my eyes, a big stone suspended in my heart finally fell.

In the dark night, I can only hear the evening wind blowing slowly past my ears.

Even Xi didn't speak, so in the empty community garden, only the wind blew the leaves and rustled.

Even this, Lian Xi's voice was a little hoarse: "Does the judge have the right to change what has been written in the book of life and death?"

Jiang Gui glanced at him quietly, as if he understood something, and said, "No. In fact, this ghost has already been reincarnated."

Take a deep breath and let it out slowly. Lian Xi put down the burden in his heart, he closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his eyes were firm and calm.

It would be better if everything in the world could be solved by playing dead.

But when things could not be solved by pretending to be dead, he was never afraid to step back.

Lian Xi calmly looked at the minister, then looked at the watchman again, he said: "Now we have beaten this Jiangnan Road Black Impermanence, and also took the judge's life and death book, the matter is more serious. It must be resolved. You guys. Have you read fantasy novels?"

The watchman touched his head: "What is a fantasy novel?"

Cao Omi: ""Secret Master"?"

"Secret Master"? This time, it was Lian Xi's turn to be confused: "What is this?"

Ji Chen raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Fantasy novels that have been very popular recently." After speaking, President Ji looked at Lian Xi with a face, "No way, you haven't even read this?"

"… "

Lian Xi coughed and looked calm: "I'm talking about the old one, like "Fighting the Sky"." Calm down, Lian Xi continued: "Although it's just a novel, it's also very logical. If you offend the underworld, or at least the judge Cui, the best solution is to send the two ghosts from the underworld back, and return the book of life and death to each other. Otherwise, according to the logic of the novel, he will definitely continue to trouble us, that is, the kind of way of thinking that beats the young to become old, and beats the old to become older."

Jiang Gui's eyes lit up, and the watchman was terrified.

Watchman: "Sir, no, I only have adults in my heart!"

Lian Xi glanced at him and continued: "Of course, there is another way. Judging from the impermanence of Jiangnan Road..."

Jiang Gui's pig face darkened: What kind of character do I have

Lian Xi: "Even if we send the two ghost messengers back and return the book of life and death, it may still be useless, and Judge Cui will still not let us go. Watchman, I remember you said before, the stronger the Ghosts and gods, the more difficult it is to cross the two worlds and come to the realm. Even if they come, they will be suppressed more severely."

The husband was afraid that he would be sent back. He is not a prisoner like Jiang Gui, he has obviously surrendered to the enemy, so he quickly said: "Yes. The stronger the strength, the more serious the backlash. As for Jiang Gou, when he came to the realm, his strength dropped by at least 20%. . And if the weakest of the four judges, Judge Lu, comes to the world, he will be weakened even more. Maybe he is not as strong as Jiang Gou."

The minister said meaningfully and looked at Lian Xi: "What do you mean?"

Even Xi also raised his head and looked at him: "Since everything has been done, why not?" He pointed to Jiang Gui and the watchman, and asked the minister with his eyes. "Two free brain powers."

Looking at the young man's calm and calm expression, the minister raised the corners of his lips.

"Oh that's fine."

Looking at each other, they both smiled in unison.

What General Manager thought in his mind was: Judging from the black impermanence of Jiangnan Road, the underworld doesn't seem to be strong.

What Lian Xi thought in his heart was: I really want Judge Cui to let this matter go. It's not enough to send Jiang Gui and the watchman away. Probably, it will be useful to send back the peerless evil ghost, the minister. Then the jar can be broken! Since the identity of the Peerless Evil Ghost is bound to be exposed, then he simply does not do it again and again. Anyway, that underworld is not like a good thing, the big deal is to fight one by one. As long as it can last. You can't always give up on the minister.

Then, the two of them thought at the same time: maybe they will send a few more wage earners over.

At this moment, they didn't know that in the Great Hall of Yin Law Division, far below the Nine Serenities, Judge Cui, who looked like a scholar, stood up, holding the book of life and death, his eyes were complicated, and his expression was uncertain.

Yunnan Dao Hei Wuchang witnessed with her own eyes how the life and death book flew out of control just now. She was terrified, but she believed more in Judge Cui's strength. She suppressed the fear in her heart and asked in a trembling voice: "Lord Judge, what happened. What happened to this book of life and death?"

