Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 81


Lian Xi never thought that if a person wants to be promoted and raised when he is alive, he needs to work hard to make money, improve interpersonal relationships, and be a 996 worker. After he died, he still had to continue to please his boss!

It's like the teacher always said in school: "When the college entrance examination is over, you will be freed."

The students came to the university campus full of hope with ardent expectations and longing for the future. When the results arrived, I found out - this is not as good as high school!

"Who ordered this way?" The man's voice was displeased.

The watchman raised his head to look at the minister, he recalled carefully for a moment, and said: "It should be a convention?" He explained: "I really don't know about this little one. Sir, it took only a few hundred minutes for this little boy to become Bai Wuchang in Jiangnan Dao. In 2008, when the little one became a ghost, the court of God was already destroyed, and this method of adding an official and a nobleman has long been fixed. Maybe Jiang Gui knows what is going on? Do adults need to ask Jiang Gui?"

"No need." Lian Xi shook his head, he had no expectations for this underworld for a long time.

Most of the laws of the underworld are just and fair. For example, bad people go to hell and good people get good rewards. However, in many details, there are always some unexpected ways to deal with it. For example, the ghost of Wenzhou, he should have been tortured in hell for several years, and then reincarnated as a pig, but because of his beauty, he pleases the black impermanence of Jiangnan Road, and he got such an ending.

However, Jiangnan Dao Hei Wuchang dealt with him like this and opened the back door to his Xiaoxiang, but he was acquiesced by the rules, and no one raised any objections—

It's just a trivial matter, why can't you open the back door?

Except for a very sinful and unforgivable ghost like the Japanese officer Yamada Kanya, there is no way to open the back door. An ordinary kid like Wenzhou Xiaoxianggong, who is just as fair as Judge Cui, doesn't bother to care, just turn one eye away and pass by.

Lian Xi looked indifferent: "Maybe this method has nothing to do with the destruction of the court."

The watchman said in surprise: "Sir, how do you say this?"

Lian Xi's tone was calm: "If the Divine Court can achieve justice and fairness in everything, then why would any gods be sent to hell to be punished after the Divine Court is destroyed?"

The watchman was stunned, he wanted to say something, but he had nothing to say.

Stop talking about this topic.

How the underworld and the court of the gods are, these are things that the current Lian Xi and the ministers can't manage. They are just ordinary mortals and demons. The most urgent task is to strengthen your own strength.

The days of salted fish are gone forever. Even the ministers put away their mobile phones at this moment and look at the young man beside him solemnly: "I have uninstalled the game."

Lian Xi didn't respond for a while: "?"

Caochen: "The King's Glory."

Lian Xi: "???" What the hell? So fast? !

Under the brilliant golden sunlight, the man's handsome and profound face was like a knife. Caochen lowered his eyelids, his tone was firm, and his eyes were tenacious: "Games will only affect the speed at which I draw my sword."

Lian Xi: "..."

Watchman: "..."

This forced dress is really refreshing and refined!

Without further ado, Jiang Gui was driven out to catch the ghost, and even Xi and Caochen were not idle.

They have a total of four impermanence cards. Jiang Gui took one, and the watchman also left a copy of the Jiangnan Dao Bai Impermanence certificate. As for the two Sucheng Ghost Badge Certificates, Lian Xi and Caochen have already despised them. To use, you have to use the best. Excellent ghosts must get the best ghost certificates and catch the strongest ghosts, so that they can become stronger.

Lian Xi took the Jiangnan Dao Bai Wuchang certificate from the watchman: "You take these two ghost certificates, and the ghosts on your ghost certificate will be handed over to me and the minister."

The watchman seemed a little hesitant: "Ah this..."

His ghost certificate can emit a hundred golden rays of guidance at a time. If it is given to him to use, it can increase at least a few thousand points a day. Leave it to Lian Xi and Gu Chen, two amateur ghosts who are lazy all day long...

The watchman looked at the two quietly.

Lian Xi and Gu Chen were not at all aware of it.

"Today, let's familiarize ourselves with how to use our magic weapon."

"it is good."

"This golden light is thicker."

"Follow this golden light." The minister pointed to another golden light that was not very thick.

Lian Xi: "Huh?"

Caochen: "Intuition, this ghost is stronger."

Lian Xi suddenly realized: "The mutual attraction between the strong?"

The minister was noncommittal.

The watchman on the side: "..."

Don't you have a little bit of mutual attraction between strong men to me!

