Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 80


Jiang Gui and Geng Fu are different.

Before he came to the realm, the watchman had no grudges against Lian Xi and Caochen. The watchman was able to travel through the two realms to the human world. From a certain room, he had to thank Lian Xi and Gu Chen. If it wasn't for the two unexpectedly earning a lot of points, the sudden increase in rankings caused indignation of reports from ghosts in other areas, and the watchman would not be able to find the way to the realm.

The watchman was beaten, and more importantly, before he was beaten, he and Lian Xi had no entanglement.

Jiang Gui is different.

First, Lian Xi and Gu Chen robbed him of his Jiangnan Dao Black Impermanence Certificate; second, they beat Jiang Gui's little Xianggong.

The perverted brain circuit is different. It stands to reason that Lian Xi and the two should help him catch rape and send him to the underworld for free. Jiang Gui felt that the owner of the dog had to be beaten! Even if the Wenzhou ghost sent him green, he could not be dealt with by outsiders.

The bedroom door creaked open, and Jiang Gui, who was squatting on the ground, and the watchman sitting on the sofa all raised their heads and looked at Lian Xi and Gu Chen.

The watchman stood up quickly: "Sir."

Jiang Gui squatted on the ground, his cold and handsome face had returned to its usual color. The cold eyes turned slightly, and he also said: "Sir."

The minister hummed indifferently, then swept towards Jiang Gui: "Are you going to catch the ghost?"

"Catch a ghost?" He had already rehearsed thousands of scenarios in his mind in advance, but Jiang Gui never imagined that the ghost of Su Cheng would let himself catch a ghost as soon as he left the door? Jiang Gui was in shock, he couldn't help but stood up and asked: "Sir, I told you just now that there are four major judges and ten temples in the underworld, all of them are big figures who change the color of the situation. The little one is willing to return to the underworld. Speak for the two adults, please judge Cui not to care about these trivial matters, why do the two adults have to do the right thing with the underworld?"

The watchman suddenly became angry: "Sir, don't listen to him, this kid is full of bad water and has no good ideas!"

Lian Xi looked at Jiang Gui indifferently, with a firm tone: "You don't need to persuade him any more."

Jiang Gui was anxious and frowned, "Sir..."

Caochen: "Go catch the ghost."


Seeing Jiang Gui's confused look, the minister glanced at him up and down, and said in surprise, "You don't even know how to catch ghosts?" After speaking, he said to the watchman, "Teach him."

Jiang Gui was confused by the words of the two, and before he understood it, he was pulled by the guard to teach him how to catch a ghost.

Hearing halfway, Jiang Gui suddenly woke up.

No, he is dignified and impermanent in Jiangnan Road. He has been a ghost for hundreds of years. Are you teaching me to do things

Jiang Gui looked cold and sneered: "Do you think I need you to teach me?"

The watchman was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Yes, you also started from the lowest ghost."

Jiang Gui: "Humph!"

I have caught more ghosts than you have eaten!

Ten minutes later, holding his Jiangnan Road Black Impermanence Certificate, Jiang Gui went downstairs and stood at the gate of the community.

When it comes to catching ghosts, let alone Xi and Caochen, even the watchmen are all defeated by Jiang Gui. Turning over his black impermanence certificate, Jiang Gui raised his finger and tapped lightly on the paper. He was about to say "Jiangnan Dao's black impermanence decree", using the guide Jin Guang to point out the direction of the ghost. Suddenly, Jiang Gui made a move. stunned in place.

Wait, why would he be obedient to catch ghosts

Two low-level ghosts in Sucheng asked him to catch ghosts, so he went

The warm winter sun shone on his body, Jiang Gui slowly raised his head, looked directly at the dazzling sunlight, and couldn't help squinting. Suddenly, he realized: "This is a good opportunity to escape!"

Without further ado, Jiang Gui doesn't waste time. He directly opened the black impermanence card and began to find the way back to the underworld.

He doesn't plan to stay in the earth any longer, the underworld is his base! He was sent to the top to perform official duties. Now when he returns to the underworld, he can file a complaint with Judge Cui without worrying about being punished by Judge Cui.


How could idiots like Sucheng and Luo Zhong let him go out to catch ghosts alone? How stupid!

With a cold smile, a stern and sinister voice quickly sounded: "The black impermanence edict of Jiangnan Road, Jiuyou Huangquan, the underworld... ah!"

A golden light flew from the residential building in the distance, and hit Jiang Gui's cheek with lightning speed. Jiang Gui screamed and fell to the ground, and that Yinxiu's face instantly swelled up. Jiang Gui raised his head to see the thing that slapped him, and widened his eyes in shock. Seeing that the thing was about to slap him again, Jiang Gui hurriedly said: "Don't, don't, don't, misunderstanding! I just want to find ghosts, I'm going to catch ghosts. Yes, I'm going to catch ghosts!"

With that said, Jiang Gui hurriedly opened the impermanence certificate: "The black impermanence decree of Jiangnan Road, the ghosts and ghosts, quickly show up!"

At the same time, in the house not far away, with the movement of his fingers, a golden light flew back into his palm and turned into a golden album.

The minister put away the golden album.

All this happened too fast, the watchman was still listening to Lian Xi's words, when he suddenly saw the minister take out the golden album.

With a swish, the golden album flew out; with a swish, it flew back.

After being stunned for a while, the watchman turned his head, regained his senses, and said in surprise, "My lord, could it be Jiang Gou who wants to run away?"

Caochen looked at the watchman in surprise: "You are quite smart."

