Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 82


The enemy is attacking, and there is no reason to catch ghosts at this moment. Lian Xi called the watchman back and called Jiang Gui back at the same time.

By this time, even the half-assed Xuanxiu Su Jiao was pulled over and became a member of the staff.

Su Jiao was very anxious and muttered, "Don't pull me into the water about this, I'll definitely be a hindrance."

Unexpectedly, in the next second, Lian Xi said, "I didn't want to pull you."

Su Jiao: "???" Then you called me over for a meeting?

Lian Xi: "I called you here because I want you to contact your uncle in real time to see if your uncle has any ideas and can help us."

Su Jiao, the ultimate tool man: "… "

Believe it or not, I'll run away from home now and show you!

The watchman and Jiang Gui were called back halfway, and neither of them knew what happened. In the spacious and tidy living room, the heavy curtains were tightly drawn, and neither the moonlight nor the city neon could shine into the room. Lian Xi only turned on a dim yellow light, so when the five people sat in front of the sofa, there was a strange atmosphere of late-night strange talk.

The watchman smiled and said flatteringly: "Sir, the little one has just caught three ghosts, and he is about to go to catch the fourth one." First take credit, and then ask for the reward: "But when I received the call from the lord, the little boy rushed over immediately. Come back. Is there anything the adult wants to tell the little one, the little one will go through fire and water, and die!"

Lian Xi took a deep breath and glanced at the watchman's flattering face and Jiang Gui's obscure face. Finally, his eyes were fixed on Jiang Gui: "How long did it take you to come from the underworld to the world?"

This question seems to have been asked before? Jiang Gui looked at Lian Xi suspiciously, trying to figure out the meaning of the other party's question, but to no avail. He had to answer honestly: "It's about the solar calendar, five or six days."

Five or six days!

That is to say, converted into Hell time, it is five or six years!

But this is not important, the important thing is that it takes five or six days to cross the border from the underworld to the world. Then why, in less than 24 hours, Judge Cui came?

Suddenly, a thought flashed in Lian Xi's mind: Could it be that the "big enemy" is not actually Judge Cui?

But he didn't reveal it, and continued to ask the watchman calmly, "How long did it take you?"

The watchman thought for a while: "It's also about five or six days."

The time is not bad, that is to say, the time it takes to cross the two realms is not related to personal strength.

Apparently, Koichi also thought of this question. In less than 24 hours, Judge Cui arrived, which should not be the case. Unless, that arch enemy is not Judge Cui.

The two looked at each other and confirmed the answer.

At this time, they did not expect that Judge Cui, the head of the four dignified judges, is a high-ranking official under ten people and more than ten thousand people in the underworld. , would be cautious enough to borrow a wheel mirror from the wheel king!

The wheel-turning mirror is the magic weapon of the wheel-turning king, one of the Ten Halls of Yama, which can pass life and death.

Using the wheel mirror to cross the realm of yin and yang can not only avoid part of the avenue punishment, but also greatly shorten the crossing time.

Even Xi and Caochen didn't say a word, but Jiang Gui was good at observing words and expressions. He has always been a wise man, and although he has a perverted temper and cruel methods, he is very aware of current affairs. He hasn't been able to get promoted in the past few hundred years, but it's just not necessary. He felt that if he wanted to, he could at least be a judge. Now observing the expressions of Lian Xi and Gu Chen, Jiang Gui's brain turned quickly, and suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration, and said in surprise: "Is it coming from the underworld?"

The watchman was shocked, and even Xi and Caochen raised their heads to look at Jiang Gui.

Seeing such a reaction, Jiang Gui was even more sure of his guess, and was immediately overjoyed: "It's Judge Cui who is here... Ouch!"

The golden light flashed by and flew back to the palm of the minister.

Mr. Zong snorted lightly and glanced coldly at Jiang Gui—

Make you proud!

Jiang Gui was severely slapped by the golden album, but he didn't dare to express his resentment in his heart, so he could only lower his head and curse with all his brains: "Wait, a bunch of trash, Judge Cui is here, you are all dead!"

Hearing the three words of Judge Cui, the fat man on his face trembled with fear, he shook his throat and asked Lian Xi in fear: "Master, Master, is what Jiang Gui said true, Cui Is the judge really here?"

Lian Xi sighed: "It may or may not be. But there is indeed a strong enemy coming." After speaking, he looked at Su Jiao: "If it is a human Xuanxiu or a ghost and a goblin, can it be as powerful as Judge Cui? ?"

Su Jiao's complexion changed: "You mean, the creatures in the world have the strength of a judge in the underworld?"