Judge Cui squeezed the book of life and death that was missing a page, and his voice was heavy: "The book of life and death that this judge handed over to Jiang Gui has been stripped and disappeared from this book of life and death!"


Judge Cui responded quickly, he calmly pondered for a moment, and said: "There must be a big chaos in the sun. Luo Jiu never has such strength, it must be related to the strange Sucheng ghost. There must be something tricky between the two ghosts. , Could it be that there are evil ghosts who have been hiding in the world for thousands of years and suddenly appeared?"

Without a thousand years of Taoism, Judge Cui does not believe that he can beat Jiang Gui! Even if Jiang Gui crosses the two realms, his strength is suppressed!

No, maybe more serious. The ghost messenger in Sucheng not only subdued Jiang Gui, but also took away the book of life and death. Perhaps, this is really a peerless evil ghost that was born out of the world.

Following this, Judge Cui also felt very strange. It stands to reason that if it is really an evil ghost, the Sucheng ghost card should not recognize the master and the other party. But he wasn't worried. Maybe the wrong Sucheng ghost is not a ghost, but a powerful human mysterious cultivator, or a spirit monster; it is also possible that the evil ghost is so powerful that he can oppress the ghost and recognize him as the master.

Yunnan Dao Hei Impermanence: "Sir, what should we do with the current situation? Even Jiang Gui has been defeated. Could it be that we should invite Judge Lu to go personally?" Although Jiang Gui is only Jiangnan Dao Black Impermanence, but his strength But it surpassed Po Meng, Niu Tau Ma Mian and others. If you want to find someone who can stabilize Jiang Gui in the underworld, you can only start from the judge.

However, Judge Cui was cold-eyed and waved his hand: "No."

Yunnan Dao Hei Wuchang was horrified: "Then ask Judge Zhong to go?"

Judge Cui continued to wave his hand: "It's still not possible."

"Ah this?"

After pondering for a long time, Judge Cui made up his mind: "This judge will go to the realm in person!"

Yunnan Dao Hei Wuchang widened his eyes: No, so serious

Who knew it wasn't over yet. The next moment, Judge Cui sat down, shook his head, and said, "It's still not cautious enough. It should only be a few minutes since Jiang Gui just arrived in the world. In such a short time, he was subdued, and he didn't even have time. Report to this judge for help. Su Cheng's black and white impermanence cannot be underestimated."

After pondering for a long time, Judge Cui said, "Since this is the case, this judge will find the Wheel King again and ask him to lend this judge a wheel mirror for use."

Yunnan Road Black Impermanence: "Huh?" No, sir, do you think too highly of the impermanence of black and white in the district of Sucheng...

Judge Cui finally calmed down and said to himself, "Go to the realm of the sun. If this judge uses the wheel mirror, the strength will be suppressed a little less, and it should only be suppressed by about 30 to 40%. Then bring the life and death book and the wheel mirror with you. The great magic weapon should be unobstructed. Even if it is a peerless evil ghost who has practiced the Tao for five thousand years and killed countless people, it can still be captured."

Yunnan Road Black Impermanence: "???" Meow Meow Meow? ?

Judge Cui breathed a sigh of relief, looked at her, and said coldly: "You can accompany this judge again. If there is an accident, come back and report."

Yunnan Road Black Impermanence: "..."

Is it necessary to be so cautious!

You are Judge Cui, holding the book of life and death, kicking Wang Chuan, punching evil spirits, even the Ten Temple Yamas dare not provoke your Judge Cui!

Yunnan Dao Hei Impermanence slandered in his heart, but she didn't know it. At this time, Judge Cui stroked the cover of the book of life and death, thinking in her heart: This judge is so strong, plus the book of life and death plus the wheel mirror, there is another Yunnan Dao Hei Impermanence . Well, Yunnan Dao Hei Impermanence is also considered a good strength. After they went to the Yangjian, they checked the situation on the side, and did not act rashly. In this way, they must be thoughtful and have no mistakes!

The same mistake, this judge will never make a second time!

not worried.

The author has something to say:

Judge Cui: Well, can this judge make the same mistake twice? Be cautious enough this time, don't worry!