The magic weapon is the weapon that everyone is born with.

Xuanxiu spirits can forge magic weapons by themselves, but they are magic weapons, not magic weapons. They use all kinds of heaven and earth treasures to melt out a magic weapon of their own. Magic weapons are not necessarily weaker than magic weapons, but magic weapons are not unique. The forged magic weapon is not necessarily used by oneself, but can be sold to others.

But the instruments are different.

Once the ghosts and gods in the world are recognized as their masters by the impermanence certificate, they will get their own magical instruments from the impermanence certificate.

Similarly, the ghosts and gods of the underworld will also get their own instruments after being granted official positions.

Everyone's magic weapon is only the same, and there is no second. It is like a mark deeply branded in the soul, the soul is the only one, and the instrument is also the only one. Even if you are promoted to an official or a rank, or promoted to a judge or King Yama, your magic weapon will still not change. It's just that you and the magic weapon have become stronger.

Of course, why there are two magic weapons in the minister, this will not be mentioned for the time being.

Lian Xi always felt that the second magic weapon was probably stolen by him!

The peerless evil ghost who is crushed under the 18th floor of hell, killing a few ghosts and robbing a few magic weapons, how normal does it sound?

Totally reasonable.

Following a golden light about the thickness of a wrist, the two quickly came to Jingdu Lake.

Jingdu Lake is the largest lake in downtown Suzhou.

Sioux City has always been known as the Venice of the East, with more than 4,000 large and small water systems in the city. Jingdu Lake is located in Sioux City Park with beautiful scenery. It is the afternoon of high autumn air, and many tourists take sightseeing boats to enjoy the scenery on the lake.

The golden light with the thickness of the wrist pointed straight to the artificial island in the middle of the lake and landed under a small and exquisite pavilion.

The two searched for the golden light and found this pavilion. It was already evening.

Tourists on the island are dwindling, and they board the boat and prepare to return to the shore. A staff member reminded Lian Xi and the two to take the boat back early, and Lian Xi nodded and dealt with it vaguely.

The light gradually dimmed, and the warm and shallow sunset rays passed through the dense foliage and fell on the mottled soil, forming small circular spots.


Su Cheng's black and impermanent shoes cracked a withered yellow leaf, and the crisp and weak voice seemed strange and abrupt at the moment, echoing in the empty woods.

"Why is it so cold and windy all of a sudden?" The staff shrank their necks and turned back to Lian Xi and said, "Hurry up and leave, the last boat is 20 minutes away."

Lian Xi: "I see, thank you."

The staff went to other places to look for tourists who had not left. In the huge woods, there were only two people left in the woods.

The icy wind swept across the lake, making ripples and blowing it ashore.

The quaint and simple pavilion is surrounded by golden fallen leaves, standing quietly in the depths of the woods, shrouded under the maple trees.

Lian Xi and Gu Chen looked at each other and immediately understood what the other meant.

Guchen flipped his palm, and the next moment, a golden album appeared in his palm: "Jinzhen Yuguang Ziwen, only valid for ghosts." As soon as he finished speaking, Guchen slammed the thin album into the air. In an instant, thousands of golden lights shone down from the album, covering the entire pavilion.


A shrill scream suddenly sounded. A thick black smoke slowly seeps out from the bottom of the pavilion, and soon, it changes into a young female ghost wearing a pink wedding dress with a pale face. Countless golden lights shone on her body, like a golden cage, imprisoning her in it.

Lian Xi was surprised: it was actually a female ghost.

No wonder even Xi was surprised, even the minister was stunned for a moment.

This is not gender discrimination, but they have been catching ghosts for so long, almost half a year. Most of the powerful ghosts they encounter are male ghosts, and female ghosts are rarely seen.

In novels and movies, female ghosts are always used to scare people. The world-famous Sadako and Gaya are also female ghosts. It seems that women with more yin qi are more likely to become ghosts. This is actually wrong.

Ghosts and gods may be selfish and unjust. But becoming a ghost has nothing to do with gender, only the population base.

Since ancient times, except in times of war, there have been more men than women.

Powerful ghosts are often dead for many years, so the chance of encountering male ghosts is naturally higher than that of female ghosts.

In the gloomy and cold woods, the female ghost stared viciously at the two young men in the distance, and roared like a scream: "Who are you!" Then, without waiting for the two to answer, she gave the answer herself: "The local Ghost?"

Layers of vast and majestic Yin Qi poured out from the female ghost, and she did not underestimate the difference between these two ghosts. Obviously, she also used all her strength, ready to fight back at any time.