"I'll ask my uncle."

Soon, Su Jiao used WeChat to ask his uncle, and got the following answer.

"Xuanming ghosts and gods are naturally extremely powerful, not to mention that Judge Cui is a serious ghost and god, and ordinary mysterious cultivators are difficult to match. But it does not mean that there cannot be extremely powerful mysterious cultivators in the world. Both the Shanyi faction and the Qingjing faction have had very strong Xuanxiu, who are famous all over the world, famous for their history..."

The uncle continued: "As for Judge Cui's strength, I don't know."

Caochen: "The strength of ten Jiang ghosts."

Uncle Shi: "...I dare to ask your friend, what is the new unit of measurement of mysterious mana that Jiang Gui is?"

Jiang Gui: "..."

Lian Xi thought for a while: "A Jiang ghost probably has the strength of a thousand Su Jiao."

Su Jiao: "Hey Lianxi, you can see who is calling you on WeChat!"

The uncle didn't pay any attention to his nephew's words. Instead, he sucked in a breath of cold air: "Hey, so powerful! Isn't Judge Cui supposed to be as strong as 10,000 Ah Jiao?"

Caochen: "Add a little qualitative change." Ten thousand Su Jiao joined hands, probably not enough for Judge Cui to slap him.

Uncle Shi suddenly became heavy, and carefully analyzed: "Then this kind of strength is no longer comparable to the body of mortals. Although we mortal Xuanxiu, although we are cultivating Taoism and immortality, we are still human after all. This is the experience of my Qufu faction, Dao Friends, just listen to it. Each school has its own philosophy. My Qufu school has always believed that it is impossible for people to truly surpass ghosts and gods. Because the Dao is ruthless, people eat grains and miscellaneous grains, see the world's suffering, and sink into the world As long as there is love, it is impossible to defeat those ruthless ghosts and gods. The 'big enemy' you mentioned, since he is so strong, can never be a human being. At least, he is a monster!"

Su Jiao: "Uncle Shi, can monsters be so strong?"

"Why not? I have seen such powerful monsters in the scriptures, but they are difficult to practice and rarely appear in the world. They usually don't show up until the time of 'ascension'."

Now, everyone finally got the answer.

The "strong enemy" that Mr. Zong sensed was either a ghost or a ghost in the underworld, or a super monster that didn't exist in the world!

This time everyone was in trouble. For a while, they didn't know whether to hope it was a monster or Judge Cui himself.

Lian Xi was thinking about whether to invite Su Jiao's uncle to come to Su City to deal with powerful enemies together. However, before he opened his mouth, he heard the uncle say very smoothly: "Ajiao, buy a train ticket and hurry back to Qufu."

Lian Xi: "?"

Su Jiao said cheerfully, "Uncle Shi, I have already opened 12306!"

Lian Xi: "??"

The uncle let out a long sigh: "Alas, Sucheng is so dangerous. If I had known that you would not be admitted to the University of Su, it would be fine to just eat whatever you want in Shandong!"

"No, uncle, I've bought it, I'll go back tomorrow!"

Lian Xi: "..."

These uncles and nephews have no intention of helping!

But think about it and understand. With Su Jiao's strength, he didn't call it a help, but a food delivery. As for Su Jiao's uncle, although his strength is not low, he is also a mortal profound cultivator. As long as it's human, it's definitely no match for ghosts and gods, and it doesn't make much sense to call people over.

Lian Xi sighed lightly. At this moment, he has no idea, but there is something that has to be done quickly.

At the other end of the city, meanwhile, is the Wendi Temple, a remote and desolate suburb.

The cold and thin moonlight slowly sprinkled on the bricks and tiles of this dilapidated and narrow temple, and a layer of frosty paleness fell. The staff of Xiaomiao had been waiting at the door for a long time. He kept urging Xiao Liu, hoping that this person would leave quickly and he could get off work.

Xiao Liu was too embarrassed to bother others. Although it was not yet the closing time of Wendi Temple, the staff kept staring at her at the door, making her back like a man. After only two minutes of worship, she hurriedly stood up.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting."

"Come earlier next time."

"Well, thank you."

Xiao Liu carried a heavy backpack and stepped out of the high threshold of the Wendi Temple. The wooden door slammed shut behind her, and through the crack of the door that wasn't closed tightly, the staff complained softly into her ears: "This ruined temple will be demolished in two years. Why are there still people coming to worship, it's annoying."

Hearing this, Xiao Liu's footsteps stopped, and his good mood tonight dissipated a little.