The watchman immediately added fuel and jealousy: "Oh, my lord, Xiao is right. Jiang Gui is a bastard, and he is full of bad water. He doesn't really want to serve the two adults at all. According to Xiao, let him be alone. Go catch the ghost, he will probably continue to run away, so don't take it lightly!"

But the minister said, "It's fine."

Watchman: "?"

The minister said calmly: "If he escapes, I will know. He has high magic power and is incompatible with the world. The moment he crossed the two realms and came to Su City, I noticed it." Similarly, if Jiang Gui's breath suddenly disappeared, He can find it too.

The watchman suddenly realized: "That's why the lord discovered Jiang Gui's trace at the first time, and arrived in time to save the lord Bai Wuchang." Speaking of this, the watchman suddenly understood why he had never thought of escaping before. It's not that he doesn't want to run, but his extraordinary intuition tells him that running will definitely not end well!

This is easy to understand, this is the induction between the strong.

Su Cheng suddenly had a strong man, and the minister found out in an instant. If this strong man is about to leave, he can find out immediately.

The watchman sighed with emotion: "The strength of the adults is really unfathomable!" This time, it is not to blow the rainbow fart, but the sincerity.

However, when the watchman's voice fell, a strange look flashed in the eyes of the minister. He glanced down at the watchman's expression, and inexplicably realized what the watchman was thinking at the moment.

The watchman took the opportunity to express his loyalty quickly: "Two adults, rest assured, the little one will never run away."

After a rare moment of silence, the minister said, "It's fine if you run."


"You are too weak."


"I won't find out if I run away."

The watchman nodded clearly: "Oh, so it is."

A few seconds passed.

… fuck? !

The watchman's face was full of grief and anger, anger turned into anger, and he continued to battle between heaven and man in his heart. In the end, licking was better than anger, and the watchman laughed dryly and said, "Don't worry, my lord, the little one will never run away..."

Lian Xi coughed, interrupting their conversation. He straightened his expression and looked at the minister seriously: "That Jiang Gui went to catch the ghost?"

Caochen closed his eyes and felt it for a while, then opened his eyes again, looked at Lian Xi, and nodded lightly: "En."

The matter of Jiang Gui was put aside for the time being, and the most urgent task was to improve his own strength.

Even Xi didn't tell the watchman about the fact that the minister was an evil ghost. The less people know about this, the better.

The handsome and elegant face had an indifferent and calm look, as if she was talking about an ordinary thing, and he said casually: "Have you heard of Jin Zhenyuguang Ziwen?"

Hearing this, the minister raised an eyebrow and glanced at him.

"Jin Zhenyuguang Ziwen?" The watchman was stunned and thought about it carefully: "Sir, I haven't heard of this kid."

Lian Xi breathed a sigh of relief.

This is the magic weapon of the minister. It's okay for the watchman not to know, which means that the notoriety of the minister is not so prominent, and it is not so unforgivable. If you know, maybe the situation is even worse.

Lian Xi pretended to be calm: "How do you ghosts and gods cultivate and improve their strength?"

The watchman immediately understood what Lian Xi meant. He and the minister wanted to cradle the Buddha's feet temporarily, to help the seedlings grow, and they were afraid that they would not be able to beat Judge Cui and the Tenth Hall Yama! The watchman suddenly felt a sense of crisis. If it is said that Lian Xi and Ji Chen were cramming temporarily, then he can now be hugging the thighs of these two people. If even Xi's Buddha's feet were broken, his thighs would also be gone!

Without reservation, the watchman said everything he knew.

"Cultivation of the first one is particularly simple for ghosts and gods. There are two types. First, familiarize yourself with the magic weapon and improve the quality of the magic weapon; second, it is promotion."

The minister was stunned for a moment, then frowned slightly: "Promotion?"

Watchman: "Yes, it is promotion. In the underworld, as long as every ghost and god is promoted, he will have the opportunity to take a trip to Wangchuan. The water of Wangchuan is the righteous power of the six-path reincarnation. Being granted an official position on the Forgotten River is the only way for life to come into contact with the yellow spring water without being eroded to death…”

After the guard's explanation, Lian Xi and the two finally understood that there are two ways for ghosts and gods in the underworld to improve their strength.

The first is "If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools".

Everyone's magic weapon is inherently destined and cannot be changed, but by improving the strength of the magic weapon, you can improve your own strength.

Secondly, it is promotion and rank.

When you are promoted, you will be able to get in touch with the six realms of reincarnation! When you get promoted, you can better understand the power of ghosts and gods in the underworld!

However, after thinking about it clearly, Lian Xi: "Are there only these two methods?"

Watchman: "Yes, only these two."

Although he couldn't improve his strength through the second method, Lian Xi was a little curious: "What is the basis for promotion in the underworld?"

The watchman said before that Jiang Gui has already reached the level of a judge just by looking at his strength. However, he has been a ghost for hundreds of years, and he was even overwhelmed by Meng Po and others who were far less powerful than him, and he has not been promoted for a long time. Could it be that Jiang Gui could not be promoted because the judge's position was limited and the quota was full

Seeming to understand what Lian Xi was thinking, the watchman smiled and said, "At first, of course, it depends on the strength. But after the strength is reached, it depends on the thoughts of those big men."

Lian Xi was stunned: "The big man's mind?"

The schadenfreude said: "Yes. Take Jiang Gou as an example when conferring an official position. Even if he can't be a judge, he should be a law enforcement officer, and he can't be Jiangnan Dao Hei Wuchang. I've been in the position for hundreds of years, but I can't get promoted!"

The watchman is happier when he thinks of his colleagues who are not doing well.

Under the warm and bright sunshine in the morning, the fat watchman grinned and said with a smile, "Who told him not to be a ghost?"