However, Lian Xi carefully observed the yin qi around this specter, but found that there was very little blood red in this sea of ​​yin qi, and there was no evil spirit sinking.

Strangely, this female ghost's yin ocean doesn't seem to be the same as the evil ghost in Wenzhou.

The reason why the old evil spirit in Wenzhou is strong is because he ate a lot of souls after his death to increase his strength. Therefore, the yin qi ocean he formed was a terrifying blood red, and there were countless ghosts sinking and rising in it. But this female ghost is also very powerful, but she doesn't have that kind of bloody cruelty...

After thinking for a moment, Lian Xi looked at the pink wedding dress on the female ghost and asked, "When did you die?"

The female ghost didn't answer, but sneered: "Sucheng ghost is poor." This time it was an affirmative sentence.

Lian Xi: "Yes, we are Sucheng black and white impermanence."

The female ghost's voice was cold: "The slave family has been dead for more than 300 years. I have seen many ghosts in Sioux City, but none of them were able to conquer the slave family. Judging by the age of the two of you, you are just a fledgling kid. The slave family will let you go today. One horse, just leave early."

As soon as the words were finished, the female ghost waved her big sleeves and was about to get back under the pavilion.

The minister's eyes narrowed, and his voice was indifferent: "Sure!"

One word fell, as heavy as a thousand jins. The female ghost was about to burrow into the soil, but as soon as her head met her, she was bounced back with a hoot. It seemed that he had hit a hard stone and could not move forward half a minute.

The female ghost was so angry that she turned her head and roared, "The ghost is just a mess, do you want the slave family to kill you!"

Lian Xi suddenly asked, "How did you die?"

The female ghost gritted her teeth, glanced at him disdainfully, and responded with a cold snort.

Lian Xi: "A few years ago, I once helped a female ghost who had been dead for many years to fulfill her long-cherished wish. She, like you, wore this pink wedding dress. According to her, only the wives who are married by Ming media can wear bright red wedding dresses. The one who wears the pink wedding dress… is going to be a concubine.”

"shut up!!!"

As if hearing some unforgivable words, the female ghost roared, and the terrifying and powerful Yin Qi instantly boiled. On the entire Jingdu Lake, the wind is howling, and the waves are raging. The tourists who left by boat were originally taking pictures on the deck, but now everyone clung to the railing, screaming and daring not to let go.

That terrifying yin qi even passed through the barrier under the golden real jade light purple cloth, like a sword like a sword, stabbing Lian Xi and Gu Chen.

This female ghost really is as the minister said, she is a strong one!

Zhao Chen was about to use the golden album, but was stopped by Lian Xi. Coincidentally, he also wanted to try the usage of bronze bells.


Quickly took off the bell and threw it into the air.

The bronze bell tinkled happily, and rushed towards the sea of ​​yin qi that was smashing fiercely without hesitation. The two collided, the bronze bell quickly withdrew, and the overwhelming sea of ​​yin qi was also smashed back to the female ghost's side.

The female ghost didn't change her face, this attack seemed useless to her. She glared at Lian Xi and Gu Chen angrily, as if to devour their flesh and add to their bones.

You can't ask a demon to have sanity. Even if he once had reason, in the ups and downs of hundreds of years, he has already lost everything.

Caochen didn't want to entangle with this female ghost, he raised Jin Zhenyuguang Ziwen to deal with her. Exactly, he can try the command he used before. Unexpectedly, even Xi grabbed his hand, and at the same time grabbed the golden album that was flying in the air, eager to try.

Caochen: "?"

Golden Album: "?"

Lian Xi didn't say much, he shook his head and turned to look at the female ghost who was already furious: "Looking at the bloody aura on your body, you don't seem to be an evil ghost. But if you weren't an evil ghost, you shouldn't be so strong. "

The female ghost smiled grimly: "What is called an evil ghost?"

These words stopped Lian Xi and Gu Chen.

Both of them are lazy amateurs, and they don't know the definition of evil. Neither of them can answer this question, so they can only ask the watchman.

Just when Lian Xi was going to ask for help outside the venue, the female ghost replied for them: "If you kill people and eat ghosts after you die, you will become evil ghosts."

That's how it was defined!

The female ghost laughed at herself and looked at Lian Xi with contempt: "You want to know why the slave family doesn't seem to be contaminated with too much blood, but has such a powerful strength?"

Lian Xi generously admitted: "Yes."