Sioux City is a famous ancient city in China. It has been recorded by historical materials since ancient times and has a history of thousands of years. The long and vast history makes this huge modern city have many places of interest and historical sites. Jiangnan Gardens and Qili Water Town are the historical relics of Suzhou City with many tourists; Temple, is it not the traces that this city once left in history?

In the last century, many temples in Sioux City were demolished. In the past two years, the Sioux City government spent some money to repair the temple. The Temple of Emperor Wen was also taken seriously. It specially arranged civil servant positions to guard the temple.

But the Wendi Temple is really not well-known. The local people in Sioux City do not come to worship, and the residents living around gradually find it an eyesore. Xiao Liu heard that the area of ​​Wendi Temple has been divided into a new commercial development zone, and in two years, the Wendi Temple will be completely demolished.

Feeling a little disappointed in her heart, the short-haired girl turned her head and looked at the quaint and old temple behind her, smiling and grinning her teeth: "Before you are demolished, I will come to see you more. Thank you for bringing me. good luck!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Liu's mood relaxed again. She carried her bag and walked happily to the bus stop. However, just two steps away, suddenly, a biting cold wind blew softly from her side. This gust of wind was extremely cold, and Xiao Liu couldn't help shivering. She touched her neck: "Why is it so cold all of a sudden." She couldn't figure it out, Xiao Liu shook his head and continued towards the bus stop.

She didn't know that just at that moment, Judge Cui, the head of the four judges, and Yunnan Dao Hei Impermanence passed by her together!

Two gloomy ghosts and gods strode into the Wendi Temple.

When passing through the door and entering the temple, Judge Cui turned his head calmly and glanced at Xiao Liu's back.

Yunnan Dao Hei Wuchang rolled his eyes, followed Judge Cui's gaze, and said with a smile, "Sir, is there something strange about that little girl?"

Judge Cui first nodded, then shook his head: "It doesn't matter. The incense aura on this mortal's body is a little thick, and there is a faint aura of gods entangled in it."

Yunnan Dao Hei Wuchang said in surprise: "The breath of the gods?"

Judge Cui: "It is probably the breath of Emperor Wensong. The mortal people often worship the temple of Emperor Wensong. Although Emperor Wensong has fallen for many years, it is his temple after all. If you worship more, you will be entangled with some of Emperor Wensong's. The breath also makes sense."

"I see. My lord, are we going to recuperate in the temple of Emperor Wensong tonight?"


"Hey, isn't it, my lord?"

Judge Cui looked angry, but calmly said with a smile: "It was the first half of the night. The so-called soldiers are also tricky. In the second half of the night, we will attack the ghost police in Sucheng and catch him by surprise!"

Yunnan Dao Hei Wuchang's eyes lit up, and he said repeatedly, "Your Excellency is wise!"

Immediately, two ghosts and gods entered the Wendi Temple. Judge Cui said in surprise: "Strange, after careful calculation, this Emperor Wensong has also fallen for more than 600 years. Why does this judge suddenly feel that he seems to be a little angry? Look at the statue of him above this temple. "

Yunnan Dao Hei Wuchang immediately raised his head to look at the statue painted with clay on the temple. I saw a young man wearing an imperial robe but holding a scripture standing impressively. Years of wind and frost have caused the details of the statue to be washed away and blurred by the years. But it could be vaguely seen that this should be a young emperor with a literary reputation.

Yunnan Dao Hei Wuchang had never seen Emperor Wensong, but Judge Cui had. He recalled: "Six hundred years ago, the Divine Court was overthrown. Although Emperor Wensong was not well-known, his strength in the Divine Court was considered. He held the scriptures in one hand, and he exported it into chapters. He swears to death, and competes with the destiny. No matter how he is unwilling to enter the reincarnation, he has fallen. It is a pity that even the god emperor is no match for fate, so how can Emperor Wensong resist this general trend?"

Thinking of that scene, Judge Cui was still terrified.

So many gods have fallen into the Forgotten River, the heaven and the earth are desolate, like the sun crashing, like the sky falling apart!

Yunnan Dao Hei Wuchang asked curiously, "Is this Emperor Wensong being punished in hell now, or is he reincarnated in the world?"

The so-called flattery is good, and insider leadership is indispensable. Although Yunnan Dao Hei Impermanence is said to be in the middle of the pack, she has a sweet mouth and can talk. She follows Judge Cui's ass all day, listens to a lot of gossip, and knows much more than Jiang Gui. She has long known that although many gods are dead and no longer have memories, their souls have been pressed at the bottom of the eighteen layers of hell, and they have been punished by disasters.

Judge Cui thought for a moment: "This judge remembers that Emperor Wensong has entered the cycle of reincarnation. When he was a god, he was really not very famous. If he didn't end up on Wangchuan and entangled with the Dao of Destiny for seventy-seven and forty-nine days. , did not fall, shocked the gods, I am afraid that the entire court does not know that this humble Emperor Wen Song has such strength."

"In other words, he should be a mortal now."

Judge Cui didn't say much, he looked up at the statue of Emperor Wensong enshrined above the temple, and bowed his hands.

"Linghui Qi Shengguang You Wang Cui Yuanjing, use the precious land to heal and restore health!"

The next moment, Judge Cui turned over to take out the book of life and death, and slapped it in the air.

The thin book of life and death floated in the air, exuding a warm brilliance, shrouding Judge Cui and Yunnan Dao's black impermanence. At the moment when the brilliance fell, the scorching air that had eroded Judge Cui and the two instantly vanished, and the air was no longer hot.

Also at this moment, several kilometers away, the minister made a soft "Huh" sound, and even Xi looked back at him.

Closing his eyes, he felt carefully for a moment, then the minister opened his eyes again, his dark and deep pupils stared at Lian Xi quietly, his tone was calm: "Suddenly disappeared."

Lian Xi was stunned: "Gone?"

Chu Chen nodded: "Well, the strong enemy suddenly disappeared. Maybe it's gone, maybe it's... hidden?"

When these words landed, Jiang Gui's eyes moved, and he was more certain about Judge Cui's coming to the realm in his heart.

What kind of treasure is the book of life and death, Judge Cui is in charge of the book of life and death, isn't it easy to hide his breath?

"Sir, I'll report it, this dog must have found something!" The watchman shouted and pointed at Jiang Gui.

Jiang Gui's face changed greatly, and he stared gloomily at the watchman: "Nonsense!"

Watchman: "Oh, if you don't find anything, why are you so eager to refute me?" Then, the watchman slandered the minister again: "Sir, listen to me, beat him! If he knows something, beat him If he didn't know it, he would be fine to beat him up!"

Jiang Gui: "@#%@#% !@ #!!!"

Caochen: "It makes sense."

The voice fell, and the golden album screamed happily and smashed at Jiang Gui.

"Ah! Ouch! Eh..."

Jiang Gui was smashed with a bag all over his head, his nose was blue and his face was swollen, and he kept oops. Seeing that that yin and handsome face was about to be beaten into a pig's head again, Jiang Gui was dying, and finally let go: "I said, I said, stop beating!"

The watchman's eyes widened: "Fuck, what do you really know?" He just wanted to avenge his personal revenge, fearing that he would not have the chance to fight Jiang Gui in the future!

Jiang Gui: "..."

Beast, don't let me catch you later and kill you! ! !

Jiang Gui sat on the ground panting, with a pig-headed face on his face, and told all his speculations.

Is it really Judge Cui?

Lian Xi and Cao Chen had alarm bells in their hearts.

Caochen picked up the phone: "Is there a high-speed train to Wenzhou?"

Do you even know the high-speed rail? Su Jiao looked at him in horror.

Even Xi also turned on his mobile phone: "You buy a high-speed rail ticket, I'll make a call."

Caochen paused slightly when he bought the high-speed rail ticket, raised his eyes to look at Lian Xi, and raised his eyebrows lightly: "… Hmm?" Who are you calling?

Within seconds, he had the answer.

While talking on the phone, Lian Xi walked to the balcony: "Hey, um, Xiao Liu, I'm Lian Xi. That's right, I'm sorry, the house may have to be put on hold for now... "

The moon is in the middle of the sky, and the autumn wind is rustling.

On the desolate suburban bus station, a solitary iron pole towers high, surrounded by weeds that grow wildly around this small bus station. A very lonely vehicle information stick.

When the little girl holding the mobile phone just answered the phone, she had a bright smile on her face, but slowly, her smile dimmed.

His lips opened, and the bag on his back suddenly became heavy. Suddenly, Xiao Liu opened his mouth and interrupted Lian Xi's words: "Mr. Lian, what's the problem? Is it inconvenient for you to meet the landlord tomorrow? It's the same on other days. Yes, I have no problem here and can cooperate at any time. The landlord is very sincere in selling the house, as long as your side is OK, he can come over at any time. "

Lian Xi's apologetic voice came from the other end of the phone: "I'm sorry, there is something really wrong, and I'm not sure if I can buy this suite for the time being. In this way, if I buy another house here, I will contact you as soon as possible. I'm really sorry. "

But I have made an appointment with the landlord, are you really not buying it? The voice choked in her throat, and for a long time, Xiao Liu smiled and nodded with difficulty, knowing that the person on the other side of the phone couldn't see at all, she still bowed subconsciously and said, "Okay, if you need it, you can contact me at any time. "

The phone hung up, and on the desolate and secluded suburban road, the short-haired girl stared blankly at the ground.