The female ghost laughed wildly: "Because the slave family is very angry, at the moment of death, they gained their current strength! After the slave family died, they did not kill people, and they never killed ghosts. Those weak ghost slave families are too lazy to take a look. As for those ghosts who have found the slave family, they are too weak to help the slave family. Why is the slave family so strong?" The creepy smile dyed her bright red lips, and the female ghost smiled sullenly: "Because the slave family voted Before He committed suicide, he slaughtered more than 80 members of the heart-broken man's family, even his infant baby!"

This answer made even Xi and Gu Chen stunned.

"Stealing my family's wealth, deceiving me of my innocence, at the end of the day, the benefactor is the one who killed my father and the enemy, I actually recognized my enemy as my husband every night, and I am grateful to him for giving me a place to settle down and let me be his concubine! "

"Don't I hate it? Should I hate it?"

"It's never ghosts that eat people in this world, but people who are more charming than ghosts!"

After a long silence, the minister lowered his eyes and looked at the female ghost who was getting crazy: "Are you afraid of going to hell and being punished if you don't reincarnate?"

He killed more than 80 people during his lifetime, and as long as he goes to the underworld, he will definitely be cast into the eighteen layers of hell, and he will not even be able to live forever.

The female ghost seemed to have heard something funny: "I'm afraid?"

Caochen: "Aren't you afraid?"

The female ghost looked at the minister with a vague and complicated look, with a smile in her eyes, but it didn't reach the bottom of her eyes, as if she was making fun of the minister's stupidity.

"Yes, I'm afraid, I'm afraid of drinking Mengpo soup, forgetting the deep blood feud, forgetting how my parents were forced to hang themselves by the creditors, and how my eldest sister sold herself into a hook and became a prostitute, Just to pay off the debt and not let me and my younger brother be sold as slaves; and how did my younger brother starve to death in the winter, and before he died, he told me that if there is one less mouth to eat, I may be able to make more money. Live a while!"

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid that I will forget all this, and forget this incomprehensible hatred of life and death!"

There are many injustices in the world, and this kind of thing happens to evil spirits who have been dead for many years.

Maybe some people will feel that life is so miserable, why not just die. But everyone has the right to live. It is never a shameful thing to want to live, but to be afraid of death.

Lian Xi and Gu Chen didn't say more.

This time, Ji Chen used the golden album to trap the female ghost, while Lian Xi held the bronze bell and rang it directly.

The solemn bell rang, and the female ghost struggled for a long time, entangled with the bronze bell for some time. But in the end, he still screamed and was sent to Samsara.

It stands to reason that Lian Xi should try out the various uses of bronze bells on the female ghost this time to enhance his understanding of his magical weapon, but he chose to send people directly to the underworld.

The minister looked at Lian Xi calmly, and after a while, said lightly: "It should be tortured, and he will never be born again." After a pause, he asked, "Do you sympathize with her?"

Lian Xi nodded first, then shook his head: "She said something wrong."


"It's not just the human heart that eats people, it's the era she lives in."

The movement paused slightly, and the minister put his hands in his pockets, his eyes seemed to linger on the elegant and beautiful eyebrows of the young man.

The evil ghost has been sent to the underworld, and while the two of them walked, even Xi said, "But there is one thing that counts as her wish."

The minister raised his eyebrows: "What's the matter?"

Lian Xi looked back at him: "Isn't what she is most afraid of forgetting this hatred? In fact, Meng Po Tang can't make people forget the past, what really makes her forget is the road to reincarnation. It's just that in her life There may be no afterlife." Therefore, she will never forget this deep-seated hatred.

His eyes stayed on Lian Xi's body for a long time, and then, the minister stepped forward with a calm tone: "Whether she has an afterlife, who cares."

are you asking me? Lian Xi thought about it for a while: "Judge? The watchman seems to have said that the great good and the great wicked will be handed over to Judge Cui after they die, and they will be managed by Judge Cui."

"That fat man said that?"

"I said it."

On the other side of the city, the watchman suddenly sneezed: "Aqiu! Who is talking about me again?"

After realizing that both the great good and the great evil will be handed over to Judge Cui for trial, Lian Xi has even more motivation to catch ghosts.

To be honest, after Jiang Gui was subdued by them, the underworld must have discovered that something was wrong. It is inevitable that people will come from the underworld, but they are afraid that it will be Judge Cui.

One Judge Cui is equal to ten Jiang ghosts!