At this moment, WeChat rang, and she turned on her phone. It was the WeChat group in the store.

[Brother Li: Oh, I was sold again, and I watched it 18 times! In the end, don't.]

[Zhao Qiang: Isn’t this normal? If we are intermediaries, we won’t be charged, and that’s not normal. Oh, by the way, I remember that Xiao Liu took someone to see the house today. How is it, Xiao Liu, how is the list?]

[Brother Li: Xiao Liu is going to sell the house? Not bad, this is your first real estate sale, and the commission can be tens of thousands.]

[Zhao Qiang: Xiao Liu told me that buyers and sellers are very willing.]

[Brother Li: Good thing!]

His throat was sore, after a long time, Xiao Liu sent a message: [Probably not.]

The group was silent for a while.

[It's okay, it's normal, let's take it slow.]

[How long have you been in our store, don't worry, there will be orders in the future, very soon.]

Seeing the comforting words of her colleagues, the little girl felt a lot more at ease. It is true that buying a house is a lifetime event for most people, and it is normal to have an accident and think more about it. She didn't blame Lian Xi, she just felt lost.

Quickly cheering up, Xiao Liu called the landlord: "Hey Mr. Wang, that's the case, there is something on the buyer's side, you don't have to go back to Sucheng tomorrow... Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't know you had already bought a high-speed rail ticket. I'm really sorry, but I also suddenly received a call from the buyer... I'm sorry, can your high-speed rail ticket be refunded?

After a few minutes, the landlord sent a number.

Xiao Liu stared blankly for a while, and silently transferred 300 yuan through WeChat.

[Xiao Liu: You don't need to transfer the extra ten yuan to me, I'm really sorry.]

In the icy night wind, I waited for a long time, but did not wait for the landlord's reply.

Xiao Liu turned off the phone, she looked up at the sky, her eyes blank. I don't know how long it took, when a cold wind blew, she suddenly woke up, took out her phone and looked at the time on it.

It's nine o'clock!

Strange, the last bus on this bus route should have arrived ten minutes ago, why hasn't it come yet?

After waiting for another half an hour, there was still no sign of the bus.

The short-haired girl was carrying her bag, opened the taxi app, and entered her destination. Before calling a taxi, she saw the 22 yuan taxi fare flashing on the screen of her mobile phone. She gritted her teeth and turned off the phone.

"There is a night bus at a bus stop three kilometers away, take that bus to the terminal, and then walk two kilometers to get home!"

Tightening the straps of her backpack, the young short-haired girl stepped off the bus stop. She walked fast, eager to go home. But after a few steps, she suddenly stopped. Standing on the side of the road for a few seconds, Xiao Liu squatted down, hugged his knees, and watched the grass and dirt flying on the ground, tears streaming down his face.

She cried silently at first, and then she cried out, burying her face in her arms, whimpering and sobbing.

Crying is the privilege of the rich, and the poor have no right to cry. She has to go home, she has to rest, and she has to go to work the next day.

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Liu raised her head, wiped away her tears, and held her breath in her heart.

"22 yuan, isn't it just a taxi, I'm going to take a taxi today!"

However, this time, she just opened the app and didn't enter the destination, when suddenly, a call came in. Seeing the name flashing on the screen, Xiao Li was stunned for a while, and quickly answered: "Mom, what's the matter... You fainted again? It's okay, don't worry, don't worry!" He urged people not to worry, but Xiao Liu himself But sweating all over her head, she said, "I'll transfer 5,000 yuan to you, don't go home, we'll be hospitalized, I can rest assured when you're in the hospital! I'll buy a ticket to go back to see you this weekend, I'm going to ask the doctor in person what's going on... I didn't say you lied to me, but I'm not at ease... "

A thin cloud floated from afar, slowly obscuring the clear moonlight.

Judge Cui and Yunnan Daohei walked out of the Wendi Temple lightly and lightly. When they reached the roadside, they met Xiao Liu who was crying and talking on the phone.

Yunnan Dao Hei Wuchang said in amazement, "Why is this mortal still crying so hard before leaving?"