If they catch more evil ghosts with monstrous crimes, will Judge Cui be stumped and unable to come to the world?

Even Xi explained his thoughts to the minister, and Mr. Ji's eyes lit up.

The two of them said in unison, "Catch the ghost!"

Judge Cui is so terrifying, it would be best not to come to the world.

As for Judge Cui's failure to come, Yama of the Tenth Palace would come... This matter was not even thought of by Xi and Guchen.

One hundred Jiang ghosts, the Ten Temple Yama is really too strong. Mr. Zong can probably understand that, using a game as an example, Yama of the Tenth Palace is at the level of Lian Xi, Judge Cui is at the level of Su Jiao, and Jiang Gui is at his level.

If the Tenth Temple Yama came in person, then they would be fine.

At this time, they didn't know that Judge Cui had already left his Yin Law Division and went to the world.

Excitedly using the guard's Jiangnan Dao Bai Wuchang card, Lian Xi and Gu Chen followed a golden light and planned to look for evil spirits. However, this time they hadn't walked a few steps before Lian Xi received a call from the intermediary Xiao Liu.

The matter of catching the ghost was temporarily delayed, and the two hurried home again.

It was already evening, the sun was setting in the west, and the dim sunlight shone on the lush green landscape trees in the community, covered with a thin layer of golden gauze.

The skinny, short-haired girl carried a heavy bag and wore a clean and simple black suit. She had been waiting downstairs for a long time. Seeing Lian Xi and Gu Chen from a distance, Xiao Liu quickly waved his hand and ran over enthusiastically. She smiled embarrassedly and said, "Mr. Lian, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were not at home. Drink some water, please come back."

Xiao Liu diligently took out two bottles of mineral water from his bag and handed them to Lian Xi and Gu Chen.

Yu Guang accidentally swiped the opening of the little girl's heavy bag, and Lian Xi found that there were five or six bottles of mineral water in it. The water alone has to weigh several pounds, but Xiao Liu seems to be used to it and doesn't feel heavy.

Lian Xi: "It's okay, we didn't expect you to prepare the materials so quickly."

As the three of them went upstairs, Xiao Liu smiled and said, "Actually, the landlord of this house has long wanted to sell the house. But you know, this is a haunted house. Not to mention his house, the whole building is not good. For sale. In the gas explosion that year, a lot of people died in this building, and not many people were willing to buy it. I heard that Mr. Lian wanted to buy a house, and the landlord was very cooperative. They gave me the information in the afternoon. "

With a ding, the elevator door opened.

Lian Xi opened the door and walked in together with Jichen.

Xiao Liu skillfully took out the blue shoe covers from her big bag and quickly put them on her feet.

Xiao Liu: "Let me give you a detailed introduction to this house..."

While speaking, Xiao Liu took out stacks of documents from his bag like magic.

Even Xi Jiren lived in this house for a few months, but they really didn't know the details. After listening to Xiao Liu's introduction, they realized that the house had changed hands once before. In the first two years of the Sioux City Park, a new policy was implemented, and houses could not be sold within two years after they were bought.

"It's November now, and the end of December is exactly two years old. So if you want to buy, the real estate certificate can't be issued until December." Afraid that even Xi would find it troublesome, Xiao Liu hurriedly added: "Of course, I think ten The same is true for buying in February. The landlord is fully cooperating, and the price can be fixed now.”

Lian Xi looked through the documents carefully, and Shi Chen sat on the sofa, nothing to do, and picked up a stack of documents to read.

There is generally no problem. As for the price, we have to meet the landlord tomorrow and then talk in person.

Lian Xi handed the information back to Xiao Liu, and he looked at the minister. Sensing the young man's gaze, Mr. Zhi raised his head: Huh? What's the matter?

Lian Xi: "Data."

The Ottoman: "Oh."

Handing the documents back, Lian Xi looked at the calm expression on Guchen's face, and couldn't help but ask, "Do you understand?"

The minister paused slightly, then asked, "I'm not illiterate."

Lian Xi: "Do you know what housing prices, public pool area, and property fees mean?"

The minister: "..."


As long as I don't ask, then I know everything!

Seeing the arrogant and disdainful expression on Mr. Ge's face, the corners of Xi's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but let out a low laugh.

Xiao Liu sat on the opposite sofa, staring blankly at this scene, a trace of daze and surprise flashed in his eyes.

... it always feels weird.

After discussing with Xiao Liu the time to see the landlord tomorrow, Lian Xi got up and sent Xiao Liu away.

The door opened, and when he saw the house opposite, Lian Xi suddenly thought: "By the way, I think someone lives there recently?"

Xiao Liu looked back at the door opposite and nodded with a smile: "Yes, it's already rented out. I told you before that the opposite door was a house bought by Mr. Gao, and it has been vacant for all these years. But his first two Moon suddenly decided to rent out the house, the rent is very low, but only open to those migrant workers who come to the city to work.”

Lian Xi was stunned when he heard the words: "Only rented to migrant workers?"

"Yes. It's quite troublesome. You know, the housing prices in Sioux City are very high now, and renting a house is not cheap. Mr. Gao's monthly rent is 300 yuan, and it's not for everyone, it's a whole house, as long as Three hundred yuan. But it must be rented to workers who really need it. It took me half a month to help President Gao find a tenant who really needs it.”

Mr. Gao... Lian Xi raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile, "You have worked hard too."

Xiao Liu quickly waved his hand: "No, no, Mr. Gao is the one who really does good things. After I found the tenant, Mr. Gao actually gave me a large amount of agency fee."

Lian Xi smiled and said nothing more.

The extra agency fee was made up after the event was completed, but Xiao Liu didn't know that before the event was completed, Mr. Gao would still give her money.

"Then I'll go first, Mr. Lian, see you tomorrow."

"okay, see you tomorrow."

The elevator door slowly closed, Lian Xi turned back to the house, raised his head, and his eyes suddenly stopped.

Looking in the direction of the man's gaze, Lian Xi turned around and frowned involuntarily: "You've been staring at Xiao Liu?"

Under the bright light, I saw Mr. Ge leaning against the wall of the entrance at some point, watching Lian Xi send Xiao Liu away. Hearing Lian Xi's words, the minister retracted his gaze, his eyes stopped for a moment on Lian Xi's slightly frowning brows, and for some reason, he felt a little happy.

Caochen: "No." The ending sound rose slightly.

Is this called? Lian Xi walked into the house and took it to the door: "Look at what she does."

For some reason, Lian Xi suddenly remembered that three months ago, when Xiao Liu came to help Mr. Gu to register his identity, it seemed that he liked this one!

Um? Lian Xi suddenly paused in his heart and recalled it carefully.

It seems to be the case. Xiao Liu's eyes lit up when he saw the minister, and Su Jiao had a long time to enjoy it. He said that Xiao Liu was not good at aesthetics, and he didn't know how to appreciate real handsome guys.

His fingers tightened slightly, Lian Xi's expression was calm, and he raised his eyes to look at the minister: "Do you have anything to do with her?"

Although he didn't understand why he was in a good mood, Kouji didn't deliberately pursue the cause, but fixedly stared at the young man in front of him.

The delicate and elegant eyebrows were even more tightly wrinkled, and the person in front of him only knew how to look at himself, but did not answer the question. After a long while, Lian Xi couldn't help but ask again, "Your Excellency?"

Suddenly returning to his senses, the minister said: "It's okay. It's just that there is something on her life gate."

As soon as these words landed, all the strange thoughts dissipated instantly. Lian Xi looked serious: "There is something on the gate of life? Then why didn't you say it just now?"

Without even thinking about it, Xi quickly took out his mobile phone and wanted to call Xiao Liu to come back again.

The so-called gate of life is the Yintang of a person, located between the eyebrows and the forehead.

Is there something on Xiao Liu's life gate? This is no small matter. Lian Xi had been talking to Xiao Liu for a long time just now, but he didn't find anything wrong. But when the minister said so, he naturally couldn't take it lightly.

"It's not a big deal."

Lian Xi raised his head: "Huh?"

The minister pondered for a moment: "It's like the smell of incense. When people go to temples to worship the gods, they will be contaminated with the smell of incense. Is it considered that they have been blessed by the gods?"

Lian Xi didn't let out a sigh of relief. Instead, he thought: "God bless you? Didn't Jiang Gui say that the court overturned hundreds of years ago?"

The minister glanced at him: "But mortals are still worshipping the gods."

Putting down the phone, Lian Xi understood what he meant: "So, it's just worship, it's not necessarily related to the gods."

Kaoru nodded, tacitly acknowledging what he meant.

If you think about it, there's nothing wrong with it. The divine court has been subverted for 600 years, and the reincarnation of all immortals has long been reincarnated, and those who have been punished in hell are punished. But mortals don't know. Although most people in China are atheists, there are still countless mortals who worship gods and Buddhas in the world. Xiao Liu went to the temple to worship the gods, and it was not unreasonable to be contaminated with incense.