Judge Cui glanced at Xiao Liu, and said lightly: "The incense on the gate of life is not less, and the aura of the gods is getting stronger and stronger. Her entanglement with Emperor Wen Song is quite deep, don't worry, mortals have her own fate."

Yunnan Dao Hei Impermanence smiled knowingly: "Little stupid, no matter what you are like, Judge Cui, you can see the fate of this mortal at a glance."

Judge Cui smiled and concluded: "If the so-called "extremely peaceful" comes, she is about to do good things!"

After speaking, the two ghosts and gods drifted away, leaving only a poor mortal who was driven to a desperate situation in the empty wilderness.

Sioux City Park, a high-end community.

Suddenly, the minister raised his eyes, his expression stern: "Here!"

Lian Xi: "?!"

Watchman: "!!!"

where? Jiang Gui stretched his neck, overjoyed, the next moment: "Ouch!"

Caochen took back the golden album and snorted coldly.

Su Jiao was shocked. The dwarf roommate packed up his luggage without saying a word, and took a taxi overnight: "I'm going to the high-speed rail station, don't miss me." After a pause, Su Jiao hesitated for a moment, but quietly pulled Lian Xi aside. , whispered to him: "I have been thinking about this for a long time, but it has nothing to do with you. At most, you have made a small mistake. Why don't you return the black impermanence of Jiangnan Road, and then explain it clearly. .Why do you have to deal with those ghosts and gods in the underworld?"

Lian Xi explained clearly to him.

In this room, only he and Caochen knew that the biggest reason they couldn't negotiate with Judge Cui was because Caochen was an evil ghost!

Lian Xi involuntarily looked at the minister.

However, what Su Jiao said was right, this matter actually had little to do with him, what really concerned was the minister. If he gave up the minister and sent the minister out to Judge Cui, everything would be solved. but…

Can't do it.

Su Jiao noticed his gaze and curled his lips: "What are you doing, it has something to do with the niggers? I don't understand you, anyway, I'm afraid and slip away first, and my three-legged cat kung fu can't help. If You're fine, contact me on WeChat." Saying so, Su Jiao took out a mess of magic weapons from his room and stuffed them into Lian Xi's arms: "These are all made by my uncle, so I can't deal with Judge Cui. But maybe it can have other uses. You take it all. Oh yes, and this one."

After dragging from the corner of the desk for a long time, I finally pulled out a crumpled yellow paper.

Su Jiao's eyes were stern, he let out a low voice, and suddenly cut his fingertips with a knife. In an instant, blood gushed out. Su Jiao quickly wrote a large character on the folded yellow paper with the blood flowing in a thread—


Lian Xi's heart moved slightly.

Su Jiao's face turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he gasped and stuffed the yellow paper into Lian Xi's arms.

"I'm really leaving!"

"it is good."

After sending Su Jiao away, all of a sudden, there were only four people left in the house: Lian Xi, Caochen, Watchman and Jiang Gui.

It looks like a large number of people, but Jiang Gui is in Cao Ying and is in Han, and it has no effect.

Put away all the magic weapons that Su Jiao gave and put them in a plastic bag. Lian Xi walked to the living room, looked at his companions solemnly, and said seriously: "Escape to Wenzhou is not a good choice after all. This is the last way out." Judge Cui has so many supernatural powers to escape to the End of the World Association Not all of them will be discovered by him, and these people don't know.

Although he and Guchen always said to run quickly, they couldn't escape when things came to an end.

With a sigh, he continued: "Since Judge Cui has already come, we can't wait to die. Get out of here first and find a place."

The watchman asked inexplicably, "Why do you want to look elsewhere?" Can't it be here?

Lian Xi asked back: "If the fight is over, can you still live?"

Watchman: "..." It is well-founded and convincing.

Even Xi didn't say more, but in fact this is only one of the reasons. Also, the community where they are now is too densely populated, and if they really want to fight, they are afraid of hurting innocent people.

Koomi: "Go to the island we went to this afternoon."

Lian Xi looked at him and said in surprise, "You mean Peach Blossom Island?"


After pondering for a moment, Lian Xi said, "That is indeed a good place. The island is located in the center of Jingdu Lake. If Judge Cui wants to attack, we will definitely be discovered. Unless he attacks from the bottom of the water."

Watchman: "That's not possible. Judge Cui is an extremely noble judge, and he is not a water ghost. How can he sneak attack from the bottom of the water?"

After the discussion, everyone unanimously decided to go to Peach Blossom Island.

Dark clouds, dark nights.

When the four of them took a taxi to the side of Jingdu Lake, it was almost midnight.