But for safety reasons, Lian Xi still sent a WeChat message to Xiao Liu.

Before sending the message, the person pretending to be a dead star pondered for a long time, how to euphemistically ask about this matter. So Su Cheng, who is not good at socializing, hid on the sofa together, head to head, staring at the flashing phone screen, without typing a word for a long time.

Lian Xi, a patient of social fear: "Why ask her if she has gone to worship God recently?"

Without any distractions, the minister said, "Ask directly."

Lian Xi hesitated: "... not good, wouldn't she find it strange?"

The minister asked confidently, "What's the matter with strangeness?"

Lian Xi: "???"

Caochen: "What does she think is none of my business."

Lian Xi: "..."

You are the boss or you are the boss!

After thinking about it, Lian Xi suddenly saw a familiar head portrait. He snorted, and a flash of light flashed in his mind.

Five minutes later, Xu Lang came back with a message.

[Xu Lang: [Smiley] You can say that you have been unlucky recently, and you want to go to the Buddha to pray to God, and ask the other party if they have any recommendations.]

Lian Xi and Gu Chen suddenly realized.

[Lian Xi: OK, thank you.]

[Xu Lang: It's okay. By the way, I watched your live broadcast for a short time recently. Are you busy?]

Lian Xi: "..."

I would have known not to ask Xu Lang!

But Xu Lang is a shrewd person. Before Lian Xi was embarrassed, he sent another message.

[Xu Lang: It just so happens that I haven’t recommended a spot for you recently. It’s good that you have less live broadcasts. Take more rest and raise your energy. When you are free to cue me, I will arrange a referral seat for you.]

It is a pleasure to communicate with people with high emotional intelligence. Even Xi didn't realize that he was being led by Xu Lang's nose. He just felt relieved.

[Lian Xi: Thank you.]

Following Xu Lang's suggestion, Lian Xi sent a message to Xiao Liu.

It didn't take long for Xiao Liu's reply.

[Intermediary Xiao Liu: Have you recently had Mercury retrograde? Well, Mr. Lian, I have a recommended temple. It is very good. You can go and see it. It is very spiritual.]

Then, Xiao Liu sent a location address.

Lian Xi followed this address to search on Baidu, and found that it was a small temple very early in Sioux City, dedicated to an unheard of god. Although it is a bit rundown and the place is very remote, there are always people worshipping it, and it is indeed a serious place.

[Lian Xi: OK, thank you. This place is quite far, how did you find it here.]

[Intermediary Xiao Liu: I happen to live near here.]

Oh, that doesn't seem to be a surprise, and it makes sense.

[Lian Xi: See you tomorrow.]

[Intermediary Xiao Liu: see you tomorrow [Comparison]]

Turning off the phone and sitting on the bus home, Xiao Liu breathed a sigh of relief, showing a tired but happy smile.

It happened to arrive at a bus stop, and many passengers got on the bus. Seeing an old woman standing next to the caring seat from a distance but no one offered her seat, Xiao Liu immediately stood up, carrying a heavy bag, and beckoning the old woman to sit down: "Hey, come and sit here, there is a seat here."

The white-collar worker sitting in the special seat of love glanced back at Xiao Liu and said nothing.

The old woman came over and sat down: "Thank you, little girl. Young people these days, there are really good and bad!"

Xiao Liu didn't speak, he silently walked to the front and grabbed the handrail. She glanced at the young white-collar worker who did not give up his seat in the special seat of love, and when she saw the overworked expression on the other side, she felt a little helpless and could only sigh.

There are too many people in the world that are not easy. She just needs to work hard on her own. Good people will definitely be rewarded. You see, good luck has come recently, and she has received a big order. As long as Xi buys that suite, she can earn at least 10,000 yuan!

Thinking of this, the fatigue of the body was defeated by the comfort of the mind. The short-haired girl felt full of strength again.

I worked until midnight for the first two days. I came home so early today. I wanted to rest and get a good night’s sleep. Lian Xi and the landlord are going to meet tomorrow, and she has to fight a tough battle. But now Xiao Liu suddenly felt that he could still work for a while.

The bus passed quickly in front of a small temple, and Xiao Liu let out a groan.

Yes, she should go to the temple to repay her vows!

Excited, Xiao Liu stood in front of the bus with his bag on his back.