Jingdu Lake is a well-known scenic spot in Sioux City, and many tourists come here to play and watch every day. But it is already the middle of the night, no matter how good the lake view is, there is only a few cold winds left, and the wind is high and the moon is dark.

When Lian Xi and the four of them got off the bus, the driver gave them a few more curious glances, probably thinking that these people were idle in the middle of the night and had nothing to do to go to the lake. They couldn't be the four of them discussing suicide by jumping into the river.

Standing by the lake, facing the cold lake wind, Lian Xi: "Go directly?"

The voice fell, and a cold and solid arm suddenly wrapped around Lian Xi's waist. Lian Xi was stunned, he looked back subconsciously, and his eyes fell straight into the indifferent and calm eyes of the minister. The dark eyes with no ups and downs, the rich colors made Lian Xi's restless heart suddenly calm down.

Four eyes facing each other.

Lian Xi woke up instantly: "Don't..."

The courtier raised the corners of his mouth, and a playful look flashed across his eyes.

In the next second, one hundred meters in one step!


In an instant, everyone crossed half of the lake and came to the central Peach Blossom Island.

The mortal shoved away a man's arm, leaned down, and a violent nausea rushed into his throat: "vomit..."

If Judge Cui called him right now, Lian Xi would definitely betray on the spot, and let Judge Cui take this Su Cheng Hei Wuchang who took people on a super roller coaster without saying hello, and rush him into hell, fry him in oil, throw him a mountain of knives, and let him die 10,000 times!

After the body was a little more comfortable, Lian Xi stood up straight with a cold look on his face.

The minister looked down at him: "It's time for you to exercise."

Lian Xi's eye knife swishly threw it over and sneered back: "Haha."

The minister also smiled, and he poked Lianxi's arm.

Lian Xi snorted lightly, retracted his arms, and was too lazy to pay attention to him.

Caochen raised his brows slightly and stretched out his hand again.

Lian Xi averted his gaze.

As the thick ink smudged out, the minister gave a low laugh, his fingers were slightly raised, and lightly rubbed the young man's delicate wrist skin.

The sense of touch went from the wrist to the brain, and with a movement of Xi's fingers, he looked back at the man beside him.

Caochen's voice was calm, his tone was low and pleasant, he deliberately lowered his voice, and said in a volume that only Lian Xi could hear: "If it doesn't work, I'll go back to the underworld."

His lips moved, and after a while, Lian Xi nodded calmly: "Oh."

Time passed minute by minute, the moon was gradually sinking, and it was approaching midnight.

On Peach Blossom Island, the trees were shady and dark, and the four of them sat in a small pavilion in the center of the island. Lian Xi leaned against the vertical pillars of the pavilion and played with his mobile phone with his head down, but his attention was highly concentrated and he was constantly observing the movements around him. The minister closed his eyes and sat aside. He and Lian Xi were leaning against the same pillar, and the steady and weak breathing sounded into Lian Xi's ears.

Suddenly remembering something, Lian Xi whispered: "If you break something here, can you use magic to restore it?"

The minister: "Yes."

Lian Xi raised his head: "Do you remember the magic that can restore things?"



"You don't want it to be spoiled?"

Without thinking, Lian Xi said, "This is a public scenic spot." They shouldn't have damaged the scenic environment.

The minister said: "Then it must be possible."

The voice stagnated for a while, and Lian Xi stared at the man in front of him. After a long time, he hummed softly: "Oh."

The evening breeze blew lightly, and ripples appeared on the lake.

In the dark night, the ghosts and spirits lightly traveled through the space and came to Jingdu Lake.

Holding the book of life and death in one hand, and the wheel mirror in the other. Judge Cui, who looked like a scholar, looked calmly at the small island in the center of the lake. With his eyesight of ten thousand meters, even the small insects flying on the island were clearly visible, and he found the four Lian Xi who were hiding in the pavilion at a glance.

Yunnan Dao Hei Wuchang was a little surprised: "Sir, why did they come here. Could it be that they knew we were here?"

Judge Cui smiled and said lightly: "This judge has a wheel mirror, and as a judge, his official rank is higher than Jiang Gui and Luo Zhong, so he can locate them. On the contrary, it is impossible. Jiang Gui and Luo Zhong There was no way they would have noticed that this judge was here. So this time I found them first, and they didn't know we were here."

Yunnan Dao Hei Wuchang nodded, only that he thought too much. How could a low-level ghost in the world know that Judge Cui was here.

Judge Cui did not take it lightly: "Observe for a moment."


At the same moment, when Judge Cui and Dao Hei Wuchang arrived at Jingdu Lake, the minister opened his eyes and said coldly, "Come here."