"The 'Wendi Temple' station is here, passengers who get off please get off at the back door."

With a bang, the bus door opened in front of him, Xiao Liu happily stepped up and got off the bus.

At the remote and desolate suburban bus station, only the little girl with short hair got off the bus alone. The sky was getting dark, and the thin girl was carrying her bag and walked towards the dilapidated temple. The thin figure gradually merged into the night, and in the empty and silent wilderness, only the chirping of wild birds gently broke the silence.

As the closing time of Wendi Temple was approaching, Xiao Liu greeted the staff of the small temple and promised to come out in five minutes before the other party let her in.

The moment she walked into the Wendi Temple, in a small grass hundreds of meters away, suddenly, a majestic and majestic wind rose from the ground. In an instant, a thin layer of frost formed on the ground, and this yin qi was extremely cold, and it was already cold enough to appear!

The snow-white frost crackled and spread outward, but it only spread less than ten meters before being shattered by someone's foot.

Judge Cui stood in the center of the frost. He stepped on the frost with one foot and at the same time contained the terrifying yin that escaped from his body.

He hadn't been to the underworld for hundreds of years, and when he first came into contact with the hot air of the underworld, Judge Cui showed a displeased look on his delicate face. His face was pale, and there was a hint of red on his lips.

Judge Cui's strength is too strong, and even if he is protected by a wheel mirror, he still suffers a little injury.

After raising his hand to wipe the blood from his mouth, Judge Cui frowned and said, "Is the sun so hot now?"

"It shouldn't be, I came to the world a hundred years ago, and it wasn't so hot." Yunnan Dao Hei Wuchang looked around and suddenly understood: "Lord Judge, look, we happened to be near the Wendi Temple. Emperor Wensong's temple has made the surrounding Yang Qi too heavy, eroding the Yin Qi in us."

Judge Cui said in surprise, "Emperor Wensong?"

The ghosts and gods glanced at ten thousand meters, and Judge Cui immediately saw the Wendi Temple 500 meters away, and said with emotion: "It turned out to be the temple of Emperor Wensong. Yangjian. How can those mortals know that the gods they worship died earlier than them, and they can't protect them at all."

Yunnan Dao Hei Impermanence smiled indulgently: "I think it will be a few decades before the prestige of Emperor Wensong will be completely dissipated. Look at his temple, it has long been in ruins, and after a while, mortals will dissipate it. When it is shoveled, it is completely dust to dust and dust to dust.”

Judge Cui sighed softly: "The wheel mirror can hide the breath of the two of us. Unless Su Cheng's Black and White Impermanence is stronger than the wheel-turning king, it is impossible to find our traces. This judge was injured a little bit. Deal with it first, and then deal with the ghost in Su City."


Judge Cui didn't know that the moment he set foot on the world, he was far away in a high-end community in the Sioux City Park.

Lian Xi passed by behind Gu Chen with water in his hand, and saw a familiar APP icon on the screen of Mr. Gu's mobile phone with sharp eyes, and raised his eyebrows gently: "Oh, does the game affect the speed of your sword drawing?"

I saw Mr. Gu hid in the corner, and quietly played the glory of the king again!

Lian Xi's words just landed, when suddenly, the minister's fingers loosened, and the phone fell to the ground with a clatter.

Lian Xi: "???"

Isn't it just that you found out that you were sneaking into the game again, is it necessary to react so much?

Lian Xi picked up the phone: "fortunately it didn't break, er... what's the matter with you?"

The minister's expression changed greatly, and he said solemnly, "The enemy is here!"

Lian Xi: "?"

Caochen: "It's too late to run now." After a pause, he said to himself: "Well, it's too late, let's go to Wenzhou, it's far away, and the food is delicious. We still have a ghost certificate from Wenzhou. ."

Lian Xi was confused and said: "No, wait, who is here..." Immediately, he understood: "Huh? You mean there is a sense? The mutual sense between the strong?"

Caochen nodded: "At least ten Jiang ghosts are as strong."

Even Xi changed his face.

The people from the underworld came so quickly? It's only been a few hours, they don't give them a chance to become stronger at all!

And there are at least ten Jiang ghosts so strong, don't tell me...

Lian Xi was horrified: "Is Judge Cui, the head of the four judges?!"

Su Jiao went home from class, and when he opened the door, he saw the shivering figures of his two roommates.

Shorty's roommate was very surprised and looked at it several times with excitement.

Su Jiao: "I'll take a picture for you, it's so funny."