Lian Xi frowned: "He used the book of life and death to hide his breath before, why doesn't he use it now."

Kouji: "... think we are too weak?"

Lian Xi: "It seems that this is the only way to explain it."

The two nodded.

If Judge Cui heard what they said now, he would definitely cry without tears.

He used the book of life and death before to hide his breath at all, but simply wanted to recuperate in the temple of Emperor Wensong!

How can someone detect someone else's breath without relying on a magic weapon? This is unscientific!

The mutual attraction between strong people is bullshit! You go and ask Jiang Gui, if the minister can sense him, can he sense the minister?

Judge Cui observed for a moment and breathed a sigh of relief. Although the night was dark and the island was dense with trees, he did not fully observe the appearance of the four of them, but he had roughly determined the positions of the four of them. Feeling it again after a distance of thousands of meters, it seems that Sucheng is not very strong in black and white.

Judge Cui: "The revolving mirror can detect the crisis and issue an early warning. Now that the revolving mirror has no response, it can only indicate a problem. This ghost in Sucheng will not pose a threat to this judge."

Yunnan Dao Hei Impermanence thought inexplicably: I said so, but there is another situation, for example, if the Wheel Runner can defeat you, the Wheel Mirror will not give an early warning, because the Wheel Runner is so powerful that he can control the Wheel Mirror. The wheel mirror is very conscientious and will never react to the strong.

Of course, these words just flashed in my mind, and Yunnan Dao Hei Impermanence did not say it. She even wondered if she was being a little too cautious. Before in the underworld, Judge Cui was so cautious that she was speechless, but now in the world, she is also inexplicably cautious.

After laughing twice to ease the tension, Yunnan Dao Hei Impermanence said, "Your Excellency is wise, Sucheng Black and White Impermanence and Luo Zhong are already in your hands! Shall we go now?"

Judge Cui became cautious again: "No hurry, in this way, you should go back to the underworld and report to the King of Wheels first. This judge will bring his wheel-turning mirror back soon. So don't worry, if something goes wrong, you can still Find the Wheel King to come to the rescue."

"Ah, what about you, sir?"

Judge Cui smiled and said, "This judge will meet them for a while!"

The next moment, Judge Cui opened the boundaries of yin and yang, and asked Yunnan Dao Hei Wuchang to return to the underworld first, as a way to prepare for himself. Immediately afterwards, he held a revolving mirror in one hand, his eyes lit up, and his fingers pointed to the mirror surface—

"The yin law is under the edict, the two ways of yin and yang are endless! Set!"

With a cry of coldness, Judge Cui pointed his finger on the revolving mirror. Immediately, ripples appeared on the mirror surface.

A faint wave scatters from the revolving mirror, and soon covers the entire Jingdu Lake.

When this wave reached the pavilion on the island, and when he was about to quietly climb the body of the four of them, the minister moved his fingers, and the golden light flashed in his eyes. The golden album quietly emitted strands of golden light from his palm, wrapping around the bodies of the four.

The fluctuation of the wheel mirror meets the golden thread of Jinzhenyuguang Ziwen.

Wheel mirror: "… "

Quietly avoiding a bend, the revolving mirror silently continued to spread to other places.

After doing all this, Judge Cui smiled slightly.

At this moment, Yunnan Dao Hei Wuchang has returned to the underworld, and he even used a wheel mirror to cover everything on this lake and isolate it from the outside world.

He was equivalent to re-copying the entire Jingdu Lake, pulling even the four of them to this newly copied Jingdu Lake!

At the same time, he also used a revolving mirror to block the perception of even the four of them, but they didn't respond at all. So even if he swaggered over and walked directly in front of Lian Xi's four people, they wouldn't be able to notice it at all.

Judge Cui was completely relieved.

So the next moment, in the pavilion on the trail, the four Lian Xi saw a thin and thin young scholar stepping on the water under the bright moonlight.

He didn't shy away from it, he drove straight to the island, in a trance like a leisurely stroll.

Everyone: "… "

Lian Xi: "He is too strong and looks down on us, so he decided to come and arrest people in such an upright manner?"

Caochen frowned and calmly glanced at the golden album in his palm.

The watchman was terrified: "It's really Lord Judge Cui!"

Jiang Gui always felt that something was wrong, but there was a voice in his heart that kept telling him that this was Judge Cui, the head of the four judges, holding the book of life and death, and catching the mere Su City for black and white impermanence.

But why, in this scene in front of him, the confidence in Judge Cui is so familiar, so familiar that it seems like a day ago... He just experienced it once? !